TIIK IlKNI) 111 U.KTIN, IMILY EDITION. IIKXII. OKKtiON. HOMIU, fKTOHKIl 10, 1021. iiimi Tit i hi in;ii u: 'ti rump l.i'WlH, wIiito In- Ih attiii'lied ! In iIih 41 li KnKliieem. HiTicriiiil How- fiir- Ori'Kon Trunk Arrlvna, 7:36 A. M. I.xiivt-N 7:31) I'. M. n..V. It. N. Arrives, f,U I', M. lliMhy Iuih li.'.'ll In lli'Mtl oil u i IoiikIi. I MIhm Mary A. KwIiik, Imml of Hi" xii iii u I ili'iiai 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of Crook roiinly liiili ui-Iii.i.i i-i.t im-iimiI in r.-lnevlll. J.rnveii.00 A. M. j(,h uft( (. vh)i),k , ,,,.,! wM, I .Mm. W. I'. Alyi'iH. Willi wnom hii' 1 Will II -c 1(11 1 II I ! Ill OlllllllOlllll Several lyi iHH nr.ii. Mim Kwlnit '" well I'1''" 1 j ! wllh H'li.l, mill limy miifco l"'i' MIi TiMe 1 1 w it ( of K'Ulltn In' h " )"!. ini'im time in Hi" Hit ii r LOCAL NEWS ITEMS THREE HOYS DRUNK FROM STOLEN BEER vUli Inc. iii .Mm. II. Hoy.'.. I In- 1 1 lt ; r .- i-nr Hi Drunks .' Viiiilmi I.. A, Klewmi Kim u put" iu:i'r In itii. No, 2 win. tilled In ovei flu Inn I'nlnli-y on llui nliiK" I III mm nliiK- j ' Malnnli. v c I r hi ' dinne. Willi nearly eveivoiie from rump No. 1 Mm. J. W. Anli.. win lo Pur. h.nd ' ,, ,,, ,, , ..,, ,,,.,.,,,. Tin-Ih-,1 iiikIiI lo M..n, ulimit .. v.,..k. j, ,,. ,.,.,.,, fr,,l..-.l II. Foley relumed till" ll.mnll'K Hi.' Ill . Illl.l U II van ... I I In- ent.'i HilniiH'liI coliililluee lil I iii'liiU'.lit III Hi"' illnlni! mr. A lluiili I llclil ph-lure of tli iliiin-i-m "viiii Itiili.'ii hy C. C. K.'W.ml of I In. Kill.' Iiif'iriiiiit loll Knitted from three buys of i or 13 y.-ur of hki v.lio were fon ml liy ofllinrH In a serlous ly Inliuli ill. d l oiiilltloii yeiit.irdi.y, I v I In lli i Ukiiiiii.'k of u warrant lo liny for lb. nrr.'iil of 1.. I. J'ool.., wJiomi Iioini' im on (ill.'lirlHl iiveiiue. Til. Iiiiyh r.i.ld llit.y sloli. III. beer rcMtioitiililc lor llielr condition froin I I'ooI.''h v.'ooiIhIi.'.I. A li.-iirt stlmiiliiiil wim found n.'.'.'HKUiy In order lo re hIoi.' on. of tlin boys lo u noriiiul ciioilioii. All nr.. recovered to.luy. MATCH STAUTS FIRE ! IN CLOTH ES CLOSET! Illi..- In Living lunil.r of I'. A. Irlikxin, liililn.l Klori', I'nl j '"t l! lluik.l or Vh:it. A llnlil. il tniiirli which wan being iih. il hy a iiK'iiih.'r of the family In Hi .il.lllliK II rloth.'h closet, fi'll among clothing on tin: floor uii'l started a fin; In Ih" IIvIiik (j ii i; r ' i of I'. A. F.I i.kion. In i hi; frame building oc- T. from i IiiiiIiici". trip lo Wullti.'' Mali... V. Ill ml. llii II k , uholiaH h". It v.oik- Im: In hri.lK". i iiiI, l. fl IhhI iiIkIiI for l'all-1 Ktioiio. MIhh roin IM.-k him r''liirn.'t from I'lii'vutll'i, whi't'.' nht him !m-i ii ut l.'tolliiK il A C. Mm II. i:. Ilniiki r.l'irti.il hull nlr.hl from Si'iilll", wh"n nil" hu j li.'.'ii vUUIiik for m'V.'ral wio ki. I I - COMMUNICATIONS. (Coiitliiii.ol from Tuna 2 ) CIVIC LKAOUK WILL NOMINATE OFFICERS, t I'll" Woninli'ii (Tvli; li'UKii" will , In. lil Hh r.'KUlar liiii.lni'HH iii.'. liiiK ' Tit.'K.lay, (Irtoli.-r II. at 3 o'cloik, in; Ih" r.'-.l room. A r.'port on tin. Or"- j on proilnrrM fliiiner r."-.'iilly lo-ltl Ihi" will In- Klv.'ii, uihI oiri.'.'m for; Ih" roniltiK y"iir will l" nominal.' ' ' l.y l.allol. HiiKK""Hoii for III" y"ur' ' i miik nr. r.'.iu.'Ht.'.l, and a K"inral Jall'Miiliiiu.' of tin. iiii'iiiliorHhlp Ih urK 1 "il . with ih ImyH. or to root wllh uhi'.n I'url A. Johimon mni C. J I ttiKti ! ,,,, for ,H. Kj, H at huk.'ll.ull I Weill lo 'l 1 1 I In 11 ' IiihI IllKhl, I'Xp.'.'t- 1 ii K lo r.liirn Tii'mluy inornliiK KlHIl". S.'rlouiily. I luiv" itiurli iidiniriilloii K.,..'y i"i,t of lliirim ... In It. n.l WhM.niH H m-ntal altain- m. 'iil. lint In HiIh IiihIuii.'.. hn l fur from Hi" I ruth Kxp.'I.'ii." Iiiih d"in ont rul.'.l tlina. and uxaln, IhoiiKh M. Knml.T r.'liirm'il lnl ;IMn. do.-H not imtiiiII dlr.iioii of y.'nt.'idi.y on lila way In I'orlluii.l, wlinrx h" .-xin'i'tii to find i'iiiiloym.'iit Mr nlKlit from rrlui.vlll". wh.'rn h" liudjii,,. nulij.il, thai Hi it li.-ud of a lurK" li.M'ii uliii'i. Wi'diU'udiiy, all.MidlliK Hi" oricuiiliiiiloii ruiinot Ii" fninlllur und fair. Irlnlihy and rliiiminy wllh H liii'in- I hrra. If hl aim l the Hood of til" Tim WrlKht llol. I il I ii In k room him r".i'"li.'d iind.'r Ih" niaiiiiK'iii"iit , of thn hotrl proprMor. (!. V. Kol"r and lila wlf". J N. A. Cohli drov" lo Kdlnon Its ruin yrMl.'rdiiy wllh hU inoih. r. Mr. Hop." Cohli, and Mr. and Mr. I.awrxnro MII.'H. 1 1 MUa Klliiih.'lli Kvana wan III ll.'iid i In it nlKlit on Ikt way from Iwr honi" on l hi. ll"iid lliirn roud to Culv.'r. wluT" nil" U IrnahlnK. Mr, (iraro llurkimmlir. who hua l l""n 1 1 v I li K on th" 1 1 1 pc (t Irrrt for two yrara, l.fl luat IllKhl for Whit tlrr. Cul , In liiak" Iiit honi". urKi ii IkiiI Ion. r. DK.MKNT. i:i!i:::::i;tiir:alllit:inn::::l:li::i:ilii::m:!n:i:::!ii::iin::ir WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings Mra I. Ida 1.. I." I of Oiinilm orrlv I'd In It. nil luil iiIkIiI lu vimi wllh Iiit anil. Wllllum A I .".I. mid hl wlf... Hh" will p"iid a.'vr-il w.ik In II. ml. Mr. and Mra. Kni"'t lluiill.v of Yamhill uin i'p"l.d to urnv" In ll.'iid aoon on th.'ir hor-."'inoon Tlx y will vlait with Mia. Jatn". yniicl'-y und fumlly. I J. H ImirH mid II. II I" Arinond wi-iit to I'ortl.-.iid la' t hlKht ii' il. !- Kiii.'a to Ih" KniKini of I'yihlaa roil-;! v.'iillon, from ). rhiiH' Ih.Ik" No ! . :l.KTlll' VATI'M CI.WXKIW HKNTKH SI Hour liar IMIc All nakra of Krwlng Ma rlilnra rrnlcl liy tli" day, tlir wfM'k, or th" mouth. EEND FURNITURE CO. ( Ko lianu" lli'partmi'nt ) TI I.KflloM'. S7I-W ::ii:::ai:i!iu!i::rt::a:::l::iimiia:iK:n:i::::::::::i::::i':ii Shoe Repairing The oldest' established shoe shop in Hend. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed AT LOVEN'S 1017 Bond St. !:m.'t!:!!:iin!:n:B:alt:mK::::!ntta:iar.an:annr.iar.3a A Graduate of the Marinella Eeauty SchocI in Chicago wi!I substitute Mrs. Muller in the Hair Dressing Parlor for this week. She Specializes in Face Treatments Mrs. Mullens Hairdressing Parlors 110 OIIK.IION NTKKl-rr I'llOS K IKI-W I NOT JUST MEAT BUT MEAT! O'DONNELL BROS. Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street if i I 103 of Ili-nil. j Jam.". KhlH'r. Ml M. J Moil-'. A. Whl:. unlit und family, fly.!" M'--Kay and family and Mr und Vrv l. C. Wjliolt Vi-.l.'.l th- IMi ' c" rav" ".!. 'iday. Mina C ell I.. Srlir. yi r. ii sl-i.i nt lln.'.tor of Hi" i-lal" lln...il of inn- h In k Ih In ll.'iid I. lav lor .1 i f'T- I'lic" wllh Ml". Julia II. r:.j.l,. I'.-a- rhlll.-H roll:: lira". Tim It. nd Kli" di part lo ut nnd th" Il".lin.'n lo.lr will kIv.- a ilaiic.. W'.'d lii'day I'Venlnit for Ih" li.'ii.'flt of wI.Iowh of form.'r in. 'IIih' rH of i-arli irKaiiliiillon. ZiimwaH'H orili.stra will piny. S"t'i!"iinl !. A. llowlimky 1. ft Inst nlKlit for Olyiniiltt, wln're lio will mxind a f"W ilay hrfoi" r.'lurnii'K riiitiiiinta-liiiaatiiianiaiiaa::!.:.:.!...!!" Red Cross Shop and Wo men's Exchange OPKN 217-10 MINKIt III. IMi. WiNlnra.li.y from '2 to 1 n'rlmk Hnliirdny from 10 to I'J und 2 to 5 liitttiliiuilitlii:!itltittii!l!::tliinttiiimiiatiiuiittllllit::itttui The Time You Need Life Insurance Most Ih wlion yoti'vn Iipoii nmrrl.'d a fow yciiiH and your fumlly Ih ili'lii'iiili'til upon your iMirnliiKH. h.'foin you've lii'KUii lo rum a larKr. Hillary, or liavn linoi alilo In put aHid.i n lurun hu in lu Din hank. Tlinao ore llir, ynar whrn you rrnlly ihmmI lift. liiHiininro and tlio yrara whim you liavn tlin liinHt monny to apnml for It. At that tlmo you will np rrriutn Travrlrra (luiininlriHl l.nw-cunt Llfo I'ontrartH. Thry Klvo you llm lurgoHl poHHlliin amount of rrllnhlo protnctlon for rvrry dollar Hint ou ran afford lo apond for Ifo iiiHurancn. J. C. RHODES INHURANCR HI'KCIAMST 801 XtM Bt. Telrpliono 1 i Goodbyfi Anlrtjr" Jtoey Dance! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, This Week October 13-14-15 Wilson George's Orchestra HIPPODROME IN CONNECTION WITH THE St. Francis Bazaar Numerous Other Attractions Our Latest Offer We art- rra.ly for thr Kail with a fall In price. MAIlK Tt) MKASl UK Suits $22 and up (inr half off on rvrry pair of rxtra pun Is, willi Hull order. SfKCIAI. ATTKXTIOS" (ilVI'.N TO LAIIIKS' MAIIK Tt - IKK Sl ITS AMI COATS. I We fsuaranteo rvcry parmrnt il ordered from uh to fit perfectly I Workmanship and malerials jj aecond to none. 1 DICK THE TAILOR New Fashions New Low Prices New V alue: li-plriic In rli- nn'l vontuut ourh with Ih lwt ftnrrrn of hitpply. Taking u'Ivanlu(c ol ci'-ry opportune tiuylng ren dition, 1.h,h a Mia'Vv strvittn of ut w Kx,tU romlnft Info tli New Vinter Coats built for warmth, service and wear at $37.50 TIi.'hc eoatH have morp tlian thr usual ilegrep of wnrmth, n-rvhi- anil ljle. In addition, they're ho rry anunual at their nunlerule pricing lliut rvery woman in reed of a new rout will Herlou-ly ronnider punliunlnK at her llrst InHpeetion of lli. ni. Muiie of Huch lovely materlula an llolivla, Yalama, Huedene and velour; many have lare fur rollara of aeallnr, i.poisuin or black oposom anil raeoon. IS.'ll.d all around m.xl. U are nliown; other with or without belta, have Ioom liaikn, at -t7-V). Coats for Older Sisters of 6 to 16 years They often have collar of aealene, kit coney, anil nutria dyed coney. They are ilvertone, liolivia, heathrr anil plain or Hilvertlp elour. $13.50, $14.95, $19.50 to$23.50 Petticoats, $3.45 to $6.75 II ere Is m Rroup of all nlk. pettiroalH, cpccially BfltuWe for value. Featured are all Mffeta all Jrfeyt or errf topped pettlroatrt with fllk flounm. Flounces are tucked, lu m-t itc hed or pluin. Heavy elastic and Htronfg fmapn flniwli the top. hoote one of thee dewirahle pettiroata while our aKsortntent In complete. Priced to $0.73. Jersey Bloomers at $3.48 Coverall Aprons Ilesltrnn! after a principle that becoming apparel make for a huppy frame of mind. Thee. Coverall Aprona are made of aturdy Kintcham and percales In pretty atripeil pat terns, collar, cuff and belt of plain material In xhadra that match well. A Splendid Value at 98c Other Styles in Coverall and Polly Ann Aprcss 85c, $1.15, $1.29, $1.46, $1.69, $1.98 Alwayt Fays lo Slcp and She p at MANNHEIMERS The Qualify Store of Bend ! 10IS WALL rilOXK W leiipicd by Erickson's store, at 7:30 j o'clock. Saturday evening. The fire department was called, but Fireman I ' Fred Winters, arriving ahead of the ! truck, succeeded In getting the blaze! I under control with a bucket of water, ji No damage was done, but the fire i would huve been a serious one if It i ! hud been allowed a start. Chief Car lo start Fire Prevention week," added. he SCHOOLS AND BANKS TO CLOSE THURSDAY Bend schools will close all day Thursday and banks will close at noon for Bend dav at the rouatv fair i lion stated today. "Just a little lesson; at Redmond. ..!.iMmm...n!i.niiiniiMMimnnni:iinitlMiimimmiiniimiiimii:mniiiiin:miiiiii!!m:!iiiiimHmHtnniiii!itl!mimnamn Tiiiiiiiiiitiniiiii:ii:itxsjiiisitiiiiiiiiiiiii",, :: Stop The Fires Before They Start Join in making this the most successful Fire Prevention Campaign Help To Make Bend Fireproof The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. I i! !! .....w.,,,.iW.BMmitiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiniiiuiitniiiiiitiuin!HiuiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiMiiiBiiiiiiinmmim Into the Heart of the Home IN THE MAJORITY of homes elec tric service is present and helping during the hours of necessary housework; it is a willing assistant in the preparation of meals and an aid to their enjoyment; the evening lamp, symbol of intimate family life, is an other evidence of this service. Right into the very center of the family circle goes the electric service of your light and power company into the heart of the home. We appreciate this privilege. While without electric service the homes would lack much in the com forts and conveniences which we have come to regard as essential, we do not lose sight of the fact that without your friendly goodwill we could not exist. "We," remember, are the men and women, your neighbors, who operate this public service organization, your electric light and power company. Bend Water Light & Power Co. Igiiiiiiwiiiiiuiimmaiiaaiiiiuammuuuauaai