PAGI 4 THB BEND BULLETIN. DAILY EDITION. BEND, ORBOON, MOXMV, Al'CHtiT U1I, 1031. INDUSTRIAL BUYING OF LUMBER BEST OF ENTIRE YEAR, NOTED "While demand from the small re tail lumber dealer continues to be (ho backbone of the market, never theless It in plainly evident to close observers that the proportion of the vales, now going to Industrial con cerns Is larger than at any other time this year." says the American Lumberman. "Railroad orders, al though not of enreptloua! siie. are very encouraging to lumber manu facturers. I "As most of them are for special cutting, the demand has been suffi-j clent considerably to stimulate prices, in the South and and to tome extent on the Pacific coast. Buying at the Coast has been quieter than buying in southern pine territory, so Coast Trices hare not been affected so much by the betterment in demand. As pur chasers continue to ask for quick shipment. It is evident that the bulk SLAVS TRY NEW ARCTIC ROUTE 9.1,000,000 FLOTILLA OITKITTKI) TO BLAZE OCEAN TRAIL TO NORTHERN SIBERIA MAY BK FAILURE, ADMITTED. By. Lloyd Allen (United Ptcm Staff Compondert) ' LONDON. Aug. 29. Under com mand of the veteran Polar naviga tor. Captain Otto Sverdrup. a 15. 000.000 flotilla of specially equipped ships is ready to start from England, Germany and Sweden into the dan gerous, all but uncharted water of the Arctic Ocean, carrying cargoes of essential commodities for the people of far away Siberia. This expedition la being engineer ed by the All-Russian Co-operative society of London, better known as Arcos. the purchasing organization of the Russian Soviet government. George Solomon, a director of Ar cos, in an exclusive interview with the United Press, frankly explained that the hazardous undertaking is an experiment it may not succeed. Though every known precaution Is being taken In order that the myster ious Northern route ' Into Greater Russia may be opened to commerce of the West. The ships are carrying a thousand and one different articles of every day trade In America and ' Europe. But when the stuff Is unlosded In the lee-clogged deltas of the Obi snd Tenesei rivers far above the Arctic Circle every article will virtually be worth its weight in gold, because the people ob Siberia have been cot off Irora the Western world for a long time and are in argent need of sup plies of tools, household Implements, agricultural machines and so forth. Returning, the ships will bring out valuable Siberian furs, that are now being shipped to the Obi and Yenesei deltas by agents of the Soviet gov ernment st Moscow. I Chines Eat Lots of Dogs. The number of edible dogs eaten an rnually In China Is estimated at Ave millions. The dogs are of a special rsc. raised wholly for food purposes. t : . i We believe in Insurance, either Fire or Life. A death or fire emphasizes the neces sity of the same. Check up on your prop erty and see if it is fully covered. Would your family be protected in case of death? If not fully covered in both cases, take out a Policy in some good company; bring the Policy to this Bank and place the same in our Safety Deposit Vaults. 7 he First National Bank Til Bape or 9vmiam flriga j, Thk Bank 1$ a Mimbtr of (he Federal Reserve System of the orders now being placed Is not for speculative purposes but to (ill Immediate requirements. I ' It Is generally conceded mat tue prices of common grades of lumber are very low so low in fact that a ' good demand would make an ad j vance certain. For upper grades the demand has been good all year, con sequently supplies of them are short and their prices are firmer. Orders booked so far this year call for a slightly greater amount of lumber than has been produced. "The following report of product Ion, shipments and orders, for the period January 3 to August 13. In clusive, has been compiled by the Na tional Lumber Manufacturers' asso ciation: Production 62S.OH6.179 Shipments .583.07O.44i Orders 5 42.502.027 SHEVLIN-HIXON PICNIC DRAWS RECORD CROWD (Continued from Page 1.) Dlaisdell. Eddie Norcott. Andrew Lewis. Sam McKeown. Sack race for boys William Kribbs, Theo. Todoroft, Connie Ma- honey, Jessie Hexburg. Obstacle race boys Andrew Lewis Ted Sather, Connie Mahoney, Robert Specker. Orange dive Desmond Wood Floyd Foren, Joe Slate, Donald Lar son, La Mont Bryan, Merrill Ross, Jess Glover, Douglas Valentine. Watermelon contest Desmond Wood, Waldo Schmitz, Leslie Hal- vorsen, Charles Bradbury, Kenneth Corbin, Lois Thomas, Walter Shull Connie Mahoney, Francis Meagher, John Mogan. Ted Sather. 100 yard dash, men Duffy Knorr, William G. Murray. Fat men's rsce Charlea Haines. N. L. Springer. Lean men's race R. A. Hope, A. P. Malone, D. J. Whlttaker, Elmer Johnson. Running high jump Alfred Ny stron, A. C. Norcott. Standing high jump A. C. Nor cott. Alfred Nystron. Horseshoe throwing N. L. Spring er, J. A. Runge, Pete Lewis, Matt Botlch. Shot putting A. T. Malone, A. C. Norcott. Log bucking E. Nelson. G. Pal mer. Tug of war Woods team. Boxing exhibition Ed Claire. Kid Taylor. Musical Gifts f Boys snd Girls. The higher musical endowments la male children are shown plslnly In vocal and piano classes, where It seems Invariable thst the most expert snd brightest students are boys. For ev ery musical girl, there appears to be Ave boys equally gifted. They have naturally s better Idea of harmony and Instinctively grasp musical values, which. In the majority of eases, become onderstood by their feminine rivals snly by dint of bard study. Exchange. CREDIT MAX WANTED Mercantile company in the city would like the services of competent party capable of taking charge of credits and collection. Answer by letter, addressing "Credit," care of The Bulletin office. SS-71-77C CLOSE TO HORRIBLE DEATH Youth Will Long Remember How Near He Was to Being Tramplad Under Hoofs ef Cattle. A yarn which may be branded as "pretty fair" comes out of the Weal, remarks the I'lilliulclphla Ledger, A young man named Barker hnd taken his bicycle to uiuke a Journey of several hundred miles to inspect some land. In the course of his trip he crossed a luriso prairie held, bro ken near Hie middle by a hlch trans verse rldiie. When he had cllmlied the ridge snd mounted his wheel to proceed he no ticed what the rise of ground had oh. scurvd that the Held was filled with Texas cattle grazing ( lutle hunches of leu to fifty. Just as he started one of the "long horns" caught sight of him and tlie hunch followed Its leader to Investlpite. The young man nat urally quickened his puce aud the cnttle took after him. The trail was straight and level, lending to a big gate. The boy bent over his wheel nnd pedaled for his life, tie could hear the bellowing of the rattle and the pounding of their hoofs behind him. hut he looked neith er to right nor left. What should he do when he reached the gateT No matter. All his mind wus fixed upoo the necessity of keeping ahead. He neured the gate and It was open. He dashed through like a flash of lightning, lost bis pedals, struck a rock and was pitched off and lay senseless oo the ground. It had happened that lbs man who owned the range was visiting It at that moment. He had seen the boy race for tlfe and had opened the gate to let hlra pass through. Theo. with two or three attendants, he rods In and headed off the herd. GOOD IDEA ALWAYS WELCOME Incident Provee That Invention That Haa Merit Will Secure Ap preciation at Any Time. "A good thing will always succeed." Charles M. Schwsb wss talking In Loretto about the remarkable popular ity of a new steeL "Let me tell you." he went on. "a story about a shovel. Just hundred years sgo a number of men were dig ging s tine of railway between Bir mingham and Manchester. Tbe shovels they were using had srj us re-cornered bladea about fifteen Inches long. Tbe digging wss hard and slow, snd one of the workmen suggested to the boss thst If he would grind off the corners of tbe shovels they would cut into the earth mors ensily and the day's output would be bigger. -The boss ridiculed tbe Ides, but the workman later oo persuaded an Ironmonger In Sheffield to maks him a couple of dozen round-cornered shovels as so experiment These shovels were submitted to the scoffing boss for trial. The boss reported at the and of week" that his diggers were all turning op 10 or 15 minutes ahead of time In the morning so as to get hold of on of Us new round shovels. "Tbe boss, lb Ironmonger sad the workman-Inventor patented lbs new shovel between them snd proceeded ts manufacture It In a small way. la few years they were all millionaires." Childish Imagination. "It Is difficult to learn to know child nature, since It Is continually In the act of becoming different," ssys V. Rasmussen In bis work oo child psychology. This remsrk applies to the development In the first four years of child life. The suthor Is emphatic In bis opinion thst little children should, ss fsr as possible, be allowed to follow their own way. Don't distract their attention unnec essarily, hs ssys; rather come to tbelr aid when they are psrtlcnlarly at tracted to sny one thing. Let them develop their Imsglnstloo In their own kind of play. It might be natural to think that the child's Imagination Is most beslth- lly snd powerfully developed If It IS fed from sn early sge with tsles of wonder snd fantsstlc adventure. But this Is a misunderstanding, says Mr. Rssmussen. Road Construction In China. The central government of China Is evincing considerable Interest In road building, and tbe ministry of the In terior, which has charge of highway projects In conjunction with' provin cial officials. Is said to bars prepared a bill concerning highway develop ment for presentation to the new par liament, which Is expected to meet In Peking at an early date. Considerable road construction is being conducted In connection with the famine relief work whereby the recipients of reJIef are enabled to render compensotlon for the food furnished them and thus contribute to the permanent better ment of China's transportation facili ties, which will tend to minimize such catastrophes In the future. Scientific American. Splendid Aerial Record. Edu Chnve. Rruzlllan aviator, re cently flew from Rio Janeiro, Brazil. o Buenos Aires. Argentina. In less thsn five days. Flying a Curtlss Oriole with KA motor, the pilot covered 1,735 miles on his route In 20 hours and 20 min utes. Seversl previous aerial efforts to link the two capitals had failed. Heard on a Car. "Does your busbsnd glvs yoa nil the money yoa want to spend r "My goodness, no I Why. eveo 1 would not think of being that extrav agant." Bostoo Transcript. LIBERTY Tuesday and Wednesday IP VIOLA DANA in Don Byrne s "PUPPETS OF FATE" Adapted from the book "The Four Horsemra of the Apo calypse," (he story that haa inert with more approval than any other American noval of Its kind ever written. TONIOHT LAST TIM K 'LARA KIMBALL YOlXtl In "MIIMHAXNKL" Breaking a Land-Clearing Record. A totsl of 18.000 seres of land In Marinette county, Wlscousln. were cleared during the season of IU20. This Is a record, snd the Increase will repre sent st lessi ll.OliO.UUOs year In crops. Tbe closing of the tssk was marked by a great blast of an acre of stumps near Wausaukee. At this point 1M sticks of dynamite were set off simul taneously ss sn electric Impulse waa transmitted by a presiding official who closed a switch. A land clearing school snd ST educational meeting were part of the campaign thst msde their ef forts so successful, snd explosives to the extent of 14 carloads were used In the undertaking. Popular Mechanics Msgaxloe. Whits 014 as Platinum. It Is an easy matter for the aetsl larglst to make so alloy with gold as a basis that has all lbs appearance of platinum and In London, recently, a great many persons bsvs been "tskea In" by the composition, psylng plati num prices for jewelry afterwards fouod to be an Inferior matertst. Fee Japanese Women. Ao Important advance toward the emancipation of Japanese womanhood was made recently when the bouse of representatives In Tokyo adopted a bill grunting women the right to attend po litical meetings. Flashlights, batteries and lamps at Buchwalter'a. 7 life Pat It w The Bulletin. word for all omtr SO. All cluu.nt) dvartltw mm nrieur ctM in svrvanc. WANTED WANTED Fresh cow; must glvo at least 40 pounds per day, not un der tVt per cent butter fat test. WANTED Woman for gonoral housework; no children. Apply 626 Colorado ave. 32-71-7tp EMPLOYMKNT WANTED Having my building about completed, I have a number of first class me chanics In different building ' lines who will soon be out of employ ment, I take this means of showing my appreciation for their oillclont service. Anyone desirous of secur ing help In the building linn, I will be glad to give you the names of first class mechanics. J. B. Miner, Hend, Ore. 27-70-72P FOR SALE FOR HALE A llulck bug; must be sold; a real bargain.' Call at Gil bert's Grocery. 41-72-78C FOR SALE 11)18 Dodge, completely overhauled and guaranteed In A-l condition; this car must be sold and the price Is put down to $560.00. Bulck. Four, completely rebuilt; a light truck, just tbe thing for the farmer or dairyman for 1375.00. New Trailer; never been used; made extra strong, for $40.00. A. W. Bontrager Garage. IS-lltfc FOR BALK Beautiful home at a bargain. No.' 222 Oeorgla ave. B. O. Snyder. 1 1-7 1-7 p FOR BALK Ono computing scale, five pump shot guns, It, It). 20 born, aud rifle of all kinds, t). K Htore. 239 vli ecu wood ave. 2X-0trc FOR WALK 102ft Ford sedan In good condition mid appearance; lilMi.OO; terms. Box M:, II, .ml. Oregon. 21-89-7.1P FOR SAI.K Look at No. 73 Shams and If you want to buy the proper ty rurnlltiro nnd all at $1(100 call on me. ('. V. rlllvls, Oregon street, olititfr. FOR RENT FOR KENT Three room hoiiaei close III. Call Ut-M. 43-72-;tc FOR KENT t'lean fiirnlHhed or un furnished apartments; steam heat. Greenwood Apartments. 132 Green wood ave. 2 8-7 01 fe LOST LOST ItPtwoim .RKU!iH mini n and rliuiVr pit on Pilot Huttt. crunk (or Kh-u'X rur. lif turn to Unit KHUN : r itnl 4-? Hp ttiuumunutunuuti BEAULIEU & MANNY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS IGNITION SPECIALISTS PIONEER GARAGE, IRVING STREET Phone 158-W. Night Phone 134-W uitmumununituxsmitmuuutmuuimimtutiututm m:imrniurannmnncmmnuxranuumniwmtt ntuummnmmuuumimmmiw WALL PAPER PAINTING and DECORATING IS OUR BUSINESS And we make It oar business to sea that oar business Is baadled la a bualneaallke way. The quality of oar Interior decorating caanot be equalled. Our display of wall paper U Ox largest aad boot ever shows la Central Oregoa. Oar prlcrw ar rlgttt. Oa these qnallnralloaa we feel Justified la asklog yoa for a coaslderatloa wbea la need of work la our lias. A. J. GOGGANS 736 WALL STREET PROFEHHIONAL AMD Mountain View Hospital General Hospital Maternity Cases a Hperlalty Corps of competent, trained Burses Phono til Kansas and Bute r Office Phone : il-J F. M. BLOOM Dentbt Roossa 4 and I, over Postoffloe DR. G. SKINNER DKJfTIffT Office, Room II, O'Kans Bldg. Pbona: Office. Black 2IS-W Office Hours: I to 111 (o I R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNET-AT-LAW Rooms IS and II First National Bank Building: Tel. 61 (Dr. Cert Bos Walt C. Wickersham TKACHKR OF VIOLIN enrollments now bring made for Heptrmher rlaMe. Phone iM.V.M. tutrnitnnuninttntitmnuiutfnuniinniimumnnnnniini HOME SANITARIUM Maternity Cases a Hperialty MRS. 1. W. AVITT, MATRON 1 109 Wall Ht. ' 1'hono 81-J nmmmtmtremttnuimummmiuimniniiitnmmtntiiw nauuinrauiur. MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NUBONK COIWKTfl. Will call by appointment I OS Columbia Rt. Phone S03-M P. O. Box 40 BpnitiaTutginiWiiiiiiH iiittiiiiiiuitininmuiuiiuuiuttmtiiimiiiiiiiUMiinnmiiiv WM. MONTGOMERY Furnaces, Rpoutlng, Gutter ing, Cornice snd Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prlcee right. Work guaranteed Tinning and Sheet Metal intnimnniiitnmnnniiannaiuiiiuiituiiinnuuiunmii: nnunmrntnttttttntRtnimnuitri CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies Bath Room Accessories, etc., ete. Pipe, ValVea and Fittings PHONE 159-J Otitis and ammunition at the best prices. Wo want to buy second hand pump guns. Iliichwalter's. 7itfc mtiminunmuimuiiiitiitituiiiiiiittiiuiiiuiitiituiiwiiiiiitii MltS. K. A. M NIU1MIO Trhtr pll (ii-ftduBt of pM tarhr'c- rtuiH, WnM.f Hprr r ! I of Muai, ( M . tXslvnslv ttf vllmlrtirr training?, (law -iarl Hptmbr lath. K 91-00 pr hour! I'hn 21-J, or roll l 1211 P-rlUnd Anu. !iitiiiuiiii;nuiii;iiimtmiii!ii!iJ!iiimtiiH;iyiittitmtiMinim tirKiiiiiitiiiiinitutiauiiiiiitiiitittiiiiUitiiiiitiiiiiitiiiuiimiti Not just muat BUT MEAT! O'DONNELL BROS. Uiniittiiiiiiimiiiititiituitiitiiiiittiiimiiiitiiiiiiitmittiitutiiii PHONE 278-J Bl'M.NEHM DIRKCTORT Biagutnatnimtt:tm:aaiammiimiillmw Bta. Mrs. Rattle Mayne. Mgr. CLYDE ROBERTS K TO HTAV lavesrlgatlna;. Collecting. Katlngs P. O. Bot 202 Bend, Oregon ' K. E. HELLEMN ' I "hone 2U7-W I have aa FJectrlc Floor Bander, which U a new machine. Best of work guaranteed. COXCRKTK WORK. BKPTIO TAN KM, HIDKWALKH Anything In the line of tfoncrete : Work guaranteed DAVIDSON & WELSH Phone Soa-W. lfM.1 W. 1st Ht or IMS Newport Tel. 2 7 -J O'Kane Bldg. DR. E. E. GRAY DK.NTIHT Hours: to 111 to 1:20 EvmlB4Tt) mmI Sandan Appol DR. H. N. MOORE DK.NTIHTRT Tel. 167 O'Kane Bldg. uuuuunmiiiiuniiiaiitnuiiniinniuuuiiinuininimmi'j BEND INSURANCE AGENCY WrIUn ef all klniw of Ola. M ln.ur.iu. Ai.n.r In C.ntr.l Oram R. C. gl.MS First National Bank Bids., B.n, Or iainnaaiiiuiwnHnittWOTitnttuimasiiiiiwiiuiiuiia W. G. -Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 11-14 O'Kane Building Phone 178-W Bend, Oregon i uaiiuuuiuuiiuuiuavwiiuuiiiauuiiaiMtuiattaasBis iiiiiiiiiiiuiinMnimiitaimiuiiiniiiBniiuiuiuwuiiniiBnnit Tuno Your Piano at lnt Onre a Year -It Nerds It G. E. Mast Piano Tuner Tanlnft, Cleaning, Repairing At Thompson. Music Co, Phone 70 8 B y M,.Mh,j,..,ir miaiiiiisaMaisist 8 DR. II. C. DODDS I I Pbyslclaa and Burgeon I 1 2-S O'Donaell Building I Q Bun i t la II a. a.t I fc I s. U)-J B T ILnnnu,, imtninwiirnrmmnirarjmtv