The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Tho Adventures of A
)Who Found Peace Dull
VA Illustration J
- .opyrigru oy jvj - -
"Ti-rinnre, Victor. A wonderful
nii'iiki-r. Appcura really to believe
Hint what In' nii nlll l.i-ii.-lll the
wiiiklnkiiiiin. ')iiiM-tii'iitly vciy valu
able; bill liitliititlutily until,"
' I'ih k In hli'lill In IiihiiII lit di'lll-i-r-ii'i)J"
ili'iiiuiiili'il duller. Ills voice
mill nhiiltliiK Willi m Kf.iiti.
"Kill I don't utiilorslniid,'' Kri lit Victor
iirninic, ilii.nlly. "Dm Mr. IVur
k"ii linl hclleti In our li'iii hliiiin, Ion?"
turned slowly mill lonki-d ul llm;h,
uliu shrug.;'! IiIm shoulders.
should In lii-re at nny moment."
lit uiiswcn-d, nml im lii HHikn tin- iliMir
opeiicd ninl Curl IVi-rHnii riiiiu- In.
"(.IMill JlftoriliHIII, Ifl'Utlcllll'U," In he-
Kiiii, uihI t Inn In mm' lluuli. Willi a
li'k uf H'ei-hles attlliKfltlrllt 1m
uiuii'il ul tin soldier, nml fur I In- II rut
1 1 mi- slmc Until Inn) known lilin lil
fun liliiiirliiil. 'I'ln-n lila fell on
II " ii ledi-cr, nml Willi a dreadful
i'iiri In sprung forwunl. A itlnnco at
tin fines or the nun wliu atood mi I i'li
Inn liliu toll) Ii I it) wlint lie wanted to
know, nml Willi another oalh his linml
wi'iit to hi MM-krt.
Tiiki ymir linml mil, Carl I'ctcr
aon." I iruniiuoiura voice nitijf ihrouKti
tin riMint. and tin arch-crliulnal, look
ing aiillcnly up, found himself sin ring
Into the inutile of a revolver. ".Now,
tall down at th tiililo till of you. Tlia
iiK'tliig Im nhout to rouiui-ui'i."
"l.uok hi-n." blustered Crofter, "I'll
have tin law on you. . . ."
"Ily all manner of mi-ana, Mr. John
t'rufli r, consummate blackicnard." all-Mwi-ri-d
HiikIi, ritlmly. "Hut that ruai-a
afirrward. Just now alt down."
"I'm d d If I will." roun-d thi oth
er, springing at Hi" soldier. And l'i-ii-r-son.
sitting aulli-nly at the tshle try
IniC tu readjust hla IhotiKlita to the
amliti-n blinding certainly that through
muni- ritniorilliiary accident every
thliiK had inlKl'urrli'd, m-vi-r allrred aa
a hiilf-sluiiiicil member of parliament
crushed to thi DiHir beside him.
"Sit down, I mild," remarked Irum
nioiid. alTnhly. tut If you in-fi-r lo
lie dou, ll'a all the aauie to me. Arv
llii-rr nny more to roim. l'elcroiii"
"No, d n you. (ii-t It over!"
"Right. Throw your (un on the
floor." Iriiiiiiiiind picked up the wea
Min and put It In hla pocket; then lit
rang tat Ml. "I had hojied." he mur
uiurrd, "for liiricr ttatherlnf, but
one rannot have everything."
Save to I'etenion, who underatood.
If only dimly, what had happened, the
thing had route aa aurh a roinpli-te
iirjirliie thnt even the auddt-n rntrnni-e
of twenty mniiked lin-n, who rnnk'rd
ttn-tiiM-lvea In alngle rank N-hlnd tlu-lr
hiilrs falli-d lo atlr the im-etlng. It
mi-rely wi-ini-d In kei-plng wlih what
Im -I koii lrfore.
"I Nhull not ili-lnln you Imii:. Ri-ntle-lin
n." hi-iiiin llugti, annvi'ly. "your gen
eral ii'H:irniii-e and tin warmth of the
Wi-iiiIiit Inn' roinhliK-d to proiliu-e In
in a iKalre for ali-i p. Hut In-fore I
I. mid you over to the run of the j
n"rtiui'U who nliiml ao puiiriiliy l"--lilin)
you, thi'ti are one or two n-miirki
I to mnke. I.i-t me nny at iim-e
Unit on tin miliJiM-t uf ('iipltiil and 1-a-tmr
I inn Niitin-mrly tKiinriint. You
will Ihen-fon he pnn-d any illa-H-rta-tlnn
on the xiihji'i't. Hut from nil i-x-iKiumlvi-
Klmly of the Irllk'i-r whlrll now
lli-a upon tin liililii, mid a fnlrly Inti
mate knonli'ilKe of It nutlmr'a mnn-iii-nla,
1 nml my frlemla hnve ln-en put
to the Ifirotivi-uletH'e of trending on
"There nre ninny thlnpi, we know,
whliii nre wrong In thla Jolly old coun
try of oiii-h; hut given Hun and the
rlirlit nn-thoila I nm niidli-linily op-tlnilmli-
to lii'lli've thnt they could h
put right. Thnt. however, would not
milt your hook. You dlllke the right
ini'lhoil, I mine It Iiiivck nil of you
inui'h where you wen hefon. Kverjr
nliigle one of you with the aole poa
allile exi-eptlon of you, Mr. Terram-e,
and you're mod la plnylng with revo
lution for lila own enda : to make mon
y out of It to gnln power. . . .
"Let ua atart with I'etemon your
loailiT. How much did you aay ha d
inanded. Mr. l'otla, a the prlr of rev
nlutlonl" With atrangled cry I'etemno
prang up aa the Amerlrnn mllllonnlre,
removing hla monk, alepied forward.
"Two hundred and fifty thouwnnrt
IMiunda, yon awl ne, waa w hat you anked
me." The nillllonnlre alood ennfmnt
Ing lila tormentor, who dmped hnck
In hla chnlr with n gronn. "And when
I rrfiiHi'd, you tortured me. Look at
my thumli."
Willi n cry of horror the olhnra Bil
ling nl I hi' Inhle looked nt the miingled
Heidi, unit then nt the mini who hud
done It. Tills, even to tlu-lr mind, wiim
going ton fur.
"Then then wiih Hit anine aitm,"
cohtluui-d I irnmmonil, "to come from
lloikltiK. the Aiiii'iii'iin ml Inn tiimi
hiilf (Irnniin by hlrlh; Sti-liii-iiuinn,
the (li-rmnn null mini; Von tirutz, the
' tleriiuiii Ntcel mil n. Im Hint not an,
I'cli rsnn?" It vviin mi arrow nt n
venture, hut It hit th murk, mid I'e
Icrmm iioddeil.
.ii 'Ji uiUllrA caiui'is. m U'e
Mtnke thin ln-ni'fuelor of hiuninniilly
wni ilnlng fur," Hiiii-n-d I ii-iiininiuid.
'(inn mllll'in iunili, n the mi-rn
price of n Millim'ii llfe hliiod. . . .
I'.nl nl nny rule I"' Imd Un merit of
plnylng hit;, wliercna Un- nut of yon
ai'iitn, mid tin other liciiutiei ao nhly
cnlitliiginil In Hint tixok. iiicHned i.hoiil
nl Ida hii-k mid cull for piii-keta of
hull' eye. ri-t'liiipN you Inhorcd un
der Hie dcliitlon Unit you were fool
ing Ii I tu, hut the whole lot of you nre
an d-d crooked ihnt you
tliou.-lil of uotlilng hut your own tllihy
"I.lmi-n to me." HiikIi liruuitiinnd'a
voice took on a ili'cp, rotiiinnti'lliig
rlitL', mid ngiilnxl tln'lr will Hie four
men looked nt tin hniad. HiHcrful
mliller, h"e aluci-rlly ihoni' clcur
In hl fine. "Nut hy rcvolmloti nml
direct in I lull will you make tliin IhIihii
of oura right though I ( lit fully
awure lluil thnt I Hie Id it thing yot
would to .. hnp'tcn. Hut tlth
your Imilna. mid for your own un
acrupiiloiia i-iiiIh, you gull the work
ir.iftiinn Into cvlng It. At.d he, he
cagxe you rim tnlk wiih your tongin-
In your cln-cLa. la I'd liny. lie he
llevea you will give him t'topla :
when-na. In renlliy, you are lending
him lo h I. And you know It. Invo
lution la our only chance not revo
lution; hut you. and other Ilka
you. aimnl to gnln more hy the
hitter. . . ."
Ill hand dmpH-d to Ida aide, and
he grinned.
"ignite a hrenk for me," he re
marked. "I'm getting honrae. I'm
how going to hand you four over to
the Ixiya. There' an admlmhle, hut
aomewhnt muddy pond oituide, and
I'm aure you'd like lo look fur newt.
If any of you until lo aumuion me for
Hamuli and tindery, my name la
Jiriiiiiiiiuti'l- 'nitnlii In-uininotid of
llnlf Moon Ktr.i-t. Hut I wuru you
that Hint IxHik will he hntnliil Into
Kcotlnnd Yard tonight. Out with 'em,
boya, and give 'em h I. . . .
"And now, Carl rctcron." he
mnrki-d, a the diMir rlimcd hclilr.d the
In at of the atmggllng pmpheta of a
new world, "It la time that you and I
act tl-d our little account. In't II T"
Tha mauler crlinltial roe and atood
fating him. Apparently he had com
pletely recovered htnaelf; the hand
with which he lit hla rlgar waa aa
eteady aa a rock.
"1 congratulate you. Captain I'rum
mond," he remarked auavely. "I eon
fea I have no Idea how you managed
to ecnH from the aomewhnt cramped Ion I h-ft you In lat night, or
how you have managed to Install your
own men In thla hnune. Hut I have
even li-aa Idea how you dlicovered
ahout llocLing and the other two."
Hugh Inughnl almrlly.
"Another time, when you dligulse
youraelf a the ("ointe de tiny, remem
ber one thing, t'nrl. Kor effictlve ron-cenliin-nt
It la nixesry to chntice
other thli.g helde your face and
figure. You niut chmige your ninn
lierlmua and lltKiiii-'i'ill Utile trick.
No I won't tell you whin It la that
gave you awny. You can ponder over
It In prln'ii."
"So you ineiin to hand me over to
the Hillie, do you?" anlil I'etemon
alow ly.
"I ee no other coure open to me,"
ri'pllcd Prummond.
The aiiddi-n nai.lHK of the door
niinle both men look round. Then
Dniminond bowed, to conceul a anilli'.
"Juat In time. Ml Irmn."
The girl awept pnt hlui nnd con
fronted I'eteraon.
"Whnt hn hiippened?" ahe panted.
"The gnrden la full of people whom
I've never ai-en. And there were two
men nit.iilng down the drive covered
with wiiila and dripping with wa
ter." reteraon amlled grimly.
"A alight aetback haa occurred, my
dear. I have made a big mlatake a
mlatnke which hn proved fatal. I
have underestimated the aalllty of
Cnptaln Druininond ; and a long aa I
live I ahull alwaya regret that I did
not kill hlin the night he went explor
ing In thla houae."
Fearfully the girl faced Prnm
mond j then ahe turned agnln to Peter
eon. Where'a HenryT" ahe demanded.
"That again la a point on which I
am profoundly Ignorant," anawored
I'etenion. 'Terhnpa Tnptnln Dnim
mnnd run enllghlen a on Ihnt bIho?"
"Yea," remarked Irumntond, "I can.
Henry hna hnd nn accident. After I
drove lit m buck from the din-hraV lnt
night" the girl pnve a cry. und l'i
tcmnn atcndlcd her with hi linn
"wo hnd words ilrvndfiil words. And
for a long lime. Curl. I thought It
would be better If you nnd I hnd simi
lar worda. Ir. fnct. I'm not Ktire even
Uow thnt It wouldn't he safer In the
long run, . . ,"
"Hut where Is her" salil the girl,
Ihrough dry lip.
"W here yen ought to he, Ci.rl." an
awercd Hugh grimly. "Where, Soulier
or luter, you will bo." .
I I HWll ,
"But Where la H7" Said the Girl,
Through Dry Lip.
lie Tlie siiid In tin niche
of the wiill, (he door of the big
anfe nwung oieii slowly. With a
Hcnum of terror Hie girl sunk linlf
fainting on Hie floor, mid even I'eti-r-aoti'a
cigar dropped on the floor from
hla uervouK lips. Kor, hung from the
Celling by two ropi- atluched lo Ida
arm, wua the dend body of Henry
l.akliiKtoii. And even a they waicht-'.'.
It, it agj;iil lower, at.'l one of the
feet hit aullcnly aguliiHt a beuiiliful
old gold vase, , , .
".My Umi:" uiuliered reli-ritoli. "LMU
you murder hluij"
"di, no!" niiHw-ere Iinitnmond.
"He Inadvertently fell In the lath he
got ready for me, and then when he
mil up the stair In cotixlili-rnble puln,
Hint Interesting uicchunlcul device
broke hla i.ii k."
"Shut the door." acrenined the girl;
"I can't atund It."
Hlie covered her fare with her
linnda, shuddering, while the door
alowly ae-ung to airnln.
"Yes," remarked I irummnr d thought
fully, "It should be an liitcr-.tlng
trial. I shall lime such a lot to tell
them about Hie Utile i-iitertiilninelils
hen, and ull your endearing wn)."
With the hlg ledger under hi anil
be crossed the nxuii culled to
aome men who were ntiindlng outside
In the hall ; and a the detective,
thoughtfully supplied by Mr. Creen,
eulered the cintrul nxiiu, he glanced
for the Inst time at Curl retersou and
Ida daughter. Never hnd the clgur
glowed more evenly Ntween the nini-ter-crlnilnal'
llpa; never had the girl
Irma aelected a dgnrette from her
gold and tortoise-shell rase with more
aupreme Indifference.
"Oood-by, my ugly one!" she cried,
with a charming smile, as two of the
men atepiied up to her.
"tiood-hy." Hugh bowed, and a tinge
of n-gret ahowed for a moment In hi
"Not good by, Irma." Carl reteraon
removed his clear, and stnn-d at
Iiruintnoiid stmillly. "only au revolr,
niy friend; only au revolr."
"I simply enn't believe It. lltich."
In the lengthening shndows I'liylll
moved a little nenrer to her liiislinnd.
who, quite regurdlesa of the publicity
of their iKislilon, allpped mi arm
around her waist.
Taut bellne what, dnrllng?" he
demanded Inllly.
"Why, that nil that awful n'.ght
mnre ! over. I.nklngton dead, and
the other two In prison, and u mar
ried." "They're not actually In Jug yet, old
thin.-," said Hugh. "And somehow
. . ." he broke off nnd stnn-d thought
fully at a man sauntering past them.
To all npiH'arar.rea he w hs a casual
visitor tnklng hla evening walk along
the front of the well known scuslde
n'Sort so largely addicted to honey
moon couples. Anil yet . . . waa
he? Hugh luughed softly; he'd got
auspldon on the hrnln.
"Ion't yon think they'll be sent to
prison?" cried the girl.
"They may be Bent right enough,
but whether they arrive or not Is a
different matter. I don't somehow see
Carl picking oakum. It's not his
Kor a whllo they were silent, occu
pied with matters quite foreign to
such trifle aa I'etenion and hla daugh
ter. "Are yon glad I answered your ad
vertisement?" Inquired I'hyllla at
"The question la too frivolous to
deserve an answer," remarked her hus
band severely.
"But you aron't sorry It'a overt"
ahe demanded.
"It Isn't over, kid; It's Just begun."
lie amlled at her tenderly, "Your life
and mine . . . Isn't It Just wonder
ful r
And once nunln tin? tnnn snunterod
pnst them. Hut this tlmo ho dropped
a piece of paper on the pnth, Just nt
Hugh's feet, nnd the soldier, with a
quick movement which he hnrdly
stopped to analyze, covered It with his
shoe. The girl hadn't seen the action;
but then, ns girls will do after such
remarks, she wns thinking of other
things. Idly Hugh watched the snun
tenr dlsnpMiir In tho more crowded
part of the esplnnnde, nnd for a mo
nicul tliire enmc onto hla fj'i'e a look
which, happily for hi wife's pence of
mind, he fulled to notice.
"Lei's go nnd int. and after dinner
I'll mn you up to the top of the head
land. . . ."
Togi'lbi-r they strolled hack to their
hotel. In hi por liet waa the piece of
paper ; nnd who iimld be aendlng him
itiei-iai.-i'ff In such a miinner snve one
mini-a ttian now nwiiltliig hi trlnl?
In the hell he stayed behind to In
finite for letters, and a mini nodded to
I, Im.
"M uni the news?" he Inquired.
"No." si ld I lush. "What's hap
Jielieirr" "That ii.riri I'etersori and the trlrl
hnve got iiwny. No tnice of 'em."
Then he luuked nt ! irummond curious
ly. "My (In- way, you had something
to do wlih Ihnt show, didn't yon?"
"A little," smiled Hugh. "Just a lit
tle." "I'ollie hound to cnti-h 'em airnln,"
ciiiiiln::"'! the other. "Can't hid' your
self ilte.e dais."
And oiiee n'M'n H't'h ftn'lcl, n he
drew from his pocket the ple;-e of pa
per: "only mi revolr. my friend; only nil
He glanced nt the word written In
Peterson' mur writing, mil the siidh
hroaileni-d. Assuredly Ilfif wns still
goixl ; as-oiredly. , . .
Arid Into nn ash trny nearby he
drnppi-d a pice of pajx-r torn Into a
huri'lre! tiny fraifiiu-nts.
"Wn that a love-letter?" ahe de
mnndeil with nsiiined Jealousy.
"Not exactly, sweetheart," he
Innflii d lim it. "N"t exactly." And
over the glnsie their eyes met,
'Hern's to hoping, kid; here's to
Large Victory.
Ilegln with all this, us a smnll de
feat that means large victory. James
I.aue Allen.
Hard on Tableware.
On a big liner about 3.0UO plecee at
glass and crockery are said to be
broken on each voyage.
Is a I'ure, Wholesome, Sanitary Product,
deserving of Hend's undivided support.
0j..Ml'S' .-.,r:. .. BCHD, OREGON.
It Always Satisfies
C.U.I, lolt IllDS
Illd are asked for the completion
of the Tumulo fish hatchery. Speci
fication can be seen at the office of i
Lee Thomas In Bend. Itld received i
at Came Commission office In Port-
land until October II. The Game!
Commission reserve the right to
reject any and all hid.
102-107c Portland, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministrator with the will annexed of
the estate of Wilbur N. Lockwood,
deceased, by the County Court of
Deschutes County, State of Oregon,
and all persons holding claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same with pro
per vouchers to the undersigned at
his office in Bend. Oregon, within
six months after the date of this
Dated and published first time this
17th day of September. 1921.
Administrator with the will annex
ed of the estate of Wilbur N. Lock-;
wood. Deceased. 1
is the essential factor in
Auto Repair Work
That is what you get from us.
We Specialize in Dodge Repair Work
A. W. Bontrager
135 Greenwood Avenue
Deschutes County
. 12-13-14-15
More Exhibits Than Ever
$4,000 Premium Money
For Information, Address Fair Manager, Redmond, Ore.