- P40K a THE I1KVO IIIIXHTIN. DAILY KUITIOX. IKM, OltKOON, Till HSIMY, AlUCNT 4, llai. The Bend Bulletin DAILY KHITIOX Saal 1.14 a.rv Afl.rnaan Kir.pt ffundar, Br Tlra Dana Hull.iin llnrorparatrdl BMraa aa rWon.l t'lara matter January i. 111, at tlx Poat Oftir at Hand. Onrv, Act of Marcr. 9. 18. H. OPERT W. SAWYER Edltor-ManaOT RKNKT H. rUWLfcK Av-iat Kdllor 0. B. SMITH Adrarutint Manaitar Aa lndapanrient Nriatr, tanaing' for IBM mqvarr seat, clmn aiittnaaa, clean poMtK1 M IH Mat inuraata ol Urr.4 and tntral SUBSCRIPTION RATES B Mall Ona Taar .....fs.oo Bla Month. $t Thraa Moiuba al.&tf lif Carrlar On T .sn Sn Month. I.1.5U Ola Month J0..0 All auharrii'tiona arv dua ami rAYAilt.K IN ADVANl'K. Kotire of pit-ation art aaallad suhcri&era and If renewal I not aaada within reasonable tun tl.a paivr will b difntintiJ. P)a notify ua pn.mr.tly of any chan f andrcaa, or of fatlura to nrvt- I'l ea;--r racularlr. Othrrwiaa wdl not b te- aaonaibW for copin ir.iJ. Mala all elirrka and onlr paral.! to Hi bnd Bulletin. THURSDAY. Al'Gl'ST i. 19-1. 1 "We know nowadays Ihnt eren universal education a a a supplies only the basis for a healthy republican state. Next to education there must come abundant, prompt, and truthful Information of what is going on In the state, and frank and free dlscnsslon of the issues of the times." H. G. Wells, "The Out line of History." MYSTERY WHERE THERE IS NONE One of the curious things about men who have things to sell, from the man who has a good, eatable cur rant bun on bis counters, to him who bas a $20,000 machine on the mar ket, is that many of them look on ad vertising as something mysterious. Indeed, there are some who hedge it about with so much mysticism that they soon engender incredulity and I therefore do cot advertise at ail. Eucb men are their own worst ene mies. But where do you find a READER of advertisements who looks upon . them as mysteries? Nowhere. The great mass of people who read news papers and magazines, look on adver tisements with much the same spirit that they do on the news, reading features, editorials and stories. The trouble with that man who has something to sell and who consid ers advertising as something mys terious, is that he bas an entirely wrong view of the subject. There can be no mystery in an industry advertising whose greatest power comes from playing in the open. Lies and misrepresentation in ad vertising are splendid routes to the poor house. It Is easily proved that I it is far FAR AWAY more prof itable to tell the truth every time in an advertisement. No great education Is needed to prove the truth of the effectiveness of advertising. If the man who is in doubt about it, or who looks on ad- ass RtppUrigRhurcsG & wait rrason . Somewhere A torrid wind is blowing across the wilting wold, the sun new curves is showing, the sky's like hammered gold; but somewhere it is snowing, and men complain of cold. Somewhere the clouds are dishing all kinds of snow and sleet, somewhere the boys are wishing, while thawing out their feet, for weather fit for fishing, a sport that can't be beat. The weather's something awful, the pavements smoke and hiss, the man hands out a jawful of language, hit or miss, and says he has his'craw full of climate such as this. Hut somewhere men are freezing amid the frost and snow, through arctic nights they're sneezing, and colder still they grow, and there's no way of easing the agonies they know. Upon the map I'm tracing the lands with arctic goods, where famished wolves are racing in lonely neighborhoods, and polar bears are chasing the voters through the woods. The heat, in lan guage spiteful, we roast till we're disgraced, but in those regions frightful where snowdrifts go to waste, they'd think it most delightful if they could have a taste. Somewhere men dress in leather, to shield them from the blast, and have chilblains together, in wildernesses vast; so let us prize this weather, which is too good to last. ADVICE FOR UNDER DEVELOPED CHILDREN IS GIVEN BY NURSE Advii-o on problems frequently con- I11''"1'' 11 meals, u thuy Ir.palr $pi- fronting tlu county mi mo In runnel'. tn. ,V lion with t ho cure uf children Is given 1 6. V i m 'ihiIii, of ih iinlr In by Mim Julia Cloi'k. public health tVe inoriifnit tin. I ntintlier of half ii ii mi' in lipHi'hiitea county. In. , lieil hour In tile iifteriiiHiii, lying f till ; 10 nle allowing I ho muxl. cimiiiinn ruusm ' huum or Bleep nt iilghl. nil with wlu of muter ilevelopiiici.', mill tin' tnH(!i!owK wide upon. molliotls for ovi -miming Hiik condi- ' ii. Si liool hours altiitlciieil or r.lv llon. The outline sliu has prepared on up entirety If iiee, ho until lieu It Ii is ns follows: 'Is miliiiul; iuliil cltiisoK itm cltitin Olll-H'a tf ( llill't'MOIII'IsllllK-llt. Olllittl'll Kvery rlilld stuuiM he weii.heil j 7. No vIkiii'uiih (M-rrlno until oihh ii mom ii mill ilin roi oul kept. wi-IkIiI U iiorui.il. but plenty of pl.iy- Tile iiveri'Ki' umil of n ni'lmol elillil N time out of door :il ! oMto.itely half u poiinil a month.' S No iieivouti ixeltiMtient few T'.io ln.illlolll lslioil elillil rholllil K.ilu , parti'1", movie-i. or pli'lilen. until the tiiin-h none Ihiiii ihiM in nidi r In hulut of woIkIH giilulng U t-Mi it liltlift . nvi.'ll il'" ini l.li'.e welrlit for hUi !' flillilrell Mhoulil lliivo ul leu it l:e:R!.t. nut u;;e. If n rlilld in not i one htuIt bo nil moveinenl n tiny. K.unii'g .it the noritoil line, ilm p,-; ,., ef..,vl,v Ju-t after In eukfnMt . it ml i -u t fli.uiltl know why. The reanoiiH nIhmiIiI ho IiiiikIiI great n-MH'ei for nil for ii'.aliiiui'lilon mo very MKUlflt'iiiil J ill Ir bodily fiini'tlons. Odd Marrian Cu.toitn. In nil Slav n-i'ilillni: Ilio hrldn la fetihed by I In' liilileriiieii, embleiulit H' of the limn when hh rorelieiiia enr rled 1 1 if! r iiiiiIin n iv ii y foielbly. At A It ul Ii In li weihlllu: It In ol ree( for Ilm to Moop liml allow lreiit relllel. o til bui villi! Iioiii", The lirlilo. urn. mii m.iNt pi'eaent the bride with a huml-jniio dii'Nn for the iiinrrlnii". ii" mutter wlmt IiIn elreiiiosiiineea mi', an that It Is known by nil Ilm k'ueits tluit the tlri'na the hi hie la woiii lni; hhowa ttio timle of the bi'hleKrooiii. How Ohio Rivtr Dot Nurna. The Alleclieuy ninl Ohio rivers won ri'i'iiriled by the r rem h na one alreum. The I. lime kImmi by II I. 1 .11 llelti. lil'leiv (the hiiiillliill river), Ic n trutlhllltlotl of Hie Helioi ll let 111 "Hik be ii," , Ilm,,', d l, the hltea, bolll I ,,. !! h ill,, I I. lu ll. , h I,,,,.r lint lot,. I l,l.i Tiny Inf.totT f.r ;i.mo rtol u-t. IVroi'i" ' M" eb'ldr. i himr- lol.ll.v le:i:i ,tl bull, ,-mii I il.e h. : , t t . f.'f IV., I I I ,,: - I ., it,., I (', I,,, f.iola fl-oeil II'. , .,v t ! i ij.ine rol, 114 mid i f i. el ' I : il ii'.. ciples shows grasses. how journalism pro- iS.m KIUY l-OWT STOKY IS WKKKNK1I ItV IMV Both to Bend for its kindness and to the editorial association for Its J Charles Kay in a role different hlgh-ralndedness, compliments are(from anything he has over done be- due-" ! , jfore is the promise, held out by the Again the Oregon Journa! com-1 "J" p a ns against tne rates cnargeu iur -carrying its paper through the mails j L'beir,y the'"" f",r day., be- and on the same page expresses it, ! f ' ht; ' Production ... i'"ij" tiiti ruie ot a young mill hand, who goes through a series of heart-stirring and dramatic Incl- (From the columns of The Bulletin of August 3, 1906.) A. B. Hammond, president of the Corraliia & Eastern railway, an nounced last week that this road will be extended across the state from its present terminus to some point on the Snake river. Redmond people are hard at work planning for their big fair, which Is to be held September 20 to 22, In- vertising as a mystery, will make np!clu"lTe- bis mind to give 10 hours of his life Forest fires are raging in the di- ONLY 10 HOURS to a reading rectlon of Paulina and'Slsters. The study of its value, he will get all the lair is filled with smoke. education he needs. Read one book by an expert on the subject and your eyes will be opened WIDE. editorial approval of President Hard ing's recent declaration against the , . . ii, .i i .it 'l"nt which disclose him as an actor tral government for legislation In aid tuor of private enterprise, Until the ofTh'h Journal demonstrates that the postal L Th,e ",or ""' (,""'" charges are not correct for the serv-l Jan Loan and published in the Satur ice rendered it would seem hardly . d"J f"n nf, ,os- "-- h. trl.1. thing to be asking for a change th.t!'nd " bulutlon. of John S.ee.. the will amount to a government y V' J ""' ,r3""K In IU beta.lt. ,0.ie'P 'a"h W"h h" W'd0Wed '- ; .aim inuiuer. i aore is nuinor in It Mn abundance, but underlying the whole story Is a deep vein of pathos I that makes It absorbingly interesting and sympathetic. A fight scene. In which Steel offers himself as the sacrifice to a local champion, furnishes the big thrill of the production, and it is a fight that will stir the blood of anyone seeing it. He must last three rounds or the money needed to keep his mother ' nrnvidml arith lha nn,.u.l,ln. lln will not be his. and for three rounds he stalls and blocks and takes a ter rific beating. The fourth round is another story, and as exciting a story as one could wish to see. Fifteen Years Ago EEND AND THE EDITORS Bend's hospitality, as shown In the recent gathering of the editors of Oregon here, receives a real tribute In an editorial published by the Morn ing Register of Eugene. The Regis ter, under the caption of "Bend and the Editors." says: "It is evident from the reception given at Bend to the Oregon editor, that the old-time generous spirit of Central Oregon Is still alive. Western Oregon cities will be hard put to it to equal the entertainment given to the fortunate delegates at the last meeting of the editorial body. Bulletin Want Ads bring results ti7 them. R. J. McCann and W. R. Wilkin son walked from Paulina lake to Bend last Saturday. F. S. Stanley and son George drove to the fish trap on the upper lies chutes last Sunday for a few days outing. Mrs. Hugh O'Kane returned last week from Portland, where she bas! been visiting a sister. Joe Taggart was In from his home stead at Rosland last Wednesday. Ralph Spencer passed through Bend Tuesday on his way to Silver Lake, where he will take over the management of the Central Ore gonian. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lucas gave an other pleasant dancing party at the Pilot Butte Inn la6t Satnrday eve- "Perhaps Is v.;as Bend hospitality . at J3end open-heartedncss that I ' . made the editors so responsive to the j Advertise .a The Bulletin. It gets code of ethics suggested by one of the delegates from the state university. At any rate It Is a great step forward when a slate editorial association di rects that a code be drawn up for action at the next newspaper meet ing, which will be at the university next winter. A code of ethics is sig nificant of the transition of newspa per work from a business to a pro fession, and the unanimous readiness of the men present to get behind a statement of the strictest of prln- results. zitauiuttiiir. The Bulletin Board If you forgot to order Uiom rrtjttnrjeint. tell tu Monday ami Moupla our service. 1: Representing, as we' do, the best companies In the world, we are well able to write the I Insurance you need In wbat- n ever amount you wish. J. F. ARNOLD S24 Wall Street li.... When you need your Suit Cleaned or Pressed, come to- LOVEN'S Bond Street First Class Work Guaranteed. .iiid i vi iy parent should know Ihetu. As g;vt-ii by lr. Wiiliitui It 1'. Ktuer son. of Tomoii, after I : ye. us of eii'i:i ilio work, the iMti'tn of under- weiKhl it ml uiideinoiii '.slimeiil ure t!ieo: 1. Phlral defect, oipot'ially ob structions of the lirt'.iilitnK pimik Children must all bo "free to breathe" If they ale to he "free to gain." Adenoid, oulitrged or dis eased tonsils, or growth In the nose; ye strain, defects of heuriug. hollow lust, crooked back, flat feet, will all hold children back from normal s.iln. 2. Lack of home control. Tills means that the parents must assume the intclllKf tit ill reel Ion of the family, and not leave it to tho children, who are usually ready to assume this re sponsibility, especially In America. 3. Over-fatigue. Real Is as Im portant as food In a rhlld'a develop ment, and few of them hnve enough of It. The school program Is often too intense for the growing child; he has too many outside activities, such as classes, clubs, or lessons; he Is up murh too late at night, and is too fa-! tigued to get proper nourishment from his food. I 4 Insufficient food and Improper i food habits. S. Faulty health habits. I I'nigrrun for the t'niltmrlfftit (Itild. I 1. A complete physical examina tion by a competent physician, in the presence of the parents. I 2. The remedy of defects found.1 I. e . diseased tonsils or adenoids re moved; teeth treated; eye strain re lleved. etc. ! 3. The usual three meals a day,1 eaten very slowly, consisting of milk, butter, breud, cereals, vegetables, fruits, some sweets, and little meat. 4. Two extra lunches, at 10:30 and 3:30, of milk and crackers or bread and butter. Never give sweet. T!,!.i iitosr.m Is simple, posnlh'e end ihe..t. There Is no niur.lo about I', but, ii a a wine obi physician once s-ild of the cure for tuberculosis: "It Is Jin living us evi l ) body should l.ve all the time." Tw)l thm Room Wsrtt Upttslrs. Teddy Inn! returned f.-oin the city sin! was ili-i -riblni! ii liirue i!eiiir'im iit lore be had visited He I k-reatly lll,,i.'.s.., ,r ,ie hi'liMlt of the I'llll.llni; mid the number of Knurs One of his little .'c unites who bad been llsieitim; iiitenilveiy Hiu:lly lie milr.il: "Mil you ny. 'way ii stairs;" ,, mid 'leddy "We Just went Into the tiniest, tiniest mile tuoiit i and a(,m, ti d ,. n,u room nelit llpsti.lcs." ! Calgary's Nam. The elty of Calgary. Aliens n celved Its nnine In s;f( from CI. tirlcod. then In command of the roynl northwest mounter! police at that point. He named It sfler Ids old home. Cti'cnry. small estate on the Isle of Mull Srotlnnd. You Can t Afford To Have An Accident If r9 ftr hmri ami .) I rli, ymr tpMri art inrrvd ty 4tmt' Im.U un4 ym'tt frltti If yn rm llirwaili ly elrawtnt fr mvIhv Un. and Mt falllnf mm U fmu Mh la It to IhU miIImm mt frWtmta Uiat aiakva Travlra AcvkaWm tiuar nrf m tpalar. Carry thta InMiraiir m4 fm Wfara fmr accMvnt liappna m m mmeti, II will twmt ymm mrmh ta wry roaaaaiaMa aaat Ihal fmm tkava mirwrndf p4 mm yr prvtshiai. WUIilNtf ymm m4 nar wn'l ar Itw kill afir rmm ara aarl. II tadar. J. C. RHODES IXSI tACK HI'KCIAIJST HOI Wall Ht. Telephone ? "Uoodbye Antlety" A A'", Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of ro pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings KLMTIUC VACCIM CI.KANKIIH HKNTKU 2t Hour I)ay IMn All niakest of Hrwlng tlx rhlnra renlrsl by lliti tlay, the week, or tho month. BEND FURNITURE CO. (Eli hang Irrpartmrnt) Tt:l.KI'llXK 271-W :nn::ani::u:a::RMiuain:u OPPORTUNITY For a single or a couple women who would like to Indi'lM'ncIent. Ilend's only IfainlressliiK I'urlor for sale. Will tench thn trade to tho Incxpfrlenccd free) of charge, and will atny with them until they master the business perfectly, Mrs. Mullens Hairdressing Parlors 110 OltKGON HTflKCT I'HON E 200-W N'esto IjibIkh ara thn nmrenr. Try them; they make, yonr ji The "sterling" mark of circulation Most cities employ a City Sealer who verifies the accuracy of the scales from which you purchase your food, materials, etc. In buying cloth you have the yardstick. Circulation likewise has its measure, the one standard by which it can be correctly gauged. That measure, of course, is the A. B. C. The llend Uulletin is a member of the A. B. C, and our records arc always open and ready for your inspection. Ejrm beautiful. ' umimmirm;RRriaainnrmiiRimratMtmMairmrjiail