The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 01, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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iii:m tiiaiv m( in in 1 1:
Ori'Kon Trunk
Arrives, 7 : 5 A. M.
l.fiivi-a V. M.
O..VV. II. ft N.
Arrive. Ml I'. M.
l.eavia. 7:00 A. M.
Do you know
you can roll
cigarettes for
lOcts from
one bag of
Mm. Kruuk llrolii'it la ill tit h-r i
v I
Jnliii Jlitraliull w nl l i l';.i . y
Mm I hi. I.i)' 1
K. C Klii'ily left lnl ii iclii fur
Vol I lullil oil ll b il v i ui 1 1 lt j
Mr. inn I Mi. I.fl..ii.l liavia i.i.i
tint week etld III I'l ll.' Villi.
I.. M. Km I r r intli.v mi mi iiuin'
ti!p to S 1 1 v i r I,.!!..- mi tin .iim-p-h. j
Mm, Lie .Mi'Unhi" h w. iii in Mipuni
AiiK',1 lul nUlil I" Vi-.i f.n -v.-i.ili
Wei ki. '
. Mi mill Mr I'.iiil K. Lone Hi-iit I
tin' cli in. I In i : l 'I . r-' ii r it il. K
lii"l iiIkM
I'. A. KrlrkMili I. ft In .1 IHKlit fur
KioMun mi liii'lnt"', lie ill ri'l urn
J. O, (iilioiin l.'ft f.,r I' imIuihI l
uMi'ii.l lluyera' "'k. Il will lio
glltl' IWI Mrt-ka.
Mrs. Koliliiett und Mia Manning
were i.iaaenger to Silvi r I. nke on
tin atUKe Sunday.
Mra T. V. Ciirl'Mi returned Fuiiilay
niiirnliiK from ".here !ie
vlnited for n Wfi-k.
John Huaar mill ruinlly ent tu
Portland laat nixlit to vNit f..r two
wiM'ka with relalivra.
Mra. K H. Hlitiiaon left yeaterdny
tuiTti Iiik for I'm tin ml to visit with
relullvia for Iwu wi't-ka.
J. I.. Van lluffel wrnt to t'orflaad
laat nlithl to attend (ho tractor dem
oiiatmtliin now going on.
An right-pound Imhy horn
Inal week to Mra. Krnlly Johnaon of
Hhevltti lllxun ramp No. 1.
Jark Parker of I .a pine waa In
lli'ml yratrrday on hla way to Krtl
niontl. ln'r hr la working.
Mlaa Violet Demand and Ktanlry
llerlrund of I'urtland are vlalllng Mr.
and Mra Cheater 41. llerlrund.
Mr. and Mra. Jutnea M Hliephrrd,
2&t Klnrlda a vr n ii o. are parmta of an
IK h ( poit txl boy, born Saturday.
I r. O. T. Morgan, of Cai r, Wyo..
la vlaltlng Ilia brother. U. C. Morgan,
on hla way homo from Oakland. Cal.
Mlaa ('. Nlghlacnlra left luat night
for Tarotna, where) ahe will vlall un
til October, when ah will go to Van
couver. Mra. Thtimaa A. Long, of Fhevlln
llUon ramp No. !. who waa operalHd
on Katurday at a I oral hnapltal. la d li
mit well.
A. II. Tucker, who haa been vialtlng
In llend for aeveral daya. returned
laat nlithl to Culver, wh-r be la
Fred Hhucy npciit the week-end
with hla family here, returning luat
night to Terreboune, where he la
Jack Herbert haa returned from
llemldjl, where he haa been apendilig
hla vacation. He brought hla fam
ily back with him.
Mr. and Mra. N. 8. Olaon vlaitcd Id
llend over the week-end, returning to
Hedmond laat night. Mlaa Margaret
Moore went to Hedmond to visit with
Mlaa Mary Franeea Cox. of Port
land, la In llend vialtlng her alater.
Mra. K. K. Sawyer, on Highland
Amunda Anderaon, dutiKhter of
Mr. and Mra. C'hurlea Anderann, of
Mlnneaotu avenue, left thla morning
for Hood Itlver, where ahe will vlalt
frlrnda for the nest two weeks.
N. It. (iillifil of Ullliert'a grocery
la unending lluyera' week in I'ort
lund. Ha left some llmu ago on Ilia
vacation, which hits been spent at
Heunlile, ii nd will re I urn at thtt end of
t,l week.
K. I). Gllson left luat -night for As
torln, where lie will nlli-nd the lied
Men convention Tuesday and Wed
neadny. Ho waa to upend today on
business In Portland, and expects to
return Friday.
Mra. I-. K. Rliepard, formerly of
lend, ucrompnnit'd by her little
duughter and her brother, Dwlght
UreKK. me In tho city from their
homo In Aahlund, Thoy are vIhII Iiik
with Mr. and(Mra. Jack Morton.
Word wna rncolved today of the
birth of a 10 Vi -pound baby daugh
ter ( Mr. and Mr. Frank W, Webor,
of MudoHto, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Weber
ere formerly resident of La I'lue,
whore Mr. Wubnr was principal of
l ho high achool.
Charlea Wvlllnglon Furlong,
author of "Let 'or lluck," the official
book of tho Pendleton Hound-Up, re
cently published In New York, left
tills morning on Ms return to hla
home In Pendleton ufter vlaltlng
friendi here for the past two daya.
Pilot llulli' Inn.
! N. W. Ht'oit, Portlaiiil; V. II. Prl
Iday. San Kibih Iii o; II. P. Muller,
jportluiid; Idiili riniiih. Porilund; (J.
1 K. Voiiiig. Portland; (Irucu Kowler,
Portland; V. II. l.umiiierH, tp.ikune;
II 1.. lirlnk, Si Puiil; Mr. und Mra.
J. II. Ilraikett, I. ok Anr.eea; Mr. and
j Mra. ..Mi.Klnli y Mltrhell. I'ortlund;
'(Juy W. Martin. Sliver Ijike; Mr. and.
Mra. A. A. Whurfleld. Portland: Mra.
S J. Kutniiiaky, Portland; It. II. Km-
inoiia, Portland; S. ii. Ilorria. Kuat
leke; I.. I.. Hl.-lli und Wife, Klumuth
II. H. u.
J. V. Madden. Portland; H. W.
le.-ideniilng, Portland; Mr. and Mra.
K K. Ciurlough. Portland; Hufua J.
, Katnn, John Katon. Howard Kulon, L.
II., Kalon, Mra. M. Kutoli. Kinmett,
Idaho; II ll. Ixil.iih'y. Portland; Mra.
C. II Juckain, Mudraa; John Thomaa,
Madraa; H H Coud. Spokane; Mlaa
Violet Ilertrund. Spokane; Stanley
, lli-rlrand. Portland.
Urlitht Hotel.
; J. C. Itobe.ta, Portland; J. I. Kay.
(Orei ley, Col ; Stellu llroughton, Hed-
jmond; Oactir Maluiatroin, Terre
bonne; Oacar Ilartruin. Tumalo; L.
I Stone. Pendleton; O II Winkle. Hed
mond; Sherman, Kugene; W. 8
Drown and family, Portland; Albert
and Jack Condon, llrooka-Rcanlon
camp; F. H Clark, Terrebonne; Jorn
Itobniker, Terrebonne.
IhlMlling HiKel.
P. J l.eo. H. P. ai S.; It. K. Ilrown.
S. P S ; (J. A. Johnaou, Vancouver;
J. P. Nelaon and wife, Portland; W.
It. Crow, Portland; O. C. Whileaide.
Fallbrldge; John Peteraon, Camp I;
H. H, Norcotl, Tumalo.
(lolilen CriiKt the bread that
makea the llutterlty a penny for the
wrapper at your Crocer'a. IS-IJt
Bulletin "WANT AD8" Bring R
ultj Try Them.
i Prlcea paid by llend Dealera to
Ilulter and KgR
Ilutter, 3Jcf4 0c.
Kgga. 3 arC 4 2c
Vegetahli-a and Fruit
Potatoea, new, SVic; old I V 6 Sc.
Carrota. &0c per dot. bunehea.
Green on lima. 50c doi. buncbea.
Onlona, old, ic lb.
lleete. tOc per dot. buncbea.
Radlahea, SOc per dot. buncbea.
Head lettuce, 60cfl76c per dot.
Ilhubarb, Cc per lb. .
Curranta. 10c lb.
Gooaeberrles, 6c lb.
Cabbage, 6c lb.
Itreaaitl Meata
Reef 1'rlmn ateera, lSVic; cowi,
lflc to 12 He lb.
Veal "Hog dreaaed" 11c to He.
Pork 13c to 16Hc lb.
Sheep I.iiinba. 15c; yearlinga,
2c; ewea, 6c to 10c.
Chlckcna Mght hona, 20c iff 22c;
heavy, 2cifj2Jtc; frlera, 30c(ua32c.
Meat, Mve Wi'IkIiI
IleefSthera, tic to 6c lb.
Pork 12c to 13 '.4 lb.
fiheop Loinha, Be to "c; yearlinga,
4c to fi Mc; ewea, 2 He to 3 e.
Chlckena Hena, light. lSrif20o;
heuvy, 24c to 2Cc; frlera, 26c to 28c.
v 1 8 o'clock. V
BlZZZZX 'n brother!
Tennii invited.
llend Lodge, No.
1371, D. P. O. E.,
meets every Tues
day evening at
the Elka Temple,
f-i - -
Koii;;li-ne k mol and triin
inals ln-warc! Clnba and
guns may ko into the dn
rant, lor the polire have a
new Hrapon in the form ol
gai horn Ij . It rceinlilit
,very iniKh the null hand
Ktiiuilc un in the world
,war, but tlir aa contained,
llioui;h not deadly, parka a
knotk-oiit lor the trntirrs
man. It i ti ar-prodnritiK.
chokinu ami nauiealiiu:. lint
lor not Itavc any ill a(ter
e fli rt-.. In a trial tent the
nthi-r day on ttve Mrnna;
f.olirrmrn lliry lleil "ti;
UK Horn tin. scene.
" r ii iaaH
t u ' 1
M'N A L(; I IT FU N E ll A L
Many frlenda of the family attend
ed the funeral of Mra. W. F. Mc
N'auKht. held yi Kterdoy afternoon at
2:30 o'clork from the llaptiat church.
Itev. F. H. Heard preached the fu
neral aerrnon. The Huptiat choir'
aang two hymna und Mra. C. U. Sil- j
via aang "Face to Face." Interment
waa In Pilot Htitte cemetery. Almoat !
all of Mra. M-Naught'a living rela-1
tlvea were here for the funeral.
Bulletin Want Ada bring reaulti
tiy tbem.
Ctnrral Tcrihing' niece, i
Hclcae Crne Pcrthing. went out
ide of army circlet to pet her
husband. She became the bride of
K. A. Kraft, recently at Seattle,
Wash., where her huthand, a navy
man. ii a member of the American
Legion. Kraft wni a senior grade
radio operator during the world
war and waa arrioutly injured when
hi boat, the "WeMover," was tor
pedoed and sunk oS the coatt of
Insure today; tomorrow may .be
too late. It Is better to be safe than
21tfo J. C. RHODES.
Golden Cruat the bread that
makes the Butterfly a penny for the
wrapper at your Orocer'a. 48-4SC
Piano tuning. $3 B0 for rest of
July. O. E. Mast, at B. M. Thompson
Music Co. 4tfc
Put It in The Bulletin.
You Can't Afford To
Have An Accident
llaain hart a 14 aaaala u work,
roar tianaa an lacimiJ T ctM-'a
Mlb ana vwi'r. flaMW U rwm
Ikraaak kr Srawtna fmmt aaTleo
U. miU at lalllaa aa ta ywir avrk
It la kia natllaaa af anrkUata
that aikn TraY.kra AccloVat Inaar
ac a ppalar.
4'arrr Ikla Inaaranea IM ra kmw
balara rar arcMant kppn aal kaw
ark II will caat ran aiaralr Ika vary
raaaonakla ai Ikat ra kaa alraUr
paM aa rar pramlani.
Wbhlns r kad Inaared wan t par
Ika kllla attar yaa ara kart. Hit It
801 Wall Kt. Telephone 7
"Uomlbye Anxiety"
For a aingle or a couple of
women who would like to be y
Inilepenilrnt. y
Ilend'a only HalrdrraalnK
Parlor for sale. Will teach
Hie trade to the Inexperienced
frer- of charge, and will atay
with them until they maater p
the bualneaa perfectly. (1
Mrs. Muller's J
Hairdressing Parlors
Nento Ijmhea are the newest, p
Try them; they make your i
Kyr. beautiful. p
Kramer & Muller
Tlione 03-W
We chargo for 'material and
labor only, so our prices are
Let ua figure on your Job.
we ran save yon money.
Next Thompson Music
Lawn mowers sharpened.
Good Used Ranges,
Furniture, Phono
graphs or Office
24 Hour Day BOc
All makea of Sewing Ma
chines rented by the day,
the week, or the month.
(EYi-hange Department)
Just received two new numbers White Ixw
One a White Eve Cloth Oxford with
Vaughn's White Ivory Soles.
The other a White Strap Eve Cloth Purnp
with Vaughn's Ivory Soles.
In addition we have added short linr of
S0.00 to S7.o0 Oxfords and Pumps and offer
ill-'of the above lot at
$5.50 Pair
New Things in Neckwear
Dainty new nirkwuar la arrivitiK dally vet-e.
fi'-liui., r?uiuly lollara ami ruffs, venting by the yard,
Ijan'lintis, organdie anil net plailiiiKs. etc. You'll find
unfile asHOrlmonta at our neckwear counter, mod
erately priced.
SI 2" Vetite-9 with collar of lace in white and
r-am. Many nw model surely you'll find some
hlwt to your liking. Kegular 11.75 values for
Other New Collars from 50c up.
Newly Patterned Ginghams
Fall Styles
Both the quality and the patterns of these beautiful
Cinghajna will prove intereating to women who want
aervlceable dreaaea for the children's school wear, alno
for their own aatiafactlon In street and afternoon
dresses for the early fall.
We are showing; many new advanced styles in
Ginghams and Invite you to come In tomorrow morn
ing or at your earliest convenience and make selection
while the assortments are at their best. Prices range
19c to 28c a Yard
It Always Pays to Stop arid Shop at
What Is Palladium!
f'alludiutu is a rare metallic ele
ment of the platinum group, found na
tive, ami aixu alloyed with platinum
and cold. Like platinum. It is silver
white, ductile, malleable and perma
nent In the air. but lighter and more
raally fusible. Its symbol Is I'd. It
was discovered In 1SU0 by Wollustoo.
a ho named It after the newly discov
ered asteroid I'allas. It has a remark
able power of occluding gnaes, absorb
ing hydrogen neur'y a thousand times
its own volume. It is used for gradu
ated circles and verniers, for plating
certain silver goods, and In dentistry.
Seattle Dally Times.
Witty Smils,
The last speaker of a long program
at a recent banquet said: "My speech
will be like modern style In woman'
dreas long enough to rover the sub
ject and short enough to be Interest-tag."
Shoes Worn by Chinese Women.
Muny young Chinese women nave
adopted western shoes, but thnne who
grew op In the daya before foot bind
ing waa forbidden still wear the tiny,
resplendently embroidered shoe that
have no counterpart In all the world.
Roughly. thes shoes are of two types :
one. which has a falr-elzea heel made
on the shoe for outdoor wear; and an
other, which has no beet for Indoor
use. The latter, howeve. aaay be
fitted with a loose heel held In posi
tion by tapes U the lady wishes to
walk abroad.
A Hint to the Leng-vrlneVd.
Among the guests at a dinner party
was a clergyman who haa) a muta
tion for loquacity. To pnt matter
right, the hostess turned towai-4 him
and remarked pleasantly, - "Will yon
say grace, or do yon prefer jroua soup
H. W. BARR, Optometrist-Opticiaa
Ten years secretary of the state board of
optometry, 30 years in practice In Salem and
three years In Portland, will open offices In
the new Miner building on August 15.
Rooms 20S-6.
10 Day
Screen Doors
and Windows
R. L. Allison's
Carpenter Shop
Thone 66-J
There Is Welcome and Comfort
and a Wealth of Good Cheer
in a home filled with the
glow of perfect light.
is tbe "Light to Live With"
See it at
Bend Water Light & Power Co.