THK llKXO IUM.KT1V. DAILY KDITION, HKXI, OIIMJOV. MATI'HDAV, UNIT. 114, 1021. The Bend Bulletin RipplingRhurnos DAILY EDITION laM1afca4 try AfltniMi Kierat ftnna'ar, Bf Tke Un4 RilMU lnc.roaral4 r.ter.4 M ocond Clmm matter Jnnuar I, 1M, at t Po.t Offlr. at Jfend. Onion, . a a a T- "Wl ' l. t Act or Narcn 1ST.. PACK 4 Eft OBI SLXNRY N. FUWLKR Auoci.t. Alitor 0. H. BMITH Advarluim Minim AJi Indapandanl Nawapapar, atandine: for M Ham drel, clean buatntM, clean polltlca lid the baat Interval, ol Hnd and (WntnU 8U11SIKIPTK1S RATK3 Br Mail Dm Year Sf.oo ll Month! H.-l Xkrae Monlha I ' 1IT Carrier Om Ynax IS 50 Its Month. IVSO Om Month o.o Ail aubacrii.tion. art du and FAY AIM. K IN ADVANCE. Notice, of expiration are waflad .utwcriber. and if renewal ia not ade within reaMinable time the lapr will a dteeontinued. Plaaaa notify na prorartly of any than f- addraaa, or of failura to receive the eavr racvlarlr. Otherwia. w. will not b re sponsible for copiea tntaaed. Make all check, and order, pajeble to Tfc Band Bulletin. SATURDAY. SEPTEM HKIl 24. 1921 "We know nowadays that even a universal education applies only the basis for a healthy republican state. Next to education there must come abundant, prompt, and truthful Information of what is going on In the state, and frank and free discussion of the issues of the times." H. 0. Wells. "The Out line of History." PRAISING THE PLAYERS How, we wonder, do the people of Bend, and especially the members of the athletic club, regard the ef forts of the Uramatio division of the club In putting on a play such as was shown the last two nights? Judg ing by the sixe of the audience one may conclude that the public is not much interested. The members of the club, at least, ought to be. Here are a few men and women sufficiently interested in the prog ress and success of the club to give a lot of their) time and energy in preparing themselves for the produc tion of a play. There are none of them so vain of their ability that they seek such opportunities to "show off." They are, simply willing In this way-to Join in broadening the work of the club as a community enter prise and to Kir. the community a taste of something that it would not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy. They deserve thanks and en couragement. As a friend said . this morning. "There is no difference between the players on one side of the foot lights and the audience on the other. They are both there to help the athletic club, one set by paying admission and the other by giving the show. The ones who give the show, though, are really giving more and the work ; should be recognized." j With this we heartily agree. And especially when the work is of such a worth while character as that shown last night and on Thursday. COACH REMOVED, I DEWEY ACCEPTS OFFER BY WIRE Ja-'--jajk" Useless Knowledge A Villi many vain and useless things my memory is stored; I know the histories of kings, and of the lands they bored; I know of happenings on earth long centuries ago; if any fact has little worth, that fact I'm sure to know. Iiut when my motor ear breaks down, and will no longer choo, and I am forty miles from town. I don't know what to do. I lift the hood and view the works, and raise my loud lament, and all I know of ancient Turks won't help me worth a cent. Ami I am versed in all the lore that pleased the ancient Greeks, but that can't make my head less sore the carburetor leaks. And I can stand on end and quote the poets by the hour, but I can't figure why my boat is shorn of all its power. My neighbor, Johnson, never reads, no poets does he know; but when he plants his garden seeds the blamed things always grow. And he has luscious prunes and kraut, and squash and sparrow-grass; and all that I can raise is gout, which isn't garden sass. This Johnson's chickens always lay, their out put keeps him strong, while my old hens eat corn and hay, and give their lives to'song. I know a mil lion useless facts concerning long dead kings, and I have read a million tracts discussing hot air things; but these things do not help, odsfish, when I am in a mess, and there are moments when I wish I knew a whole lot less. LjSMf Not Have to More to Make HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU MOVED? 0 leniency should be used. Teachers will be paid once a month instead of twice monthly as heretofore. A. R. MEETING FOR 55TH TIME (Continued from Page 1.) did not wish to come to the same city two years In succession. Tomorrow will be devoted chletly to reunions. On Monday credentials will be presented and Governor Mc Cray will receive the visitors In the atate house Monday night. The first business session will be held Tuesday. With shoulders thrown back in defiance of age, the veterans will march to martial airs in their an nual encampment parade Wednes day. This and the campfire on that night will mark the climax of the encampment. More Than Ever Then. Itoware of the man who knows u all, esiM-iially If It hapetis to be jour self. Itoston Transcript. (Continued from Page 1.) eration on the part of the superin tendent. Traclierw' Pay Monthly The report of George P. Gove as chairman of the building and grounds committee featured a recommenda-i Hon from Fire Chief Tom Carlon I advising new hose at the Reid school, j Mr. Gove stated that he would make ! an Immediate Inspection. " Teachers who were forced to be absent from their classrooms for a day when their car broke down while on the Crater lake trip will receive ray for the day. the board decided. Under a strict Interpretation of the rules, they would be docked, but the directors considered that in this case Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hansen 120 Minnesota Street Make TLhc rcflon Your Hotel WHEN IN PORTLAND Popular Spacious Lottjr At the Center of Everything BROADWAY .t St.rk St. We lUjignt jrou write, phone or w iie (or rt-Krvaltofu. ARTHUR H. MEYERS. Manaj-r After Oct. 1st The Wilson George Orchestra Will again be open (or i Ioce Entfatfementa, . Pton. 10-W a ' ' 1 TLhc Central Oregon Eanft I). K. Hl'NTKR, Prexlil. nt CAM.KTO.V It. KWJKT. Vice President E. I. M.WI.AH-KV. Vlre Pres. and Manager II. M. KTKI'HKN'S, ashl. r BEND, OREGON Thrift in your youth assures comfort in your old age. It is so easy to save once you get a start, so say all the depositors in our thrift depart' ment. And the satisfaction that comes from knowing you have something laid by for the future carries with it a feeling of security well worth experiencing. Our help in getting you started will be gladly given at your convenience. If you start to save now, words will not be able to express your gratitude for the act, in years to come. He Central (Drcou gmtJ; D. E. HUNTER, President K. P. MIHAITKY, f " Vic Prcnlili nt HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU MOVED? How Many Houses Have You Bought for the Other Fellow ? We C'hu Sell You a Re;il Home m Terms Like Unit Bend Investment Company REAL ESTATE (The House of Service) INSURANCE Ivory Handlas. When the Ivory tinniHc (,f yntir knlvea I-.,, me nH,(lr, fo oxrT ,(., lire In a ulille with wet baking a.xln and dry qulikly ulth s clean, soft cl.irh. Never rut Ivory Id water ; It will turn It dark. Cleaning Martola. To cIimiii nuirliU- mix with wntiT Bv mrt of sihIh. two mi. I a half piirta of pouilorixl i-linlk mill two mxl a hulf mrta of mtniri Moti (jhiw. Ii-nil): kprvml on tin- innrMv nn! nh off with simp mnl wuti-r. Th roiisltvm-y of the mixture when n-illi-i ohoiiM be that of a thin pane. A Fortunat Psepls. An Di.clUli Hc-h-ntlNt hut illat'overnt erlilinres ulil.h t-al hi in to helli've the Itoiiuiiia liurneil rod I. The evl lelire. while lllteretltl(, l lniiniele. So fni It has nut I n aliown Hint tlie Ionian, ha.l any strike imil.leiin. Kaiinjis Clly Star. Knsw Sourct of Picture; Guy was out rallliiK with IiIn ninth , when h taw a plrture of aiik'Hs nn a wall In n home where they were railing. CulCni: hi. n,oih..r'. nn..n. tloti to thin il.-ture, he snlil : 'ilollier, aoniehoily innt have tuken a kudak to henten with them." Chinook Lanouago. The 'I. In. ii. k liuitHMf,. I. a Jargon it In.llnn. Kri'in-h. KntlLh ami other word., mimed after the Chinook In. illiin. of the I'oliinililn river In the mt of Wii.hinetoa and In Hrltl.ii foluml.ln. It wn. nine luiirti uei hy tinder. mihI Indliina In that regl tint l now iieiuiy nliniioiiei dill's "pie. lloniii-y of ilihiuok Jnrjon- ntt jiiil,. Ilahvl In I'orilnnil. dre., In 1M, .n. Hon.- fhlu,.k Text." in the Hinlih. w,nlnn report of the Imrniu of rthn.ii. By at U n.hlnion In mh. Tut H la The llullelln. Just Like Mother Used to Make Baked Goods of Variety and Quality There is no necessity of beiiiff without the most delicious instries obtainable. Baked Fresh Every Day you are in need of Dainties (or your dinner. her of our tores and you w fine varied variety of I 'artriea from which to select. AlSeitiWer "r? frv jhml m :vse.a.' ' a rj -,'?l-.x?:rt:'',.A:. ii jr. v!vr,i i tt52 AMERICAN BAKERY Two Stores Newport and Oregon