The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, August 01, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
The Bend Bulletin I
Krarr AfttniMn Kirattt ".antia,
Hr Tha Hrna llulltlln (Im-arnaratadl
Vntcrvd ha Second I'lana matter January I
. 117. t ll. Port OtRc t Una, Orriron
Act of March . 17.
BOPr.RT W. SAWYER EJitor-Manaaar
BKNRV N. FOWLKR Anaociata Mitor
IX H SMITH... Advartuin Manaaar j
Am iMUnMntallt MamMtlft. a! f OF
lata aavftra daal. rlran butincwa. clran politic, j
wa tha baat intcraata of Hand and Central ,
.1 no
.. til'
bj MaU
Om Tear
U Montha
Am Month ..'
Bt Carrier
Om Yr
Urn Montha
Om Month
All ubcrittioni are due Bn.t FAAHI.K
04 ADVANCE. Notice of a'iralln arv
ailed auhacrihere ar.J If renel t nt
auoe within rasonalie time the I'.l'or "HI
ha diaconttnued, , .
Plnx notify rrorl" nr '""
at addreaa, or of failure to reevne tlie ii-.r
nlul. Otherwi-e e ill t't be !-
anonaibla for eoinee mi.."!.
Make all chrek.
Tba Bend Bu.lrti-i.
order, payablt
MONDAY. Al lU ST 1. 1921.
"We know nowadays that even
universal education
lupplies only the basis for a
healthy republican state. Next
to education there must come
abundant, prompt, and truthful
Information of what Is going on
In the state, and frank and free
discussion of the issues of the
times." H. G. Wells. "The Out
lice of History.'-
Following the editorial convention
held here. Polk county learned of
Bend and Deschutes county through
the medium of nearly two columns
of editorial comment published in
the Polk County Observer. The
larger part of the editorial is reprint
ed here, as follows:
"The editors of the state of Ore
gon gathered in Bend during the
past week in their annual summer
convention. Most important of the
actions taken was the decision to
have in Oregon a code of newspaper
"Nothing is so important to the
profession. The newspaper business
has in most instances been run on
the hit and miss plan, without any
regard for the other fellow, and it is
proposed to adopt in Oregon a code
of ethics that will govern the busi
ness, and particularly mark for all
onlookers the men who are regular
.and those who are otherwise. It has
beea found necessary in all profes
sions to adopt a code of ethics. In
so other way is it possible to discern
at first sight the real from the imi
tation. "The state of Missouri led the
country in this regard. It has a code
of newspaper ethics. The result in
to pinch the
but too well;
All over town the coppers run.
man who wields a pun not wisely
they risk their lives and strain their thews, and
wear out costly cowhide shoes to put him in a cell
The gent in jail has rank renown: he is the tough
est thing in town, a terror to all men: he is a wolf
in human guise, and it would seem a process wise
to keep him in the pen. Hut in these mad and
maudlin times we would "uplift" the man of crimes,
and rid his life of care; he should he jailed a hun
dred years, but in a fortnight he appears, paroled,
as free as air. And when he loaves the cooler cool,
does he attend the Sabbath school, or, haply, join
the "Y"? Ah. no. he pets another pun, brass
knucks and sandbags by the ton, and' makes some
voter die. No wonder that the cops lose heart,
or that the briny teardrops start, and make their
hangdowns wet: why toil upon the sinner's trail,
if he, when landed safe in jail, becomes the village
pet? Why comb the alleys and the slums for mur
derous and thieving bums, hyenas masked as men,
if Justice taps them on the wrist, and sees them
by fool women kissed, and turns them loose again?
We have our carnival of crime,' for criminals don't
serve their time, but get a reprimand; and if the
reprimand's severe, a lot of mushy goops uprear,
and wail to beat the band.
Do yoa
know why
it's toasted?
To seal in
the delicious
Burley flavor.
It's toasted.
Tub Will AHi'inpl To Itriiitiw '
I t mil SiiikI lliir t ll!(li Title
Tttnlithl No Ihniyi'i.
tlly l'nltr.1 I'reu loThe llrml Hullctlti.)
ASTOltlA. Auk. 2 Tliv t'liiimllun
frt'lKlit'T I'urti'r It Htlll hki'iiiiiiiI nir
WiIIm ui li.ttlinr. Th ('uniiilinii HlK
WVIvei flit' is t'tiHM'trtt lult' Itiility ntttl
will k t u Int on tlo Mt'umi'r utol ill
li'inil to in v lir from tin miml
Imr ut It ik It tu. loiuiilil Tin1 '
rl it Kl ullllili'll MlllltMll4.
Tin-it' la no tl.u.fc.'t' of Inn. Tilt'
HINl I I'llllll
At Anchor n the Day of Yeddo.
M lii' i".jnltiir ili"'"'il Hiii'linr In
tln Imy of Yt'ililo Hi" iihioii wim liimi!'
I hit llllvrlt.V OVIT Vol.lilHIItlll. II Mlta
n iiintliiT of 1'i'iirl moon, Mini inln'il
luiu Ihi'ii inn mi f n ii ! I by tiny of llio
ililliiilK mNImiik In Ho' llaiii'loiiturl
Hiinrlor. II lino -,l olio it IioIiik
v. ry t!'""l linlliilloii. nolliliiK itioro.
Vtt it i nil I. it " it. Iliu liolwinin'-wnrkr'r ttt
Tol.lo. rotilil lime linulo a bi'Urr
moon.- 'ritoiiiHa llnlli-y Alilili h.
hi: iu i rim ia
Col.lon t't;ll - Ih.i lii'.'.ul lluil
tmikea ll i lliiili rfly poiiny fm lli
wrnnp'r it' niir iirnri-r'n 4..4Sr
Have You Bought
Your Lot Yet ?
Only $10 down and $5 per nionlh
::ii::;;::::.:;::miiim:!i!;ur.iii:i!i;M!ii;: ;im:;i;
lo In II. t I
fa I IV
nil- ,'lhow a iltt..iMI will
iv.illta. ThU tH tvt-ll llluw
u tlit' furl lliul lliuliy n:tii'' rata
Ion. ili J than Ki te nriMl' tl to
thr editors on tlir wot.di'if ill
town are located such well known
snow-covered mountains as Jeffeisjon,
Three Sisters, Bachelor and Broken
Top. Scattered through thesenioun
tains are a series of lakes that are
unexcelled in beauty and which are
becoming more and more frequented
by those who love the great out
"The editors were made intimate
ly acquainted with one of these. Elk
lake, sitting at the foot of Bachelor
mountain. This lake is about SO
miles from Bend, but the party was
driven 53 miles to reach it. passing
through a part of the Deschutes na
tional forest, where the government
maintains a forest reserve of a mil
Oregon editors Saturday ovening sal
down to their annual banquet. The
piece de resistance of this feed was
trout caught from the lake on the
shore of which the scribes were sit
ting. The editors remained1 the guests of
the hospitable I lend people until Sun
day afternoon, when Ihey started
homeward. Rome came by train,
many others crossed the mountains
in their cars, and still others re
mained in the section to enjoy a few
days or a few weeks of mountain air
On the way out Sunday afternoon the
editors were treated to a mountain
thunder storm. It was a glorious ex
hibit of the elements for', the half
lion and a half acres. Many sights hour "' " lasted. The rain came
of Interest were witnessed on the way
out. The editors were shown the re
markable beginning of rivers which,
in 100 yards, become 50 or more feet
wide and carry an immense quantity
of water. These rivers gush from
the ground extra dry ground at
that in huge streams as large and
larger than the head of a barrel. This
water is supposed to come under
ground from the lakes higher up on
the mountains. It is ice cold as it
that state is that one newspaper no:fajry tumbles from the ground.
more thinks of criticising another
publisher in his publication than he
does of 'roasting' any other business
man. Also the code lays down a
rather strict line as to what is news
and what is not. While no effort is
made to regulate the method by
which the newspaper business is to
be conducted, the code does make for
honesty and does lessen personalities.
A newspaper man under a code who
indulges In personalities and uses his
newspaper against another editor, or
against any other citizen for private
reasons is not highly regarded.
"A committee was appointed to
take charge oT the matter and report
to the winter conference to be held
In Eugene. There is no doubt but
that a code will be adopted. There
is a decided need for such a volun
tary law surrounding the newspaper
business and the men engaged there
in are the only ones who can put it
in force."
"Most of these streams Join the
Deschutes river and pass through
that long series o barren mountain
lying between The Dalles and Bend.
The Deschutes river is famous for
having created a canyon second only
to that of the Colorado river."
"And the scene at the mountain
lakes was Just as wonderful. Set
amid scenery that is wonderful on its
own account, these wonderful bodies
of water, located far back from the
settled portions of that section of the
country, are truly beautiful. On
the shores of Elk lake, one of the
prettiest of these bodies of water, the
"While there were many things of
interest to the business discussed,
and a strong set of officers named,
most interest from the public stand
point lies in what the editors saw and
discovered while on the trip. These
editors were made acquainted with
some of the country and with many
of the problems faced by Central Ore
gon. It is truly a wonderful country
over there, entirely different from
that in the Willamette valley and the
western section of the stale. Lum
bering and stock raising are the
principal Industries, even where irri
gation has been adopted and carried
out. These irrigated lands are won
derfully productive of grasses and
other products not subject to frost.
"But the glory of the Bend dis
trict lies in lis mountains and scen
ery. Immediately contiguous to the
When you need
your Suit Cleaned
or Pressed, come
Bond Street
First Class Work
in torrents for about 30 minutes, but
so dry was the soil that the roads
were again dusty before many miles
had been traveled."
"It is truly an empire, this section
of the state over which Bend presides
as the principal town. It will somt
day maintain a big population. The
people there are the kind that
build cities. They are optimists In
all things that pertain to their city
and section of the state. They see
the beauties of their forests, they
realize the potentiality of their won
derful water power, and.' above all.
they take a Joy in living that fairly
sets the blood a-tlngllng. There is
something superb and wonderful In
their contention that they possess the
greatest out-of-doors on the conti
nent. It Is a wonderful country.'
Every newspaper worthy of the title
will tell you so this week. For the
Bend people certainly spread them
selves In entertaining the editors.
Nothing was too good for the gath-l
ered scribes. They were the guests I
of the city and of each individual cit I- j
zen the(eof. To merely show that
yon wanted or needed something was
"To Cresa tr Rubicon"
Ttlf Itllllitotl Ik III, Hllrletlt llltllie of
a strruin tloutni: Into the Adriatic. foruti'tl tlie iHititidiir.v let . iimi
CNiilpine lotiil ant! Iiulv ,tnH'r. The
pl:ra-e "to rio-i tin ItuMron" tun
collie to tnraii to take an Irn-voralile
-ii'p. from die familiar Mory of Ita
iass:ie .v Ciinr. tiho. by croaslut
it hi 4!' Hi l. virtually iliflnrvd war
iik'nliist tlie ri'ptilillt. Tin modern
t.uso. itillfil liy the mii NiititN on lis
hank II ItiililtsitK. In. s rliilms to tie
it if Die ancient ItuliU-on, hut artih
ii. rut iripondn ute In favor of I lit
Left an "Imprint."
While In my iuihoiii,,rt. yrnr at
.olii.-e I in muni; In a pluy In our
jsm'iiiIiIv hall, w riles a corn(MHitlent
of the I'hlratfo Journal. It was a sort
f Coineo and Juliet affair written by
lite mother of one nf the stiiilrnta, and.
as In most plays, we were "mail up"
lurMily. In the midst of tlie love
xenr. I. being the Jlllli-I of the r
rorinnnre. Mas Juat kissing the Itoinen,
when to our surprise, the audience
hurst Into shrieks of lu itchier. Then
I ttiarovereU the rnuse. tin the rbeek
of Homeo was a little round red iot
the imprint of my kiss)
! 59c while Ihcy last 59c
A Lot of Sheet Music at 15c
j foimtily piicti al 40 lo 45c
Thompson Music Co. w
AH Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Recored
1 5.
NVwr Fort! tsUMrnnlrr.! tM.!litf or.
Htnp fttoafi Imky rrr tthr! with
. A M. (Ml IWtln.rr for Fonl rr
unit frttika.
Inl'tli 4 Kw-rl Autlllnry Trail
mlton for Fort cum aiiiI truth,
Mmjilrft IUII Thrut ltrr.nC for
t-'ortl rr.
Aluminum l(rMilrlnC
Auto & Radiator Shop
lira. ItOI-J
Representing, as we do, the
best companies In the world,
we are well'able to write the
Insurance you need in what
ever amount you wish.
824 Wall Street
Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered
from our selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for
$25.00 and Upwards
Hundreds of patterns to select from.
, We also make L-idies' Suits to order.
DICK-The Tailor
TKm. man ara dUrrimlnat burara rw! ahM Ihay pan4 hmmt. H f. wit I,
tha aa.uranc thai Ihay ara arltlaa IOoa vain. ; 1 pr rr. . I.uabl Lfeaaa that
tba cbaavar art K la la Juat takat Ha prlr. taapliaa "C'haat.-
TWt Urura ran par "ill. la burins lira Jaat lha aama aa tma Mrur. rat tr
pound hn fan bur auaar at uur, and thay wtmU tmH W"r "K1t.U '
if w.r. uni ulna- mora mUm sr dollar, Waauaa If 1tr. aa .up lira batll
that would alv. mora mlUa pr dollar KlralOT,t that la Kat laar ul4 Kara.
Tha Kao.ral UI lira ? tawra alU, mart III. .rv4 iaara rum fort thaa an?
lw lira la lha rW. thmfura II la aruaaaur Ut ulp rur r.r llh "rpfaU."
A.k u, of tha fulkllui, whjp th prvii "(adnala" USay "aa th a4 UW
J. II. M.lalar
V. K. M.oar
A. K hit
t Ii. Iurhaa
Wr. I'altUua
Hov WiU
Wim. W .nruM-a
TuwaM lUhaul L'Mtrkt
T. W. lludW
II K. Vm
Hand Kurn Itur. Ca.
W. M. rl.taal
Ralph lraa
k-acaa NaaiMkra
II. H r-nmt (Wrrlaa
r. M. Vaa Malra
II W. Vaa Malra
lm II. PaaplM
II. K.
W. l. Klrbr
W. M. Hauaoa
A. Aranab
L N. ManUruaaaiy
J. U.
A. M. PrlnrU T. A. Mr-Cash.
C. P. NUoonaar W. I. Hrara
Jaa. Katrbam Hart Hp-U
T. O. t.nn.uJ T. W. Hn.Ur
1. H. Mlrurr Mlba Awlaiui
I. M. Kln H Hariw"
K. 8. I.lnln" Arwtrvw Jaraant
rwnd Haulia Ca. liwhutM OniMtr
Wm. r. Hakn lr. K. tUa NurrH
Chaa. OrrMbf Thoa. Hub-hlnawus
J. A. Kola . t. Ilrlatei
(i. 1. Conbll" Jaa. O'Coaim.
E. J. Abrahamaow j", A. Kaalaa
lianrit WbiUatt l.a M. I'araa
J. t Droanii Jim. Tat
llarvay Martlh Thmt. Hurholla
K. H. U-p Kollln '. MiUaa
lima. A. I'arblna ll. 11. MtF-haraoh
Mlba Analaiui tnraj ttrowa
Rollla C. Millw Ouut IIot4
Samirl W. Monra Horara Mlaharda
E. C. lndlrurKaas Job Prtrni
Lk4 rravm H. T. Hraah
i. M. Whlla T. II. Kakra
Ka, Clark
Deschutes Garage
Nah Cart Watch Ytk list haem Federal Tires
HtHMt.JHaiya.-af..a.jn. )
The commercial world is standing on the
foundation of credit. Every individual is a cog
in the great wheel. When one neglects his
credit and fails to pay his honest obligations,
he makes it impossible for some one else to
meet theirs, therefore it is extremely vital
that each and every one sye to it that we
The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co.
The Bulletin
Board ;
If you forgot to nrtter those
tatr-memta tell us Monday and
crd sample our service.
' .l
Your Shoes will smile
with satisfaction over
the splendid job o re
pairing they will re
ceive at our hands.
Lindeborg & Hanson
120 Minnesota Street
I Can Save You Money
Do it right in a reasonable length of time.
Give me a chance to convince you.
The Light Auto Repair Shop
Kansas Street, 2 Doors East of Troy Laundry
The Shevlin-Hixon Company