The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 01, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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v. --
Ori'Kini Trunk
Arilvna. 7:115 A. M.
Leave 1: SO I'. M.
Ct..V. II. N.
Arrive. II: 60 l M.
Leave, 7:00 A. M.
w. J.
Ii'lui'l left luxl ulr.lil for
M I ii iiohii I u avenue, Juki acroa Hi"
hi i I (riini tm r "lil local Ichi. We
ur In iiiihIIIiiii In Ink" cum of all
1'luhF.I'H llf plUlllllllIK uixl licalliiK ill")
iiiiiitll lopalr work. Your pulronuK"
I HO. I ur.u riN'NIUAN' llltoH.
Horace ll.ookiiiita of Lower lirlilK"
Wan In IIkiiiI yerlonlay.
A. C link Iuik I ill iiini'il from hi
cliull vli.ll III I'ortllind.
W. II. Ilolllindieii.l of I. a Pine In
apeudltiK tlx' 'lay III ISciul.
Mm CiiiiiiIiik of li"iiiioinl wim In
It. -nil on liiiMini'HH ychterdny.
M. V. Hire nml family went In
Unloni ImnI Unlit, for it Vint.
Mm. i II ('milium I. ft liml nlrht
f for I'oiiliinil. whin- alie will
Mm Kuun Wiidd.'ll Ih rcrovcrliiK
from her IHner ul Hi. ('haile Iioh
illiil. A. II I u V i H of llldokl Srnliloli
('amp No. 1 waa In llend yeaterday
. on liiilni..
Mlaa Catherine Waldklrc of lliirim
waa In llend yentenlay on her way
to Portland.
II. M. Ilumlon of 1 lit- Pariflr Tele
phone at Tcli'ltruuh Co I-f t for Toil-1
lund ycalcrilay.
)r. J. ('. Vaudcverl will return'
tomorrow from l.on Amelea, where'
tin went Willi (ml lent. ,
MIm J ii in- Ar I iu 1 1 it lo Silver l.nke
uikI ('. V. HIpIkIit lo Fort llork were
llila moriilnx'a ataite iiii-iitr.
lluxli liuxuii nn il a party of duik
liutit.ti will leave lunir.lil (or Kuni-'
Incr lake, to li koii" iinlll Viilii"
.lay. ; j
f J
It N. Ilu.hw.iltir ami Hi" 1'iirrotl
brother.. 1 ii lo ko on a du.-k html
tomorrow fo ('looked i.v.-r hear
l ItlcVllle
K. W. Snyder aiol family went lo
Portland lat nliclit. when- Mr Sny-,
(r will I." employed Tiny cpc.-i
lo return In November.
Mm. May lliiKH'uil it Hi unit-ril. ,
Minn . !'-fi lnl ti 1 1: tit for ! r home'
afer vIkIIIhk In llend for 1 1 r - wi-. k
wldi Mt- Unlay Curler.
Vim Naomi lloaMtm of III" htlth
arliool faculty left on thla iiioi iiIiik'h i
Iniln for Lower HiIiIk". vlalt with
loT parent ov-r Hi" w'"k i-imI.
Ch"tcr fallow nun urii'il"d a po-,
allloti at Ih" Owl I'h.iriu.ii V. K. ii lnln
ul" itliul in wclroni" th" Cutlow fain-:
lly lurk to llo If lioin" ik. Si II' !"io
plar". tlcoi tt" K. lloovi-r ami won My: I
unit Maiirli", II l"i irln iii.d Kinil
ll"im, r" ini'io'i'-rn of a puiy wlil.-:i
m lit to Knit Km k today for Hi" ri l-
f lira! Ion.
A rouil'iltl"" of church no i.ilo'i .
of St. Fraud church ta i:ial . 1 1, k in-ruimciii'-niB
for tli" uiiniinl li i.-.iar tn
In held on Octolcr 1J. II aid 1 '
l:i III" HIpiKKl.i'lli".
Arthur C Valid, verl '. ft on Tin-t-liny
inornliiic for l.onin III". Pv nt ! ky
when' Ii" will Ink" up hS coi.d
n r of th" picd'cil coiii"'' In Hi"
tiniv.'r' of Kentucky.
Krli nda of I'r. V. It. J.i.kM.ii hn"
r.' woid of hi d.'Mli In I.ok
.ih;i'I"h on Aur.iiMt 3u. !r. Jack. ion i
foi iii. i ly on tied th" Hoi. I Altiii.iout
H.'llliiit th" iiop"ity a f -w ycaiH uko
"4 I 'l Ml Alice Spnlilll.K. th" pt- Ki lit
proprietor. j
Mr. mid Mih. N. I. Jolinniti of
It. nv. rtou rrturiii il to Ih. lr limn" '
f ml iiIkIiI a'l'T lookiuK ut land In ;
Ilia vicinity of ('iHHccnt nnd Odoll. i
Tlioy worn fuvonilily liiiprcHin'd with j
what Uicy aaw of Central Orrfton. i
K. Tiiuarlior. Jr.. anpi'rliitonili'nt of
I ha lloya & Clrla Alii aoclely of I'ort-'
tn iid will tin In town on Monday to
mii'iid Iho day nnd will apeak In Kp-1
worth hull lit 2:30. Mr. Tnuarhr-r
l nn authority of Juvenile: legisla
tion. Mr. nnd Mra. C. r. NIwonnr will
lenvo tomorrow nlttht for Portlund,,
whi'ro Mr. Nlawonirer will nttond tho
nitnuiil convention of Ihn funornl dl
i.ctorn' naaoclutlon. F. R. Hubhnrd
will hnv chnme of tho undortnklng
parlora here.
S. K. Holmn, connccled for tho pnal
two year with Iho thontra biiHlnnaa
In Ilond nd ninnaner of tho I.lhr-rty
thnntre whllo It wn owhod by O. M.
Wblttlimton, 'H1 l"ivo Mondny for
Now York to Join WhlttltiRton In the
iniinaKcniont of n thentro which he
Ih purchnaltiK thnro. ,
I'llot nml" Inn - I'. W. liiowii,
Ai.iorl": I.. M tirei'ii, I'ortlanil; J
I., lllll' IiIiihoii. Hiili in; .1. M. ItonelM.
I'orilanil; .1. I.. Milner. Kealll"; . l!"llon. I'm l luml : J. M.
Sclinill'. I'oill.'iid; Kiifeim Mc'.lll
!ln n ml wlf", I'oiiliinil; llr. nnd Mrn
Allan lli oyi.M, I'm I land ; J. I. Clap
"ili'll, I'd 1 1 In m il : F. II. t'uinlier.
Hiulile; John Klinliiill, Vancouver;
(' II .lereiiiliili. I'orilniid: .Mra. K.
I'. Hick, r'.llvor l.uke; Mm. J. It.
fiovll't, Mlver l.ulic; Itulpli ,M. Tnri,
I'orllaiiil: Hill K. Iloua. Ori'Koll City.
Hotel I oy I). K. Kllta anil wif",
I.oh AiiK"l"; Mi" ! " liiiiood
nml iIiiiikIiI'T. I.oh Aiik"I"; Mra. J.
It. lo villi, I'orilaud.
Wi Ik'iI Hotel - Cunt (llion, Fio
kane; Malt JoIiiikoii, Kpokane; I.. M
AniihtroiiK and wit", Portlund; t;,
I,. Ilraz I'owell Unite; It. Cuim-
ii. T. Fremont: A. MiIioIk, I.a I'lnn
lloxiilnu Hotel W. II. Holllna
liead, l.n fill": Wlllln Cook, I'owell
Hull"; N. A. ClirUti'iiaen, l.nk.'Vlew ;
Mra. K. K. Woodcock, ldikevl"W ;
HIiefTer and Wlillaker. O.-W. It t N.
Work on Tim liullea (,'allfoinlu lio
tweeii I'aullnu pi a 1 1 In and Dm K In in -nlli
Hum Ih prnKi'CMHiiiK rupldly lii:
Clllllllllt lo III" 1,11 I'liic. I nt i-r-.M mi 11
t .t t ii a ml w ill In. f mil, li.ul Ihla in u nlli.
j Th" Inter .Mountain miyH :
"Woit; on the lialleH-Callfonilu
hlKhwuy liaw proKrooicd very raplil-
ly Ihe paid week, the clenrliiK I'""
Ii. 'en coiiipleteil to the county lilt",
land the falliiiK crew Ih JiiHt atioiit
jlhroiiKli on tho northward Hlretcli
of the road. It la expected (hut th"
ellllri' load will he done by the flrat
of the irifin I h."
If weailier cniidltlona reiniiln ua
they hiiv" be. -n for aeverul duya, nuto
Irlpn to the iiiouiitulua and la ken will
lie In order tomorrow. No anow ban
falli'ii aa yi'l In the parta of tho Ii-h-chuteH
Nullonnl fori'Ht fr"uent"d by
touiUlH. All of the lakea are atlll
available, and prohubly will be for at
leant two more weeka. I.aat yeur
lliere wna un early anow, but It went
off and mountain tilpa could be made
up to October 22.
iTo our Frlonda nnd Ctiatomera:
Wo have moved our plumbing nml
htlnR oatnbllahment lo our tie. lo
cutlon In tho Hpholr building, lis
Made of virgin wool, tailored in a most becoming
style and made for service. (An Oregon City
Woolen Mill product.) This is a real buy. Priced
VESTS, $6.95
Ix-ather sleeves, heavy woolen bodies, four large
patch pockets, and as durable as they are attrac
tive. (Made by the Oregon City Woolen Mills.)
Striking sViades, guaranteed all wool garments,
double stitched throughout. A garment that is a
credit to the Oregon City Woolen Mills, and will
make a most profitable investment for any man.
Come in and see these Mackinaws.
Guaranteed All Wool Shirts at S3.7j
The store that save you money on every purchase
The Golden Rule Store
Prices Below 1914
Sensational Reductions on
All Sizes of
t -J i s 8 mS' w i r v
I With th. PIIILCO Slotted r.rtninCT I
' I. T"HU "COHU TIKb' UAfl k KY
lrlco of
RuickT Model I) Ix'xington
Chevrolet 490 Liberty
Cleveland Mitchell 07 ff
Columbia Oakland qJ.UU
Dort Oldsmobile
Ford Overland '
lju pmobile Scripps-Booth
Ruick Jordan
Chevrolet Kissel Kar
Raby Grand Nash
Chandler Paige
Cole Reo $32.50
Essex Velie
Grant Studebaker
Ilaynes Wdstcott
Hudson '
J?Ig.e $41.00
Franklin .
Bend Battery Station
140 Greenwood Ave. Telephone 125-J
A child health clinic. In which the'
II. I., him k 1'iililic health iMHoeliillon,
throuith the county iiiirHe M!na Julia
I. ( lin k, will be ai-aliiti-d by the '
Home Iiitiioiis' rut Ion nnei:t, MIkb Kva j
'onienya, will he held nt Ih'! office .
of Hie iiiirKe next Krlday, October'
7, from !i:::; to II o'clock. Thla la'
tliii firm of u B'-rlei of bl-.nontlily
cllnlca. A pbyalcliiii will be In chnrire.
All Hu'iii. Ih Kiven wllhiiut churl!".
Krenhincn, nlonn with the other jj
Ii IK ti Hchool vliid'-nlrt, will be punlHli-l:
i for leavini! their clanm- Tbura-ji
day by makiiiK up un hour'a time;:
each evening; for ten days after they j
return lo arhool, It wan announced ' ;
today by .Vina Harriet I'mbaiitth, ;i
princlpul. It waa at firxt announced
that freshmen would not be punish
ed. Junior hlKh atudenta alone will ;
bo exempted. j ii
Is Now Complete.
If you are contemplating a new Hat for Fall and
Winter wear, this is the most opportune time
to purchase.
Remember our second floor department
is filled with most becoming Millinery
Also a large showing of Hats for Chil
dren. Call and see them.
Record of Transfers
FaraUkH ar Tb ItachaU Abatrxl C.
Central Oregon Irrigation Co. to
Itedmond Juniper Mfx. Co., Lola 4,
5. 6. 7 and fj. Illk 22. Itedmond.
fituto of Oregon to Frank M. and
Mary K. Havia, KKU NEU 8-14-13.
State of Oregon to Frank M. and
Mary K. Havli, SW i SK 8-14-13.
Modern Problems No. 5.
How iloc a fat UNrobe In an
upper berth!
We invite every lady in Bend to call at their
leisure and see our stock. You may not be ready
to buy no but we urge you to call and see our
new stock. Our time is entirely at your disposal.
W?e have help employed just for that purpose.
You Are Always Welcome At
S. Mcintosh's
y i
ti 1
Quality means much to the cost of groceries.
ii every arucie vou ourcnae is vi ucsl
grade you avoid the possibility cf waste.
We realize this fact and make every effort
to oiler only the best brands of canned goods
snd choicest selections of fresh fruits and vege
tables for sale.
We sell for cash, therefore you can buy the
better grades of groceries from us at a most
reasonable cost.
Our large turn-overs always assures you
fresh groceries.
You can save money and receive satisfaction
from the
Union Grocery Co.
T it pleasing to the eye to see how your
IS daily bread is made? All our prod
ucts are made within sight of the public
and we invite your inspection. Baked by
eleclricily under the most sanitary conditions
you are assured of pure goods.
Bakc-Rile Sanitary Bakery.
for Pure Bakcd Goods