THK IUCND mliKTIN, DAILY KPITIO!, IlKNO. ORMOON. HATl'RDAY, KEPT. 17. 1081. VAGK 9 Iy IJur Gatrhrll, Phone 147-M.) Mlm tW MkattM tm wU nlial la Um hhito Imm TW BalWUa anut hi m Wuc Uu 111 'cteck Ik stunm ! Um aw Bncaalmf. Mrs, Maude Login entertained Tuesday evening at the borne of her aon-ln-law. Dr. E. R. Norrls, for her mother, Mrs. Sarah J. M. Mllllron, and her daughter. Mrs. Norrls. whose birthdays tall upon the same day Fifteen guests were present at the dinner. Decorations were tastefully carried out In pink and white. Mrs. Mllllron is 78 years of age, and Is one of the early pioneers of Central Oregon. i Mrs. J. E. Moren entertained Tues day evening at her home at 117 Chamberlain avenue with a card par ty and luncheon of eight covers hon oring Miss Margaret Berrigan of BemidJI, Minn., who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Le Blanc at 404 Colo rado avenue. Honoring Mrs. T. A. McCann, who left Wednesday for her new home at Minneapolis where her husband will act as vice president in charge of operation of The Shevlin-Hixon Com pany, a barbecue party was held at the home of Dr. Paul Woer ner, Drs. Woerner and John Besson being the hosts. The barbecue was held on the lawn, and was prepared In South American style by A. Keller, Dr. Woerner's stepfather. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hennessy, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meister, Mrs. A. G. Sheridan. Miss Mary Agnes Sheridan, R. W. Wetmore. R. D. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Shevlin, Paul King. Dr. and Mrs. Woerner, Dr. and Mrs. Besson, and the guest of honor. On Wednesday evening the Ma sonic Order held at its club rooms the first of a series of Informal dan cing parties to be given during the winter. A three piece orchestra fur nished music for the dances until a late hour when light refreshments were served. The Wednesday Bridge club was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. John M. Herbert on Congress street. The afternoon was spent in the usual manner. Mrs. L. O. Tay lor and Mrs. Crosby Shevlin winning the honors at the popular game. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dement. Mrs. J. H. Haner and son Frank, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Law rence. Mr. arid Mrs. R. S. Dart. Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bloom, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Bloom motored over the Century drive last Sunday enjoying a picnic luncheon at Elk lake and returning to Bend early In the evening. The same party will make the trip to Metolius this week end. In celebration of the third birth day anniversary of her son Master Byron Royce, Jr., Mrs. Royce enter tained a party of her son's small friends this afternoon at the Royce home on Hawthorne avenue. The afternoon was spent with games and In the enjoyment of refreshments the most interesting feature of which was a large cake bearing lighted tapers. Those present were Char lotte Gagen, Ruth and Grace Gaither. Leona Bond, Junior and William Hill, Rosina Forrest, Gene Smith, Levetta Rooney, Marie Arnold. Rob ert Arnold, Donald Mayette, Arthur Robinson and Master Royce. secretary. During the prist year the society has learned and paid 1690.00 on its 1,000 pledge toward the church building fund, beside supply ing many other cash donations In the upkeep of the church activities. The Aid society of the Christian church held Its regular meeting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. V. Randall. The afternoon was given over to social pleasure and to an informal discussion of the year's work. On this occasion a well planned pro gram for raising additional money throughout the year was worked out. On Thursday the Missionary society of the church met at Epworth Hall where the work of the past year was recounted, officers elected, and the work of the new year outlined. Dur ing the past year an interesting course on The Hible and Missions was completed and this year a text book on "The Kingdom and The Na tion" will be studied. The officers for the year are: pres ident. Miss Alice Spaulding: Secre tary. Mrs. A. J. Erickson, and Treas urer, Mrs. J. E. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Miles accom panied by Mrs. A. R. Leary and Mrs. David Larson, of Minneapolis came Sunday morning by auto for a weeks outing motoring about Portland and hrough the Willamette valley. Mr. Larson who Is head auditor for The Shevlin-Hixon Company will leave the party at Portland for the return journey to his eastern home. ThA mnnv frfpnrlg nt Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Erskine will be interested 'to know that their little son born on Monday at The Woman's hospital in Portland, has been named David Wesley. The Episcopal Guild held its first meeting of the season yesterday aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. E. R. Ryan on St. Helens place. The time was spent in sewing for their regular bazaar to be held within a few months and in arranging for a mus ical tea on October 14. The tea will be the first of a series such as were given on the last season and which were greatly enjoyed by those who at tended then. The Misses Emma Brock, Tressa Churchman, and Ara Tucker, have taken up their residence in the new concrete block apartment house re cently completed on the corner of West third street and Portland aven ue. The Misses Laura Rand and Helen Johns have also taken an apartment there and it is anticipated that the remaining two apartments will also be occupied by teachers and business women. Miss Francis Heyburn leaves Sun day evening for Seattle where she will take up a course in public school music at the University of Washing ton. Miss Heyburn will be accompan ied by her mother, Mrs. John Hey burn who will remain with her daughter until she is comfortably domiciled at Clark Hall, the girls' dormitory, and the work of the uni versity year commenced. Miss Margaret Inabnit leaves to morrow evening for Eugene where she will enter the state university. Her mother, Mrs. Frank Inabnit and sister, Louise will make the trip with Miss Inabnit and remain for a short Miss 'Marian Lawrence leave Tuesday for Chicago where she will!8'1 1 tne university city. take up her second year's work at tbe Chicago Institute of Art. The Emera Club entertained this afternoon with a card party at the Masonic club rooms. Mrs. Charles Hayes and Mrs. Ashley Forrest re ceived as hostesses. During the win ter the club entertaini every other Saturday in this way and frequent ly the guest list Includes a number of teachers who especially enjoy the social diversion. The Missionary society of the Baptist church was entertained oa Thursday afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. M. H. Horton. Following short program the afternoon was spent In doing White Cross work which con sists nt preparing hospital supplies which are sent direct to Baptist Mis sion hospitals. The consignment on which the members are now working will go to Central America. Mrs. S. R. Peoples has arrived to make her home with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peoples. Mrs. Peoples with her hus band the late Dr. S. R. Peoples has spent the past thirty-five years of her life as a missionary In tbe in terior of Slam. Dr. Peoples was both a doctor of medicine and doctor of Divinity and tbe two were able to contribute valuable service In the lit tle mission they established six hun dred miles from the border line of civilisation. The Misses Tift, Harriett Umbaugh, Evelyn Carlson, Avla Fisher, Vera Grant, and Miss Laura Rand, teach ers in the local schools composed a party which left this morning for Cruter Lake National Park to return Sunday evening. It Is with great Interest that a second party of teachers many of The Aid society of the Methodist whom have come to this part of the church held Its annual meeting onis'ito for the first time, started early Tuesday of last wek at the home of hls morning to motor over the Cen Mrg. L. L. Fox MriE. D. Gilson will itury drive. Thoee making the trip enter uon her fourth year as presl-re the Misses Eilhart, Abhle Gray, dent. Mrs. H. C. Dodds will serve as Mahle and Louise Yensen, Effle Wll-Tlc3-rres!dent. Mm. L. L. Fox at "enwon, Anna Gephart, Emily Miller, treas'irer and l!rs. A. 3. Erickson as Helen Abel, Winifred Howard, Edith Perry, Alberta Dryden. Anna Lund, Huiol Ilatelton. Miss Alice Spaulding will also be a member of the party. Mrs. L. II. Uulrd and duughter Murjnrie leave Mouduy owning for Eugene, whore Miss Huird will enter the University of Oregon. Mrs. Ilnlid will return to llond within a few duys. The Woman's Civic league which during the past your has each month arrui)Rid an open meeting on some topic of interest, and (he women of Bond and vicinity, for their October meeting have arranged for a four days course in millinery and home dressmaking to be held at Epworth Hall on October 17 and IS and on October 20 and 21. The classes will be In charge of Miss Esther Cooley. clothing special ist of O. A. C. and Miss Eva Comegys county agent. The first two days will be given over to the mukiug of huts and the second two to the mak ing of wool dresses. Those wlHhing to join either class are asked to reg ister with Miss Comegys who is at the city rest room every Saturday , from ten to twelve a. m. and from one to four p. m. The Instructors , will be able to serve about 20 wom en earn day in the sewing class. ' which will receive Instruction ami supervision on the platform of the hall where an Interested audience may gain valuable suggestions from observation and be at liberty to at any time ask questions concerning the work. Such Institutes will be held by Miss Comegys later in the season In dif ferent communities throughout the county and city and the offer on the part of any who receive instruction at this time, to assist In the luter classes will be much appreciated. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. W. P. Myers entertained the Woman's Civic league committee in charge of the recent flower show of which she was chairman. The afternoon was spent in a dis cussion of plans for the greater suc cess of next year's show. It was de cided that a permanent chairman be appointed at the next regular meeting of the league and that sub committees become active very early in the growing season. A complete list of rules will be printed and sup plied to call those who wish to make entries. Pluns for the development of the Children's department will be in charge of Mrs. J. I). Duvldson. The superintendent of schools will be re quested to ask the principals of the various schools to take charge of the registration of children's gardens i which will be periodically Inspected ! by a league committee. ; Only cash prizes will be given in j the children's department and for vegetable exhibits while a choice of j fine bulbs, roots or seeds will con-! tinue to be given out for prizes under I all other classifications. In the late afternoon a dainty j luncheon was served and the guests in leaving were appreciative of the , fact business affairs and social pleas ures had been successfully combined. Join the American Legion Colony In Beautiful Bend Park Are you a member of the American Legion? Are you planning to take advantage ot the bonus and buy or build a home? If no, lose no time in talking with us. IT WILL HE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. Bend Investment Company HEAL ESTATE (The House of Service) INSURANCE est was noticeable In the sumluy school as well as In all other ser vires last Sunday. Fine May we make even greuter gains tomorrow. While we are crowded for room you will find a teacher, a class anil a great big welcome awaiting you. Come and see and help us grow. If not un attendant elsewhere. The fol lowing is a fitting motto for our church school "Glow, grow, go, and I will Help to Muke it So." H. V. P. I'. Francis Nordeen, lead er, at 7:00. In this service you will find the young people in Increasing numbers and their programs are certainly In spiring and helpful. Young people don't miss this service. It is your ser vice. Come and enjoy It. With the beginning of October, the group system will be started. If not already a member, join at once so you will be assigned to a group right In the beginning. Evening evungelistlral service. "Only One Way," at 8:00 o'clock. Pruyer meeting Wednesday eve ning at 8. All Baptists are expected to be boosters for every service. The so journer and those without church homos are cordially Invited to wor ship with us. The Itally day committee Is pre paring an interesting program to be given Rally day, Sunday. September 25. at the morning hour. The Deschutes assorlntlonnl II. V. P. IT. Itally will be held with the lorul society, Saturduy afternoon mid night, September 24 and Sunduy, Septomber 25. A special feature will be a banquet served for the young people by the I local IV Y. I'. I'. Saturday evening ii 7 no F. II. Heard, pastor. Residence. 400 Wall St. IAXi'K AT Tl'MAIO A blc rianrn will tin riven hv fhn jTumalo Fair Association at Tumalo on the evening of Saturday. Septem ber 17. Oood music. Everybody In vited, adv 86-ssc Helpful. The only l.f r u. I tout at we can toler ate Is the friend who puts a good Ihltir in our way. Boston Transcript. Guns and ammunition at the beat prims. Wo want to buy second hand pump guns, llurli waiter's 7 life t:!tnt:tiinini:uuHiimiii!tiii:::iuitmt:tnnit:titituti;itm:' lied Cross Shop and Wo men's Exchange OI-KNI MI Kit 111. INI. Wednesday from 2 lo It o'clock Saturday from 10 to IJ ami Stun tuuammuioiTmntiiimaiininmtiiiinmmmiiuamammf Ofrtoa'i Hikr lastiitUMM of TECHNOLOGY Eifhl Scboob; Sevraly DrportaKatt FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. I. IV1 f IsJwMMw to Rrfwotr Oregon Agricultural College ( OHVAI tl Jtt the Qh urcies Methodist Episcopal The MethodiBt Episcopal church extends a warm welcome to the pub-! lie school teachers and others recent- iy arrived in Bend to the services and social life which It maintains. Our services, just now, are held in Epworth Hall, the basement of the building under construction at the corner of Kansas and Bond streets. "Keeping Warm" will be the ser mon subject at the service In the morning at 11:00 o'clock. In the eve ning, at 8:00 o'clock, the pastor will speak on the theme: "The Triple 'H' In Happiness." Now Is the time when all boys and girls, all youths and maidens and all men and women should take their places In Sunday school. Rally day is the 2nd of October. Get on the "Band Wagon" tomorrow morning at :4S. And bow about Epworth league. young folks? Do you desire congen ial fellowship with other young peo ple? Come on over tomorrow evening at 7:00. J. Edgar Purdy, paBtor. Intheran Sunday school with adult Bible class, 10 a. m. Communion service at 11 a. m. in English. The evening service at 8 o'clock will be conducted in the Norwegian language. S. A. STENSETH, pastor. First Ibintlst (Imrcli Services as follows: Unified plan. Sunday school at 9:45. Illu:itratod sermon by pnstor Immediately fol lowing or about 11:00. Theme "The Peanut" or "The Test of Faith." A fine gain In number and Inter- Lei us suggest a whole food to accompany your morning, cup of coffee. BUTTERHORNS CINAMON ROLLS BUTTER TWISTS BEARS CLAWS MAPLE SQUARES DOUGHNUTS SNAILS We are sure any or all of these will prove most appetizing. Bake -Rite Sanitary Bakery We Make Deliveries