a.vvtwwwv 111 K WI.VHIKH I'ulr tdiilKlit ami tomorrow. THE BEND BULLETIN DAILY EDITION HKNU. ii;hciii tim imr.vrv, oickuon, mo.ndav aktlrvoov, (wtoiikii 10, hum. VOL. v. MILL TO START ITS NEW SHIFT ON WEDNESDAY CKEW AT MILL READY, UXICEKS NEEDED MUST IlKINi. IN MEN ( limp I'l-rMiniii'l To ll- lllilll I I' II) Digi cch Ilt'inl of lll ook-Si nil Inn l.iniil.cr Co. Leaven After ( oiifcreiice Here. I .-f I ji 1 1 an null iiroim til that III' ill oo kit SibiiIoii Lumber Co. third shift will Html work mil later Hum Wcdneday ui) iiiiiilo Ihl intirnliiK frntii llm roiupany' local officii. An effort will bn mado In begin Inrrea ed production tomorrow, but Wed nesday U considered a lli morn irnliulil iliiln. The new mill rte In complete, unci llm uilillllonul limn arluully needed In iIik yard ran be had on mi hour' notlrtf. It wm taint, Practically ll these with ecured locally, and while there urn enough to I'"' three shift iip.-riitli.il under wiiy. tlmro la till nn opl'ort iinliy for a few moro to secure rmiiloymi'iit. onirlaU Kml Vllt Tim crew for lhi new ramp which IIik third ahlfl Imcesnllate will have to tin built up by degree, u It In bo lux found ii.Ti.ni.il ry lo brlnic In most of llm wnoiU worknr from Ibo out- Id". Prcldclit D P. llrook of the Brook Sranlon I.iiiiiIht t'o. left I""1 niKlii for bin home i Vancouver, nr romtuinlcd by I.. II. Weber, general ..r nf I he llrooka Scntilon .. lirl.'ii Luinbcr Co. of Vancouver, j hi- fir.l frin l ll-nd. Hr llrouki. ram.- h. r.- for llm confer- ,.,c- wlih local official- of llm colli-;" pun)' durlnic which tin- d-cUion for a I Mi. I ,l.ift al llm mill reach- e.l TO COMPLETE JURY TONIGHT M-l i I i, l:llti: ol- ci.i.i:d IV llUt Ml H I D I'tM: HH'keep their lork well ortea but MiiltMMi DI'.Vll'-T IKH.DS lltiiN M lt F.. ST! I I I Hr United I'rr Ut The Bend Bulletin.) lidSKIICItll. Oct. 10. The elect Ion of a permanent Jury to try Dr. Itrumfleld for llm murder of Dennis I:uk.11 I expected before nightfall. A npeclal velilro of 2 5 reported for examination loday, with attorney for both aide apparently eager to com plete the dull routine. Hriimfield llll retain hi Iron control of himself, end watches the proceeding wlih rare. He Indulged In frequent whispered conference with hi lawyer, and also with wife and two brother. John and Vlrlot Ilrumflel.l. here from Princeton, lnd., to intend Ihelr brother' fight for life. Popular opinion here Is that ncluiil taking of evidence will mait with to morrow'" session. MELTINO POT TO RE IN RED CROSS ROOTII Thn moiling pot used al last week's Red t'roH dance In llm American Legion building will occupy space In Hid lint It conducted by Iho llouie Ser vice section at thn county fnlr nt Redmond this week. Percy A. Slevnnii post will iimmInI in maintaining the booth, which will he prcHldcd over by Mr. V. A. Korlie. secretary of llm llonm ' Service department. SEVENTEEN COYOTES TAKEN RY Til A ITER Seventeen coyotes nnd flvd buli mia In 17 day worn tlto record of Alfred Andrews, government trap per. In Kort Rork valley III Septem ber, It was sliiled thin morning nt foreft servlco headquarters. The slate tolnl for predatory animals kill ed during the month by trappers In tho employ of the U. 8. Biological anrvlco wns 222 coyote, 22 bobcats, nevnn boars, and two raccoons. British - Irish Conference To Open Tomorrow (Hr llnM-d l-rru bTI. ll'nd llulMlal LONDON, on, 10. Prelim- liiary conference among thn lliltlidi unil lii.ili 1-1-Kil - I"- tiny marked llm foi inula! Ion or 11 program I" b" considered 4 whi'ii Hi" lil'h peace roiifiT- . n. .. imcim ut 1 1 o'l l.) -k tonior- row. ' l.lnyd George will open to- iiiorri.w'H conference wlih a statement of llm British inl- Hon, while Arthur firiffltliH. ln ii.t of llm Sinn Ki In delegu- lion, will reply to llm premier. lumberkeepT new strength HUYING CONTINUES TO 15 E HEAVY Imlnolrlul Tradi-I'll kliiK l'l, (ii-m-rnl llrvl.-w Kllow n lt.-tlli-r Mill ItuyliiK In MUiil 'bi ln.lilr lr Mm.) l or I Wli llnlni'. Willi tlmre ha bwn omo d rrnimr In the total volumo of ordi-ni hooki'il, lliln ili-cri'uno Iiur not liccli nf flrli-tit lo affoct thn airnnitth of llui market and In fact In dun to aom nslt-nl to thn growing thortiiKe ol Riadi-a and alien In mont di'inand. uy llm wi'i-Uly ri'li-w of t tic Ameri can Lumberman, whlrh add: "Huy IhK by thn rnlnll lumbiTiimn riintln im fairly heavy and llm Indimlrlal Irad- I Mill l-lcklmc up. Tim Yolunm ' bmidii.K which l already und-r way a-ur.- llm purcha.li.it of "'"! '"'"'I- "" "'""lt r biiUi.'. I" eoinidr-rnrt Rood. rrlc iiavo miiiwn a uccumo flrmiiiK up l.ii.l.nry, ii.-rially for joiilmrn plim and HoiiRla fir. Diir lug the lal two week inuiiy grade of lhee two w h have advanced . w eeK, i nam r.rKine iiiiiiouiiceci un, from $3 lo $.' a thousand feet. A big ' morning. Wednesduy the iiind will j . ... . ..... i .1 lil.n.n n lli.lil iirnellen liinerlne ofr 1 ! ,, , ,,.K,K ,, of It,! lout rrouiid. Whll" price titlll ore v. ry low they have shown mum ma terinl advanced. II. line llllll.llnu l:pecte.l "Heiallei genenilly are eekiim to are buying In mixed cars rather than slralKht cars. This lendenry Is slow - Ing tip llm volume of orders placed Ii.cn use In llm southern pine territ ory, and In the Douglas fir territory, the grades and size In most demand are srarre and purchaser In many case have to go from mill to mill before one can be located which will book the order. "It I customary for the volume of buying to be fairly heavy at this sea son and for lumber price to ad vance under the pressure of thi buy ing, ho that the present situation Is nothing unusual. Retail dealer re port a great ninny Inquiries already received for 1922 business and every Indication I that the year is going to he a very active home building year; consequently nil division of the lumber trade are optimistic." ALCOHOLISM CAUSES PHYSICIAN'S DEATH Ito.ly of Ir. Nunc It. WIKon of I.a Pine To He Shipped To Lebanon Tonight I'or Kiineriil Services. Dr. Isaac P. Wilson of La Pino, died Sntunlay night nt tho Mountain View hospital of alcoholism, from which hn had been suffering acutely for n week, according; to tho report of tho unending physician. His body will be shipped ton 1 111 to Lebanon for burial. Ills mother lives nt Sweet Home. Dr. Wilson wns un ox-service num. a member of Perry A. Steven Post No. 4, American Lesion. He served In Company 48, M. (). T. C. Port liiley, Kansas, no spent ins noynooii In Lebanon, graduating from Santl am Academy nnd Inter from the col lege of Physicians and Surgeons. San Francisco. Later ho was physician for a large cannery In Alaska, and for n time wus located nt Sweet Home. Hu came lo I.a Pino after be ing discharged from tho army, and hud been practicing there recently. FOUR HOLDUPS NET ROBBERS $33,0(19 TOTAL MASTER THIEVES AHE HELD TO IJLAME CAR RORHERY liKJGEST Hunk Miwiiuit It.llcicd of 1 7,1X10 ii-Ii lly A tin-'l Urn In Crowd Sluli- Rank U I.im.Ii.I of VIO.IMMI 11) l;mii of Five fix I'lillrd I'rnt Ui T) r ll-nd IlulMln.) I'liltTI-AMi, Oct. 10. Four ina- l. r lioldiin. oiriirr.id IhrotiKliout thn iilti-d State today, uccordlnic to dla- palchi- Kutli.-r. d by llm I'nll.'d I'rea. In I. on AiiKnln the yi-KKitmn UH.'d mat, and wet clothing to muffle the exploNlon when they robbed the ufe of llm Victor Hugo Cafe of over 3,- 000 rah. In .M uncle, Kunu, two bandits robbed Munlre Slate bank, and e taped with $1,000 loot. In Kt. I-ouIh two armed bandits robbed Holier! Ilardlman, bunk nie- '-nger. on a crowded atreet car, and earaped with a alchel containing 17.000 cah and $10,000 In non-ne-gul la tile check. In Dwyer, lnd , five men robbed llm Dwyer State batik of $6,000 cash, and $4,000 in Liberty llond. and e cai.cd. SQUAD WILL WORK HARD THIS WEEK Set liuiiiKue. Slunal rrartlep And Him kl'imnl Drill I'innneil For K.r'-kllie'H rootliull riot.'K-. Two i.!!ff rrimin::ff and iKn! .r.ictlceK and two evening lilackboardl lecture cotiHiitule the program for lb" Hem! high foolhall squad thlsj for Thursday, gaum at Redmond.! which will lie one of the hardest of. the season. Kr-klne has two men who may not "' 1 I""' Thi.r:.day-Norcott. who 1 suffering rrom a bad "char- ley horse." and Tucker, who is also j ler as well as a ilepen.lal.le narn :iiotli on oireimo ami aeiensr. anu ni ' place will be hard to fill. Tucker was a promising ruiulidute for a backfleld or end position. FIERCE LOOKING INSECT ODDITY BIGGEST SAND CRICKET SENT TO 0. A. C.-WANT SPECIMEN INTACT Classified by experts nt the Ore-1 crackers for food had apparently gon Agricultural college. Iho Insect i been enclosed. He arrived 'de oddity with an oversized head, a ceased.' Ho is also the victim of striped body, and long blenched out ' mayhem, being minus one full leg. leps, Is Identllled nt tho college nsjv.'.ilch ho must have been enclosed a sand crlrket. nnd Is declared lo i without or else eaten up. skin and bo thn largest specimen ever re-! bone. Also he had broken down reived there, being twice the sl:e nust of his antennae, and his hard of a specimen previously ruted as t skull was slightly cracked. Other tho largest, which had come from j wise he Is in good condition for the Arizona. This Is the first to have ! taxidermist. been sent from Central Oregon, and "This part of the lmmemoriallz college entomologist nro desirous of i lug Is to he performed here, as Prof, securing another from this locality ' Fulton says the specimen Is too big for Ihelr collection. The finder of to be enthroned on his stick pin the sperlnient Just passed on by the j with viscera Intact. So Fulton will O. A. C. experts Is R. N. Iluchwal-; do tho re.ddiie up In arsenic and ter. Rend merchant, who discovered varnish, nnd lnler forward the prod the sand cricket recently on the net to you at Rend." road east of Rend. t Mcintosh mentions that Prof. Ful- "Tho ferocious looking it ml other- ton would greatly appreciate having wise Interesting entomological sped- another mala specimen. "This Is men referred to In your letter of the first specimen from Central Oro Ortober 4 riiino In today," rites ' gon, and as it ounht to be of C. J. Mcintosh of the department of , course Is remarkable for Its size IniliiKlr'.il Journalism at the collei'e and general worth," ho say. In n letter received at The Bulletin I m,p mH nwrninK "It was Identllled as n sand j specimen. If shipped nllve, the In ri'lckol, one of tho largo hend"d bnr-jnect should be placed In a small tin rowing typo of the genu stenopel-; box with a few moist leaves to pre- mutus," he continues. "It Is er roneously often thought venomous, and aside from Its wholly Inexcusa ble homicidal expression it is fairly harmless. , , . "This specimen had evidently been started on his trip alive, slnco 3 Irish Experts, 10 Americans Aire Victims Of Crash I lit I'tut-1 I'rnu t. Th Hi nA BulMin.) ;l.,'. liOW. Scotland, (let. 10 Tv. . jiiy -foiir i.ithoiih. In- eluding 10 member of un American southern syncopated orchestra, and three Sinn Fein experts I'M route, to London for Ihn .'lirii totlfl'Ti'llif, wr drowni'd whin llm llni-r Clan Makolin raiiiini'd Mm lltmr How- u:i III a luavy fox In llm IrlHh H'a. Tin' (Vim Mabolin rainmi'd lh Kowan, which Kank Im- itic'llaKly. while null In K lo Hie aid of llm V't Catnak, un Aiui.'iliati Mtvuiiif-r which had collld.-d with the Kowan. OVERSEAS VET MAY BE BANDIT J. l.'.VWSTK.t HKI.I rtm CUIMK (iHK.lNAI.I.V lllt,i;i TO ItnV ;ltlNKU TIIKKT K $W,MMI llOMIS .11 I.l t.KK. t?.; L'nilnl Prn Is Th Bend Bullrtln.) SEATTLK. Oct. 10. Uellcved to be the bandit who robbed a mail train rear Sacramento laat May. J. Ilaanntra, overseas war veteran, is held In the county Jail here while Postofflce Inspector Swenson pre pares charges connecting him with the theft of $i;0.000 In bonds. Hoy Gardner was originally charg ed with this robbery. The sale of a JT.00 bond, said to be one of thoxe stolen, resulted In llaanstra's arrest. LOVE TRIANGLE MAY IiE MURDER MOTIVE j .,,r,Mn yUnh. Artrrw, Held In Jail . It.-Mlll of till 'aiiy I'niiiliiiK Al Sleln- Ileal h. I By United Pr to The Brnd BulK-tin. I LOS ANGK.I.KS. Oct. 1.-A pecul- lar love trlar.gle Is being investigated for the motive resulting in the pessi- ble murder af Al Sleln, motion pic - ture director. Mildred lSellwin. Portland. Oregon nrtrcs Is held in Jail with her chum. legeo wim party in Mein apan- mein. n i uieu uner me i.ai.j. 'Mis: Rellwln, according to detectives. lived with Stein, while Miss Munroe 'lived with her "as a friend." Tho collepo will be glad to repay costs of packing nnd sending a live vent Its being bumped about and in jured in shipping. Pin holes should bo punched in the box to admit air. It It Is not possible to send a live Insert. Mcintosh suggests . Hint a dead one ho sent, packed to pre vent breakage. BOY PITCHER WINS AGAIN WA1TE HOYT i4 ART NEHF Wailr Iloyt Kln pllrlieit Vankeen to victory iIkiukIi found for 10 hll aitainot .rt NehT alx. SERIES SCORE TIED SUNDAY (JI.IXTS. HKI.I HCOKKI.KSS BY A III, MAYS THKOlCiH KKV- KNTH, ItilM) VT KOIK IllTH tiKTS KIHST HOMKK. (Br United Pre to The Bend Bulletin.) NEW YORK. Oct. 10. With fight ing spirit of the McGraw clubs of' past years the Clants battled through to a four to two victory here Sunday af,PrI10cn Aftt.r being held to three hits and no runs In 7 innings and be- i. jing made to look like minor leaguers by Carl Mays, the Giants came from behind and broke through In the h'" inning scoring three runs that Rave tnem tne victory anu eveimu me j series. 1 j)ai,e Kuth made the first home run of t,.e (u nlntn ,nnlng i ith nQ one on Daseg Meuge( gtarted fireworks for the Giants when he smashed out a triple eighIn Rawings singled and Meusel was over with the tying run. Schang scored the Yanks' first run when he tripled in the fifth scoring McNally. Meusel added more laurels to his credit In the ninth when he singled and scored George Kelly who had doubled for his first hit of the series. Summary two base hits. Burns; three base hits, Schang and E. Meu sel; home run Ruth; sacrifice hits. Ward and Douglas. Double plays Ward to Peckinpaugh to Pipp. Batteries Ciants. Douglass and Snyder; Yanks, Mays and Schang Ruth. R Giants Yankees 2 H 9 CONFERENCE AT CRITICAL POINT ' HIHIYF.R INSISTS OX RAIL llATKj ltKDl't'TION'S LABOR .X1 CAPITAL AttlSK (INK AX )THi:il LAPOR MAY HOLT. (Or UnilrH. Prw to T!-e IWni Ballrtin.) WASHINGTON. Get. 10. The national unemployment conference, reconvening after a 10 day recess, ad mittedly entered its "critical period" delegates assembled today. Herbert Hoover, guiding the con ference, insists that only railroad rate reductions can relieve business depression. Representatives of capital insist that labor must accept lower wages; organized labor insists capital must eschew profiteering and slash prices. Some organized labor lenders seemed ready to bolt the conference If reduced wages, the open shop, or other controversial questions are considered by the conference. A ! A i i f. i v - IKS BREAK SUM'S I IN 5TH GAME BATTLE IS HARDEST OF SERIES SCORES COME EARLY (;ianl Hit Hoyt For ID Safe Oaea. Hut Are Able To Score Hut Ones American I-eaiier Hit Xehf Six Times, And Score Three. (Br United Prn to The Betid Bulletin.) POLO C ROUNDS. New York City, Oct. 10. Miller Hugglns hungry Yanks made It three to two today, breaking Sunday's tie, when they got to Art Nehf, McGraw'a young wblte hope, for six bits and three runs here in the fifth game of the world series. In spite of the score, the two teams played neck and Deck baseball for nine innings. The Giants drew first blood In the first Inning when Burns was sate on an error, although forced at second by Bancroft. Frlsch singled. Young walked and Kelly singled, scoring Bancroft. The Yanks did their work in the third and fourth innings. In the third McNally walked and Schang doubled. McNally scoring when Mil ler Hied to Meusel. In the fourth Ruth singled, his only bit of the game, and R. Meuel doubled, scor ing Ruth. I'ipp was out. Rawling to Kelly, but when Ward Hied to Burns. Meu&cl scored on the play. Koth Hoyt and Nehf pitched great ball and only once was Hoyt in dan- .1 . Ker. in the first inning, when Man- as,. II:ioina cant fliiinn In virn up. But the Giants rally netted (Qiily one u,Iy 8Q stayed to ; hoia tne ,at0nals runless for the , oilier eisht frames. rVbout 3J.000 fans saw the game. First Inning YANKS Miller popped to Bancroft- Peckinpaugh out. Frisch to Kelly. Ruth fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors.' CIANTS Burns safe on McNally'a error. Bancroft forced Burns, Peck inpaugh to Ward. Frisch singled. Bancroft stopped at second. Young walked, filling the bases. Kelly singled, scoring Bancroft, Frisch stopping at third. E. Meusel fanned. Raw-lings forced Kelly at second. Peckinpaugh to Ward. One run. two hits, one error. Second Inning YANKS R. Meusel singled. Pipp sacrificed. Frisch to Kelly. Ward fanned. R. Meusel out at the plate, Frisch to Smith. Official scorer gives Frisch error for dropping ball at third when Meusel ran for third. No runs, one hit, one error. GIANTS Smith lined to Miller. Nehf filed to Ruth, Burns singled. Bancroft singled. Durna reaching third. Bancroft caught off first an Burns was out at plate. R. Meusel to Pipp to Ward to Schang. No runs, two hits, no errors. Third Inning YANKS McNally walked. Schang doubled and McNally reached third. , Hoyt out. Bancroft to Kelly. Miller I died to E. Meusel, McNally scoring on the play, Schang reaching third. Peckinpaugh out, Kelly unassisted. One run. one hit, no errors. GIANTS Frisch safe at first on an Infield single off Ward's glove. I Young forced Frisch at second, Mc Nally to Ward. Kelly fanned. E. Meusel doubled. Young stopping at third. Rawllngs fouled to McNally. No runs, two hits, no errors. Fourth Inning YANKS Ruth singled on a bunt. R. Meusel doubled, scoring Ruth. Pipp out, Rawllngs to Kelly, R. Meusel reaching third. Ward filed to Burns, R. Meusel scoring after the catch. McNally filed to Burns. Two runs, two hits, no errors. GIANTS Smith walked. Nehf fanned. Burns fanned, Smith being doubled, Schang to Ward. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Inning YANKS Schang fouled to Frisch. Hoyt out, Frisch to Kelly. Miller doubled. Peckinpaugh popped to K. Meusel. No runs, one hit, no errors. (Continued on last page.)