The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 09, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAGH 4
t 1 .
7n Our Nation-Wide
Money-Saving Program We Are Offering
Exceptional Values Every Day
in Women's Apparel!
New Fall Dresses
New Fall Blouses
Blouses of Tricolette, $2.49
Embroidered, Fringed All Colon
Fall ushers in a bewildering array of Blouses in every
gay color and becoming style. Some with V'rdlen; others
with belts, and all richly embroidered in charming designs!
Women's Dresses, $12,75 to $19.75
Long Line Effects
One of tho many
popular models for
Fall is illustrated.
It shows the fash
ionable coatee- ef
fect, the t j v i d
trimmings of con
trasting color, the
smart collar that
gives the youthful
curves to tho neck,
and a skirt clever
ly tailored in ex
actly the right fin
ish. Other dresses,
equally attractive,
await your choice
Serge - Trlcotine
and Point Twill
are the materials.
Hr Wilfrid Fleisher.
(United Prat Staff Corrwpoc-Wit)
PARIS, Aug. . The plans for the
monument which France will erect
in commemoration of America's part
in the war have been completed. The ;
national subscription list was opened I
on July 4, and there has been a gen
erous response, contributions pour-j
Ing into headquarters from all parts'
of the count and even from the dev
astated areas, where the people, too,
wish to Join in the tribute to the gal
lant soldiers of the great sister re
public. The monument will stand at the
mouth of the River Cironde, near
Bordeaux, where it can be seen from
far out at sea hr Incoming and outgo
ing vessels, a symbol of the friend
ship of the two countries. This site
was chosen because of Its particular
significance in the history of Franco
American relations, for it was from
this point that Lafayette set sail for
America in 1777, and it was to this
point that the first American ships
to defy the German blockade the
Orleans and the Rochester arrived
In 1917.
The committee that has charge of
the building of the monument wishes
to carry out tUe same idea as symbol
ized In the Statue of Liberty which
greets the ships sailing Into New York
The monument will stand by Itself
on a strip of land projecting into the
........... i
17 i-N
The West is More Dependent on In
dustrial Development Than any Part
f the United States. Here, as No
where Else in the World, Capital and
Labor Must Work Hand in Hand to
Back Payrolls and Industry.
The First National Bank
77m'i Bank, it a Member of the Federal Resent System
sea. It will be 250 feet high and will
be In the shape of an obelisk sur
mounted by a light. It will be hol
low and a staircase will lead up Into
it from the land side. Above the
doorway will be eight bronze plates,
depicting scenes of the various army
and navy units in battle. Above this
will be engraved the American eagle
and on the reverse side of the monu
ment, facing the sea, the arms of
France. On each side of the huge
obelisk 'will be sculptured figures
representative of France greeting the
American soldiers.
The sculptor, Bartholome, will di
rect the work in cooperation with M.
Ventre, the architect who erected the
monument over the famout Bayonet
trench at Verdun. L'ndcr their Joint
direction the work will be executed
by young sculptors and artists who
fought in the war, and each will work
on a separate part of It. The plaster
cast will be exhibited at the Paris
spring salon In March.
The cost of the monument will be
approximately 8.000,000 francs. The
French government has contributed
1,000,000, while more than 400,000
francs had been turned ' In by sub
scription before the drive had actual
ly opened. Contributions came, un
solicited, from all over the country,
even from the devastated regions of
the Ardennes, the Vosges, the Aisne
and the Marne, where the people
wished to show their gratitude to
their American , comrades. Some
subscriptions were also received from
parts of Algeria.
Advertise .a The Bulletin,
It gets
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean
serious disorders. The world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
bring quick rsllef and ofisn ward of
deadly diiMsas. Known as the national
rsmsdy of Holland for mora than lot
yssrs. All druggists, In three state.
Us for ill mm Cld MJI a van- aaa
To the Theatre-Going
Public of Bend v
Relieving that the general pub
lic of llend do not realise to what
extent the new theater mamigu
infill has been handicapped ainre
taking over the two local thea
tern, July 1st of thia year, we are
taking this way ut giving some
general idea.
We will enumornte the differ
ent forms o( amusement which
have furnished consistent and ef
fective com pet 11 Ion during the
mouths uf July and August. First
came the American Legion car
nival, during which three days
we suffered considerable losses;
Hut with a smile, for we believe
such entertainments are the real
backbone of social spirit In any
community. They held only three
days, during which time we gave
them both our moral and nttan
rlal sttpport and helped them In
every way possible. And at any
time they should wish to repeat
the entertainment or stage an
other of a different nature we
will put our shoulder to tho wheel
and do all we can to put It over.
It's for a home organisation,
llenil money remains In llend.
Then mine the Lyceum (or a
week. Although we do not con
sider this legitimate competition,
because they do not come in and
take their chances as we or any
other business man does, we do
not complain against them for
they only stayed one week. We
took our losses that week with a
smile. Hut when a traveling
show comes to our town to ramp
just as long as they can get a
dime, we feel It's too much. They
advertised that they would stay
two weeks. Now they say three.
Dtirlnx (lie pat two, wrt-k He
have lot over Sl.tMMI.OO, not In
protlta but In rolil cash. If wo
could see any benefit to our
patrons or ourselves In staying
open longer and losing more
money we would do so. hut we
can not, so we have decided to
close our doors for a few days.
There Is ouly one way we would
be Justified in remaining open In
the face of thia competition and
that would, be by using a medi
ocre class of pictures THIS WK
The Mlx-iiy anil (iranil Thea
ters will rloM Momhiy night un
til further notice.
When we do open again we
wish that the public would take
into consideration what wo are
trying to give them in the form
of amusements.
You. are no doubt familiar
with the amount of improvements
we have made in the two thea
MO UK. The next addition will
be a Wurlltzer Hope-Jones pipe
organ, which will he Installed
within the next few -weeks.
As to (Hotter Pictures) we
have contracted for the Asso
ciated First National and Para
mount programs; known the
world over and recognized to be
the best pictures on the market.
We have reduced our admission
prices and as soon as conditions
warrant we will reduce them
again. It Is not our desire to he
"Get - Rich - quirk - Walllngforda"
we only want a fair profit and
expect to give real amusementa
In return.
You may draw your on con
clusion whether or not we are
Justified in making theso state
ments, prompted by non-resident
conpetltion. We feel that the
general public is with us. Wa'ch
for our next announcement. We
will have a real picture to offer
Early Fall Millinery!
Over one hundred New Fall Hats just ar
rived at less than former wholesale prices. You
are cordially invited to inspect them.
The Parisian
Ladies' Outfitters
FOR HALF. Practically news Olds
mobile six: ran only 1000 miles;
five tires: aulomutic l.nwuou gar
shift: factory guarantee: will sell at
sacrifice. Inquire Houthworth Urns ,
llond street. 3t ia-SOr
Do you want to buy a home? Well,
listen to this: I am the owner of
a three-room bungalow. Hit Hill
street, connected with sewer, In and
paid for. Just five minutes' walk from
the postnflfce, near city ramp
grounds; fine view of the river; large
lawn; garage; house Is warm and
rooms are large; hulli-ln buffet and
plate rail; Dutch kitchen, white
'enameled: specially constructed cool
er and Inclosed porch; house Is wired
'for electric heating and cooking; lot
I 40x120; nice shade trees. There is
a mortgage of 1600, which will run
I I Vs years at 8 per cent. I will take
1 1 MOO. for my equity and give reason
able terms at 6 per rent. My actual
Investment In the place Is more than
11600. not counting my labor. Con
sidering the location and condition,
I this Is the best opportunity for a
small home ever offered to the llend
! public, 1411 Hill street, almost op
posite city auto camp. &4-Mtf
FOR TltADK Will trade 80 acres
unimproved frun and clover land
In southwestern part of Oregon for
well equipped lute model Ford in
good condition. Inquire 8 Morrison,
625 Franklin avenue, between 5:30
and 6 In the avenlng. 23-f0-(Sp
'FOIl HF.N'T Furnished two-room
1 house; close to mills. Inquire at
j Dick's tailor shop. i: Ub ltjc
jFOIt ItKS'T 4-room house, furnish
i ed or linf urnlshed : 1-room house.
furnished; also 2 housekeeping
rooms. Hee C. J. Leverett, 1051
llond street or 625 Franklin avenue.
CAM FOit BALK Chevrolet road
ater. delivery body; will sell cheap
for cash. Uend Furniture Company.
MAI.I.F.ItY I.F.IIKIN hav lease!
the llngan meat market on Newport
avenue. We will open August 4
with a full line of fresh and cured
ments. Phone 218-W. 37-54-59p
I LOST (ientlnman'a black coat, with
W. O. W. I'lu In lapel buttonhole,
between Do run plar. and Heth Monk
ey's plnre on Ceiilrul Oregon High
way. Finder please leave at Hulle
' tin office. 3-S4-56c
HutleMn Want Ads bring results
tiy them. ' "' ;
ClsMtlWd sdvrtltnc chares pr Smus tS
Nut, for 20 word or k-M. On tnl pmr
word for sll over 20. All claMlBcd adrartls
Ine strictly esah in advance-
FOK BALK High Class Registered
Jersey dairy cows. Telephone
1B-F-4, or write "X" care of The
Bulletin. 27-62-&7p
FOR SALE 1(16 Ford touring.
$260; will take team as part pay
ment. . Deschutes Oarage Co., deal
ers In Nash cars and Federal tires.
r: : S
, vbwtv-aa- . v mi Mr
For Infant
& Invalids
.-he "Food-Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch Bt Home, Office, and
Fountains. AAfor HORUCKS.
SryAroid Imitation! A Substitute
Oreios't Higher inttiimioa ol
Eight Scleoli; Seventy Departments
Per bifsrsittlss wrMt Is On RtrlMrsr
Oregon Agricultural College
Whereas, on the 24th day of February. 1921. pursuant to the pro
visions of t'hnpter 19 of the fharter of the City of llend. there were
entered In the Docket of City Liens In the office of the llneorder of said
City, assessments for tho construction of street Improvements In Loral
Improvement District No. 40, In the following respective amounts, against
the following described parcela of land, the ownera or reputed owners
thereof being as follows, to-wlt:
Description Amount Owner or Reputed Owner
lllork 12 of Bend:
I Art 1. Hiibdlvlelnn of Lot 2 J 45.22 Mary ODonnell
Illnck 1. North Addition to llend:
West 50" of Kouth 100' 359 00
Fast 25' of West 75' of Hotnh IrtO'.. 179.50
All of Houth 120' lying Lust of West
100' : 306.12
All of Kouth 2K.6' lying northerly of
Fast 34.0.V of Houth 120' 79. 3S
All of Houth 2flS.S' lying northerly of
West 100' of Houth 120'. and all
Houth 120' lying North of Houth
100' of West 75'... 195.61 C. A. Carroll
Notice Is Hereby filven that pursuant to Warrant Number 7A, Issued
by the Recorder of said City, to me the undersigned directed, I will on
Friday, the 26th day of August, 1921, at the hour of three o'clock In
the afternoon of said day, in front of the City Hall, at the corner of
Lava Il'oad and Minnesota Avenue In said City, sell separately the soveral
tracts of land shove described for the amount of said assessments against
each, together with Interest and all costs and accruing costs.
R. H. FOX. Chief of Police,
Bend. Oregoi.
Dated this 26th day of July, 1921. 43-49-55-610
.. '. Plerson
... It. II. Fox
A. J. Tucker
A. J. Tucker
.Whereas, on the 24th day of February. 1921, pursuant to the pro
visions of Chapter 19 of the Charter of the City of Hend, there were
entered In the Docket of City Liens In the office of tbe Recorder of said
City, assessments for the construction of street Improvements In Local
Improvement District No, 41, in the following respective amounts, against
the following described parcels of laid, tbe owners or reputod owners
thereof being as follows, to-wlt:
Description Amount Owner or Reputed Owner
Lot 1, Block 14, of Bond '. $734.61 Bnptlst Church
Notice Is Hereby Olven that pursuant to Warrant Number 8A, Issued
by the Recorder of said City, to me the undersigned directed, I will on
Friday, the 26th day of August, 1921, at the hour of three o'clock in
the afternoon of said day, in front of the City Hall, at the corner of
Lava Road and Minnesota Avenue In said City, sell separately the several
tracts of land above described for the amount of said assessments against
each, together with Interest and all costs and accruing costs.
R. H. FOX, Chief of Police.
Bend, Oregon.
Dnted this 2Rth day of July, 1A?1 43-4"-Sr.-61e,
The Sun of Artificial Lighting
Bend Water Light & Power Co.
I un!niiHlniiinniininunniliimiHCimuuumiiimimm n!niin::ui:uiimil:!ia4uuiliMinMnniimrainniim:n:iiimimu