PAGH 4 TH BKVD BULLETIN, DAILT EDITION, BKND, ORBOOff, MONDAY, AlOl'ST ft, llJI. fli 1 i i i i ' m I i ..' J" ' LM "' Jl !agM:ggB''?T'!r!!!,IM0'MMM'?l'B'?eylg! U'll' ii"--irM'- ?-yJ.l.".,"llL ::mu-'J-1"l, ' 1 "-"W w tMW! Gi!Ibeirt9 Fwimitaire It will pay dealers I fi ff Y J" Everything to be to visit this V0S rTNVPSN I )TI Yl Yl r marked at a price Great Sale I I (11) If (f I (J I J I I 1 that wiU move it! II v I I I Entire Stock of New Furniture Must be Sold I IJT'xL T"JL x-. r KinTUITUr O 7 hi ui i i inriy Ljuys ivvsi a in v vj ieserceq STORE CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY to prepare for the big OPENING WEDNESDA Y, AUGUST 10 RUGS EVERY PHONOGRAPH I HALF-PRICE! Rrnfl H - R 111 I 1 I $110.00 Phonographs fefeujjsw c.o $55.00 NS$S8 I 1 $150.00 Phonograps cut to $75.00 K I $200.00 Phonographs J cut to $100.00 j , Cgzir. I Linoleum j J II I Many weights and patterns ! I and all reduced to I 1 1 z Price (Mb Sale will continue 30 days. Every piece of Furniture must be sold. Original cost is lost sight of entirely. Everything is marked at a price that will move it. If you want the best bargains you have ever been offered in New Furniture, better come before it is too late. The best of the stock will move the first three days at these prices, so come early. The prices appearing on this page are only a few of the tremendous savings we are offering. BRASS BEDS HALF-PRICE! 'fulfil IT $80.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x 1 2 O 1 C r sacrificed at P3 I JSJ $55.00 Tapestry Rugs, 9x12 CO1 will go at ty&Hf, J CRASS RUGS at less than half price. Do You Need a Kitchen Cabinet? We have a few that we are just i:utting the price in two. Come in and see their real values. $30.00 Kitchen Cabinets, $15.00 now marked DAVENPORTS Here is a saving you can not afford to miss. $65.00 Davenports, are now COO Q marktdat p70J $95.00 Genuine Leather ' Cq f( Davenport pJ"VJU Ranges Sold at a Sacrifice $100.00 Occidental 6 hole Range, CC ff now marked pJ.UU $110.00 Occidental 6 hole Range, fcCC Of. now marked JUO.UU $127.50 Rex Charter Oak Range, tfQC flfl now marked POO.UU Anionic llicr IU-iU ynn will lln.1 Mitlil lrn nl lirnnf, many illf. Irwin l)l nil prlif.. Ktrry llrl l rimrkril to the rr hint. rt irlri mltilr. MIO..M) now mnrknl .... .L.V I.V7.1 IUmU now limrknl .. IM..VI Ib-iU nnw markixl .. p I ..HI a:tn.lMl Ib-ri, now nmrki-il ... a I M INI B:WHl Ihil now nmrknl ...ajO.IMt A Real Saving On CHIFFONIERS A regular $i(.)0 American Walnut Chiffonier now marked at $32.00 Dining Room Chairs Great Bargains in Baby Buggies 13.00 Dining Room Chairs... .... 1.40 $7.50 Dining Room Chairs $4.S Other Dining Room Chairs marked accordingly. Dining Room Tables $18.00 nound Top Tables $10.00 $29.00 Round Top Adjustable Tables now marked at lt.V. $60.00 Solid Oak Dining Tables $40.00 China Closets $50.00 China Closets, sacrificed at. $72.50 China Closets, sacrificed at. S4H.5U Buffets $45.00 Buffets, cut to $21.05 $37.60 Buffets, cut to $20.00 If you are in need of a baby carriage you will never have an opportunity again like this. 445.00 "Stroller" style Baby Carriage now marked at $24.75 $40.00 Reed Baby Carriage at $20.00 $60.00 "Pullman" style Carriage..$39.00 Other Go-Carts and Carriages are marked accordingly. ' Rockers and Morris Chairs at Half-Price $25.00 Oak Rocker now marked..$12.50 $45.00 Settee now marked $18.00 $49.50 Morris Chair at ..$24.75 These prices are only to illustrate ' how we have reduced our entire stock. Dressers and Dressing Tables Now is the oppor tunity to buy the wife a Dressing Table. This is one piece of furni ture every woman values highly. Bed Springs and Mattresses All Marked at Half.Pr.ce Store Room For Rent. Fixtures for Sale. It Will Cost You Nothing to, Come and See Our Prices. Our Loss Your Gain. Goods Delivered Promptly i