PAQB 4 THB BEXD BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, BKND, ORBOON, Tl'KMIMV, ATCJI'HT Ifl. Wat. Buying Most We Buy For Less l I II II u II II II lf Hi II II li'll ' i) 'l l Ism A 312 DEPARTMENT STORES Nation -Wide Money-Saving EXTRA! EXTRA! i Ready! Boys' Suits FINE SERGE SUITS $9.98 ARMOR CLAD All Wool Clothes, double knee, seat and elbows ; Two suits in one. $12.75 KNICKERBOCKER SUITS In specially selected fabrics, $6.90 to $12.75 Reinforced at all wearing points. Money sav ing values. Knickers That Give Double Wear 98c. to $2.98 r fynblo seat, double kaeo and lined. Knickers in a variety Of materials and in all the popular colors. Here are Knickers made of fabrics that meet every test of hard wear. They come in all shades. Browns, Greens, Blues i and Mixtures siuDuys duiis musLTuizu iviuue in rine r aurics Penney -Junior Double Service CLOTHES FOR BOYS Double Seat Double Knees Double Stitched Honestly Tailored Re-Enforced at Every Wearing Point Manufactured Exclusively for Sit OCMKJMENTSlURtt Selling Most We Sell For Less Program BOYS' School Shoes Utile Oents" Black and Drown School and Dres Shoo.; aolld leather; slses 8 to 1 IH : priced at- $!. to -J.tW Hoys' Drown and Dlack Calf School andDres SIumh; aolld leather; Youths' slxe 12 to 1; priced at rJ.40 to Uoys' slses. 2 to 6. now priced . at $i!.lM to KI.IM BOYS' Itl'HTKU BROWN HIIOF.H Drown Calf Dlucher: patent back slay; motal heel plato; Goodyear welt sole; .olid leather; the bast all around Shoe on the market. Youths' sixes IS to 1 at I..V) Duyi slie I to C at at.UM Boy' Tel-TU-Tlp Shoe.; made of heavy black calf.kln; extra heavy welt solea, aewed with heavy waxed harness thread; metal heel plate, and with a chrome ole leather tip that la guaranteed to hold the boya. Youths' sizes It to 2 at .... ..V Doys' sixes !)i to I at aj.Wt Boys' Tan Calfskin Army Shoes, Goodyear welt sole, rubber heal: jolld loather. Youths' sizes It to J at 6M.40 Uoys' sizes 14 to at IW.OH I Serges All Wool Cassimeres Corduroy Colors : Brown Gray Green Heather Blue I Tbt Styles are Notfolks vctib yolks, box pleats, inoerieJ pleats all-around belts, flap pockets. Sizes 6 to 18 years. $6.90 Two Pairs Knickers full lined $6.90 LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMKTf . TRPJOAjnZATJ01LIILTHlJr70RLD " FIRE! IF YOUR HOUSE or Business had Jburned last night instead of the Bend Parage, what valuable papers would have been destroyed that could not be Replaced? Rent a Safety Deposit Box TODAY in our FIRE PROOF VAULT. $3.00 per year. You keep the key, we keep the box. 1 be First National Bank T.s Biwa Sqe lo. S Ttcs 77ii Bank I Mtmbtr of the Federal Reserve System AT THE CAMP GROUND All sorts of Interesting Informa tion is to be found on the new camp ground register, In addition to the names and addresses of visitors. Such pleasing remarks as "Your climate Is excellent." "Thank you for free camp." "Thanks; may come again." Some valuable boosters for their own locality and its tourist attrac tions will not pass up an opportunity to advertise. Someone has placed a "please register" sign on the box, so that a greater number are leaving their names and addresses. On The Beg-lster O. R. Robblns and family, Thayer, Kan.; R. C. Cooper and family, Kla math Falls; C. J. Olson, wife, son and daughter; William Robertson, wife and son Lloyd, Baudette, Minn.; Bernard C. Elver and wife, Clare mont. Cat.; H. Randall, wife and daughter Helen, M. E. Frith wife, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mr. Mrs. J. C. Tobln, Mr. and Mrs. Davla, Los Angeles. parison with those of Portland, Nor deen said Monday following his return from attending the state Bup tlst convention. Sprinkling rates In Portland are vlrtuully prohibitive, N'ordecn states, and as a result many householders are allowing their lawns to dry up. In Bend sufficient water Is available at reasonable prices to permit of adequate irrigation. C'IRCI'H IMRADK I'LAX.VKB FOB BKMI MONDAY MOIIMNO and and Dan BEND'S GREEN LAWNS PRAISED BY NORDEEN Bend's green lawns look actually refreshing to H. E. Nordeen In corn- Advance notices received here apeak flatteringly of Palmer Brothers animal circus which will show hero on Monday, Aug. 22. The after noon performance will bo heralded by a street parade at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, It Is announced. Bulletin "WANT ADS" . aults Try Them. Bring Re- Claulfled ailrertlilaa har Mr Ihim to Cflta for 10 word, or In On. Mnt em word for .11 ovr (0. All elusion sdrtl tn strlttlr tali In advsne. WANTKD Girl lo help In dining room. Apply Pilot Unite Inn. 676061c WANTKD Woman to do ltoll laundry and chamber work at HI 1 -vet Lake. Inquire 1226 K. Third street, llnnd. BT-BO-6 1 p FOR SALE FOR SA1.K Sales counter, varnlnh ed, In good condition, 10 feel long; also four display tallies, well built and painted. 4x4 feet In size. Inquire Turner, at tho Windmill. 76 ei.BUp FOR HALK Maxwell auto; very reasonable price and terms or will oxrhauge for farm products or city property. Miller Lumber Co. 71-61-!c KOIl HALK It 111 Dodge, completely overhauled and guaranteed In A-l condition; this car must bn sold and the prlo. is put down tit $560 00. Bulck Four, completely rebuilt; a light truck. Just the thing for the farmer or dairyman for $375.00. New Trailer; never been used; made extra strong, for $40. Oi). A. W. Donlrager tiarag., 66-60tfc FOR HAI.K Central Oregon ranch for lens than the Improvements cost. Address H. II. dusked, lire, gon City. tire. It. 2. 74 tll-M3p FPU HAI.K Wood suw, bargain: 6 hp. lulermilloiial engine, Iron wheeled truck: to be sold at great sacrlllce. Cull 1 5-F-4. 60-6V-6U FOR RENT FOR It KNT Furnished five room modern house In good location llend Investment Co., hit Wall street. 7H-6l-62e FOR HUNT Plastered, three room house: one small house partly furnished: near mills; $6.60 per month. Ilogln Land Co,, 34 Lafay ette. 71-flp FOR It KNT Do you want the snug gest little home In town? Four room house, modern In every detail; china closet. Dutch kitchen, roomy clothes closets: large living room: two lota, nicely located; rent very reasonable: house new, never oc cupied. Biqulre Bend Investment Co., Wall street. 77-6l-63c FOR 8AI.K Portable Jlutrh kitchen cabinet with built-in bin; dlmon- i aions 7 4 long. 1' I" deen. and 6' ft" hl.h. Innulrn Mrs. A. C ! Doatlc, 767 Ogden avenue, or phone 1SS-J. 4-;9-lc Put It In The Bulletin. Ftlt It KNT Two small house. partly furnished: $6.50 and 6" 50 per mouth; good for bachelor's quar ters, luqulr. Ilogln Land Co., 3 4 Lafayette Ave. 66-60-61 p FOR It KNT Three room house, un furnished. 1 423 W. First street, or phone IK0-.M. " 69-69-6tp NOTHK OK HAI.K FOB DKI.INQl KNT AHHF.SHMKNTH Whereaa. on the 24th day of February. I2I. pursuant lo the pro visions of Chapter l of the Charter of the City of llend, there were entered In the Docket of City Liens lu the omre of the Recorder of said City, aasessments for the construction of street improvements In Local Improvement District No. 41. In the following respective amounts, against the following described parrels of land, the owner or reputed owners thereof being as follows, lo-wlt: Description - Amount Owner or Reputed Owner 11 1. Block 14. of Bend . $734 61 Baptist Church Notice Is Hereby Given that pursuant lo Warrant Number PA. Issued by the Recorder of aald City, to me the undersigned directed, I will on Friday, the 26th day of August, 1921, at the hour of three o'clock In the afternoon of aald day, In front of the City Hall, at the corner of Lara Road and Minnesota Avenue In aald City, sell separately the several tracts of land above described for the amount of said assessment against earn, together with inlerral and all costs and accruing coals. II. II FOX. Chief of Police. Bend, Oregon. Dated tbla 26th day of July. 121. 43-49-66-6I MITH'K OK HAI.K FOR DKI.IVOC KNT ASSF.SHMKNTH Whereaa, on tho 24th day of February, 1921. pursuant to the pro visions of Chapter It of the Charter of the t'lty of llend. there were entered In the Docket of City Liens In the office of the Recorder of said City, assessments for the construction of street improvement In (.oral Improvement District No. 40, In the following reipectlve amounts, against the following doscrlbed parcel of land, the owner or reputed owuer thereof being a follow, to wlt: Description Amount Owner or Reputed Owner Block 12 of Bend: lot IH. Subdivision of Lot 2 t 43 23 Mary O'Donnell Block 7, North Addition to Bend: West 60 of South 100' 35 00 p. plerson Fast 26' of West 76' of South 100'.. 179.69 II. II. Fox All of South 120' lying Kast of West 100' 306.12 A. J. Tucker All of South 26 6' lylug northerly of Kast 34 0V of South 1 20' 7 3l A J. Tucket All of South 26.6' lying northerly of West 100' of South 120', and all South 120' lying North of tiouth 100' of West 76' 195.61 C. A. Carroll Notice la Hereby Given that pursuant to Warrant Number 7A. taau.d by the Recorder of aald City, to mo the undersigned directed. I will an Friday, the 26th day of August, 1921, at the hour of three o'clock In the afternoon of aald day. In front of the City Hall, at tho corner of Ijiva Road and Minnesota Avenue In aald City, sell separately the several tract of land above described for the amount of said o"'lH against each, together with interest and all cost and accruing cost. II H FOX. Chief of Police. llend, Oregon. Dated this 20th day of July. 1921 43-49-65 le WANTED WANTKD Roomers and boarder. 16.60 per, week, at Mountain View Hotel; close to mill. 7 0-6 1-6 Bp LIBERTY Weday j ROBEITiVON-COlC 0n Pauline Frederick. a r&u JT.:4w" mjiqvcot vaiuiy srom the play liVU ir. awi Huii wino nncKO a. r s r" ALSO Paramount Mack Sennett Comedy "GEE WHIZ" Admission 20c and 40c. One Ticket Free with each admission. TONIGHT, ONLY Bert Lytell In 'Mmaee Frcm Mars."