TIIK IIKXD III I.I.KTIN, DAILY ftlHTIOV. HK.ND, OIIKOOW II IXDAV, (HTOUKil 4. 1021. PAGE IIENII TIIAIV HCIIIOItri.i: Orriion Trunk Arrives, 7:85 A. M. l.i'itvea 7:30 P. M. O.-W. II. N. Arrives, 8:60 I'. M. Leaves. 7:00 A. M. LOCAL MOWS -ITEMS John N'oiih went In Minima lat lilltlil for u hIioiI vlxll. .Mrs. M. I. 1 1 ii n ii wi iil l 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 In xi ii Ik i I to mim'IiiI a wi'i'k. Mm. A. KHIer was iipi-rnti-d oii IIiIh , inornliiK t a lorul lioNitn. II. I In K'lt . Went til I ''jM In lid lux! lilKlit to api'iid srv-rul ttuy m. Allium' ('unilrln wi-nl to I'oril.md III Hi IllKllt lO IIIUKI' It I M home. ('. II. Ti-iill of IIiiIjIiIiih vim In Hind ycaterdny, Ii'iivIiik lust nlKht for I'rlnrvillr. A. J. Woolm y uml da iik)i -r Kern wcnl In I'orllunil In Mt nlKlit tit Kiml ai-verul itityii. Chiirli'N A. Jiirkann, forincily of lli'llil. luia reliirnril from O. A. ('. to fiiilnh hla vorntloniil triilnlnif under J. II. Miner. Sheriff H. E. KoliiMta returned lunl iilKlit from The I)uII-h, where tut wua m wlll.Ma In It,.. Irliil ,f 4 1... I'f lur murder. Clyde fliokoo returned lnt niKlii from I'urt IiiiiiI . where lie linn been for aevernl duya. Today lie went to Itcdmolid lo work. A meeting of tlif executive com mittee of Perry A. Wevens it No. 4, American Legion, will bo li'ld to night at m vei) o'rlork. lliiKh Itmlann, who wua luken lo tin- Turmoil rn Hilary iiotiitl sever nl nionth ago, aerlmialy III. reiinn ed yeaterdiiy inurli Improved. Tin- Indies of thH I'realivterliiu guild will inert with Mm. O. f. Ilen kli. K27 (ienrgla avenue, ut 2:30 o'rlork Wednesday nflernoon. (ienrgo A. Thotnim, who cam herr mtverill dnyii ago expecting to lorall. returned Inst night to Homier' Ker ry, Ida., on account of h! wife' lllnen. Itev. (ieorge II. Van Wairm nrrh denron of the Eplaropal church In Central OreKon returned to I'ort Innd Innt iilKlit utter apendlr.g two day here. N. C. Jiintmen, who hua been took ItiK after the Itiotiillutlon and tei ItiK of the well drilled by the Mure at Kort Itork. returned to rnrtluud Innt IilKlit. Mr. II. C. Kurr leff Innt night for Yto Center. Knn.. mlled home on " nrroiint of lllnena In her family. Mm Knrr came here aevernl weeka ago with her daughter, who la teaching III the lleiid arhoola. Jeaa Telherow of near Redmond won lii llend thla morning for '!'" first time since recovering from h'a rerent Injurlea. atiatalned when he fell Into a rrcvaaae on liarhelor. lie la improving rapidly. AiUTiivt Nelann, formerly a mer chant here, tin returned utter ;"-nd-Iiik aeveral moiitha In the ein-l. with hla In Id", whom hn married whllo awuy. Hn will iikiiIii rnlor hualneaa In hla former locution on llond street. Tim ri'Kiilur meeting of Ilia I'ytliliin Waters will tm held tomorrow IilKlit . There will he I ii 1 1 In I Ion . uflor which n o( In I hour wll! he enjoyed, and ri -f i m Ii in " li I ii aerveil. Knights of I'y thlaa who 11 re luemliera of the order aril lilted to he JtriMellt. rimovai, notmi: To our KrlemlH and t'lialomera: We have moved our ilumliliiK anil heiitlllK l-'il.ililli lillli'lll to our new lo rul mil III tlm Uplielr lllllllllllK, I IK .V luiieantu avenue, JiihI ueroaa the Htriel from our old location. W" me In iioi.IIIoii to litko euro of nil cliii.xea of iiIiiiiiIiIiik and lieitlliiK and; kiihiII lepuir work, l'our putronaK" noli'lte(l. 100-1 .'.i KINNKIAN HICOS. feat ur In bn culled tho IrrlKotlnK Illlrh. Friday the "llaltln of the ArKoiinn1 will bo MlliKeil under the uuaplce of Hie Ainerlcuii I.ckIoii. AT TIIK HOTELS ( Al l. Kill IIIIH HIiIh are uiiked for the completion of the Tumalii IIhIi liali hi-ry. Kpncl hcalloua ran he aeen ut the oftlm of I Thomua In Item). Itlda reeelveit al l.uine I'oiuiiiIhhIoii oftlce It) I'urt land until Octoher II. The tiiiine t'olumlaHlon reaervea ttm rlrllt til reject uuv und ull hlda. (iKKCtiN STATK (iAMK COM MISSION. 10 2 107c I'orlland, On-Kon. nri.i.K"riN hai;ai day now l. Nulki rlilloiia lo llir Id-mi Hut- let In can Imi ImmikIiI at mivIiik. To Hip Wii-kly fur one year, $1 The llully imi- yeiir, by liuill I.M). The Hull)' one )cur, by cuiTtcr, (.IJIO. Huvi while you Imvr llu oiMirf unity. RED CROSS ASSISTS MANY SERVICE MEN 1 10 Aided It) Home Service Heel Ion Hurlnic Keiteintirr llonna Appllcntluna I'num. A rreut Increuae In the number of ex-aervlre rluliu bundled by thi Home Service aertlon. American Ited Croaa, la noted III the report for Bcp lember, 110 cx-aervlc men or thidr fiiiulllea heliiK aaalated. Tliia la dun larKnly. ay Mr. V. A. For be, aecrntury, lo the bonua appllrutlona, but thean are by no meiina the only claim adjusted. Many of the men who went to the Home Servlro offlca to have their houu appllrutlona made out dlacov erei) thut there wnra other claim which they ahould preaa. Five new dlauhlllty clulma have been made in the lunt month. I'llol llnlle Inn Charlea II. Tro )ln, I'ihI In ml : K. ('. Kaufman, Port land; It. l.oiiKwell, Portland; I.. A. Fruncla, I'oillund; A. Iloyn, liruko; Ivvu CoinenyH, Itcdmond; Mra. .Mor ton Italy. Cieacenl; Mra. K. . Hourk. Creacent; II. I. Ulce.Fort Itork; Mr. uml Mra. I). Culbrulth. I'm t hind ; K. S. Cuttron, Portland; i:. V. Moiiti'omery, I'orllutid: ('. F. CIIImii, Keallle; ('. ('. Iiw, Kpokune; It. II. Olden. Portland. Hotel Cozy Mr. and Mra. (JenrKO W. (Jwena, Sun Franclaro; Dr. Wll miii and wife, Mudrua; ('. A. Dyka 1 1 1 H 1 1 . l.akcvlcw; O. I,. Hahn, Port land, Stuart Ktupleton and wife. Colfuit, WuhIi.; K. J. Martin. I'ort land. UilnJil Hotel M. O. Tlilcle. The Dullea; Frank II. Scott, Mllliran; Oorne l.cell. Hood Itlver; (). II. Noel, Hood Itlver; Fred Kuebn, The Dullea; ('. K. Mulonn, Caldwoll, Ida.; W. J. IlurTon. Silver Lake; F. F. Flarh, The Dalloa. -. Invalids MO COOKINO .b "Food-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch at Home,OtTice,n4 Fountains. Atk tor HORUCKS. -Avoid Imltaliou k Subttitutu CROOK COUNTY FAIR PROSPECTS PLEASING Itnie-i, Ktlilblta, Ami .muclnent To He I'nMiruniMMl When HIk Show Opena .Tomorrow. PKINKVII.I.K. October 4 Proa- pert for a good allow and a bin crowd urn excellent u the opening I date for the Crook county fair loom 1 hiit one duy ahead. Ainuaement fent urci nr.- fur ahead of unythliiK In 1 Id b" e'lieclully Kood. l.lveatock eliitnl priikt la lire nniirpnaied 'and other depart tiient will be well filled. I Mulc will be furnlnhrd by tho ' Shevlli.-Illxon bund, and the Ander ' :'(in-Sriner ahow will be here. The llrriKiitora will run a !lanpy Canyon NOTH'K OK SAI.K 'Ht Dlil.l NOI :T ASSFSSMK.NTS WIIKKKAS, on the tat ilny of April. 1921. pnmiiBtit to tho ptovla lolia of Chapter 1 1 of the Churier of Hie City of Heitd. there were enter ed In tho docket cif city tlena In tho officii of the recorder of and! city, iiaaeaninenta for the ronatructton of atreet Improvement III l.ocnl Improve ment DlMttlct No. 10. In the following reipectlve amount, aaalnat the follouiiiK (leaciihed parrel of land, the owner or reputed owner thereof helnir ah follow, lo-wlt: owner Amniiin Add N. W. Townalte Co 4.S5 Add N. W. Townalte Co 4.85 Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.85 Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.85 Add N. V. Townalto Co 3.70 in. I. Add N. W 2nd. Add N. W. 2nd. Add N. W Lot 4 r. 7 8 10 1 1 12 3 4 A .1 4 A 10 2 1 I Ifi 1A 1 7 fl 10 11 12 13 15 5 7 R 1 2 fi 6 8 11 12 lllock 19 ' 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 26 26 Addition T. Co. 2nd. T. Co. 2nd. T. Co. 2nd. T. Co. 2nd. T. Co. 2nd. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. 2nd. LOW PRICES AT SMITH'S Old Dutch Clcanser....9c Or 3 cans for 25c White Star Flour..$l.G9 Choice Cooking Apples, per box $2.33 Booth Sardines, large can for 19c Smith's Special Coffee, per lb 30c Other prices in com parison. FREE DELIVERY You save by paying cash at Smith's Cash Grocery "We Sell For Less" r!',l!"!'.llri'Hllri'''"!'!"'l!'llll"""""'", ''I "" ''V'11 !,!"!l!!li"!l""!!l"iM!TT It took YEARS andy EARS to develop CAMEL QUALITY We worked on Camels for years before we put them on the market. Years of testing blending experi menting with the world's choicest tobaccos. And now, EVERY DAY, all our skill, manufactur ing experience and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos are concentrated on making Camel the best cigarette that can be produced. There's nothing else like Camel QUALITY. And there's nothing else like Camels wonderful smoothness, fine tobacco flavor and FREEDOM FROM CIGA RETTY AFTERTASTE. That's why Camel popularity is growing faster than ever. A better cigarette cannot be made. We put the utmost quality into THIS ONE BRAND. NOTICE The Red Cross Shop will sell fancy work and canned fruit on a 1 OC, 'commission at rooms 217-240 Miner HldK. 102-1 05c Our Latest Offer Wo are ready for the Kail with fall In price. MADK TO MKASVItE Suits $22 and up One Imlf off on every pair of extra pant, with suit order. SPKCIAI, ATTENTION (.IVKN TO LADIES' MADE TO OK DEIl KUTS AM) COATS. We guarantee every garment ordered from us to fit perfectly Workmanship and materials second to none. CAUD OK THAXKS We wish to thank Percy A. Stev ens 1'oNt No. 4. American Legion, tbe Women's Auxiliary, Rev. J. Ed gar I'urdy. Rev. S. A. Stenseth. all who save flowers or who assisted in any other way at the burial of our III husband, son and brother. Corporal Edwin A. Foss. .MRS. JANICE MARIE F.OSS. MR. AND MRS. ANDREW KOSS AND FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS The Women's Civic League wishes to express their most hearty appre ciation for tbe generous cooperation given them In the preparation ofiU the Oregon Products dinner last ij Thursday hy P. B. Johnson, Childers & Armstrong. Riverside Florists, American Bakery. Bake-Rlte Bakery, Logan Candy Co., Potato Growers' Association, Pacific Fruit & Produce Co.. Rose Plunkett. R. N. Joyce. Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Association, Smead's Dairy. Bend j jj Dairy, the various churches, Bendji! Bulletin, printing of menus: Bend H Press, printing of tickets; and Bend teachers for serving. WOMAN'S CIVIC LEAGUE. By MRS. R. S. DART. Chairman of Committee. A Graduate of the Marinella Beauty School in Chicago will substitute Mrs. Mueller in the .' Hair Dressing Parlor for this week. She Specializes in Face Treatments Mrs. Muller's Hairdressing Parlors 140 OREGON STREET PHONE liUU-W DICK THE TAILOR 1018 WALL PHONE I4M-W N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W, N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W, N. W. N. W. T. Co. 2nd. Townsltn Co 3. 1 0 Townalto Co 3.70 Townalto Co 4.S5 Add N. W. Townslte Co 4.K5 Add N. W. Townalte Co 4.S5 N. W. T. Co. N. W. T. Co. N. W. T. Co. N. W. T. Co. 2nd. Add N. W. 2nd. Add N. W. 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.70 Townalto Co 4.70 Townalto Co :. 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co s.zo 2nd. Add N. W. TownHllo Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townalte Co 4.70 2nd. Atld N. W. Townalte Co 4.10 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.10 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.70 T. Co. 2nd. Add N. V. Townalte Co 4.70 T. Co. 2nd. Add N. W. Townalte Co 4.7 0 2nd. Add N. W. Townslte Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co 4.70 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co 4.10 2nd. Add N. W. Townalto Co 4.10 2nd. Add N. W, Townslto Co 4.10 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co 4.8B 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co 4.85 2nd. Add N. W. Townslto Co 4. 86 N. W. T. Co. 2nd. Add N. W. Townslte Co 4. 86 N. W. T. Co. 2nd. Add N. W. Townsltn Co 4.85 N. W. T. Co. 2nd. Add N. W. Townslte Co 4.85 N. W. T. Co. 2nd. Add N. W. Towntdto Co 4.85 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant tn Warrant No. ISA Issued hy tho Recorder of said City, to mo tho undersigned directed, I will on Thursday, the 20th day of October, 1921, at tho hour of three o'clock In tho afternoon of said day, In front of tho City Hall, at ths corner of Lava Koad and Minnesota avenue In said City, sell separately tho aeveral tracts of land above described for the amount of aald assessments against each, together with Interest and all costs and accruing costa. j. Dated thla 20th day of September, 1921. R. H. FOX, Chief of Pollea. 90-96-102-108C. Bend, Oregon. ' , N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. N. W. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. T. Co. N. W. T. CP. N. W. T. Co. N. W. T. Co. EACH EVENING AT THE HIPPODROME October 13-14-15 St. Francis Bazaar This will be a real old time affair on an up-to-date basis. You all like Wilson George's music. He and his gloom chasers will keep time with you. Watch for other features. I ii iniiniiniiniiniiniiaiinnniiGiini Or egon nter-State Fair PRINEVILLE, OREGON October 5-6-7-8, '21 Plenty of good race horses. Excellent free at tractions. Band concerts daily. Largest exhibit ion of livestock, produce and art ever shown at this fair. Anderson Srader 10 car Amusement Company will furnish the downtown attraction's. Four big days. Four big nights. $7500 offere:! in premiums and purses. Bring your exhibits and help share this money. R. L. SCIIEE, Manager. diiniiniiniiQiinnniiniiniiniiniiciin