TIIK IIKMI IIII.I.KTIN. DAILY KldTIOV. IlKM), OltKOOV, MOMMY. fMTOIIKIl fl, itfil. ruan 8 IIICMI Tit AIN H( III IH I.IC Orrunn Trunk Arrive. 7: IIS A. M. I.enveii 7:30 I. M. .-V. It. . Arrive, 1:1,0 I', M. I .kii Vf. 7:00 A. M LOCAL NKWS ITKMS T. II, Foley ii'IimihmI thin morning (in a trip to Kuleni. Mr. mill Mm. KiiK''ii" Aililey are vIhIHiik In ll ml from thai Oregon Ni trate inliio ut Khcep nioil li l,i In. Itiilpli l.ura mill Hubert K, Irifit-n have returned to lli'iul after ii motor trip to I'cndlelnn mitt I'ortluuil. Mm. It, II. Gould returned IIiIk morning frotii Seattle, where h Ii him been for nevcral moiiiha, for mi op (nil Inn, mill vlnltlng wlih relative '. A. Kiiowle. Tygli Itldge lniil niniher. uiiil hln three mina i,ii...'d IhroiiKlMl.-nd ihU ni'inilng on their way to (hi) luiiuiitulii for it deer hunt, Tir. J. C, Kllno of tin- bureau of miliniit Industry, purm-d IhrniiKh Mi-iiiI ycnlcrduy on III" wny to heud iiiiirtcr In Spokane after a trip Into iiorthiTii I. uko county. C. II. Iliilvrrxon, Tom l.nreiunn. I'. Ili'iinon. II. I.avery, A. I'elama. tiimt Allili-rmin. furl Cann yniu. and A. Illin were papmenger to Kll- j vi-r Lake on the tnK tlil morning Mr. ami Mra. Itiilpli Martlet! re turned yenterduy from California, where they have been for noun- time. Mr. Iliirtlett will reaume management of I lie Harden llolrl annul October 10. Thirty-five Hi-nil member of th I'rcibytcrlan church want to Ti-rm-bonne yenterduy to attend preaching nervier by Hey. II. C. Ilurtranft. Following thn ervlre a picnic dinner aerved. Ir. J. ('. Vnmli-vi-rt la bark In lli-liil from l.oa A nc It- . Iir. Vandcvert waa Intending to apend h! viirallon In the aniithcrn city, hut wu mih poenaed to appear In Thi- lialle to te.tify for the mate In the Ab- Kvar.a 'murder trial. J. M. Kngan. formerly a clerk at thn Kry Hotel In rieuiile, hu come to take the day clerk poaltlon at thr I'llnt lluttn Inn. George Thorua. who tin been employed In thla capacity for everal week, returned to I'ort I u ml yeatcrdiiy. LUMBER PRODUCTION INCREASES NOTED BY AMERICAN LUMBERMAN lluylng Iiiih In Hiifflclenlly uaed primarily by IndiiHtrliil con- tiong to u ff i-il m ti I -r In 1 y thn price mM uii t Id it with thn n-ii u 1 1 thiil whole ii Ii- hoiiI In i n plno price Ihivii lid-vui.i-imI Mi-vi-itil dolliiia a thoiiHiiuil f"i-t mill these ihIvuiicc huv been well luiiliiluliiiil, I tin Aiin-rli'iiP I.iiiii- I bi-iniiin Mate. It ihIiIm: "Telcgra-phl'- ml v Icon from thn I'uelflc coaat Klnte Hint prlcea oil tint llppnr guide" of fir liri' nit viinrlliK rapidly mnl flnt Ki n In alnck la iiIimohI uiiirii'iirubi. "A HiKlllf iciiiit development of the ni'iilii-i la thn IncrniiMii In thn ptir-rhiiHi-a of hemlock In thn North, North ( iirollnu pllm on thn Atlantic rim mi mid whltu pine from tho north ern dixit Irt. In other worila, aoft wifoda which on tho wholo have hi-i-u aimii-wliiit IiIkIht In prli-i- limn aouth in pil e, urn now In di-inund bccaimc i-oiifhi-ru plno prlrca havu ailvunccd to t-rjtiitl them, Alan atoi ka of aoutli- rn pine urn bnilly broken anil buy era ure flndlnic Rrent difficulty in KeiHnK all their reiulrniuuta fill ed, I Iiiii forcliiK them to turn their attention to other produclnif re Klntia. "I'rodiictlon la Increaalntx but th Inrrcuae ua yet bua not been auffl clent to riiuul the Increaae In thn volume of ordera. Theae orders are li I mum wholly for llnnndlulii ahlp ineni and rouipiirut Ively little iec ulHtlvn buyliiK l I"' I nit dnno. Kur-ilii-r atreaalnc tba (euerul ImproTc-tiM-iit In all dlvlalona of the lumber market la the fuel that the demand for hardwooda l materially greater and prln-a are firm thouith they have not advanced to any eitent. "Soft wooda ara uaed primarily In home bullditiic: hardwood arc cerna. T Iiiih the uiiKUK iiled pin i Iibhi-b III Nil dlvlHlona of Ilin lumber In dun! ry reflect Hut Kennrul Improve- lueiil In biiMlneaH coiidlllona throiiKh-' out the fulled Hluli-a AMKKK'AN IJANKKKS (JATIIIOK IN SOUTH I lllr l.'nllnt l-rnu lutln ll-ial llullctln.) I.OS AN(il-:i,KS, Oct. 3. Two jthoiiaiiud iiieniln-ra of thn AmerUun I j linn In-1 UHHiji-liitlnii are hern to at tend the forty-aevenlh annual con-j vi-nllon which officially open Tui-h-' day. Death In a Pillow Cj;. The featliera III 11 pllluiv from Itlia- ln aiarted o f l In- wnrat eilieuilca which baa ever liila-n itine In Slla-rla Mr. and Mra. Krwln C. Trotter have returned to the Trotter ranch In the Arnold tllntrlct to make their home. They have been at Sullen. Wah . where Mr. Trotter ( m I'loyed by the Sunaet I.uinle-r fo Mra. Trotter who wi formerly Ml Mildred Meradorf. taiiKht for en ral yenra In the Itend achonlx. AT TIIK IIOTKLS K. Hamaker. Klamath Kalla; Fred H. I-wla. Kan Kranclaco. . Iliatel r.) I., r. H-cker. The Dullea; Mra. I.. II. Yetilter. La (irni.de: N. ('. Taylor. Portland: Fred C. A. White and wife, Portland: Mr. and Mra. T. W. Karrla. Kan Krancla co: It. Nelaon and wife, Madraa; '. A. tiykeman, I.akevlew! (). .. Itahn, Portland. Wrllttil Hotel t. Itakne. The l)al lea; V. . f anl ri ll, I. a Pine; II. K. Neil. Silver Lake; J. U. Huffman. I. a Pine: ('. 11. Jeremiah. Portland; Mra f. V. KlelKleder. New York; F. J. Jnhnaon. Mlnneapolla; I). W. John ann. Mlnneapolla; K. K. Alderman. Prlnevllle; Carl Marion. Tumalo; II K fompton. KuKi-ne; F. M. Jonea. fa man; K. l.oula. Culver; Joe lirown, Portland. IhmnliiK Hotel I). V. Smith and wife. Portland; (I. A. Jnhnaon. Van couver: K. J farro. Itolvat; (leorBe K Storey. Portliiml: William G. Ki.hn. S. I. 4,- S ; K. K. Farley. Ta-cnrmi. Pilot lllitle Inn John J foil i i- . . t. . t I-.,, ,. 1 IU U 1 1111, .1 e ii , .ii'i mi ii ,, i-'i I- Portland; f. F. Shepherd. Portland; F. A. Voertinan. Portl.unl : liai ty ! r. Poillaril; J Ti in-i-l.' r. Jr. at I wife, Portland: John HcikcM. Port li lid : William fox. Seattle; (icorRe It. Van Water. Port land; W. F. Kn el. Ilrnoka-Scaiilon Lumber Co.: W. A. Itlethmlller. Portland; J A. Ite.'d. llolae; J. C. Kxllne. WaM.i Wnlla; John M. Sinclair and. wife, Portland: 11. A. Piinn. Onkliiiiil. Cnl.: Hy lleall. K.-attle; M. i. I.ewla. Seattle; II M. Jenkiti. Portliind; Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Canlner. Crane; J. I. Caveihlll. I'ottliinil; Norninn Jacot-ioii, Sl-tera; I). M. .Mcl.einnre. Klaniuth Fall: II ; Mtl HI- TIMNKS ! Tt-e Won,' I' Chic l.eaitiie wlah" i,i . -iie-. their miiKt hearlv iipure claili n for tlie iienerou cooperation ;,i-n Ih'-m !! the )ireiarat loll of !'... ii- n Priiiliii-lx il.nner lat 'I'd : l ' uv l v I'. -11 .lnin-on. fhllder At in k r r-i 1 1 1: . ItlverHlde FlorNta, Ani'-i -an ll.iki-rv, H-ike -P.:ie Itakery, ' I.nran Catiilv Co., Polmo (Itii-A-era' Winter Months and Cold Nights Coming! Thn old oil III tho crnnk raao I dirty and Rrltty. Thn nnininr urudn of oil I worn )iit, nnd too heavy for winter me. Thl dirty ami heuvy nil caunr tho motor to mart hard, put an extra Htrnln on the battery nnd KturtliiK motor, nil of which tend to cau Herlmm trnubln lntor. Oil ahould hn chiuiRed nnd crunk cao clnonml at lont every 600 mile to keep your motor at lilghnat pIDcloney. Wn clean and fliilt your crank cane, put In tho proper Krado of oil for your motor, on tho atrnot. In your own (tiiiaco or any plnco In thn city at a coat to you of 60c anil the price of oil uted. You wrill Im atirprlsnd at tho renewed vlnor of your enr nftnr wrn liavo clennnd It, nnd rnplacnd thn oil oil with tho proper Kriulo 'or winter lrlv-lnn- Call 140-W nnd we nre on tho Job. Deschutes Garage Co. Nnah Car Federal Tim LOW PRICES AT SMITH'S Oltl Dutch Ck'anscr....9c Or 3 cans for 25c White Star Flour..$1.69 Choice Cooking Apples, per box $2.33 Hooth Sardines, larpe can for 19c Smith's. Special Coffee, per lb 30c Other prices in com parison. FREE DELIVERY You save by paying cash at Smith's Cash Grocery "We Sell For Less" i!ittii::itii:t:::::::;i:i::nn::iitit::tn:::ttt:i::::t::::;::::tm:im Proper Attention Saves You Money When you feel tinder the weather you will Immediately ronmilt a pliHlclan that he DilKlit diaicnoan your raae and ward off arvern lllni-Mi. Your car need the aamn conalilerallon. When a amall Irtinliln develoMi. It ahould he taken to a reliable mechanic and have It repaired. i IF TIIK SMALL TIUII'Ri.KH AltK ATTKNDKH To. LAIUiK ONKH WILL. ' K V Kit HE- xkiah: K irAK.TFK KATIH. FACTOHY KKPAIK WOKK. Deschutes Garage Co. Nauli i'mru Frlrl Tlrm Why Allow Your Hair to Become Gray? It I unnecoiaary to allow (tray atreaka to creep Into your hair and mar your appear ance. INECTO I the latent (llcovery of science and I absolutely a permanent hair dye. In no way harmful to either the hair or acalp. Call and let u dcmmiKtrato It value to you. Mrs. Muller's Hairdressing Parlors I lt (lltCCON STItKLT I IKlNi; (ll-W iiitttiiiiii:iiiiiti:ti!ii;itiitii!imiti!!i:t:ii!iiiu!iinmiiniiiiiiiitintitaii:iiiii:i:iami!tuiaiiiiiiiuiiiiiliiiinua Coats of Marked Individuality Ko many coat In iii-Ii attractive style, color and fabric. Ktyle Include the neml titled looxn model, and alno a number of traiKht line. Some have bell, other are embroidered, buttoned or fur trimmed. Fabric arn rich and the colorliiK are varied. Tim price for thei coat lire lower much lower than the price for mer chandise of similar quality In the Immediate past. They are tho direct result! of our determined effort to bring uppurel cost down to normal. Priced at $28.75, $37.50, $39.50, $45.00 Other Coats at $13.50 to $55.00 The True Cost of a Corset Must he Judged by It's Quality fionard Hlt-h flrade f'ornetn at $5.00 that may he bad In white coutil and batiste and also In pink brocade. They ure with hlKh, medium and low bust and mime are with double Kklrt. prcventiiiK them from ever becoming out of Hhape. There are hardly two fix ure alike and no two shape of corset that are precisely the same. Numerou shape are neceary to perfectly fit the different variation of figure. You cannot make yourself fit a corset, and there'! a model In thl special group that I shaped according to your line. The model we carry are not experiment, but are make that have Kiven perfect tiatisfaction and are well known: but because of the special price we are withholding the trademarked name. Ml Hager), a graduate coraetoerre, I now In charge of our corset department, to make all fitting. Other Corset at 94c to (10.00. In Cosaard, Royal Worcester and Bon Ton makes. Cold Weather is coming to stay making this the time to buy BLANKETS and COMFORTERS We have aold more blankets this season than ever, due to the low prices and high quality, but our stock are still complete because we made big preparations and bought early. Hotels and boarding house will And it to tbeir advantage to see ns before tbey lay in their supply for winter. Cotton Blanket; white or gray; large size; good quality; pretty pink or blue border, at I-H. f2.21, 2.00 and per pair. Woolnap Blankets: grey or wblte; large size for double beds; very fine quality pink or blue borders, at tt.fMi a pair. Maid Woolnap Blankets at and 4.5 pair. Cotton Comforten; large ilze, lilkoline covered and filled with wblte sanitary cotton; beautifully scroll stitched, at 9:i.UM to 90.75. IT ALWAYS PAYS TO STOP AND SHOP AT MANNHEIMERS THE QUALITY STORE OF BEND. Association, Pacific Fruit A Produce Co.. Hoe I'lunkett. It. S. Joyce. Central Oregon Farmer' Creamery Association. Smead's Dairy. Bend Dairy, the varloua cburche. Mend Bulletin, printing of menus: Bend l'res. printing of ticket; and Bend teacher for serving. WOMAN'S CIVIC LEAfll E. By MRS. R. S. DA UT, Chairman of Committee. Adv. Itl LLKTlX HARC.AIX OCT. 1 TO 15 Take advantage of The Bulletin bargain rated. The Daily by carrier for one year, 5..VI. The Daily by mail for one year, I.(K). The Week ly by mail for one year, $1.0X1. Bulletin "Want Ads" bring re sults. Try them. All Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Recored New Kord (iuarnnteed Radiator. Stop tlioso leaky rear wheel with '. Ai M. Oil Retainer for Korif rr and truck. Lang'ieln 4 Speed Auxiliary Trans mission for Kord car anil truck. Simplex Ball Thrust Rearing for Ford car. Aluminum Repairing Auto & Radiator Shop 118 IKYING AVE. Phone 2-2H-W Re. S01-J 1 ' " I Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction- over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street Bulletin "Want Ads" bring re sults. Try them. If Every Dollar Counts If you have a ue for every dollar you earn If food, rent and, .clothing eat up a large portion of your Income If you hate tbe idea of leav ing your wife and children un provided for, even though you haven't much money to spend on life Insurance , . You w ill be Interested In our Travelers Guaranteed lw-cost Life .Contracts. They provide you with the lareest amount of good insur jnce protection for every dol lar that you can afford to pend fpr thi purpose. Ret our rates today. J. C. RHODES INSIRANCE SPECIALIST 801 Wall St. Telephone 7 "Goodbye Anxiety" FURNACES PIPE AND PIPELESS SHEET METAL AND ROOFING Win. MONTGOMERY Minnesota St, PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company BEND, OREO.ON Stwer Pipe, Im'gitioB Pipt, Wiler Pipe, Culvert Pipe, BniltCog Block Well Curbing, Concrete Silos Ii it's made of concrete, we make it Box 157 BEND, OREGON . Phone 249 ALL YEAR TELEPHONE SERVICE At all seasons of the year Pacific Long Dis tance telephone service helps to keep up the vol ume of Oregon tra'de. The invitation to "Buy Oregon Products" becomes a reality when com munication between distant parts of the state is made easy. Business transactions between buyer and seller can be arranged quickly, eco nomically and satisfactorily over our long dis tance lines. Use all your business aids. Extend your ter ritory and increase your sales by use of long dis tance service. It is the modern way efficient prompt convenient. Ask for Tacific Long Distance. Pacific States Telephone Telegraph Co.