The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 01, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    - PAGE 4
thk bkxd nru.KTix. daily kditiox. iucxn, nneonx, hatuimmy, mtoiikk i. ioji
The Bend Bulletin
ntlhfclt aTvair Alltnim Eacapt Saa4a7
Ta UmJ Bulletin lncriarat4l
Intmd a Second Oaaa matter January
a 1917, at Ut Poat Ofllca at IJaod, Oracon.
Aet Of Marcn a, ta.s.
BOKCRT W. BAWYKR B,lltor-Manwrr
, B. S1I1TH A1vffrtuiB UKniKtr
Am Independent Neriaier( atantlinit for
ata square deal. Clean tuiiieM. clean politiee
jad ih beat intereau vl llend and Central
He Mail
One Tear Vx
111 M nth.
T area Moniha t'-S"
Ilr Carrier
Ore Tear
til Month! MnO
0a Month
All aubaerrptiona are due and PAYAHl.t
IN ADVANCK. Nclieea of expiration are
aaallad lubaeribero and if rnval ia not
aiail within reaaonabla time Ilia laper wdl
bo diaeontinued.
Pleaae notifr ua promptly of any ennnee
af feidraaa, or of failure to receive the paler
retrolarly. Utberwiae are will not be re
poaaibla for copiea mtaaed.
Make ail cnecka and orden payable to
Tae bend Bulletin.
SATURDAY. 0CT0BEK 1. 1921.
I will both lay me down in
peace, and sleep: for llum.
Lord, only makesl me dwell In
safety. I'salm 4:S.
In commenting on its change re
cently from an eight column back
to a six column size the Times- Her
ald, of Burns,' made a statement of
Its editorial purpose and effort that
any country paper should be proud
to say was its own. We are glad to
reprint it here as descriptive in a
.'.trge measure of what The Bulletin
Is also trying to do and be in this
The Times-Herald says:
"The Times-Herald desires to be
representative of the community it
serves and is willing to assume obli
gations that it can ill afford under
present financial conditions, in order
to give its patrons the best possible
service. It hopes its efforts are ap
preciated. It doesn't pretend to suit
'everybody in its policies, but it wants
to do its part toward the advance
ment of Harney county where it has
had an uninterrupted existence (the
last word is used advisedly for at
toast portion of the life of this pub
lication has been merely "existence")
for almost 34 years. The present
management has been connected with
the paper since December 18S9 and
feels that Harney county is a place
where the best that can be given is
worthy. The paper is not mortgager,
nor is the management, therefore is
sot handicapped in any way to serve
the people of Harney county In any
manner that will bring about ad
Tancement. The paper fills a place in
the business affairs of this county!
that commands its position without j
asking alms. It solicits the patronage
of the people purely upon a business
basis. It knows no friendships in a !
business way. Its advertising rates
are printed on cards and are avail-!
able to any one interested. To be
sure it gives away any amount of,
space to churches, charitable insti-j
tutions and for the general benefit ;
of the public, but it feels this a duty,
to Borne extent. It doesn't receive a
very active support from some of the
largest business concerns in Hums
but it has not fallen out with these
concerns over the matter. It does
point out to these concerns, however,
that it is doing them a service re
gardless of their lack of apprecia
tion. It knows and so does every
other public spirited unit of the town
and community, kr.o'v. that it de?r
ves this support and rhould receive
it. Personal differences do not influ
ence tte policy of this paper toward
its efforts to build up the country
tlie schools, churches, bettor roads,
better homes, better public utility
service, or v-hat not. It does what it
considers is right. It docs not pick
personal quarrels or attack Individ
uals where it might; if it could ac
complish results of any consequence;
from such an attitude it would not
hesitate to do so but merely to stir
up bad feelltig for the mere satis
faction of getting even Is foolish."
My Busy Day
My motor purrs and quickens, tho tank with
gas is filled; the road is strewn with chickens and
eats that I have killed; still faster, faster going!
And cattle that were lowing, ami roosters that
were crowing, are now forever stilled. 1 have no
earthly reason for hitting such a clip; I have the
whole blamed season in which to make the trip;
but my old boat's a dinger, a dust and gravel slinger
and so I do not linger just watch the old girl ski)!
But, say, what ails my vision? 1 seem to be in bed!
"You had a bad collision," just now the doctor said;
"at high speed you were racing, all motordom dis
gracing, and now you see me placing this poultice,
on your head. Your car, that was a daisy, is
wrecked beyond repair; the coroner is crazy, so
many dead are there; when two fools get to driving,
to break speed records striving, it's strange that
one's surviving, as you are, I declare. The sad
truth must be spoken, though it may seem a frost;
your collarbone is broken, and both your ears are
lost; with blood your dome is crusted, your dia
phragm is busted, your works must be adjusted,
and that at frightful cost." And from my couch
of sickness I watch the autos pass, and mark their
pep and quickness when drivers give them gas; I
may not drive such sprinters for many, many win
ters, for I am all in splinters, oh, waly and alas!
on the program for Saturday and
Sunday. -
Members of the Bend Trapshoot
ing club plan to send a team to take
vided 60-40 between the teams tuk
Ing first and second places. Some
of the men who made so got, a
showing in the meet at Astoria in
part in the competition Friday. The ! May are expected to represent Hend
afternoon gate receipts are to be dl-' Friday.
Wo offer ,our congratulations to
Miss Umbaugh for the Just and firm
action she hs taken in disciplining
the striking! high school students,
and to the school board for their
wisdom in putting on the Job one
who Is as competent as Miss Urn
baugb has aljown herself to be.
; H
Auto Races And Trap Shoot May lie
Participated In By Kend Men
Trap Team To Compete.
Good House Furnishings
Seventy -Jive per cent of which
is " Made-in-Oregon"
The Bend Furniture Co. prides itself in of
fering the best the market affords in House Fur
nishings. To fully appreciate the real value of the fur
niture comprising our stock it is necessary to
familiarise yourself with its superior construc
tion. Every piece of furniture in our stock is built
for service as well as appearance. The materials
are of the best grade and the construction is
strong and durable.
Our stock is sufficiently complete, so that re
gardless of what you many want, in most everv
instance, we will be able to show you a complete
line from which to make your choice.
The Bend Furniture Co.
11) Kilunr A. linear
(IVdli'itted to my friends, thu r.ew-K-
i i int'ii.)
Hit of pili'st anil bit (if Kiillir.
lilt of doclor ami lilt of tailor,
Hit of luwynr itiul hit of tletivtlvo.
lilt of Judge, fur his work U cor
rect Ivo:
CheorliiK tin' living ii ml muii'ilim
tlu ihhiK.
j KiskiiiK all IIiIiikh. even tl.iro-ilevi!
I flying.
; True to ItU paper ami true to his
I clan
:Just look hint over, the new .pn per
! mini.
Sleep! There are times that he ll do
whit it little.
Work till Ills nerve and his temper
lire brittle; -Fire
cannot daunt It t tn . nor Ioiik !
hours illxtiii'h him, ;
(iold cannot buy him unit threats'
cannot ritrli him: I
Highbrow or lowbrow, your own
speech he'll huliil you.
Talk us you will to him. he'll tin-.
ilerstanil you;
He'll go wherever another mull
That is the way of the iiew aper
Surgeon. If urgent the need 1...
you'll 11 ml him,
Ready to help, nor will dizziness
blind him. i
He'll give the other and never once
Say the lust rites like a priest at the'
altar: I
Gentle and kind with the weak and 1
the weary. j
Which Is proved now and then when
his keen eye grows teary.
Facing all things in life's curious
Thut Is the- wuy of the newspaper
One night a week may ho rest from '
his lubor.
One night at homo to be father anil
Just a few hours for hl own bit
of leisure,
All the rest's gating nt other men's
All llin rest's tolling, and yet lie re
JolceH, All Hie world Is, anil Hint men do,
lie voices-
Who knows it culling more gloiioim
thu n
The ilnv-liy-iliiv work of the news-
. paper mailf ...
(Copyright, '21, by Kilgur A. (I neat)
Jud Tunklns.
af il I 1'ti it I; Iiih a.v ao long mm liiilld
Intf In so expensive In wInIicn cm)..
penter wouldn't llirow ao ninny null
nroiinil to he euiTlcil on III his unto
innMIe llrea.
Pit II lit The lliilleiln.
See BARR for REAL EYE SERVICE ncvr rtcotnmc n Jc J tmU-a liny ar nrccMsry.
T ry Our Nw I 'oollc Viai'on I.cnara for Clear Vitinn
Near anj I'ar. I wo Viaioni in On. InviaiUe Sa-am
II. W. BARR, Optometrist-Optician
Off Now
Ot Minn 111 V
.' .r j " - ; ;
Winter Months and Cold
Nights Coming!
The old oil In the crank
rase Is dirty and gritty. Tlfe
mmnier gruile of oil Is wont
)tit, and too heavy for winter
ise. This dirty ami heavy nil the motor to start huril.
puts an extra Mtrnlt on the
battery and starting motor, all
of which tend to cutrie scrioiiH
trouble luter.
Oil should he changed uml
crank case cleuued ut lM.t
every 500 miles to keep your
motor at highest efficiency.
V.'e clean and flush your
crank case, put in the proper
grade of oil for your motor, on
the areet, Itr your own g;ira:-e.
or any place In the cllv i.t u
cost to you of f.tiii uml the
price of oil uh.mI.
You wll! he surprised nt t'ie
renewed vigor tit your c:t
lifler we have cle:irieil I. it:t-
replaced til4, () fc-;;;, 1 1 . a
proper grade for winter driv
ing. (a!l HO W and we are on
the Job.
Deschutes Garage Co.
Nash 'mih
The refined Chevrolet "Four-Ninety," pos
sessing features of unquestioned merit, repre
sents real economy with efliciency.
The new Chevrolet is efficient. The power
ful Valve-in-head motor, the new and improved
rear axle, the added hand brake lever, and
other refinements are all signs of excellent
The "Four-Ninety" Model, either touring
car, roadster, coujh; or sedan will serve eco
nomically, efficiently, and well. .
See these models today, and he convinced
of the superior merits of the Chevrolet.
for Economical Transportation
in Bend
Chevrolet "FB" Models
Touring Cur or Hoatlstt r' $ 17.1
Coupe or Sedan 1373
fW. F. O. B. Flmt. Man.
The Bend Garage
Two events of the Lake County
fair at Palslef next week are of In
terest to fiend people the automo
bile race and the trap shoot. The
fair grounds there boasts the only
good automobile race track In Cen
tral Oregon, a' hard alkali lake bed.
Ford racei and tree for all races are
Hfte Central Oregon Kanft
f. K. HUNTER. President
CAni.KTOV li. SWIFT. Vice 1're.Ment
E. I". MAHAFFKr, ice I'res. and Manager
H. M. HTKI'HKN-.S. Cashier
Thrift in your youth assures
comfort in your old age.
It is so easy to save once you get a start,
so say all the depositors in our thrift depart
ment. And the satisfaction that comes from
knowing you have something laid by for the
future carries with it a feeling of security
well worth experiencing.
Our help in getting you started will be
gladly given at your convenience.
If you start to save now, words will not
be able to express your gratitude for the act,
in years to come.
ltc cntvrtl (Oregon Sanij
Vice President
Carload New Fords Arrived!
n( w llli-tiinillni; nil mnkfw of Cars lime ahoun n falling otT during W, hr
l ord ( iir production luix Nlmdilr uilvnnifil noil In .tigu-t the numlior of mm
ina'lo mid turned out amounted to
One Hundred and Nine Thousand
One Hundred and Seventy Two
w-'tlng a new high reroril of automoliilf production for the world.
The Ford fiir la nnlveranlly rivognl.rtl un a UTILITY f'AK anil an InvoHtment
that pays lilg (llvlilrnils.
The Kuril far "tnkr the guff" anil ronu-s limit lolling. AIiiim nml nlli-geil
funny storlin simply serve to prove Its worth as a llnio nml lulior am log pl.-n. of
niniliinory. Hint would effect tin- liuslness of the ml Ire world If no lunger availiihlit.
All I'ords now romo from Hie factory equipped !li STAHTKK, DEMOUNT
AllI.K IIIMS, sumo hIzc tires all around, and larger driving wheel.
TOURING CAR -...$596.78
RUNABOUT $561.92
SEDAN $817.09
COUPE $749.41
TRUCK ....$580.59 -
t'llrcs are K. O. II. Donil for Immediate delivery. Hlnro new reduction wo
ntnilo Hopt. 2nd, KOI HTKKN CAHS were sold In Hepleniher hy the
Central Oregon Motor Co.
Ford Sales J L. VAN HUFFEL Iknd
hiiJ Service A. G. CLARK Ore.
:-" .,4 m.