THE BEND BULLETIN TIIK WF.ATIIF.It Fulr tonight mill tiiiiiiirrnw. DAILY EDITION VOI,. v. iu:xo. ii:h( ih tivH ioi.nty, oni;;os, ti kkimv afthiixoox, imtoiskk ii, kcji. No. MM DENTIST FACES JURY AT LAST; 60 TO TESTIFY ALLEGED KILLER IS UNMOVED STATIC URGES DEATH ll-.lih 1 1 in in) .Ncuiicr I'lmiilwi To rroi Murder Anil To Show 'Mini Itmmfli'lil W'iix Nunc Chiu-ge Klllrhtt Attempt. I Mr t i, U.I I'm. l.iTW ll. ii.l hull. I. ii. I LOSKIII 1(11, Oil. II -Fining a full ii'i 111 ii ni'ii t Jury chosen iiml nwtiru hi lulu yesterday uftei iiomi. inl mi army of linennes lliroiiKli wlioni IHsirlit Attorney Neuner hopes to pum. through a rhulii or rlirumstmilliil evidence, Dr. It. M. Ilruiiilli'lil'ii Kullt an Hi" mur derer of lleliuln Itllnni'll, Ilruillllclil stinted lint tlrnl luy of urtuul tlKht tor IK" mi roitil convened thin morning. Neuner presented the state's rn In llm !' ii I ii k argument, mill rulled Hi" state's flrnt witness. Ill iiinllild attended rourt appar ently unmoved nt llm morn nlnlnlcr turn liln Irlul bus now taken. Mr, llruinlli'lil nut Willi til in liennln Itunnell' relative were absent nl llooiner Hill, where llun Hi' I I'll mti'il father, Thiunuu Itimiii'll, died yesterday. Insanity Attlrmcd In III" opening statement district Aitorncy Neuner tolil tin rourt l.rli'My lii wimlil show llruinlli'lil murdered liennln ItiiHHfll on July 13 while In full possession of bin furul tie. Iln deinutidcd ilrutli li the tin tiinhmoiit. Iiexter lil chief attorney for tin llefl'll; IV. Mild h" Would I'lHH' llruinlli'lit Ill-nil" ul leant three I li n n onrn on till' flight of tin ini iilt-r. once when urrcslcd In Cal gary, mul onn Ati"ii brought here mi'l I'Ut In Jail. Tli" Mill" charged Hint llruinlli'lil I i i (I to iiuumlt null-Ill" by taking Hiryiliiilii" In tiilkury; Hint bin wife w:i In collusion Willi Mill In 111" murder; nml Hint Iln l"ilr written liy Pruiuui-ld, purported to tin from Iiemil ItuMiii'll, wun iiu open con. fesslon of IiIk guilt. Jury On Inspection Tin rui.rt uil jouriii'il III" ran" nl 10 o'clock loilny whlli tin Jurors Inspected nearby places connected Willi ltuiHi'11'n nlleg-d miinliT. Tak- 1 ii K of testimony un i r u til iil nl 2 SO o'rlork. MOONSHINE SEIZED IN SMOKER CROWD Tmii llotili Inli'rrrpli'il An Thry Arr rMil AImmiI Warranlw Arc Out For llu-ll And Arniilronn. Two liollli'n. ouch half full of iiiooiihIiIiio, wito Bi'lri'd lunl IllKllI nt llm Amurlran l.i'Klon hullillng an tlioy wore liolng paimoil around amonit a group of nportutorn at the amokiT. Olllci'r HoiiHloii found tlmn lio- t'l'"ll rilflTfl'lllR limil to ItltlTCDpl a lint t In wlilrh In bII"K"iI lo have In loiiKi'il lo .Ion IIiihIi. Chlif Vox ni'1i'd the ollii-r. crpililed to V. O. AriiiMlnuiK. Wnrrnnln are out for tho nrront of the two, but I hey hnd not lii'mi iirri'nti'il nt a lain hour today. ROXINC, ROUTS FOR ELK SMOKER LISTED I.omiI Tnli'iil Si'i'iirril l-'or Thri'e Kn iniliilri'i Tonljit ,lilnrli't Muli' Aiikihk I'catiiri ". Tlii'i'i" linli.C liouln of tlino rounds null will fi'iilurn tlio nmoker to lio Clvi ll nl Hi" Klks IniU" IoiiIkIiI fr.l lowlnx liiltliiHnii, II v.h niuli'il thin mornliiR hy Hi" ini'ml"rslilp rommlt t"i of tlii order whli'h linn rlinrK" of llu uffiilr. "Skretrr" Inni'S nml Lloyd Cruvon, HiikIi I'liKnn nml "Hilly" llimr, mid W. (1. Miiiinlni? and Clay Mllli'i-. nrn III" conli'iitnntn. HiikIi O'Kunn will n fi'rpe nml K. I. Malinf fey will he the niiiiouiicpi'. In nildilloii the Klk.i QUiii'li'l will alnr. ri'frPMlimmiln will he nerved, nnd jiloniy of ninoli"n will bo dlHlrlhutod. the coninillteo nlntcs. Approve Plans For Relief Of the Unemployed (Mr I'iiIi.hI I'm. 1.. Tin- II. ml HulMln.) WASHINGTON, (lit. II.-- ('oiiiiiillli'i of llm iiiilloiutl I'm- lilnyuii'iil conference approved tmlny of i-IkIiI inujor rncom- iiii'IiiIiiIIoiih to lit in K P'llnf to llm iiu"iiiilo"il. Tlii'iu are m- adjustment of rnllrotiil ruttn, m ily completion of Hi" tux lilll. liiiiiK'illiiln ni-llli'ii t or 4 ili'lliiltii poiilpoiKiiui'iit of turlff 4 f Ii'kIhIiiIIiiii, piiKHiiK) of llm rail- rnuil ri-fuiiilliiK lilll, lliiiliallnii of worlil urmniui'iil, inlnlinUliiK 4 fornlxo iimliuiiKo tliiililulloliH, r T ri'Kuliillou of M'iikoiiiiI I'inploy- 4 tniiiit mul ri'Hlonitliiii of pri- 4 ur prlri ri'lni lotoililpit. 4 LLOYD-GEORGE GREETS IRISH IMItoDI (ToltV MKKTIVti WY.XXt IIIKUti: I'KAt K nirKHK('K llH.ltiXTIS (IIKKIIKO AKItlVAI. IN LONDON. Illy t.'nllr) l'r 1.. T.. IWnd BulMln.) LONDON. Oct. II. The Irliih pi'ure coiifi-ri'iic" met for brlirf In troilurtory ronfnnnre toilay, limn ad Jii ii i noil . TliiiiidiToiin rlincra from t ho wultliiK populucn Kr""li'd Finn K"ln di'li'Kal'" un thi'X arrlv"d. rri'inli-r l.loyil (!ioiko welcomed llii'in In a itpi'i'rti mid introduci-d tlii'iu to Hi" mi'iuln'm of the HrlilMi di'li'Knllim pri'M'tr.. Aiihur (irlffltli, lit'uil of Cm Sum IV In tli-li'Xutlon, ri'Kpouili'd. Tin ri'nl liunlnraa of the riuifi'r fiiiu l"Kl'm toinoriuw. SCHOOL SI'IKIT TO in; madi: manifest liM.llall Itiilly Wi'ilni-liiy at 'i:M III llluli Kilimil Ainllloi linn lU'iiil To l'.i' Wi'll Siipporlcil At (.mil". Sihiiol nplrlt at Ili-ml lill.'tl In at fnviT hi'iit I lil "a "i i. in mil Irlpai Ion of tin llm' foothnll Kami of the ni'Uhon, Thurndny with U"ilmnnd. Tli" rlliuux In xpiTti'd to he ri'urhi't! Vi'ilinMluy ufliTiiooii at 3:40 o'rlock, whi'ii a fooihull rally will In lii ld lu the IiIkIi Mil oni nuilllor I ii in. t'oiiih Krl.l:i". mi'mhern of Hi" tiuim and farulty ini'lnliiTB will ipt'iik, while tho body will vi'iil It h eiithunltimii III yelln and noiiKn. Thiiraday will he a holiday In the nrhooln h"ie. and every ntmlent who ran find a way In experted to he on the nid"lltiin at Kedmond tbut aftor noou. The game will follow the afternoon racen. which meann that It will be railed about 3:30 o'rlock. An other Ilend people will be pres ent' In great nunihern that after noon, the team from here will be well nupported. PLAN JOINT TRIAL IN KENNEDY CASE Ciillfornln Judge Indicate One Hear ing l or llurt'li nml Mnilal.wm Oheiicltniit. (Iir ttnltnl rmitoTn nn.l BulMln.) LOS ANdKLKS. Oct. 11. Super ior Jildgo Ki'i'Vi) lod.iy Indliati'd thai Madiilynii Ohi'iichuln and Arthur C. Ilurch would ho tiled Jointly for the murder of John Helton Kennedy. The di'clnlon followed hearing on preliminary nrgiimentn on tho de feimo ulloi'iiiy'n petition for uepiirule trlnln. The argument will be contin ued Tliiirxdny inoinlng. CITY AUDIT TO AID IN MAKING BUDGET An ntnlit of (he rlty'n hooUn for the year ending Ke.itenihvr S i iinder way at tho olllic of MlkH V. K. Colemnn, clly trenniircr, ' under tho direction of expertn In tho em ploy of Arch ,1. Tourteloltn of Port land. The report, which In expected to ho completed In tho near future, wll ho lined In preparing tho city Midget for !S22. PORTLAND MAN MAY BE SIXTH POISON VICTIM REN CIIKSMAN MISSINO FOIi OVER YEAR TWO LEFT TWIN FALLS iiln Ki-jit-rli In Mmle l-'or ouple'n 'f i iitik, Tlioiiuhl Klored In I'ort land Molel I'lu-i rill Inn In The Vou'tiiii i) I "iim l-'iiii! Clue. (Mr t'm'.-l l-rru In Thr Id tid liulMln.) TWIN FALLS. Idaho. Ort. II Tim pondlilliiy iliul a nlxlli victim fell le fiHii Mm. Lyillii Koulliurd'n ul-li-K'-il .i,lniiou uiliickH, for which .In. Ik now minwerliig throiiKh a churKe of llmt ileree murder for tint death of Kdwurd Meyer, her fourth hiiHhaud, developed today when the pronerutloii nuld that .Mm. Southurd hud left Twin, FuIIh with Hen Chenmun, a nulenmun, ponHlbly of I'orllmid, eurly In 1920. They were thought to huve been married In Oreicon, WunhtiiKton, or Montana. Mm. Southard returned lo Twin Kalln where nhe married F.dward Meyer. Chenmun bun not been neen nlnce. Their trunka are thought to have been nlorcd In a hotel In rortland. Kfforta lo locale theno trunkn huve fulled. GILBERT FOULS, i'i: k .kts itFi i:iti:irs dkcis. IDN ON" Ofl'ONKNfS LOW l N II I.I IHILS, SOWAliD TILL I'LLI.IMINAIilKS. After nix round of hard buttling during which both men underwent nevere punishment, Fred (iilbi'rt lost to Speck Woodn hint night on a foul, leaving the hitler rivalry of the two nl ill to he natiHfaclorlly nettled. WooiN out pointed (tllhert moHt of the time, hut (illbert alwnyn came buck junt at the time when he neem ed beaten, and ndtnlniHlered nomc duiiiiigiiig blown In return. (illliert. weighed III at 140 pouniln Junt before the coutept. Woods at 1 10 pound even, (illbert reo'inhled a nturved wolf when he threw off the robe he wore Into the ring, and neemed weak when the fight began. F.arly In the flrnt round Gilbert adopted the old crouching defensive poult Ion which wan no familiar to Ilend fann moiithn ago. 1 1 in long at nence from the ring made him a poor Judge of distance, minning many of bin nwlngn. Woodn drove Gilbert to the ropen and begun the punishment nt clone ratine which wan the system used hy both men throughout the fight. In the second Woodn again forced the buttle, but Gilbert alno begun do ing nnme damage. Afler some tough Infighting. Gilbert went to the floor for the count of three, but wan not hurt. Woods had caught him off bal ance and pushed him over with a right to the chest. Gilbert appeared no helplesn at the opening of the third that Woodn be gan playing with him, whereupon Gilbert lured out a right to the body which almost finished Speck. Gilhcil forced Woodn to cover bin face, but tering him severely while tho crowd went wild. Woods wun not nearly no confident In the fourth. Gilbert taking the lead with a hard lefl to tho fare. Speck go! in one good blow a right to the The round wan fairly even. AkmIii nt the opening of the fifth Speck cut looi.e. poundini; Gilbert lit close r.intte until his face wan mns i.t hie". I. Gilbert nlipped to the floor, but : tip liiiinediaiely. The fierce"! Itifllih'i'ir of the bout occurred in tins ri .iiid. both men landing tlnm iicliig h i ly blows at clout" ratig". Se::.e of Gilbert' punches were low. nnd Woodn" neconds claimed a foul. iM the opcelntr of the nixlh Woods ugnlii forced Gilbert to a helplesn soul on tho ropen. Gilbert had Just recovered nnd wan coming bnck strong at clone range, when the foul (Continued on rags 2.) -Accuses Klan of Dodging Tax On Thirty Millions lllr I'm. '..I Vmjt I. Th. llm. I llullrlln.) V.'A: Hi.MJTON. Oct. II Ku Klin Klan olllciuln collected upliroxiiiiiilely J.'iO.OOO.O'JO from their half in 11 1 Ion fellow mem- bera upon Die government re 4 celu'd no tux return, Hepre 4 neiitallve Tague, of .Mannachti 4 nettn, today told the hounn rulen committee, which will de 4 clde wlii'Uier conireiin nhull In- vehllrali' the invatilzntlon. 4 Tague nuld he had arrived 4 at bin IlKuren from Klan of- flclaln, llm chief of whom in now in WanbliiAtoii ready to 4 iurlici,ule In the iirobo Hhould 4 one he ordered. 4-4-4-444'4'4'444'444 OREGON ESSAYS ARE EXCELLENT IMI'OIITANCF. OF lU VINfi IIOMK I'KOIH fTS I.KAItl.V SHOWN ItY (illAIIK ITI'II.K IX I'O.NTrXT I'AI'KHS. Thorough appreciation of the Im portance of buying Oregon made goods In shown ill the .essays of Ilend Hchool children, now being graded In the contest arranged by the Associated Industries In connec tion with Home Products week. The prize winners will be announced noon. Tho following excerpts from the essays were taken more or less ut random. Ail of the essays are excellent, according to members of the judging committee. The three limitations are from en nays written by pupils of the 5 A grade, the first two from the field school, the third from the Kenwood. "lu our stnle millions of dollars are puld to men for manufacturing work every year. If we can keen these millions III our own ntute we will have a richer slate. Let us muko It a rule to buy from this ntulc and not from Germany, China, Japan. Knglur.d or New Yoik. We simply must help our stato to grow. We must work to increase every In dustry in the mate In which we live, so that we may have larscr manu facturing plains." "Once my mother thought nhe would go to Seattle to buy me a rout, because she thought the coatn would be better there. So we went to Seattle and nhe bought me a pretty coat, and when we came back to Ilend we saw a child on the street with a coat Just like the one we hud bought In Seattle. We fmnd out the price, and It win cheaper than the coat mother had bought for me. Mother said, 'Just think of the money I spent to take you to Seattle.' " "Oregon hns In the neighborhood of ; .1.000, 000 acres of Douglas fir, yellow pine, spruce, cedar, hemlock and other varieties of merchantable timber yet In reserve. The timber in tho state of Oregon, If cut Into lumber, would require 33,000.000 cars to transport It. These cars would make a train that would en circle tho globe about eighty times. It would require 300 sawmills, each culling 100,000 feet per day, 110 years to accomplish this task. The products of Oregon timber bring Into the ntito every day of tho year more than $1 10,000." SCHOOL QUESTION AGAIN COMING UP Handbills Announce Mii'llng For Tonight Paulson and Rockwell Mutter To Re Discussed. Handbills distributed lust night announce a muss meeting to be held this evening nt the Illppodromo re giit'dllir; school afTaii'j. The dodgers do not mention the person or or Knitlzntion cnlling tho meeting, but Male that the question of obtaining (he services of .Murk A. Paulson us I.IkIi iichool principal and Frank 1 Rockwell an science teacher 111 the high school, will come up for d In cursion. Puuliion was removed by tho hoard recently on charges of In competency and Insubordination. Rockwell had previously been dis missed on charges of Incompetency bused on his alleged Inability to coach the football squad. HOMER STARTS GIANT RALLYi fax (iiunt left fielder's four bane hit conn Kelly, cutting down Yank lead to one tally In second inning- ORDERAUTOPSY FOR AL STEIN MlltllKIt ( II A KG K MAY IJK PUK FF.KKF.U AGAINST GIHL COM PANIONS, OK UOOTLF.GGF.KS MAY I1F. llhl.D. I Br United PrcM toTh Bcr.d Bulletin.) LOS ANGELES. Oct. 11. A mur , der charge may be preferred today ! in tho case of Al Stein, movie com ledy director, who died following a "wild party" In his apartments here, i An autoposy will be held today. If it shows Stein died of poison, responsibility for his death will be charged to .Mildred Beltwin. and Jean Munroe. girls who had lived with him. now Jailed here. Prohibition officers say If the au toposy shows he died from liquor, bootleggers, now being traced, may be held. B. H. S. ELEVEN MAKES STRIDES FINISHKI TF.AM WHIPPF.D INTO SHAPK IX I.ITTI.F. OVF.R A WKF.K PLAYS THOROUGHLY I . F. A K X K I ) HACKS FAST. What wonderful strides toward the turning out of a finished football team have been made by Charles Ers klne, mentor of the Bend high school squad, in a short two weeks, can be realized only by watching the team in action. The accomplishment Is all the more remarkable for the reason that many of the best player have really been out for only a week. The repertoire of plays which Ers klne has taught his men is necessarily limited, but they have learned per fectly the few that he has given them, no that every man knows wht he la to do in each play. The backs are moving with lirh'ning speed the moment the ball Is snapped, and fum bles are very rare. The linemen nre ibecomli.g well versed In the Import , ant art of blocking, and nre learning to use their hands on defense. Two full teams turned out last night, nnd heavy scrimmaging was the program for most of the evening. ! Scrimmage practice w.ll be In order ; again this evening. Marking of the I field for the boundaries was begun j last night, nnd the goal posts will be up Wednesday, so that Erskine's I kickers may try their skill nt the reg ulation tnrget. IUGIITOWER DEFENSE IS CLOSED AT NOON TV United Pr to The Iitnd Bulb-tin.) REDWOOD CITY, Cal., Oct. 11. The defense In the trial of William Hightower for the alleged murder of Father Patrick Healln tlosed Us case at noon today.- Arguments will atart late today. i.f,.iiiiijii4i,vi.'-..i"i'i -j.. ;1f t's EMTL M BUS EL. mm even SERIES WITH 8-5 VICTORY FIRST INNING LEAD LOST BY YANKS HITTING IS FEATURE Giants Huve Two llig Innings Sec ond And Fourth, Frinch Making; Final Tally In Sixth Tea Facing llarnen Fan Ozone. I Br Unitnl Proa to Tlx Bnd Bulletin.) POLO GROUNDS. New York City, Oct. 11. The Giants evened up the world series today with a spectacular win over their American league rivals when they battered Shawkey in the fourth Inning with a fusillade of hits and four runs. The final score was 8 to 5. The series now stands three games each, with one team needing fire to win the series. The game today was the heartiest slugfest all the way yet staged In the series. The Yanks drew first blood with three runs In the first innisg driving Toney from the monnd. Barnes replaced him. Fewster walk ed. Miller singled, Meusel doubled scoring Fewster, Ward singled scor ing Miller and Meusel. . The Giants had two big innings In the second and fourth. In the second Kelly walked. E. Meusel knocked a homer scoring Kelly, and Snyder knocked a bomerun driving Harper from the box. In the second the Yanks went ahead again when Shaw key singled and Fewster, replacing Ruth, who did not play today, knock ed a homer scoring Shawkey. In the fourth bunched hits by the Giants scored Frisch, Barnes, Burns and Snyder, putting them ahead. When Frisch scored in the sixth aft er Kelly's single, the game was on ice for the Qiants. Barnes held the Yanks helpless after the second frame, fanning 10 of Muggins' men. First Inning CIAXTS Burns walked. Bancroft popped to Fewster. Frisch fanned. Young fouled to Fewster. No runs, no hits, no errors. YANKS Barnes pitching for Giants. Fewster walked. Peckin paugh fouled to Frisch. Miller sin gled. R. Meusel doubled scoring Few ster and sending Miller to third. Pipp out, Kelly to Rawllngs who covered first. Ward singled, scoring Miller and R. Meusel. McNally filed to Young. Three runs three hits, no er rors. Second Inning GIANTS Shawkey pitching for Yanks. Kelly walked. E. Meusel hit a home run scoring Kelly and him self. Rawlings flied to Miller. Sny der hit a homer. Barnes singled. Burns singled, Barnes staying at sec ond. Bancroft fanned. Frisch filed to R. Meusel. Three runs, four hits, no errors. YANKS Schang fanned. Shaw key singled. Fewster hit a home run scoring Shawkey and himself. Peck Inpaugh out, Frisch to Kelly. Miller out, Kelly unassisted. Two runs, two hits, no errors. Third Inning GIANTS Young filed to R. Meu sel. Kelly singled. E. Meusel filed to Fewster. Rawlings fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. YANKS R. Meusel out, Frisch to Kelly. Pipp singled. Ward fanned. Pipp stole second. McNally fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. Fourth Inning- GIANTS Snyder singled. Barnes slutted, Snyder stopping at second. Burns reached first on McNally's error. Pancroft singled, scoring Sny der and Barnes, Burns reaching third. Frisch forced Bancroft, Peck inpaugh unassisted. Burns scoring on the play. Young fanned. Kelly sin gled, Frisch scoring. Kelly out steal ing, Schang to Ward. Four runs, four hits, one error. YANKS Schang walked. Shawkey' fanned. Fewster walked. Peckln paugh fanned. Miller fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Inning GIANTS E. Meusel walked. Raw (Continued on Page S.) t