THE RKKD ni'M.KTIX, DAILY KPITION, lUCNP, OIIKGON. KATl'RDA V, Jll.Y AO, 11)31. PAGB a (By Mra. L. W. Gcheai, Phone 809J.) Nus fr lotlH Is tlw ncUl Hmm l tf htiw Im jfn BaUrtla MM Is s M km Ua tilt t-UM m um nw - For tbe pleasure of her bouse guest, Mrs. S. B. Bennett of San Diego, Cl., Mrs. C. H. Hudson en tertained with a bridge party on Tburtday afternoon at which fifty guests enjoyed the hospitality of the Hudson borne. The spacious room of the residence were attractively decorated with a profusion of Glad ioli and formed a plaslng setting for the tables at which the popular game was enjoyed until the late af ternoon, when the names of Mrs. Carl A. Johnson. Mrs. J. P. Hennes sey, Mrs. J. C. Vandevert and Mrs. R. D. Miles were announced as priie winners, and a dainty lunchen was served. Thise present were: Mrs. H. K. Brooks. Mrs,. A. M. Pringle. Mrs. J. C. Rhodes. Mrs. J. P. Keyes. Mrs. C. H. Shevlin, Mrs. H. E. Allen, Mrs. Paul C. King. Mrs. L. M. Foss. Mrs. Carl A. Johnson, Mrs. G. A. Horstkotte. Mrs. T. E. J. Duffy. Mrs. J. H. Haner, Mrs. H. J. Overturf. Mrs. L. B. Baird. Mrs. C. L. Mann heimer, Mrs. E. D. Nelson. Mrs. W. D. Barnes, Mrs. Minnie Allen, Mrs. F. O. Minor, Mrs. J. H. Meister. Miss Margaret McCarren, Mrs. A. Whls nant, Mrs. A. F. Larson. Mrs. J. C. Vandevert. Mrs. R. H. Hendershott, Mrs. Hugh O'Kane. Mrs. K. E. Saw yer, Mrs. L. G. McReynolds, Mrs. C. A. Hayden, Mrs. E. P. Mahaffey, Mrs. H. G. Norton. Mrs. J. P. Hennessey, Mrs. R. D. Miles, Mrs. L. O. Taylor. Mrs. Farrington, Mrs. E. L. Vinal. Mrs. D. C. Watson, Mrs. F. I. Stev ens, Mrs. L. C. Gunning. Mrs. C. W. Hayes, Mrs. John Ryan. Mrs. S. R. Peoples. Mrs. W. A. Leet. Mrs. M. E. Daws. Mrs. F. P. Kelleher. Mrs. N. W. Bales, and Mrs. S. B. Bennett. Mr.and Mrs. J. O. Gibson leave tomorrow morning for a 10 days' visit with Portland friends, going by auto over the McKenzie Pass. While in the city Mr. Gibson will at tend "Buyers Week." An auto party consisting of II. G Bullen and, son. John, accompanied bv Mrs. Kay Osborne, all of Portland arrived in the city the middle of the week on their return trip from at tending the Elks convention in Los Angeles and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Knowles. Mr. Os borne who was called to Portland on a matter of business rejoined the party this morning, and with the Knowles family will spend the week end at Odell and Diamond lakes. Mrs. Ross Farnham and Mrs. C. H. Brooks entertained Wednesday evening with a lawn party at the Brook home at 4!7 Greenwood avenue. The affair was arranged In celebration of the birthday of Mas ter Willard Farnham. aged 6. and Nell Lois Brook, aged 8. The after noon was spent with games and rest periods during which Mrs. Farnham held the attention of her smalt au dience by telling stories. At nine o'clock the birthday cakes were brought in. the one bearing eight candles and the other bearing boy and girl dolls. Refreshments were served. Those present were: John Pringle. Stewart Morton. Blllle and Helen Harriman, Florence and Mild red Dick, Jane and Katberine Far rell. Bobble and Jean Mc.Mun, Janie and Marie Dubuis. Walter Pease. Robert DeArmond. Frederick and Robert Toomey. Leora Bromble. Seal. Janet and Willard Farnham and Nell Lois Brook. TheWednesday Bridge club was entertained this week at the home of Mrs. A. M. Pringle on Greenwood avenue. Prize winners for tbe after noon were Mrs. Crosby Shevlin and mi What Are You Doing With Your OLD TIRES We Guarantee to Ore Yea 50 More Mileage m Taem THE WILKINSON " RE-TREAD EU Turns a tire out with a factory finish tread. LET US SAVE YOU MONEY The Tire Hospital 1016 Bond Phone 134 J YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK The World's Greatest Playground and Museum of Natural Wonders Magnificent hotels and commodious camps; 300 miles of im proved highways; all in the midst of matchless scenery. Its hotels are marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty little tent villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, order, comfort and simple. Informal living. An Ideal place for vacation pleasures. Send for our beautifully Illustrated booklet telling all about Its wonders in word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR. Operated DAILY during the season between Portland and West Yellowstone by the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM COMMENCING SATI'RDA Y, .H.'NE IS, LEAVING PORT LAND 5:00 P. M. Our local agents will be clad to ex pialn the various toura which enable, visitors to r;j the Yellowstone so comfortably and at minimum cost; bIko to quoto fares, prepare your itinerary and make your enerva tions. Call on, F. K. MTt'DKMAKKK, Traveling Freight unci I'lmwuiT Agent or address WM. McMlKKAY. Ceaeml Paangnr Agent, Portland, Oregon Mr. J. C. Ithodea. At the usual hour a delicious luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by her sister Mrs. O. O. Tlcknor, of Portland, who is making an extended stay at the Pringle home. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Hudson are en tertaining their guests, Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Dennett of San Diego, with a few days' outing at East lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dennett, Donald and Doris Hudson and their grandmother. Mrs. H. 8. Carpenter, left the city Thurs day evening and Mr. and Mrs. Hud son joined the party on Saturday. Good fishing and splendid hotel ac commodations make East lake one of the most popular resorts in this vicinity. Mrs. Charles Humes of Culver. Is spending the week end at the home of attorney W. P. Myers on Port land avenue. Mr. L. L. Kohinson will tnku his Snnduy school class In the Christian church, on a pirnlo to the Metollus river tomorrow morning. The clans consisting of boys and girls of high school age have prepared their les son for the day and the regular class work will be carried on in nature's great auditorium. The Ladies Aid society of the Christian church met Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Emma Hinman, where the annual election of officers and appointment of com mittees took place. With the excep- tion of Mrs. Emily Clark, who fills a vacancy In the secretary"! office, the same set of officers will serve for the ensuing year, with Mrs. W. P. Myers as the president. Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Ray. formerly of White Salmon. Washington, who have recently taken up their resi dence in I tend, accompanied the J. F. Arnold family on an outing trip to East luke last week end. Mrs. Victor Buckingham left Fri day morning for Roseburg where she will make an extended visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Larson de parted Friday afternoon by auto for Tokeland. a seaside resort nea South Bend. Washington, where they will spend a two weeks' vacation period. They were accompanied as far as Portland by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayden and their daughter, Katherlne. The members of the Christian church held their regular church service last Sunday morning on the banks of tbe river across from the camp ground and enjoyed a basket dinner later. A lawn party wan held on the j fire house lawn last Sunday after noon, the department being host to wives and friends of members, and to council members and their wives. At this party first plans for forming the coffee club, organization of which was effected later in the week. Those present were Mayor and Mrs. E. I). Gllaon. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Carlon, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rhoads, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. George Stokoe, Mr. and Mrs. John Massart, Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Wise, Miss Ellen Flack and G. C. Allen. "the coolest place In town." Try it tomorrow and see. The wholesome, homelike atmos phere and the short, refreshing men sages will niiike you glad you came. Sunday school at 9:45; morning service at 11:00; Epworth League at 7:00 and tho Happy Sunday eve nlng service at 8:00. Christian Science Society Serv ices every Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a. m. Testimony meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. The society maintains a public reading room at room K, Deschutes Investment Co. building. Open from 13 m. to 5 p. m. dully. Three first-clnss barbers at the Pilot Ilulte Hsi-ber Shop. SZlfc JAPAN WILL BUILD CITY FOR LEPKRS riulMH-ntr I'luti For Control of I)Neis.. To lie Ciuileil Out Soon lly the XippoueM (toei-iiiient. (Br t'nltrd PrtoTk Und HulUtln.) TOKIO. July 30. The Jupanese government Is considering elaborate plans for the control of leprosy which Is at present but little cared for. It Is estlmnted that there are some 16.000 lepers In Japan, of whom only 1,600 are being looked after in private and public asylums, the remainder being allowed to be at large, a constant source of In fectlon. The government now expects to take serious steps to prevent further spread of the diseuse by building a model city where tho lepers may be gathered together and whero proper treatment may be given them. This city Is to have all the advantages possessed by the most modern cities In the empire. CONVICTS TO PLAY POLICE AT SALEM l nl(ur Ilnll Game Between Crim inals And (Mirer Scheduled At I'rnitrntiary Tomorrow. I Br fnlled Prm to Th. Bi4 BullrtliU SALEM. Ore.. July 30 Probably the most peculiar game of baseball ' in the history of the sport will come1 off tomorrow on the field of the; Oregon state penitentiary. That Is, j If present plans hold good. Motorcycle I'a'rolman George Kelly, of the Portland police force. early this week signed articles agre. . Ing to bring his blue coated ball ; towers down from Cops' Heaven at Second and Oak streets. Portland.' nnd match the skill of his nine against the nine the "pen" has turned out. State Parole Officer , Percy M. Varney Is handling the! Salem hoys' end of the matter. I Safe TJlUfC for infants & invalids " ASK FOR Horlick's Tb Orifiaal Avoid laaitatioaa u4 Substitute. rer Infests. Invslldf snd OrowtnsCMIdraa I Uh Milk. Mlle4 Of sin " ' '' w IhtOileuialrood-Drlr.kl'piAllAt-ss N Coefciag-Noumulag -OigesUbU We Add a Steady Customer Just as soon as a family once tastes re--.-yr- .'..t- . BE NO, OREO am. That helps Bend's payroll, too, for Des chutes Gold is Bend-made. In fact it's the only creamery butter produced in Bend. Boost home products, and please your fam ily by keeping Deschutes Gold Butter on the table. The Central Oregon Farmers Creamery. TIT""" Hi...tmimiiiiirmmitiiiitiiii. hfmimniTMiiiiauii CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET The commercial world is standing on the foundation of credit Every individual is a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to pay his honest obligations, he makes it impossible for some one else to meet theirs, therefore it is extremely vital that each and every one see to it that we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. y?t the (lurches The First IlaptUt Church "The Homelike Church." F. H. Beard, minister. Residence, 4 06 Wall St Services July 31 I'nified service Sunday school at 9:45 with morn ing sermon following immediately the whole service being concluded by 11:40. Remember, there Is no intermission. It Is all one big, liolp ful service. Come and help make it a success. It is for tiro whole family. B. V. P. V., Marjorio Nordnen leader, at 7:00. Evening sermon "God's First Things," at 8:00. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00. The pastor will conduct fnrvlec as tirual, having deferred his trip to the assembly until the first of the week. Come to church. If a member, duty calls you. If a non-church goer, this Invites you. If a s'rnngor, a church homo for you. Whosoever you may be, a welcome awaits you at tho First Baptist church." POMGOODS I SAGE HEN 1 I' IB it ' ; V.o -t. jr a Methodist Kplsropnl After hav ing itpent ten days In camp with the Boy Scouts and another ten days recuperating therefrom, the pastor Is again on the Job at the old stand. Epworth Hall bas developed an unforeseen merit these days in tbe fact that no matter bow hot it may t. ...I.U. 1'nsnrlh Uoll ramilna VOL' m i mm Season Opens Monday, August 1 If yon want reliable Information an to where the best hunting Kronnds am located come In and see. us. We get rojKirt from many sportsmen and are glnd to help yon to get a full bag. AMMUNITION AND GUNS Shot Guns to Rent Buchwalter's Sport Store Where Your Trait In Appreciated" 77 c J mfa, 0 I .