. ." .Vi.l. PAGB " rittt BKXO BC1.IJCTIN. DAII.T EDITION, BEND, ORKOOlf, HATI'ltDAV, AI'dlltT in. UKII. linum.utmHt.:imu.t:minumm.::::.tt AT THE CAMP GROUND When family coined to town And loraloa more or leas per manently, ' . And the man gets a job at the mill, And they avoid paying rent By staying at the camp ground. . And use up all the tree wood That the city provides. . Hog the best piece of shade In the park; Hare a bunch of ornery kids that throw llttec around the grounds and refuse to cteaa up: Holler about poor accommodations. And nem'aar "Thank you" During t lx weeks they lire at onr expeaae. Then the city council and the Com mercial club' and the Auto Dealers' association and the Woman's Civic league and the Common People won der it it pays to spend a lot of money on a camp ground for such people to monopolise. J Somebody ssld the other day that a charge should be made for the ac commodations. It'd take a lot of nerve to charge anything for the ac commodations we've got now. but it might keep some of these undesirable citizens away. Somebody else suggested a time limit of two weeks. Anyway, people oughtn't be allowed to live down there forever ' while the rest of us have to pay rent and taxes and wood and water and light bills and street assessments and dues to the Commer cial club, and everything. Oh the IWirister. A. 3. Fallman and wife. Paso Robles, Cat.; A. B. Cook and wife. Durango, Cal.; A. Y. Cook and wife. Durango. Cal.: Frank St. Rrres, Port land; B. ft. Wagner. Portland: B. Williamson and family. Fair Oaks. Cal.; W. R. Robblns and family. Portland; Fred F. Gates and wife. Portland. DAILY MARKET REPORT (Prices paid by Bend Dealers to :. farmers.) Batter and Eggs Butter, S7c Co 42c. Eggs. 1 8c O He Vegetables and Fruits Cauliflower, 10c to IS per head. Green corn, SOc per dozen. Potatoes, new, 2c. Carrots, SOc per dot. bunches. Green onions, SOc do, bunches. Onions, old, 4c lb Beets, SOc per dox. bunches. Radishes, SOc per dox. bunches. Head lettuce, SOc 75c per dox. heads. String beans, 8c. Peas, 8c. Cabbage. Sc lb. Currants. 10c lb. Strawberries, $4 crate. Dressed Meats Beef Prime steers, 13 He; cows. 10c to 12 He lb. Veal "Hog dressed" 11c to 14c. Pork 13 to 17c. Sbeep Lambs. 15c; yearlings. 12c; ewes. 6c to 10c. Chickens Ught hens, 20c 22c: heavy, 26c 28c; friers, 30c 32c. Meats, Live Weight Beef Steers, Sc to 6c lb. Pork 12c to 14c. Sheep Lambs, 6c to 7c; yearlings. 4c to ic; owes, 2c to 3 He. ChlctrenSBens, light, 18c0 2Oc; heavy, 24o to 26c; friers, 26c to 28c. f" y -Bulletl, VJfTAUT ADS" Bring Ke- snlt-M,Try Them. Ah (i -M M . LIBERTY Jonight and Sunday Open at 7:30 SPECIAL CONCERT By 0 A Shevlin-Hixon Orchestra 7:30 to 8.00 o'Clock "BEFORE THE WHITE MAN CAME" Tk. Screen. Moit Unique Attraction, with An All Indian Cast SPECTACULAR DRAMATIC ROMANTIC 15c ana 30c One Ticket FREE with each admission a Business Is Good! No kidding. We never imagined we could sell the amount of Suits we have but its price and quality people are looking for today- -that's the reason. The opportunity is before you and the way is here. Don't fail to take advantage of it. Hi i Si i! DIAMOND'S CELEBRATED HAWAHANS ; mil A NIGHT ON In an Elaborate and Spectacular Musical Program s Hi 3gg PARADISE ISLAND INTRODUCING NATIVE HULA DANCERS Singers and Musicians Men's Suits, worth up to $35.00, on sale at Men's Suits, worth up to $45.00, on sale at CASHMAN BEND'S CLOTHIER K ii3:rttnianin:.:::nnnn:!n:ii:M!it::ni:::i:i::miim: ttn88mmnunnnt.nnmimn:ntrttft:nnm ,..t.MMMft!fT-?lTWMllMtMmMMIMI:Mm.Mm ,,... ODELL LAKE COLONY OF BEND FOLK GAINS FOR 8ALK Wood saw. Iiarsaln: h p. International engine. Iron wheeled truck: lo be sold at great aacrltlco. Call 15-F-4. 0G9-6U FOR RKNT Three room hou.e. un furnished 1421 W. Flr.l MrM. or phone HO M. 19 &9Hp The Bend colony at Odcll lake was CAR OR HALk rord commercial I car: factory body; Al shape; a Increased thla afternoon when Dr. R. ', i. ..k- ..,,,. . it C. J. aired. Beaolleu at Manny. M-6g-60c r '' '-room hou.e. furnish FOR KKNT Clean, close-in. unfuf' nlshed apartment ; 2 or 4 room. Inquire Irving. 47-&7p i D. Ketchum and family and j.Monahan and family left to apend a I two weeks' outing at the popular re I sort. The faralllc of Jack 1(111 and George A. Buegler preceded them. ! P"'ty. Inquire al IM Grand TONIGHT and Sunday ClMtfWtf av4vnUln chart tw two t emu for to word or Was, Oti enl pa dH for all ovvr 20. All clauaitUd tvlvarlitv in strictly emmh in avanea. FOR SALE POSTERS ANNOUNCE COMING OF CIRCUS Posters announcing the coming of Palmer Bros.' wild animal circus, scheduled to appear In Bend on Mon day, August 22, made their appear ance In Bend today. The circus will mm FIRE! .. ' ' IF YOUR HOUSE or Business had (burned last night instead of the Bend parage, what valuable papers would have been destroyed that could not be ' Jreplaced? ;', Rent a Safetv Deposit Box TODAY in our FIRE PROOF VAULT. $3.00 per year. You keep the key, we keep the box. The First National Bank Thk Bank I a Member of the Federal Raene System rest here a week from tomorrow and on the following day will give two performances, one In the morning and one In the afternoon. KOIl KAI.K Portable Dutch kitchen cabinet with built-in bin; dimen iilonii 7' 4" long, 2' 2" deep, and ' 6" hlxh. Inquire Mrs. A. C. Hustle, 757 Ogden annuo, or phone 1 K-J. M-fi-lr CAR FOR SALE Mas well touring: a good car, In good condition, cheap for cash: omn terms to right Adam, plnre. &3-M-C9p d or unfurnished: 3. mom hn.i,. furnished; alao 1 housekei-plng rooms. Kee ('. J. Irnrett, I0SJ Bond street or 625 Franklin avenue. 41 6(s9p WANTED WAXTKD Woman tii Art hotel laundry and rhniiiher work at Sil ver Lake. Inquire I22S K Thin) street. Ilend. 67-S'4-8lp PERSONAL MAl.l.KKV A I.KIIItl N hare leased the llnKnn ment nmrket on Newport avenue. We will open August with a full line nt fre.h ami cured ine.T. I'hotie 216-W. .IT-.'. &9p WANTKIl Hell boy; mini give ref nrencea. Apply Pilot llulie Inn. l-t9-0c USED CARS WASTED F.lderly housekeeper; care of eight-year-old boy. Ad dress box 294. Ilend. 60-K7-f9r i CAR KOIt HAI.K very reasonable Miller Lumber Co. FOR RENT FOR RKNT Light rooms, furninhed. avenue. Maxwell auto: price and terms. 4S-B7-I2C , LOST hniMekerplng 1124 Newport 2-r.!'c I LOST )f Id bar pin. set with white supphlrea, probulily at gyiiiimnluni. FlndiT please return Bulletin office, CC-6S-tp Put II in The llulletln. Why Unlucky ta Go Back. How lii'iny H-uple would be willing lo acknowledge Miut th"y believe II la had luck lo return, alter leaving the bouse, for something il:ey have for gotten? Some popular superstitions ran be explnlned piyrholol ally and this Is one of them. The pv hiiloglets agree as to the Inn I link (iiirt rt It. but iay that the bnd luck i-on-ln nor so runcb ill the going back for Hie article .is In the forge'ting of It In the nit place. This shows thai yuu ilo not keep your mind auftVleir. 1 uou Hi detaila of what you aie doing. , :::i:::::::::::::i::::t::::::t:!::::::!::::::::::::::i::i:::::i::liii::Ki For a single or a couple of women who would like to be Independent. Bond's only Hnlrdrcssing Pallor for sale. Will teach the trade to the Inexperienced free of charge, and will stay with them until I hey master the business perfectly. Mrs. Muller, Hairdressing Parlors 140 OUEOOX HTR KKT ' PHONE 2(10-W Nesto Ijiihes are the newest. Try them; Uicy mnko your Kyes beautiful. X I gas ssaaaaMUSi , Pies, Cakes, Bread and Pastry We do not specialize in any particular line of Bakery Goods but rather make it a point to see that every item from our ovens comes up to your highest expectations in Quality. As we use the purest and best ingredients, it is only natural that we obtain the best results in our Pies, Pastry, reread and Cakes. You will gladly become a steady customer once you have tried our delicious offerings. Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery Huu:taun::uiut:t::!uintii:umiti:u:i!m:uiHiu:fiiii:ii:iv