TIIK IKNI WTUrriJI, IMIIY KDITIOf., IIKNI1, OltKOO. Till ItMM V. KKITKMFJKH I. 1021. PAGE 8 r HIAIt TltAIN N( iii:irj,K Ori-ifon Trunk Arrlvua, 7:16 A. M. I.onvxii 7:30 I'. M. .'. II. At N. Arrives, 6:60 l. M. I.iavna, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NKWS ITEMS A. I,ivirliiK of I'ltilnvlrw waa 111 llmicl Wvdm-Hiliiy mi bilMl titfHM. Mrs. Murk l'nwi-11 n nil Mm. Iuv 1'ow.ll vii.ii.-d In Ili-nil (nilny. Alliinicy W. I. Myi-rn liua niovi-rt Ms nrrii-PH In Hut .Miner blllldliiK. K. K. I'll ii i u n . holi'l iniiliiiKiT (if I'ulxtiy , In in lii-nd I ml u y un IhiIii-. A 10 pi hi ml Klrl Imtiy born yn-li-iluy in Mr. und Mr. Kr.-d W. Ci II Iwrl, Mr. and Mra. Itny Jurksoii ara pur-0- vnm ir an rich! pound hoy, Imrii llila innrnliiK. , J. II. Unruly of Madras ium1 through Ii-ikI t"(liiy on bis ay tu Oilull lukn. Th Ili'd Cross llnnin Horvlrn of fice ha bivn movtvl tu ruuni 224 In IIib Mlm r building. Hlunlry (J ray. who la building a I luw rnnrrele garaga In I'alalf y, spoilt ynalrrduy In llnil. Dr. V. t. To, formerly of llila city, Ii hora today on business from hla home In I'orlland. A baby boy weighing' a-vrn and a half ounda waa born thla morning tu Mr. and Mra. Illalr llauek. W. Wldmalrr nl llrotltcra waa op erated on yealerday fur a ruptured appendix, at a local hospital. Mra. I.. K. Penrose and Mra. 8. A. Hawk of Fremont were In llend yes terday on llielr way to t'ortlmid. ' Tha HherllnllUnn band will be en tertained at dinner tonight at the I'llot Hullo Inu by The Hlievlln-Hlx-on Company. tlaa GUI of Portland arrived In lend Inat rvenliiR wlih an Oldsmo blln trurk. which he delivered to (leorga Tadilork. Mlaa Muriel Wither of Summer I. like passed through lli nd lust nlKltt on her way to rortland. where she will ruler arhool. J. O. Hardy, who la contractor In rharitn of coiialructlnn of a brldite over the Chewauran rlvnr at I'alaley, waa In llend yesterday. Mr. Olive Powell and Mra. A. Cobra and dauithtera of Prlnevllle were In llend today, taking dinner with V. P. Myera and family. w James Olenaon, alnte wiring In ' apector, la In llend from the office of the alnte fire nuirahul. Mr. Glea aon la checking up on local condl tlona. ' Mayor K. I). GIIbob left luat night for Hpokane. where he will attend the annual conference of the Colum bia river conference of the Methodist church.. j Mra. W. C. Illrdanll returned to Tnrtland laat night, after upending aeveral daya here. Her huaband la atlll rniiflned to hla bed In the Mult nomah hotel by lllneaa. Mlaa Anna I.und. who haa been pending the an miner In Portland, ar rived In llend thla morning to begin the achoul year. She. will teuch In the Central achool thla year. Mra. Myrtlo Ollkey, who hna been nuralng at the Coovert ranch at Al falfa, left laat night for Portland, on Ihe receipt of nnwa that her neph ew bud been drowned at St. Helena. 1 L. Antlea, ancrotnry of the llend Commercial club, went to Portlnnd Inat night on club bualnoaa and to meet hla aon, whom ha haa not aeen for threa yenra. Ha will roturn to The Halloa todny. , Ollbort Alien and Horace Sykei, deputy atato firs mnrahala, Mrs. Bykea. Mr. and Mra. H. C. Ellla, and Mra. T. W. Carton and daughter, H hnve roturned to Bond after a three day trip over the contury drive. Ine McAllister, who hna boon en gagod In the Warner valley adjtidlca y Hon survey In I.nko county, waa In llend yesterday on hla way to flalom. J. Alcoran, who Is also connected with the aurvoy, accompntiled him. AT Til 10 HOTELS Pilot llnlle Inn It. K. Hodge. 1 'ci 1 1 lit ii il ; lir. I'. ('. Con, I'orllund ; Kit ward ', Unwind, I'orllund; Mr. mid Mra. K. I.. Cinpenler, Mlniiea polla; K. W. .Moiitgniniiry, I'orllund; Itolieit ('. Kordney, I'nrtliind; K. J. Hli liurdii, I'orllund; (ieorge llrew sti.tr, Hlalera; Fred lllliu, Wullu U'ul la; J. ('. Nuylur, Portlund; Mlaa Muriel Wlthrfra. Pulaley; K. V. I'll mull. I'd Inliy ; Klrhurd Nye, tlunla lliuliiiru. 'ul. ; T. l. Lawrence, Port land; lllll r'ltxgeruld. The Dulles; K. Iliiriard, Hun Kraliclaco; . K. Loiigwell. I'orllund; J. L. Mlley, Seattle; It. P. Little, Partlund; K. L. Seal, Heutllo; W. C. Illnghum. Kali Kiuik Ihi o; (lllliert M. Hiirrla, Port lund; II. II. Orudy, Mudraa; Cillbert W, Allen, I'orllund; J. H. Hcolt, The liullna; Jamea Uleuaun, Portlund. Il.n.l Cory Mra. P. X. Arena. Ilnod Itlver; J. W. Hinltli. Petalumu; Cul ; J. II. Knilth, Itlchmond. Cal.; W. A. Ituhn, Mllllcan; J. H. Arin atrong, Oregon City; U. (1. Uruy, Ku geun; 'ifieodnre J. Juley. Ilurna. Wrlutll llolel I). Hutiaen, Klum ii til Kulla: W. P. Allen, Heutlle; K. Iluliner, Nurrowa; II. II. Kodgera, Kpokune; Jumea Hagarty, Wulluce; L. K. I'enroae, Fort Ituck; O. J. Hardy, und duughter, Pulaley; It. V. Allen. Palnley; O. P. Martin and wife, Chchulla; L. C. Huklng. Tu coma; K. Lehmun, Hummer Lake; t'arl Ii. Marlon. Tuinalu. Ikiwnlng llolel Pete lennard. The Dullea; Pete Peteraon, Portlund; y I.. Ciurdrlen, The Uallea; H. A. Winner. The Uullea; 0. A. Hodaon. Klamath Kalla. UHKWSTKIfH MILLIONS TO IIK KIIOWN AT TIIK I.IIIKHTY The moat delightful comedy to be aeen here In aomo time will be "llrewaler's Mlltlona." the new Para mount picture atarrlug Koacoe (Fat ly! Arbuckle, which Is on view at the Liberty theulre next week. Thla fumoua atory waa presented as a Lanky feature several years ago but never haa It ever been ao delight fully preaented as In this new screen veralon with 'Fully" aa Monte Ilrew aier. A capable cant Includes Hetty Koas Clark, leading woman and Fred lluntly. James Currlgan. Jean Ack er, Marlon Hklnnnr. Cbuxlea Ogle. Neely F.dwarda. Wlllam lloyd. and Parker McConnell. The atory concerns a young man whole career la I ho bone of content ion between two wealthy grandfath er!, one an arlatocrut, who bellevea he ahould not have to work, and Ihe other a aelf-made man who wants him to work for the salary. The re sults are the many Inimitably funny situations, of which Arbuckle makes the moat. NOTII'K The Christian Science home and nurse. Confinement cases and others. Mary E. Kuolta. G2I Flor ida avenue. 7S-"6p NOTICK The Indies of the Methodist church will serve a chicken' pie supper at Kpworth hall ThurBilny evening from R:30 o'clock until all who come are aorved. &c KAIWIKIW! Your hny crop should lie Insured. I am prepared to glvo you real serv ice. Call me. K3tfe J. C. RHODES. fluas and ammunition at the best prices. We want to buy socond hand pump guns. Buchwaltor'a. 7 life MEAT You will enjoy rating DELIVERED To any part of the City each day. Waon leaves at 0 a. m. BEAVER'S MARKET Our Latest Offer Wr are ready for the Fall with a fall In price. M.XDK TO MKAHl'RK Suits $22 and up One half off on every pair of extra pants, with suit order. NPKCI.U, ATTKN'TION filVKN TO LA 01 KH' MADK TO Oil lKR HUTS A Nil COATS. We guarantee every garment ordered from us to fit porfoctly Workmanship and materials socond to none. DICK THE TAILOR 101 H WALL PHONE I4H-W liiuiliiiiiiuimiiiuuiiiutiiiiiiniiiuiiiiuiuiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiisil NOTICK OF ll t(,K N' Ol I l K HI HIM The luw ollleea of W. P. Myera am now located In dooms 220 and 22H Miner building. The new tele phone ii ii in In-r Is 2:ir,-W. 74-7c Peruvian Literature. PrlnlluK mis Introduced In Peru In l.'iS'.' and lliroiigli sucrci-dlng centuries pis-is mid other writera have coiilrlb Uled to Its literature. MUST WEAK WORKING CLOTHES TO DANCE .NOTICK OF KAI.K I'lllt IlKMNQl KNT AHSKHKMKNTK. Wlinreas, on the 1st duy of April, 1921. pursuant to the pro vlslons of Chupter 1U of the Charier of the Cil y of llend, there were enleieil Iti lliu Uucket of Clly Liens In the olllce of the Itecnrder of auld City, asseHsmeiila for the ronatriu'tlon kf street linprovemenla III Local Iinprovemeyt Msirlct No. 10, In the following respective amounta. against the following described parcela of land, the ownera or reputed ownera thereof lining ua follows, to-wit; Lot 1 2 3 4 r, s 7 X 9 10 1 2 3 4 r, ti 7 K k 10. 1 2 3 4 r, 7 x 10 l 2 3 4 G 7 K 10 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 II 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 8 10 llloek I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Addition (irundvlnw , A (irundvlew A Orunilvlew f irundvlew Owner or Heputi-d Owne.' Amount Crauilvlew... tJrundvlew. . Crundvlew... Orundvlew... Orundvlew... Oruiulvlew . Orundvlc w... II. Howes II. Howes 3 90 ....A. It. Howes 3.90 ... A. H. Howe 3.90 Delia T. Aumlller 3.90 C. O. Lyii.: 3.90 ... O. A. Anderson 3.90 A. It. Howes 3 90 ... A. It. Howes 3.90 ...Oregon Trunk Development Co. 3.90 ... Xlcliard J. Smith 1.80 rand view W. F. Jowders 1.X0 (iraii'lvlew Catherine Hawkins l.sO (irundvlew A. It. Howes 1.80 (irundvlew A. II. Howes . J. 80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew A. II. Hov.es 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew A. 11. Howes 1.80 (irundvlew Howurd Cox IrSO (irundvlew '. Ida M. Wood 1 80 (irandvlew A. U. Howes 1.80 (irundvlew A. and N. J. Nelgel 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 'K80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 1.80 (irundvlew Mra. M. A. Porter 1.80 (irundvlew J. U. Foster 1.80 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. '(irandvlew Florence M. Duenwald (irandvlew Florence M. Duenwald (irandvlew Andrew llairls (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irundvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. .A. A. (irundvlew. (irandvlew (irandvlew (irandvlew , (irandvlew....- (irandvlew A. (irandvlew a). H. (irandvlew B. (irandvlew A. (irundvlew A. (irandvlew Orandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. Oregon Trunk Development Co. .Oregon Trunk Development Co. Howes Howea .... Howes .... Foreman ISO 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3 90 Foreman 3.90 Howea .... Howea Geo. A. Mnflett A. B. Howes .... (irandvlew.. (irandvlew.. (irandvlew.. (irnndvlew . ..Adam Haecker Adam Haecker . Jos. Rider .... Oregon Trunk Development Co. 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3 90 3.90 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (Irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. (irandvlew J. H. Seacamp 3.90 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 3.90 Grandvlew Elizabeth Lawrence 3.90 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 3.90 (irandvlew C. K. Lonergan 3.90 (irandvlew O. T. Hubbard 3.90 (irandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co (irandvlew Ilnttle Mueblenbouch (irandvlew Chaa. Orandvlew Chaa. (irandvlew ('has. (irandvlew Chaa. Muehlenbouch Mueblenbouch Muehlenbouch 3.90 3.90 3 90 3.90 3.90 Muehlenbouch 3.90 Muehlenbouch Mu.-hlcabouch Howes Howes Howes Howea Howes Howes Teltse Howea Howes 3.90 3.90 4.40 4.40 4.40 3 90 3.90 3.90 3 90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3 90 3.90 (irandvlew Chas. (irandvlew Chas. (irandvlew A. B. (irandvlew A. B. (irandvlew A. B. Orandvlew A. II. Orandvlew A. B. Orandvlew A. B. (irandvlew 11. C. Orandvlew..., A. B. (irandvlew A. II. (irandvlew Oregon Trtwk Development Co. (irandvlew A. B. Howea (irandvlew A. B. Howes Orandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. Orandvlew C. L. Kmby 4.40 Orandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 4.40 Grandvlew Oregon Trunk Development Co. 4.40 Orandvlew A. II. Howes 4.40 Grandvlew ...A. B. Howes 4.40 Grandvlew A. B. Howea 4.40 Grandvlew A. B. Howea 4.40 Notice Is Hereby Given that pursuant to Warrant No. 9A Issued by the Recorder of aald City, to me the undersigned directed. I will on Sat urday, the 1st day of October, 1931, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of said day. In front of the City Hall, at the corner of Lava Koad and Minnesota Avenue In said City, sell separately the aeveral tracts of land above described for the amount of said assessments against each, together with interest and all costs and accruing costs. It. H. FOX, Chief of Police, Bend, Oregon. - Paled this 1st day of September. 1921. 75-80-86-92c SPECIAL At Union Grocery Friday and Saturday SOAP 8 Bars Crystal White 4BarsLiUyWhite(Toilet) 1 Package Sea Foam Value $1.30 Special $1.00 A real In hor day dance will be given Monday right by the B. A. A. C. All who attend are expected to wear work clolhea overalls, ging ham aprons, work caps, etc. Those who come otherwise must take the consequences, says .Manager Cobb. Music will be furnished by the Amer ican Legion orchestra. Flashlights, batteries and lamps at lluchwalter's. 71tfa The Unhappy Small Fish. Nnrdlnes have dlsappciireil from the Hpaalsh coast.. That's the wny of the sin it 1 1 fish they 'always have to clear out for the Inruer. t 'r,! jel c-' & A4 VAUDEVILLE! NINE STELLAR ACTS Music, Comedy, Dancing B. A. A. C. ENTERTAINERS American Legion Building Friday 8 p. m. Admission 25c and 35c PRIZES FOR THE BEST VOLUNTEER ACTS DOING SUMS Somewhere in your homeif you are enjoy ing electric service there is an adding ma chine. It's function is to sum up the total "amount of current which you use. You know this adding machine as the Elec tric Meter. It is a measuring instrument of precision, yet quite simple and easy to under stand. It will 'tell you exactly how much current you are using. Read it yourself. THE BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER CO. . Do You Know Hardeman Hats Last Longer Look Better? We Know It THAT'S THE REASON WE SELL 'EM ASK MURICE CASHMAN BENDS CLOTHIER. PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company BEND. OREGON Sewer Pipe, Irrigatioi Pipe, Water Pipe, divert Pipe, Building Bkcks Well Cubing, Concrete Silos If it's made of concrete, we make it Box 157 BEND, OREGON Phone 249 20 Reduction On all Staple Groceries . We are GOING OUT OF BUSINESS and will make a reduction of 20 per cent on all goods except butter, eggs, fruit, bread and "vegetables, on all purchases for $1.00 or more. In other words When you buy $1.00 worth you get 20c worth of merchandise free This is a material cut and should appeal to anyone who is concerned in reducing the cort of living. THIS SALE WILL BEGIN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 : and will continue until all goods are sold. Columbia Grocery 733 Columbia St.