THE BEND BULLETIN TilK WIvATIIICU lleniirully fair lonlalit and tomorrow DAILY EDITION Vlil,, v. IIK.MI, HIXI'IIITKS nil .M V, OllF..OX, HA 11 KII.U 'A r"l K.ltNOOX, KF.I'I KM SI. IrtJI. No. 01 COACH REMOVED, DEWEY ACCEPTS OFFER BY WIRE SQUAD THREATENS TO TURN IN SUITS ATTENDANCE IS GOOD . Hi liiml Hoard Heart F.nioiirnKliiR He lmet At Itcguliir Mfi'lliiK Itiiui bet a Wuitt hllclri'ii To Attend llriiil (lly School. George (Ailrnlnil) Dowry' wire urce ptimi'it of tho ponltlon offered lilm an athletic roach und science In structor l III" Hind It Ik It school, to gethur with Ihit dlsinlHnal of Frank 1. horkwcll, engaged nt the begin ning if (ho present term fur work were the point about whlrh Inter t centered In the regular arhnol board meeting whlrh sturted Friday evening, und which, In adjourned rlon rotttlnued for (wo hour to il. iy. Di'wuy will reach llcud Monday morning. The decision to remove Itorkwell came the result of rhurgca of incompetency In football com hltig. aud followed rc.f ual by the Instructor to resign. While tneni- t-r of the football squad and the high school atudcnl body which ap peared at lul n Ik lit 'a mIoii through' a dclvgallon headed by Dee Mcllob-j trlt. have expressed thetnaelve as definitely opposed to Dewey, favor lux Charles W. Krklne for the coach ing poaltlon, the arhool board be llevea that they will quickly recog nise the opportunity offered to train under a man of Dewoy' ability. htudrtiU Ak F.rkln j Mrltobcrta In apeaklng bcforo the board atated that the aludenta pre ferred Ktnkltie, and desired that Itot'kwell bo retained aa science lo ut r tutor. Ho suld that with the O. A. '. atar aa a roach, the squad mem linr would turn In their ault. Rock well's refusal to re-lgu baaed, lie told the director todny, on hla utiw llllngiies to art contrary to the wlahc of the ludnU who were sup porting him. Aa far hi own per omil liirlinntlona were concerned, he said, he would have been willing to li p nut aa the board had asked. Superintendent Moore' monthly report showed II IT aa the total en rollment for the flral four day of September, declared the grade facul ty to have been atrengthvnrd by re placement made and the hitch achnol fiirulty to he equal In strength to that of Inst year. Ill heulth report allowed no communicable dlscaaoa found In the achoola, and In 'aunt Binry on ruillet rlalliiK he stated Jhat the new plnn haa almnat entlroly re lieved coiiRoallnit In the grade room. Tho general report contained an ex trnct from the t'nlvcriilty of Orenon llulletln describing the model chool, the point of which, particularly In regard to the Junior hitch plan, tal lied nltnoat exactly with the ayatem In line here. Ilonril to Define- Dill Ice A delegation of rancher Including M. J. McClnln. Hteve I'uvlok, and Roy lloardmnn, railed on the board nt the night aealrtn, asking thnt they be nllnwed to aend thnlr children to the Bend achoola. They live Just out Kldo Dlatrlct No. 1, they mild, hut the achnol In thnlr own dlatrlct, Grange Hull, la too far for the young rr member of thnlr fnmllloa townlk. The hoard decided that the children would ha permitted to nttend tho Kenwood nml junior hlKh school ua long na there I no crowding. Each pupil will bo charged S84. the aver ago coat of education per child na ro in put oil for lnat year. Thn hoard deemed It Inadvlsnblo to comply with thn roqiieat of an i,l h it dnlrgnllnn, IncltidlnR D, C. Halo nnd W. K. Clnypool, representing pot Itloner from McKay, Gilchrist, 1nd lllviM-front. who nskod thnt their children 1 trunaforred from the Kenwood to thn lMd achonl. ' Letter to thn director Included ono from Htattt Bumirlntondent of Education Jv A, Chnrirlill). In answer to nn Inquiry rcRnrdlnd diitle of BUperlnloiidiint nnd principal.- Mr. Churchill pointed out thnt the dlrect , or have aolo power to define the work which ahull b curried on by theso official. Another eoiiitminlcn 11011 wn from Principal .Murk A. rnlon nnd ohnrged Inck of coop i i , t ' 'Continued on Page 4.) Borah To Fight Pact To Finish: On Losing Side ll 1IU.4 I'rna lul'lia Ilrn.l Uullrtln.) WAKHINCTON, Bpt. 21. Hunulor ilorah told the Cnlted 4 I'rea luUuy that If he fulled In thn flRlit NRalnat the treuty on the floor of Ihu aenale, he would tuki) the protest to the people. The flRht over the treaty waa dinted for today, with Ilorah fui'liiR defeat. SENATE LEARNS NEED OF FUNDS H. PKNKKH OV I IHCAI, VKAlt Wil l, UK tlllKHKII IIV IMNl.tMMI, ItKI'OltTH KISANt K COM MITTKK. Illr UnlUd I'raM U.TH Hnl llullrtln.l WAHIIINOTON. Kept. 21. Sen ator I'enroao, chairman of the annate flnanre committee today auhmltted a majority ri iirt to the (enate. Ite purt how all ordinary luvvrn menlal expenae for the paat flacal year will be met by over 13,026,000 ralaad throtiRh the rev lard tax bill. The meaaure la not dealgned to cre ate aiirplua, thua encouraxInR ex- travaRauce, accordiiiR to I'enroao. GOMI'ERS ENTERS PLEA FOR UNITY (n Ualtad rnm la Tb Bm4 BullMia) INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 21. Sam uel Uompera, prealdent of the Amer ican federation of labor. Interrupted factional flRht In the mluera' con vention here today lonR enounh to make a vlgorou plea for unity of action among labor orgnnliatlona. HEIRESS WILL DIE OF GUNSHOT WOUND I tlr Unlld I'raai to Tlx Hrnd Kuilrtia.) NKW YORK. Sept. 21. Phyalc lana today held amall hope for the recovery-pf Mlaa Mildred Hanan. millionaire ahoe inanufnrturer'a helrena, allot by Mra. Grace I.awca ycatcrday In a double tragedy. DAUGIIERTY PUSHING KU KLUX KLAN PROBE n ttnlud Prvaa to The BnJ Bull.lln.) WASIIINliTON. Sept. 2l.Attor ney (ieneral Dauxherty la puahing Ku Kill Klun Inveatlgatlnn whlrh may reault In nn rnatern atnte grand Jury actlun, It waa learned here to day. 9,000 UNEMPLOYED SEATTLE ESTIMATE (lly United PrM to The Road Bulletin.) SEATTLE, 8ept. 21. William Short, prealdent of tho atate federa tion of labor, eatimated today that th ore nr 9,000 unemployed In Seattle.' LODGE SPONSORS PEACE TREATIES (Hr United TrMa teTlw Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. Sen ator Lodge today Introduced the pence treatiea on the floor of the aetinte and opened debate. FOREIGN WAR VETS FINISH ENCAMPMENT (tlr United Prm to The Bern) Bullrtln.) DKTHOIT, Sept. 24. Veteran of foreign wura concluded their twenty second enrnmpment todny by picking Seattle na the 1922 convention city for tho twenty-third encampment. ELKS PLANNING FOR MEMBERSHIP DANCE Tho first affair of It kind thl senaon Is to be given Tuesday night when the liend lodge of Elk outer tain with a dunce to which nil Elks and tholr ladle are Invited. Special entertainment feature In connection will bo lu charge of E, L, Payne. BOARD TO HEAR APPLICATIONS OF TWO UNITS WATER OF DESCHUTES LONG WITHDRAWN N E W COM PA NYAITLI ES N'orlli ( anil I I nit Irrigation Aim of Application lii-ernlly Put In North In it l(ciiict.t AIo To Hi (ilven 'onilfi-atlon. To roimldi-r application for allot ment of the water of the Deachute river filed with the atnte water board, a Hprrlul heuriliR I to be held at Salem Monday, October 17, ft. W. Potter, aecretury of the board, an nouncea In a notice which la being aent out from hla offlre In the cap ital. The hearliiR la to he at the Cap itol building and la to commence at 10:30 o'clock In the morning, the notice atate. Withdrawal of the watera of the Deachute river were made In con nection with the Inveatigation by the atate and tho I'nlled Stute reclama tion ervice, commenced in 1913, and the application In quentlon are for the purpoae of aecurlng a part of the wator o withdrawn for the irriga tion of landa Included in the North unit, and the North canal or Kant unit of the Deachutea project. Other lunds are mentioned In general In the notice, but nothing la given to Indi cate their location. Application made for the North canal unit follow the recent organ iiiitlon of the North Canal company by Samuel Hill and Oswald Went Water waa being naked by the North unit previous to the appointment of the Deachute board. 91ST DIVISION IN CONVENTION KIFTKKX THOI'HAND .MKMHKItS UK KAMOIM OIKiAMZATION iATIIKK IX MAX KHANtl.SfO KOU MKMOltlAI, SK.ItVK KS. I Br United Prraa to The Bend Bulletin.) SEATTLE, Sept. 24. Fifteen thousand member of the former Ninety Firat "Wild West" division are meeting at Los Angele, S00 are here to celebrate the anniversary of tho Argonne offensive. Delegates from all along the coast are here to celebrate the event and hold memorial aervicea for their dead comrades. Meuse-ArRonne remin- iacence are flowing freely. G.A.R. FOR 55TH TIE CIVIL WAR VF.TFHAXS THHOW OFF Y K A ItS AS THF.V OATH Fit IX IXIUANAPOI.IS KOU AX Xt AI. KXt'AMPMF.XT. (By United Preen to Th Bend Bulletin.) INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 24. Civil war veteran, rlad In the blue of their fighting days, shook hands In reunion once more here todny as they gathered for the fifty-fifth annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, which opens tomorrow. Gray hairs and furrowed checks were the only evidence of age, as the vets became boys once more nnd paraded to the fife and drum or sat nround the city on specially provid ed benches, swapping yarns In re miniscence. Antli lam, Gottshurg nnd Chlcke mnugn were re-fought, whllo tho for mer sailors ro-llved tho clash be tween the Monitor and the Morrlmitc. Thore were several thousand low er veterans expected nt tho encamp ment thin year than In previous years. Thousand have died or be come too foohlo since a year ago and ninny gtnyed nt home becnttso they were In Indianapolis last year and (Continued on Page 4.) District Attorney Galloway Seeks Evidence In Evans Case; Interest Taken In Theory Of Previous Crime To ascertain Just what evidence may be mailable here In connect ion with the trlul of Abe Evans, conferred slayer of James Do ran. District Attorney Krancls V. Cal loway arrived in Ilend thl morn ing from The Dalle and client the better part of the day In confer ence with Sheriff 8. E. Hubert. He ha permission from the Wasco county circuit court to aubpoenae a number of witiioaat from thl section. These, It la understood, will he used chiefly In rebuttal. Many Lose Lives In Night Rioting, Troops Effective (Hy United I'rrM toTh Bend Bulletin.) PKLKAST. Sept. 24.-A corps of armored cars patrolled Ill-Kant streets today following 4 a wild nlKht of riot Inn. Fight- Ing breaking out shortly after 4 midnight terrorized the whole city. Quiet was not restored until 4 the military swept through the 4 city with Hotchkisa guna. The 4 number of dead, wounded and Injured, is not yet determined. 4 PLEADS GUILTY BY PROXY, FINED $5 KlmiT 'overt I nablr To (Jet Judge Anil WHnewt Together, Icave Fine With SupervlMir. After several attempt to locate the complulntnR witness. Supervisor H. L. Plumb of the Deschutes National forest, and a magistrate at the same time. Elmer Covert today gave It up aa a bad Job. and turned over 15 to I ,. Plumb along with bis plea of . JMly to the charge of leaving a camp fire burning In the National foret. Mr. Plumb entered with Judge R. W. Sawyer the guilty plea and turned over the fine. The offense was com mitted about August 15. BEGIN REPAIR OF LEGION BUILDING llrainlM For Hoof IVring Installed Will Now Hi-Inn ItiTclvcd For Itoof And Ilulrony Itepalr. , Needed repairs at the American Legion building were beRun this week, the first being the Installation of a drifcplpe W. H. M&ntgnn system for the roof. gomery is the contractr 'or. The pipes will run down Inside the building. Specification for the repair of the roof and balconies hare been pre pared, and bids are now being re ceived. This work will be done goon. A special dance to pay for this work Is being planned. TELEPHONE GIRLS' DANCE NEXT WEEK A dance under the auspices of the telephone operatora of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. will be given next Thursday night nt the American Legion bOildlng. A three piece orchestra will provide music, and punch will be served. Tickets arc now being sold. The proceeds will go to the operator' locul organ ization. COIN COLLECTION SHOWN IN WINDOW A collection of 416 rare coins and bills, representing evy nation on tho globe except one or two In Afri ca und the South Sen Islands, Is dis played In the window of O'Nell & Johnson's cigar store. It Is the prop erly of Ciporge O'Noll. Sotno of the coins are very valuable on account of their rarity. HIGH HOPES HELD OUT TO JOBLESS (By Unltrd Treu to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. The ad ministration is holding high hopes for the unemployed as the result of Harding' unemployment conference slated to open here .Monday. Mr. Galloway Is much Interest ed In the theory advanced by Sheriff Roberts that Evan might be connected with the killing of Ocb Hanson, Wasco county hermit, near The Dalles, early In the year. He will conduct Investigations along this line on hi return to The Dalle. Evan' trlul Is scheduled to com mence Thursday morning In the Wasco county seat. The defendant will be represented by W. P. Myers. FIRST AMATEUR PLAY SUCCESS TITI.K OK hKCOXI) VKXTIKK TO IK AX.VOl'-V KI HOOX SMALL ( KIlUI) I.IKKS PEUFOItMAXCE OF LAST NIGHT. The second performance of "Be lieve Me, Xantippe," last night at the American Legion building, was much smoother than the first, the actors being more at ease and more perfect in their line. The only thing lacking waa an audience. Those who were there enjoyed the play to the fullest extent. As a result of greater efficiency be hind the scenes and a more snappy performance, the playing time waa reduced 30 minutes. The show haa netted the B. A. A. C. a fair return in apite of the small audiences, and la considered a success as a begin ning venture In the home talent de partment. Nobody turned In a correct des cription of the flaw which was said to exist in the plot construction. Since it was not discovered, the cast ha decided not to reveal what the flaw was. It was announced by Dr. L. W. Gatchell, member of the board of di rectors in charge of entertainment, that this was only the first of a aer ies of home talent plays which the department plans to stage. The sec ond play ha not been chosen, but will be announced In a short time. The department has In Its possession a number of scripts of plays which have proven successtuF In the past. Those who took part in "Believe Me, Xantippe" were entertalneU at a merry party In the Silver Grill after the show last night. MRS. SHONQUEST IS BURIED IN PORTLAND Funeral Services Thursday For III-nil Woman, Native of Canada Husband Returns To Ranch. Mrs. Fred Shonquest, who died in Portland Tuesday morning of cancer, waa buried there Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. Her husband return ed to Bend this morning, and left this afternoon for the ranch where they had lived. 16 miles south of Bend on the Deschutes river. The service were conducted by the Chris tian Science society, of which Mr. Shonquest was a member. Mrs. s'honquest was about 50 years of nge. a native of Canada. She had been ailing since early In the spring, hut was not considered seriously ill until Monday, when she was taken to Portlr.nd. Mrs. Shonquest had mnny friends in Bend, all of whom thought highly of her. Mr. Shonquest was one of Bend's enrly Inhabitants, coming here 16 years ago. NURSE COMMITTEE HAS SESSION HERE The regulnr nurse committee meet ing of the Deschutes County Public Health association was held in the county nurse's office Friday after noon. Mrs. Horace Richards of Bend Mrs. Chesley Redirer of Redmond, and Mra. C. P. Becker of Tumalo were present. A report was given of the work already accomplished and plana for future work disous ed. The next meeting will take place at Redmond on the fourth Friday in November, ,j WITNESS TELLS SHOCKING TALE BEFORE COURT SEMNACHER STORY IS UNPRINTABLE TORN CLOTHES SHOWN Arhuikle Appears 111 At Kaie A Virginia Itappe's Manager Itelatcn Detail of Torture Said To 4 Have Dcin Inflicted. 1 ( Br United Prm to The Bend Bulletin.) SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. Al Semnacher, testifying the second day in the hearing on the Arbuckle mur der charge, added sensational and unprintable testimony today to the court records. He recounted the story of the party, Arbuckle' state ment that he had attacked, and tor tured Miss Rappe with Ice and of hla subsequent meetings with Arbuckle in Los Angele. The torn clothing worn by . the pretty dead actress was paraded la court. Arbuckle seemed hardly able to contain himself during the Semnach er testimony. He looked away moat of the time. Mr. Arbuckle toyed with her beads, looked at the floor. and seemed ready to cry. Doctor la M'itnewi Semnacher'a testimony was con cluded with a short series of ques tions by the defense. The bearing continues Monday. ,, , Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle came In to court at 10 o'clock this morning to resume his preliminary hearlBK His wife was with him. He appeared composed. Al Semnacher- was the first wit ness called. , i Dr. Arthur Beardslee told the dis trict attorney his story of having given medical attention to Miss Rappe when she was alleged to have been found disrobed on one ot the twin beds In Arbuckle' room. The state feels his information last night to the district attorney strengthens the case. The defense is silent. DATES ASKED FOR SCHOOL AFFAIRS Tentative Schedule Prepared By Superintendent Now In Hands of II. A. A. C. Governing Board.- A tentative schedule of dates for school affairs to be held In the gym nasium this year, prepared by City Superintendent S. W. Moore. Is now being considered by the governing board of the Bend Amateur Athletie club which Is expected to return definite answer In the near future. The date proposed are as fol lows: student body reception, Sep tember 23; student body dances, October 21, November 18: Junior freshman class party. December 2; student body dance. December 22; basketball (five dates) December 1 to March 5: student body dance, Jan uary 20; student body reception, February S; student body dance. February 17, March' 10; senior-sophomore party, March 17; grade pro gram, April 7; high school cantata, April 21; student body dance. May 5; senior class play. May 12; baccal aureate exercises, May 28; class day exercise, May 31; commencement exercises, June 2. GILBERT AND WOODS SIGNED FOR FIGHT Ten Hound Bout Scheduled For October 10 Charle Carroll I ; Named Matchmaker For Kray. A 10 round bout between Fred Gil bert and Speck Wood to be held here on October 10 ha been arrang ed, J. S. Innea, chairman of the Bend boxing commission, announced . to dny. The men have each posted a forfeit of $100, Gilbert to make 143 pounds, and Wood to appear. Following the recent resignation of E. C. Brick as matchmaker, the box ing commission has appointed Charles Carroll to act In that capa city for the coming bout.