I TAOU 4 TRI BEND BCLLKTIN, DAILY RDITION, IUCND, ORROON, TIU'IWIIAY. AVOIHT Id, IMI. HOME CONVENIENCES INTERESTING WOMEN Flrelea (looker Anil lei'lra Refrig erator Hemonstrated It) MUa Kv Comegya In (he Arnold IHMrlct. Women In the Arnold dlHtrlrt are especially Interested In the making of home conveniences, such as the rlrelea cooker and Icelens refrigera tor, re port h Miss Era Coinegys, home domonatralor. The neat meeting In lh Arnold section will be on Au gust 25. The women of the Bend Lutheran church have begun demonstration work with the making of drew forma. Two forma were made yesterday at the home of Mrs. S. H. Saimerud on the La Pine road. Later, classes In cooking and sewing may be formed. Miss Helen Cowgill. assistant boys' and girls' state club leader. Is expect ed to arrire in Deschutes county the latter part of August, and will be ac companied by Miss Comegys on a visit to canning and sewing clubs at the Grange hall, the Hoech school, and Sisters. EASTERN CASTERS . WILL ANGLE HERE Possibility that a number of east ern anglers will wish to fish In the -vicinity of Bend after attending the national casting tournament In Port land, is brought out in a telegram to the Bend Commercial club receiv ed today from the Multnomah Ang lers' club. The matter of entertain ment is being turned over to the local Rod and Gun club. THK PIM-J Ity H. E. Derrick. (Fox Butte Lookout) There are pines and pines and still more pines. Yellow and black and sugar pines. White and green and lodgepole pines. But the bane of my life is the por cupines; They'll tear up your shirt and eat up your shoes. Chew up the cupboard and drink up your booze: If you are lucky enough to be able to choose. Between the moon's cold rays on a wooded hill. And the nectar fresh from the steam ing still. But the porcky is like to the veriest gob. . I mean he is always on to the job. With cutlass and bayonet ready, at guard. To argue the question and argue It hard. An argument one doesn't hanker to meet, With scanty bed garments, bare shins and feet. Soft Is his step and fearless his gaze. He knows he is monarch of all he surveys: He takes a bite here and another one there. The top of the table, the seat of a chair. He will sniffle and grunt and babble: and purr, j And then he will yelp like a trouble- some cur. j You may think it is piffle and bunk , and all that, I That a porcky can mimic a dog or a : cat: But if you think there is much of: untruth in these lines, Just pitch your camp once 'mong the! tall porcupines. I kUsssuaaHMawaaauiaBsJ II fl We believe in Insurance, either Fire or Life. A death or fire emphasizes the neces sity of the same. Check up on your prop erty and see if it is fully covered. Would your family be protected in case of death? If not fully covered in both cases, take out a Policy in some good company; bring the Policy to this Bank and place the same in our Safety Deposit Vaults. The First National Bank 0 BoniotSnriei 77i Bank U a Member of the STANFORD STADIUM AHEAD OF SCHEDULE Mammoth Row! Will Re Ready For Hid tiarae With California la The Kail I Now Predicted. t Hr Vnitrd Priaa to Th Bnd Bulletin.) STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal.. Aug. IS. Construction on the mam moth stadium hero was five days ahead of the engineer's schedule to dny. and it was expected that the great structure, which will seat 60. 000 persons, will be ready for the "big game" with California in the fall. More than one-third of the dirt from what will be the bottom of the bowl has been removed and construc tion of the bleachers commenced. A fleet of tractors Is engaged in tear ing up the soil tu huge chunks and piling it on top of the already high surrounding mound. TONIGHT ONLY Starring Bevatchujg CAD MEL- JaaaWAawlataml "OWMIfJu)."!! Mmjmf lamtm Cmtt CINDERELLA JANE knew that she'd be a successful playwright some day but meantime she darned socks or a bunch of young artists in Greenwich Village. And then Jerry Paxton came along, pursued by a flock of wild, wealthy women and Cinderella Jane married him to save him from the artistic disgrace of mil lions or so he thought But that wasn't her reason at all and you'll never guess the real one till you see this de licious picture. Also "HAPPY DAZE" UniTertal Special Comedy Fhia u the last night of the Free Ticket ONE FREE TICKET with each admission. Federal Reserve System TAKEN SECOND TIME FOR INTOXICATION Apparently suffering from coutin ued over-indulgence III alcoholic bev erages, Oscar Martinson was arrest' ed lust night by Officer It. H. Fox. Martinson was In no condition to plead today and his hearing was set for tomorrow In police court. He was arrested on a similar charge only a few days ago, und forfeited bail. ClaMllWd advartulna- ehaja par Imim It iit tor SO aanla or In. On aant w word tor all ovar 10. All laalB4 wlnrtl tn Btrtctlr cuh In adVanta. WANTED WANTKl) A housekeeper; past age of 35. Write C. H. Dodao. II. K. D. No SS. Bend. s7-3p WANTKl) Girl to work In dining room: experience uunecuHury. Apply t'llot llutte Inn. ,S9-63tfc WANTKl) Wood cutters. Call at The Bulletin omen on Saturday afternoon. 79-2-S4; WANTKD Roomers and boarders, IS. 60 per week, at Mountain View Hotel: close to mills. 7 0-61 -8 5p FOR SALE FOR SALE Beet value In used fur niture you've even seen: four hun dred and fifty dollars worth, lined four months., cu be had for $250 cash: this includes Western Electric range which cost me $185 W. E. Turner. 42 Irving st. 90-63-66p KOR SALE Overland car, model 85: good tires: condition good mechanically: price 1225, cash: sae ritlce. Southwortn Bros. Garaae. 93-3-4p FOR SALE Small house. Including furniture: will sell cheap. In quire Janet Williams, 651 Portland avenue. 84-63-65p FOR SALE Sales counter, varnish ed, in good condition, 10 feet loag: also four display tables well built and painted, 4x feet In site. Inquire Turner, at the Windmill. 7S-l-63p TT :U,U FRIDAY ILu&yjHCIL WWW The grip of the Carbonari! And the white circle" that 'meant death! Tomorrow this man, who had love and all the world to live for, must offer himself to a foe who claimed the right to kill. Come and see what happened! Filmed from Robert Louis Stevenson's Im mortal thrill Tale, "The Pavilion on the Links." Also Paramount Mack Sennett Comedy "GEE WHIZ'' FOR 8ALK limine and lot near mills. In good location; will rant or trade If desired. See K. I.. I'aynn. Deschutea Oarage Co. 83-62-5o FOR BAI.K Central Oregon ranch for lens than the Improvements cost. Address S. II. Haskell, Oro gon City. Ore. R. I. 74-6l-63p KOR SALE ISIS Dodge, completely overhauled and guaranteed In A-l omul II Inn; this car must he sold anil the price Is put down to $550.00. Bitii'k Four, completely rebuilt; a lltslit truck. Just the tiling for the farmer or dairyman tor 3V 5.0H New Trailer; never been used; made extra strong, for $40.00. A. W. Hon trader liurage. 8&-80tfr FOR RENT FOR UKNT Three two room houses near high school, 110 per month; two small houses near mills. 88.60 per month: all partly furnished. Hoglu (.and Co., 34 Lafayette ave. l-6.1p FOR RENT One four room and one three room house near mills. Call 85-W, or Inquire at Draglch A Sprrnger'a. . 8S-H.1,B5p FOR RENT Two furiilnhed rooms. 85.00 each: one furnished room. $7.50; one furnished room, f 1 0.00; close to Brooks-Scaulon mill. 145 Jefferson Place. N-6S-65p FOR RENT Five room house, part ly furnished. 815 per month; also one four room house. 810 per month: both located close to mills. Inquire A. J. (iuggaus I'ulut Shop, Wall street. SO-fiJ-oTp FOR RENT Io you want the snug gest little home In town? Four room house, modern in every detail: china closet, Dutch kitchen, roomy clothes closets: large living room: two lots, nicely located; rent very reasonable: house new, never oc cupied, lnuulre Bend Investment Co.. Wall street. 77-6l-3c USED CARS CARS FOR SALE 875.00 will buy Michigan truck: Just the car for farm work: large enough to do heavy hauling and geared high rnough to make time on road; good mechanical condition and Ave good tires: this truck can soon pay for Itself In service. Ford truck, fnc tory bed and cab, In good condition: will take city property In trade. In quire at Deschutes Oarage Co. 81-62-85c CAR FOR BALE Seven passenger Sludebaker car. Inquire 20 Park Place and Division xj-RJ-SKp Hy Only White Circle iiiniiMnimuuuiniiuiuiMmiHiuiuuuMiuuiuniiininiiiuuiiNiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiillimiiliuuiiniiiiiniiiiiiiuiimaMiii OUR LATEST BIG OFFER! Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered from our selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for- $25.00 and Upwards i Hundreds of patterns to select from. EXPERT CLEANING, PRESSING and DYING We also make LaVlies Suits to order. DICK-The Tailor 1018 WALL STREET I Can Save You Money ON YOUR Light Auto Repair Work Do it right in h reasonable length of time. Give inc a chance to convince you. The Light Auto Repair Shop Kansas Street, 2 Doors East of Troy Laundry ntwiiunununumiiumi:uiuiit:um:immiiuu:nniiHmniiitmuiimitmtnmmniilwiinaiiitnmtHuiluiuttiiljtlltmm WALL PAPER PAINTING and DECORATING IS OUR BUSINESS And we make It out1 bualneaa to mw that our bualnraa la handled In a bunlneaallk. way. The quality of our Interior rierorating rannot be equalled. Our dloplay of wall ppr la the largest and brat ever shown In Central Oregon. Our prlrra are right. Oa then quallflcatlona we (eel JuaOfted la asking you for a ronaldrrMlonwben In aord of work la our liae. A. J. GOGGANS 736 WALL STREET uutmttnttwtn raOKKHMIONAL AND citnm luummmimimmKminainutunricrntmimmiaiuirumminnfrntnmimi :nrouu mmnnnnrrmiiiunmttnm- Mountain View Hospital Genera! Hnapltal) Maternity Caaea a Hpwlalty Phona ISI Kanaaa and Stat Bit. Mr. Hattla Mayna, Mgr. I jmiunnannnminuttmrawttujunfuraraiimiimnnmraiunmum 7 tg.j " Office Phone F. M. BLOOM Dentist DR. G. SKINNER DK.N'TIHT Ofllca, Room If, O'Kana llldf. I'lione: omce, llluck 23H-W Office Houra: to 111 to S nan tminmumni ixxm numnnna R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooma 13 and 1 Flrat National Bank llulldlns. Tel. SI (Dr. Coa'a Tarmmr OIBmI II ttmmmnui!3 I aamanmumwimnmninmiuiiii Walt C. Wickersham TKACIIKIt OF IOI.IN Knrollmenla now lirlng made for Kepl4Mnlier lnc. l'lionr ill.VM. mnnmntmmnminiumiiummintnmiminBmnmnnni! uiiiiiiHiiwBittnaiuiiuiuiHiMiinininwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiir HOME SANITARIUM Maternity Caiica a Hperlulty MIIH. J. W. AVITT, MATUON 1 101 Wall HI. Phone HI -J mmmwuKiummmwu!: -jt MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NUIIONK t'OIWKTH Will call by appointment 1059 Columbia St. Phone S03-M I'. O. Box 40 mmimnira:iinunummiuwiraiuwumuumanuiinitr WM. MONTGOMERY Furnace. Spouting, Outter lng. Cornice and Hkyllght Repairing promptly attended lo Prlcea right. Work guaranteed Tlnnlnr and ft h net Metal Rmiiinniiiunitniiimniimiiiiutmiimu i nrnim cninminitnmiimBniumiutmiiiiiinnmmiiwinmmiiia CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Buppltea Bath Room Acceaaorlei, etc., etc.. Pipe, Valves I! liiiimnMiTi' amanmaih I 1UIU AlliMllgiS PHONE 159-J PHONE 278-J annmnruimitmnuuminruuaimiiimiiutnnruimiHintnimi i BCHINKHM IMUFXTOUT fji ttttittru ttitiitm mmtt uaxuxiitxti intttiiuttttiiuuu u uu u n OB. raaaa 7 KaaUnwa II1H DR. H. C. DODDS Itiyalrlan and Nurgeon 'J-H O'lHinnrll llulldlng llaani t to II a. ai. I I U . aivl WlUllllllUlllllllllllltTtttlJillllllllllUllllltllllllllllllllllllllllfi,' K. E. HELLEMN llione 1WT-W I have aa Klertrlr Klmr Hander, which la a new machine. Ilrat of work guaranteed. iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii utuiuuiuuuHuiuumjuii I'tlXt'ltKTK WOltK. KKITIO TAX KM, HIOKWAI.KH Anything In the line of tonrrete Work guaranteed DAVIDSON & WELSH Itionn S1KMV. lll.VI W. It HI., or KIA Newport . miutiirtmintci im m inti imtuiti i nin to rutuwtsztB uuntt u f.iisumiuQuifuxtntuuuunusiitnnnmrai T. l. 27-J O'Kiino DR. E. E. GRAY DK.N'TIHT Hours: 9 to 121 to 6:S9 Cwnln and 8i4an ky AppoinUMil niumrnnuraunmtttwuuutmnuiimuu: DR. H. N. MOORE DK.MIHTKT Tel. 17 O'Kane Btdg tfiiinimnttfTifiifiiRttniR in tun hi tnt ttitti trtrnntimiinni i taumiiuiminumnimtiiiiitntnuimimiMtiitiwimnaim'j BEND INSURANCE I AGENCY, R Wrltara of all klniia nl Iniuranea. OI aal Imuranaa Aawner la Cantral Oravaa. H. C gl.LII rirat National Bank BMc Bnd, Ora. nmmniimnnmminiiimniuiiiinnmnmiumniinniij BmmimninmwwntniiiiuttiiniutnmittitmtmtitatBmnt W. u. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 11-14 O'Kana Building Phone 178-W Ilend, Oregon lumnfmuinimutiniifntnniiinitnumimunnmiiranittt! mnmiiuiiiiiiiuuiiiiuniuiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuinttuiiiiiuiiiiiiinf Tuno Your Piano at lpant Once a Year It Need It G. E. Mast Piano Tuner Tuning, Cleaning, Repairing At Thompaon MunIc Co. Itione 70 !iiuininiiuiiiiitimi:timiiiiimmunutiii!miiiiiiiniuin CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS tUIWIIUallUWIWl H IkniinttitmwnwwwiiwnmnmH