The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 25, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Believe Mo, Xantlppe" To 1W (ilvcn
11)- It. A. A. V. ltrhmatie IVport
ment In Noptomlier Cast Chosen
The first rehearsal of "Believe Me.
JCantippe." which the It. A. A. C.
(IraiuMlIc department is to give in
September. -was held last night In the
American 1 .ok ion building.
That puir.ling word, 'Xuntlppo."
Is pronounced "Zun-tip-pee" with the
accent on Hie second syllable, the
director says.
Members of the cast are:
George McFarland J. C. Wright
Thornton Ilrown, ..Dr. L. W. Gati-hell
Arthur Sole, . Willard Houston
"Uuck" Kaniman John T. Ongon
"Simp" Calloway Ralph Curtis
Vrenn CraiK Coyner
Dolly Kaiuman. ...Margaret Thompson
Violet Kern Aellen
Martha Mrs. Craig Coyner
Many Siile Trips from ISenil Planned,
Hut CaniM-ra Held For Km ire
Outing lty Ideal Spot.
"One of the most wonderful spots
for camping which I have ever vis
ited," is the way in which Howard
Covey described the camp ground
which be and his party occupied for
two weeks on Elk lake, about thirty
miles out of Bend, in Central Oregon
after his return to Portland, says the
Evening Telegram. Covey said that
from the camp spot chosen for the
outing It seemed that the entire
world was spread at his feet. South
Sister, snow crowned, seemed to rise
out of the depths of the blue lake,
with lesser snow-capped peaks slant
ing to a feather edge In the distance.
When the party left two weeks ago
the intention was to take In several
points of interest in and out of Bend,
but the camp ground on Elk lake
proved so satisfactory that the entire
time was spent there. !
Canadian Soldier Regain Health In
Back To The Land Movement
Fathered by Oovernment
Hungarian Capital Has Many Btautl
ful Buildings and Its Surroundings
Art Charming to tht Eye.
Although the Hungarian capital Is
best known as iluitiiiiest, the I'osth
quarter of the city is by far the 1
most Important and old Hilda is only !
a small section Hcros the Paimtte.
on the rliclit bank. The castle It
also situated on the same side of
the river and from the puliu'e grounds i
one has a line Mrdseye view of the ;
hiimlsmiie city, with the tine (Sotlilo i
Parliament building to '.he led anil ,
St. Stephen's church, whose dome ;
matches In height the dome of the i
Parliament buIMIg, the most promi
nent feature In the close -packed city ;
beyond the busy Panube,
The people of Budapest love pleas- :
ure anil for miles along the river there
are bathing places where young ami j
old mas on the sunds or pailtlle uhout
In graceful canoes. Across from IVsth ,
rise rounded hills with small 1
villages and summer vlllaiM from
which one has lovely views of the
teeming city, the wide plain, and the
winding river.
Iteactleuary ns much of the senti
ment of Budapest is. it has hu unusual
number of monuments to Hungary's
revolutionary nuil IINornl leaders ami
many of the streets have been named
after those whose fame came through 1
righting oppression. National tieo- '
graphic Magazine.
Woman Disregard Suffrage.
Suffrage still seems a lonj way off '
for women of the South American
countries, but the subject Is at leust I
regarded with Indulgence In Argen- j
tlnu. An Informal election for city
officials was conflucted by the women !
of Buenos Aires with the permission i
of the government. Following the j
history of the movement in all cuun- j
tries the Interest of the women them- .
selves Is hard to arouse In the Ar j
gen tine, but four thousand voting at I
this election, although the city has at I
least three hundred thousand wotuen.
The pioneer woman suffragist of the
Argentine. Senora Lopez-Nelson, and
the group of women of which she Is
the head, have succeeded In securing
widespread discussion of the subject
and now are concentrating their ef- j
forts toward arousing the interest of i
women In a bill to rmend the constl-
tutlon providing for universal suf
frage, which will be presented at the
next national congress.
(Continued from Page 1.)
(Br United Prau to Tht B?f)d Bulletin.)
WINNIPEG. Man., Aug. 25. Fig
ures from a survey gathered here in
dicated that country life was the sur
est cure for shell-shock.
The percentage of shell-shocked
soldiers settled on the land, who have
comDletelv recovered, was far ereater
than that among those who stayed In j ncw-satherir,g
torlcal spell-binders. You don't set
tle difficult questions by spell-bind-'
questions. They will go out for fals
ing speeches.
"Full reports are a further hin
drance in that they make each dele
gate stand on his dignity and not
appear to be yielding. A verbatim re-.
port does not always represent the
atmosphere of the discussions. '
"I think it will be found that ow
ing to the many ramifications of
if each delegation
In cities. The Canadian eovernment ! ' rPPort to its nress represent
ing put 25.500 soldiers on the land ! a,iT!S' ,he new "' circulate till
and assisted them to equip their eacn correspondent will g.-t a com-
f.irms with Ktnrks. hnililinps and i" icpuri mai win rea:iy
farm machinery.
Though m;;ny of these soldiers
vrere suffering from wounds and
other effects of the war, the average
soldier-farmer today is in ruddy
health as well as sound finance.
Juvenile Measure.
A little girl from the West who is
visiting us has her uwo vay of meas
uring distance. When sked by a
caller where her borne '.as. she re
plied: Two go-to-beds and two get
tins from here "Ronton Tranaerinf
give the atmosphere of the meetings.
(Br United Praaa to Tht Band Bulletin.)
PORTLAND, Aug. 25. Albert B.
Fall, secretary of the Interior, stop
ped at Portland today and goes north
to Rainier National park tonight
where he will Inspect the national
parks of Washington and also Irriga
tion projects, before starting east.
We believe in Insurance, either Fire or
Life. A death or fire emphasizes the neces
sity of the same. Check up on your prop
erty and see if it is fully covered. Would
your family be protected in case of death?
If not fully covered in both cases, take out
a Policy in some good company; bring the
Policy to this Bank and place the same in our
Safety Deposit Vaults.
1 he First National Bank
This Bank I o Member of the Federal Reserve System
Comes to us again with a new production which has bctn acclaimed a work of art .
and a most unusual story of symbolic love and romance, entitled
The pi. I in ,. In a ilruinntlc rmneily
and drills d,o nu resting und
plrtiireaiiii lives of Inn art era out
of lo of Thomas llitrke's l.lmn-
nollnll stories, pllhlinheil under tho
lilies of "tJIna of Chinatown" mid
" Tlin Mkii of the Lump." Whlln tho
lociiio s , iid in London toHii, on
Mik'i or I'liplur nti-eeiH, tho lltilu
ieoilii urn everywlieio on our tiny
planet. Tliev are the poetic ilitMin
ern nf life who look through wistful,
liaty windows or Hulk upon II.
htrcet nf difutiin.
viv Knir in a tmiMlc hull dancer
In LltllnhnliNe: her f.illier Im a ntool
tiiKKiin of Scotland Yard There iitn
two brotheri! devoted to euch oih 'r.
Tliev urn 'Spike'' und "HHIIti" Mo
Kaddi'ii. Tht foimer Im the riuitier
or of the miilo with IiIh lints and
brawn while he has u kol.l. ll l.url
lone voire thut wlnn tho Kirls of tlin
ptcturwniii.t tielKlilHirbood. The iliuil
Inlluenra of (ioo.l und Lvll are nliow n
as thehe poetic people HtrUKKU
tliriumli the foitn and mists of their
narrow street out Into the sunnlilne
nf roinnuce and low. There Is tho
ever silent, slinking und stealthy
Oriental In Sway Will, who Is seek
ing favor with the sprite of the
music hall. Tlin swaying forces nf
then peoples are under tlin spells of
a street pulmlnt and a strnet tiddler.
Tlin one is the good Influenro whlln
thn others is the bud power which
sweeps throiiith thn souls and min ts
of our heroine anil her ansoclutf s.
Carol Dempnter enacts the roln of
thn tinmlc hull iluncer (iypsy Kalr.
W. J. Kersuson Is her father and thn
two Itoys devoted to enrh other ninrn
their mother's death In their early
rhlldhond.are pluyed by Italph Craves
as "Spike" sod Charles Knimet Mark
as lllllln" Mi I'ud.l.-n Thn (iood In
flllelirn dlrtftlng thn dentines of thn
neighborhood Is Impersonatml by
Tyrone Cower whlln the K'v on. in
portruyed by .Mot sun Wallum. Tho
Chinaman, Sway Wan Is Kdward I'ell
and the pawnbroker Is (inoritn Ne
ville, other notables (irimth play
ers In thn rant am Porter Strona who
Is Pumuol Jones, thn colored lad who
Is trying to get hack home to (ioor
Sla and Charles Slattery thn Innpec
tor of Pol'.rn from Scotland Yard.
Three Days-
rv ' .i. - i, t ' null
Lnvard Pn t,uw. Griffith i
vizum arreer
ronifrlit. Flidiiy
mid Siiturday
Also an Exceptional Comedy
This is the first time "Dream Street" Ims ever
been shown for less than .50c, 75c and $1.01).
Price of Admission, 25c and 50c
One Show Only, Beginning at 8:00 P. M.
cIjAssifikd advkhtlsixo
WAN'TKI) Three or four room fur
nished house. P. O. liox 213,
Bend, Oregon. 18-69-70p
FOIt 8A1.K Choice Leghorn cock
erels; butter trap nested stork; or
will exchange for pullets and breed.
Three year old Shire Keldlnic. weight
1400. I'ure bred Ilolstein baby
bull. 1'. C. Hurt, telephone 4-K-2 5.
liend, Oregon. 19-C'Jp
FOR SALE 1920 Ford sedan In
good condition and appearance;
1650.00; terms. Uox 843. Hend,
Oregon. 21-69-73p
Good Used Ranges,
Furniture, Phono
graphs or Office
24 Hour Day ....BOc
All makes of Hewing Ma
chine rented by the day,
lbs week, or the month.
(Exchange Deportment)
FOIt BALK 1918 Dodge, completely
overhauled and guaranteed In A-l
condition; this car must be sold and
the price is put down to faS'LOO.
II nick Four, completely rebuilt; a
light truck. Just the thins; for the
farmer or dairyman for 1375.00.
Now Trailer; never been used; mafle
extra strong, for. $40.00. A. W.
ltontrager (Jarage. 6S-60lfc
FOIl BALK Hemstitching and plcot
Ing attachment; works on all sew
ing machines; price $2; personal
checks, 10c extra. Light's Mull Or
der House, Uox 127, Illrmlnirhatn.
Ala. 100-65-71P
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear kin and a body
f all of youth and health may bs
your if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
Tb world' standard rsmsdy for kldnsy,
lirsr, bladder and uric acid troubles, ths
n tolas of Ills and looks. In um sines
IMS. All druggists, thrss siios. i
LeiA for th nam CiM Ma-M an avary Ws
a Maapt aa bailsaifrd
KOK SALE China rlos.-L beds.
chllTonier, chulis, pedestal and
kitchen utensils at a surrtllrn; owner
leaving town. 315 Itlvci front.
FOIt 8 ALU Look Ht No. 72 Shasta
and If you want to buy the proper
ty furniture and all at fldim call
on me. C. V. Hllvis, Oregon Mreet.
ern house.
O'Kann llliln
-Ono seven room mod
Hoo II. J. Overturf,
FOIl HK.N'T Furnished housekeep
lug rooini; moilern; Just rlwht for
two. 1 627 Division st. ll-C7-09p
FOR RENT Nice, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms. Inuulitt 12.S
r:reenood v, or .1:14 Dlvnilosl st.
riiono 71-W or 30.H-R. 15-07-7 1 p
TAKEN UP Three Jersey ralves,
no'hrands; one blnck, one red and
one thoroiiKhhreil Jersoy, Telephone
Dean Kmlth, 2-F-l 1. 17-6S-6"p
Put It in The Bulletin?
Close Out Sale!
A-Z Second Hand Store
Across from First National Hank
"When We Sale-We Sell"
evp:uytiiing is to be sold
regardless of price.
Sale Starts Saturday Morning
at 10 o'clock, and will continue until everything
is sold.