The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 22, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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The Bend Bulletin
ftlfctl a.rr Aftarna Eirapt RaitJ
Br lit Ban' BalWltm ttnrrratak
BBtrd aa Sewttd riaa mttr J anuary
k, 11)7, at tU Pol Offir at Band. Own.
Art or Marco , !;. f)
OftlCRT W. SAWYER aViitor-VUnw.
unm n. rui.E.ri Aamctar Mitor
G. H. 8MITH Adnrtuitx Kuim
Am lndpndnt Newspaper, atandin for
Ik evuar dl. elaan buainaea. clean politic
um Mat utcmu of Bend and Canlrai
Br MaM
Oaa Tanr fs.00
U Month. tt.-t.
Tar Month. ...11.50
Br Carrier
Om Taar ." M.
tx Month '
Om Month l-0
All eubcrtptiona are due and FAABI.E
IN ADVANCE, Notice of epiratKn are
ailed aubacribere and if renewal ia not
aaad within reaaonabla titna the paper will
to discontinued.
" nnttf ua nromntlv of any rhanre
f ililti. or of faUur to receive the (taper
aaralarlr. Otherwu we will not be r
awiaibl for eopie ntiued.
Make all check, and order parable to
TV Brad Bulletin.
MONDAY. Al'Gl ST 22. 1921.
"We know nowadays that even
a universal education
applies only tbe basis for a
health republican state. Next
to education there must come
abundant, prompt, and truthful
Information of what is going on
In the state, and frank and free
discussion of the Issues of the
times." H. G. Wells, "The Out
line of History."
The very frank statement from
President Brown, of the Bend Water,
Light & Power Co.. concerning Im-
proTement of the city water supply
by a diversion from Tumalo creek
puts it squarely up to the city to de
cide what its desires are.
In the first place the question is
whether it wants a better supply at
once or if it is content to continue
the use of Deschutes water, properly
safeguarded by chlorination when
necessary, until some indefinite fu
ture time. Undoubtedly, any Im
provement in our water supply that
is possible is to be desired, and if
no other consideration were to be
taken into account there would be a
unanimous request that the change
be made at once. .
There is such consideration, how
ever, in tbe matter of increased cost
and with this in mind the question
restates itself as to whether a better
supply is desired at higher rates now
or should tbe change be postponed If
to a later time when the increase in
cost would not be as much as it
would be now. Connected with this
Is the question whether the city
should arrange to secure the neces
sary funds or should the financing
be left to the company, the former
procedure assuring a smaller In
crease in rates than the latter be
cause of the cheaper interest rates
at which the city could borrow.
Insofar as any plan for raising the
necessary capital by tbe city means
a venture into municipal ownership
we believe it should not be under
taken. Perfectly good in theory we
believe it too often works out in
practice as a losing game and that
if it is undertaken the savings' found
In the lower interest rate would be
lost in the management. We believe
the company should be kept on tbe
And this brings us back to the
question jif whether we should ask
the company to go ahead now or to
wait until some later date. But here
we are in the difficulty of not know
ing what the prospective increase In
the water rate would be. Before the
city can make any decision on this
point it should be furnished with
some statement as to the rates that
might be expected. If Mr. Brown or
Mr. Pole will give us this Informa
tion we can begin to make up our
minds, .i
..... . '
The Wrong Role
G. Bernard Shaw put on his robe prophetic, and
said that Carp would win the recent fight; his
guess was raw, it was a thing pathetic, and as a
seer G. Bernard was a fright. No more can he,
with gestures most commanding, compel our awe
when he'd the future read; at one fell swoop he
spoiled his prophet standing, he's an Elijah badly
gone to seed. Whene'er a prophet sees tlie people
grinning, if he is wise he will take in his sign; he's
shot his bolt, he's fooled away hjs inning, his words
"don't track, his facts are out of line. All o'er the
world poor delegates are trying to do the things
for which they were not born; the lawyer for a
poet's wreath is sighing, the barber longs to loot
an alto horn. The blacksmith yearns to preach a
ringing sermon, the husbandman would plow the
surging sea, the student hopes to master French and
German, when all he needs is Creek or Cherokee.
In most of us this folly is outcropping, for other
crafts we'd drop our proper tools; with diligence
I keep my lyre a-popping, but I would like to doctor
cows and mules. If I'd a hat, right gladly would I
doff it, when Bernard Shaw brings forth his witty
plays; but when I see him as a prize ring prophet,
a loud and raucous horse laugh do I raise.
it's toasted to
seal in the
It's toasted.
Sitftty Match Swsdlah Invention.
Tin' aitfrtv iniitrh win Hut liivi'iill'Oi
tif n ShimIIOi tnmnifni'liirvr nitint'il
I .llml i ti tn luta lift'.- "n thf liiuikr'
lnti 1S.W lis hiwul t'tnilitlna no plum,
phnrti. I'll! Imltla n inlKtiirp if ulilrli
clilnrute of polnili intimity forum M
'1'iiri. Thf sIi'IMhk am riict- on llui
alilo tif tlir l-nx. Is fomii'tl liy a com.
fxi.-mt tif rt'd ilinainttiiN nntl aiiiul.
Vhf attft'iy uiiilt:li In imihiifnrtiiri'd
tlntlly In S. fil ill. Natjuny i ml Jiinll.
(Br United Praaa to Tlx Bend Bulletin.)
ROME, Aug. 22. England . and
Italy must unite to preserve the Inte
grity of Turkey and to resurrect Ot
toman nationality.
This opinion was expressed in an
interview by Senator Artom, presi
dent of the Italian Colonial Institute,
and an expert in foreign " politics,
which he studied at the Foreign Of
fice before he became first a deputy
and then a senator.
"The terms of. a narticular agree
ment betweSn England and Italy for
the Near East could not be discuss
ed by tbe press before its conclu
sion." said Artom, "because, not even
the most modest commercial conven
tion could be concluded, if Its terms
were discussed beforehand.
All that can be aaid Is that a re
turn to the principle of the integrity
of the Ottoman Empire, which for
long formed an important part of
European public law, would -seem ad
visable, and should form the base
of an agreement with Italy.-
Certalnly, tbe conduct of' Turkey
during tht wur bim aroused legiti
mate raiu'nur in European public op
inion; rermyily. the patutitgn'ot the
Straits can no longer remain the
monopoly of Turkey, nor of any
other power. Hut. with this reserva
tion, rancour cannot be the base of a
wise pollry; Europe will help herself
and the great cause of human liberty
by asslHtlng the resurrection of the
Ottoman nationality, on ' condition
that it gives all the necessary guar
antees for the protection of the rights
of the other Oriental races and of
legitimate European interests.
"The strengthening of the agree
ment already existing between tbe
; governments of London. Paris and
Rome, and the conclusion also of spe
iclnl arrangements for most urgent
questions, such as that of the Near!
East, constitutes a real and vital
necessity for Europe."
"The agreement before all else
should be based upon the Interest
and the need of unity between the
three Great Powers for the defense
of the system of order against the
prevalence of, the revolutionary orj
Bolshevist tendencies which have for
some time threatened Europe."
FHfl Day Otiaervtd Cln. 1B0J.
HiiU (h,y, June M, In it iiiinieer.
my ot Hie itttopt I ) of I In- ;-'lnr iiml
Stripe., liy (lie t'uiilhiiMit.11, tiuifctf In
177 7. The tiny tin !- it inure or lt
ol'servetl since Issn, In Hint year HIikIi, a New York ti'inliir,
roiiiini'iiioriileil the Mrlh uf the ling
Willi special patriotic t xerclaea li.V his'lf in Icn pupil". I'm riot !c and
riles to k up the observant e timl r ing
'lay ha lu'coin well eaiitliilshed.
Mutual Intsrsats.
"IV mini tint 'leiitl lo his own htiai
ni'tii." aaii Itl I'ucle lilieii, "has got In
Intercut hliiicfir III oilier folks' limit
liens, so tint his litmliieas kill help delr
liusliiess n I on it."
OrriM'i Ilighrr Inililutloa el
1'la.hl Srholi; Seventy Drpillmcnt
lot Wmmiimi tse la the RriMHtf
Oregon Agricultural College
Giant never rccommentJcJ unliaa they are ncarv.
Try OurNtw Doubt Viaton Lsnies for Clear Viaiun
Nsr and I'ar. Two Viaiona in Oo. lnviaibl iatn
H. W. BARR, Optometrist-Optician
Office Now Open
Mine! Ill
Your hay crop should be Insured.
I am prepared to give you real serv
ice. Call me.
iltft J. C. RHODES
To Talk Through Telephone.
Scientific tests show that every
additional Inch of distance between
the lips of the speaker and the mouth
piece Of the telephone Is equivalent
to adding 120 miles of wire to the
Una over which one Is talking. The
proper distance Is about one Inch: If
farther than that, such sounds as "b,
p, d, t, f, t" are transmitted poorly.
If closer than one,balf Inch, nasal
sounds like "m and "n" do not enter
the transmitter properly.
Ah, I. was a struggling young man
when I married her. Yes, I struggled
hard, but I couldn't escape." From
tbe LookerOn. Calcutta.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin carries more
local ' news than any other
paper. Subscribe.
A. B. C. orX.Y.Z.
In algebra, "abc" represents the known;
"xyz" the unknown. Likewise in cir
culation. A. B.C. represents he kown
plus where it goes and how it was ob
tained. Anything else is the unknown. .
When buying space, select mediums
of known circulation Ghoose from
A.-B. C. reports and audits." You
have then backed your judgment with
undisputable facts.
The Bend Bulletin is a member of the Audit Bureau
ot Circulation and we invite every advertiser to in
spect our records.
Before Buying
for tbe children see our
and get our
Remarkably Low Prices
Phone 138-W. Niht Phone 154-W
See Our Window Display
Offering Big Reductions in Prices
on Pianos and Phonographs.
Thompson Music Co.
, The Shevlin-Hixon Company
Be careful of
It represents millions of dollars
to Central Oregon.
The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.