The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, September 30, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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11KXI) TltAIN H lli:il l.K
Ori'Kim Trunk
Arrlvns. 7:115 A. M.
I.fitvi 7::i() I', M.
O.-VV. It. N.
Arrives, f,0 J', M
Leaves. 7:00 A. M.
Ilium Miiki'Unn of I !. butca v.iih
In lli'iiil yi'Hli'iiltiy.
V. (', IIiiIIIiibIii'iuI nf I.ii I'inn huh
III I (- I ycalcrdiiy.
Mlllurd T. Triplet! nf KIhIit k ii I
' ycatcrdiiy In i li rliy.
I. xc A. I'll oiii it m rid iinii'il ymtri iy
from u trip l Tim I )n Mh.
Muyiir flllaun returned tlila rnorii
IhK from a trip to I'oi t In ml .
A. Iloyil of l.iikn wiia In lli'iiil yea
li'nluy on hl wuy to I'm I hind.
Hurry Monro" of (iutxwuy la via
llliiK In llcnd for several dnys.
II Hi Noll M, irk i-1 returned this
morning from the. count, where ahe
hua been otl her vaculloll
II. I.. I ' I II III tl. alipcrvlaur of the
lleachutca National fareat, ret urncd
tlila morning from trip to Tort
lull it.
K. A. Zcvcly. whn haa been rellcv
InK W. J. Mahoney. ticket agent fur
tin. H. I. fc H. left laat night fur
K.d Kaaley. until recently o real
dent tif llcnd. arrived In the city
tlila innrnhiK on hla way from Con
don to lliirna.
I.. H I .oku n of I'lirtlunil, who hua
been vlallliiK Ma aim, K. (). I.oguli,
here for several days, loft lust night
for Itrdnioud.
Klrhard Harden of Ilend la Includ
ed In tho Hal of Alpha Sigma i'hl
pledgea at the (IrrKon Agricultural i
college for thla rear.
Mr. I. ulii Klin, who hua been via- j
ItltiK at tliK homK of K. J. Snyder
at Hlalcra. loft luat night for her :
home In Nuinpa. Idaho. I
John T 1'Baijiilll and J. A. Weacn. j
wltneasca yeaterdny In tho hour I hit of
A. K. Andoraon on a charge of lar- i
rony. roturnod laat night to Port- i
land !
II J. Tiiwor of tho J C. I'oiiiioy
atoro lift luat night for I'ortlutid. on
a buying trip ami In uttond tho con-:
ventlon of J t'. I'l-iimy attire iniiti
ugcra. Among tho Hat of Alptw f'hl Om
ega plodKoa at tho alalo university
thla your la tho iiamo of Muigcry
Itulrd. a graduate of tho I! nil high
school of laat your. '
Huffy Knurr, woll known horo. will
hoi 'lloiiichhoUBo" lturna at I'rlne
vlllo (Ictohi r H Freeman l.ulihoa will
alao appear In tho amoki r. held dur
In it tho Crook County fair. j
J. V. liniy. chulrmiin of tho S!nv
1 1 ii llnon rump entertainment com
m It !-. nitiioiinioa a dancing party In
hn given at rnmp 2 Saturday eve
ning A urn. -nil Invitutlon to the
pllhllc la extended.
Tho telephone glrl' dunce luM
Ii IK 'it ul tho Amorii-uii I.ikioii build
1 1 1 K nottoil their organisation $1"
A large crowd enjoyed tho dunclng
to tlio nniHic of WiUon liooi it"' or
chestra, which played for tin- flint
tlmo hIjii-o ItM rooiKiiiii.'t'on.
A meeting of tho Hi.;, ul NenM.'ioi
will ho hold tomorrow itfiornoon at
2:31) o'clock In tho Mnnw hall, tor
tho purpi of disclosing tho pur-
i-Iiuiio of rolioa for tho ti-um and oilwr
Iniittora of Impoi tutico. KoIIowIiik tho
mootluK, n prucilco of tho dl,Kt','
t on in will lin hold.
i o a p errr?
-T its
Notice this delicioua
flavor when you
f moke Luc Icy Strike
it's sealed in by
die toasting prooea
homk dp:monstkatok
to visit saturday
Tho himin donionatratlon aicont
will ho at tho city rout room on
Kuturduy to enroll morn momliora
for thn inllllnory and drraamuklnx
cluaana lo Im conducted hy Mlaa
ComoKya and Mlaa Cooley, tho new
clothliiK apoclnllHt III the Kitonnlon
Millinery cIuhhoh will hn held on
(Irloher 17 mid IK; ilioaaiiiuklnK
clannen on (icioln-r 20 and 22. Thorn
will ho no churKo for llm lual ruc
tion. ClaiiH'-n will moot In Kpworlli
Auction anil. Monduy, tictoher .
Will nell all in hi Impleiui-nta, atock
mid liniiKcholil Kooda at my rani h In
I'owell Hullo, thren mlloa aouth of
hi n t In tl or two iiilloa aouth of Kruuk
Mct'iiffory much. Klvu kooiI cowa,
teuui of miiloa, now oniiinel rafiKU,
now phoiioKi'nph : all fiirnliurn Ilka
new. Kiee lunch ul noon, I'.oy ('.
Hliuw, owner. S!'P
II..W !..,... II Vun U'ulan Will
hold Horvlcoa Hunduy. (ntolier 2, In
Hu'liera hull, mornliiK and ovenlnir.
At It a. in.. mornliiK prayer and
addror.a. At 7:30 p. ill., evnnlnit
prayer und ledum. 89-1 00c
Fliinhllnhta. battnrlna and lampa
at Ilui hwalter'a ilttc
W'llaon (ieorun Orchnatra playa Ita
flrat dunce of the aoaaon. Thuraday
nlkht. Kept. 29, at the Oytn. 9-9c
Benlod lilda will be received until
the hour of 2 o'clock H. M. on the
lat duv of Orti.l.or. 1921. and Im-
Kchnol aupplloa. n will aavn you
money. Iltichwulter'a. 7 life
That the hat store of
the 10th century
didn't offer n ninn the
wide choice of atylra he now
hat if witneaaed by tho pic
ture of this 1505 hat shop.
Today there' a Gordon
style for every type of mankind.
for Saturday Special
Try some of our choice Veal for dinner to
day. You will find it one of the most palatable of
meats and, by buying it here, it will be fresh and
It is one of our many delightful Meat offer
ings, which received daily and kept under the
most sanitary conditions, has made ours a much
patronized shop.
Compare These Prices Why Pay More?
Veal, the finest the market affords 122c to 30c
lieef 10c to 23c
Pork 20c to 30c
Lamb 12'2C to 25c
I'ologna and Wienies 21c
We sell for less because we sell for cash
Phone 135-W and we will deliver promptly
The Farm Products Distributing Co.
Shoes that ar eji pleasure to
look at and to wear at $6-50
Wo Iiih) look Kt ahiM-v four ) when huy llii-m. S do you. Thex
How will they look? How will ihoy fool? llo will they wenr? U hut lo
they coal?
ttf coiii.e, Mioea iiiu-t look rlKlit or )ou wouldn't want thom at all. Soil
they limit he ciimfortalile on your feet, or you could never enjoy them. Ther.
two fliliiK you can decide when you huy them.
The ol hem you ninat ileponil upon ua to io lile.
We know whether they will wear well or not. Vt know that they will, fir
they wouldn't he here Ht all.
Thla cpoiliit for tomorrow at l.r,0 la a brown lalfakln with low flu I
heela. In conlovan or nut hruwn.
It'a IiIkIi time t hi- huyliiK full ahoea, and thla la the aafe atorr for ahon
New Heather Wool Hose, 98c to $2.25
See Our Other Special Good Shoes
Growing Girls' black or brown calf Oxford,
punched saddle strap, at $4.75 and $4.95
Black or brown kid one strap Pumps with
Cuban heel, at $5.50
Black Surpass Kid Oxfords, remarkable
values at $5.50, $5.95 and $6.50
Men's heavy brown calf English Shoes;
plain or brogue styles, at $7.50
Slen's gunmetal freak last Shoes, priced
at $4.50 and $4.95
Men's brown calf English Shoes at $5.50
Co-Operative De Luxe Shoes for Men, now
priced $9.00, $9.50, $10.00, $10.50, $12.50
The Shoe of Super-Satisfaction.
mediately thereafter publicly opened
by the County Court of Deschutes
County, Oregon, for the purchsae of
bonds of said County iaaued for the
bulldlnR of permanent roads therein
In the aum of fifty thousand dollars
(150,000 1, same being In denomina
tions of 11.000 each, numbered 126
to 175 Inclusive, dated August 1,
1921, maturing as follows, to-wlt:
1 5.000 for eleven years from date
of Issue;
15.000 for twelve years from date
of Issue;
15,000 for thirteen years from
date of Issue;
$5,000 for fourteen years from
date of ltlo:
(5.000 for fifteen years from date
of Issue;
$5,000 for sixteen years from date
of inaue;
J5.000 for seventeen years from
date of Issue;
15,000 for eighteen years from
date of Issue;
$5,000 for nlneloon years from
date of Issue;
$5,000 for twenty years from date
of Issue;
said bonds to bear interest at the
rate of six per cent 67 per an
num, payable semi-annually on tbe
1st days of May and November.
principal and Interest payable in !
t'nited States gold coin of tke pres
ent standard of value at tbe office of
the Fiscal Agency of the State of
Oregon in New York.
Said bids must be unconditional
and accompanied by a certified check
tor $1,000.00, and the successful j
bidder must be prepared to take de-I
livery within ten days from date!
of sale.
The approving legal opinion of:
Messrs. Teal. Minor & Winfree of j
Portland. Oregon, will be furnished
the successful bidder.
The Court reserves the rit;ht to j
reject any or all bids.
Clerk. Deschutes County, Oregon. .
S1-K7.3.9c I
Saturday Special
per dozen 1
Orrgoa Street - Newport Aveaue
Inter-Siaie Fair
October 5-6-7-8, '21
Plenty of good race horses. Excellent free at
tractions. Band concerts daily. Largest exhibit
ion of livestock, produce and art ever shown at
this fair. Anderson Srader 10 car Amusement
Company will furnish the downtown attractions.
Four big days. Four big nights. $7500 offered in
premiums and purses. Bring your exhibits and
help share this money.
R. L. SCIIEE, Manager.
Look In The Bend Store
Windows This Week
Oregon commodities compete with the best in the markets.
Buy Oregon Products on MERIT.
If when buying, you form the habit of saying, "Give me an
Oregon brand," it means more Oregon pay roll dollars cir
culating. There would be more men on the pay rolls of Oregon in
dustries if manufacturers could sell more goods.
Oregon manufacturers ask for a fifty-fifty consideration
price, quality and service being equal. Is that fair enough?
YOU CAN do your bit for business and help promote em
ployment in this readjustment period by uniting in the demand
for Oregon made goods. Thousands of Oregon Homekeepers
are helping the Home Industry Idea.
i:::::tt:t:::u: :s:::::Kttt:m:::a:::ni!tHK:
Associated Industries of Oregon
Joining with Dealer in
Oregon Products Campaign
Headquarters 702 Oregon Building
I). C. FREEMAN, Malinger, Portland, Oregon