THK l'KM III I.I.I Tl. IMII.Y KIHTIO.'.. IIKXO. OltM.ON, VK.KSI.tV. Jl I.V '.'7. 1021. PAfiK a Ill-Alt TIIAIV K H I II I I.I : (hi'Kon Trunk Arrlvim. 7:3r A. M. I.i.nvnii 7:.Ki I'. M. O.-W. It. At N. Arrlvi-n, :M) I'. M. I.iavi-H. 7:011 A. M. 1 lllili'i n-iiit I). lit Iiii i-iiiikM tlw 1 limit nf truiil fui'li flay. 1 At tin- IIimI l)i--f I K lit ' i ni liliilii'iit lioai'l nf iliii.' ttM rt nf I'. N An-lill ii ml fi., ' f lull). .1.1 A..ill, I'm t liiliil ; llii. K"l"' ""'I "H". 1'iirlliiiiil; ,, Hwni". I''.riliiinl. K. II. LOCAL NKWS ITKMS 1 1 r iv INihicnlil apriif tuiliiy 1 III t itl l . rill Man C Ink. nf I1i-iIiiiiiiii, vlnll j 'il In lli'inl tnilay. i:. li. Ilniirk iiinl wir of i'i' m rtn III til" rl'y tmlli)'. 'riiixiiluri' Aiiiih li'fl liuil nil, M M ImihIiikkii Hip In I'm 1 1 ii r 1 1 1 . J K TuKKni't wriit l I'ltit liiinl lunt iiIkIiI to nii'iii a fi-w ituyit. J M 1'iMiy unit W. ('. I'lilnMt t.f Tin rilKinim urn Itl IIkihI tnilay. o. (V (iiinili'riuni wi-nl to IIimI- llll thin til Kill I II K mi IiiIhIiick". A. A Hiiiiiiiiuliiiiril. nt Liiki'Vlnw. wuh a vlhltnr In IIijiiI ycMi'tiluy. J (i Chullrk, nf l.u riii.-. -aa Itl lli'inl yiwii-nlay mi til way to I'nrt-Inn.l CifHnliT, rii-hli'f uf III I. ill. , van Itl lli'inl j (li-itnll Wii'il rV .M'llntlr lll-iiwi-ri' , j itMt'iH'liittiiti ln-i f-iii'iiliiy hi I'url- I. mil, It A Waul, fin mi i ly nf lli'inl. ' I WllH I I'l il lllfll 111 Ll-I.lillll lllltlll'.ltl'r nf tint iiHMirlai Inn . Hal l(. I'ii-w, uf I'lirlliiinl, mirth wiit tiiiiri'iitaiivi' nf Ihii iHitili'Xii llfii riilMialiv, li'TI laid IllK'lt ilft'ir Ih'Iiik III :i-inl Ki'Vcral iliiyM on IhiiI- i i Willi tin' I'.iikI WiitiT I.IkIiI I'iiwit Co. I.litlil m HiIk lyi urn Ki-lilU.-, Mm A K I'urki-r, lj M. Ililnlliy, I'nriluinl; llyiilni. .rvi.lllM; W. I.. irllninl . I. II llurli-y" C.lKlOII. ItiiniH; ;. It I'llWITM, .Ci.rvnllU A. Wuilhworih. Ilnrke-i Mm II K. KalvitluitR. . A. Iihiiii'Im iiihI wlfn. II. Kmi'ail ami wlfij, i' liilikliiy, Siokuti; lin-lalli'il vi-ry y.fiii't ully In Im-Iiik lli'inl. It II. Vati'i. until ri-ri'iilly nf IIii.i.I Klvm, urrlvi'il Itl lli'inl t Ii1h nn,w.ii-k, ii.riimiiiinli'il liy hi wlni linn Kiilllirlilin!; Mm. Hoilai;, Khovlln Ikiiii.II mm. mill In now riniiliiyi"! m jU()ll , N(, 2. w c Hollliitt- 't'li-r liuiliiT III mi' I'll i ru i wi.k.mi 1 iiu i . I.,. I'l,,,.- c W l.nnraHtcr. II try; Mr i. ml ' I 'Oi l 1 11 II il . .1. I I'l.illan.l. I, 'Kjinkani; All II. I.. Iliiiitliiiriiiii. Hi..kal.i';y Ni-lllii M. I'mli-i-wninl ami iluiinliti-r, dak-, liiml, II. It lirlnki-r. I'nrtliitiil: II. j W Imiiiiiihiu, I'liiilunil. Wi lulit II, ,i. l - Mr. uml Mm. .K. J. Si lilai htiMli'. 1'ri'nmtt, WuhIi.; Tlmmaii M Smith, Healtl. llOMIlllIK lllll.'l - i. 0. WIlltlSMllIlt Ityll H (I. Hunk nf yi'nti.riloy . J V. Ilrimrn ami Frank V HwInIht. nf Tiiiiiuln, wiTn vliltnri tniluy frmn Tllltlnln. Tim t'ntlmlli' l.i.l.- mill'l a fnnil nalx at Hi" O'lli.lini ll tnill.tlliii nil Sutiirilny. July 30 Mm A Tlmmon r-tui ih'.I la i IiIkIiI frinti I'liiiliitiil, uln-n- ln' Inn l.i'i'ti fur m-miiiI nmnttiH V Itinwii wi'iil to Ti-i r.'lf.iiiie I It In timrnliiK live nit hii iiunli lit liui. tii'i-ii ntuliiK lii tli-ml Waller Want, mho lni lni'ii Mlt In K at I In- Iti-lllv rum h. lift lant tilKht for hla I " In I'liriluml Mri K.lwitr.l Jnhtinnn ami Mm. fttrl Ji.linm.n ami iIuiikMit. Ktlifl. . tt lunt nlKlit to vlll In I'mlliiml Mm. A I'liica alarti'il lant nlxlit Kamii'i V Cn-aini'ty. Mr. Vuti'a la a Kimliiatii nf llm (Jh'Khu Aurlrultiirul rnlli'KH. )i'iu(y riitcat Kiipi-rvlnor W. D. Iliirrltniiii ami fiiuilly liuvr rnlur I In lli'inl fnnil ii trli to Ni'lllavlll)', Wlnroimlii, whir.' Mr. Ilarrliniin waa rail.,. I liy tlin ai-rloua illiii'aa nf hla failiiT. now imirn than K0 ycara nl.l Tin, t'lili-r Mr. Hiirrltiiau lian lnr alinwn a di-rlili'il llnliriivi nn-nt. hla hoii rinrta. Il II. pn-alili'iit of thi' WaHhltiKton Wutfr I'ownr Co. of Spokam'. A. K. Amli'mnn and II. (i lluiiiphrli'a nf tin- II. W. I.. r I'. Co.. ri.tilri.i-. I lunt nlxht frmn a flahlnK trip to Oili'll. tlolil ami Crt'anMit laka. ami Crntin I'ralrli'. Tliny ro .,.il lliul flxhltiK i fulr, hi-liiK par tlruliirly at lake. Mr. 1 1 ii fi V If i K 1 1 hi will rt'ltirn to Spnkan' Inn Ik lit o. T ; I..-.- ItlilKuwuy. Khanlko; M. hothfry, Shunlko; Nml W. Tawn, H. 1'. V K. fifteen Years Ago Iiiiir" ton l.ltt. m.rrr. Iltfc MlTK'H tnilay; tomnrrow mny It la bftti-r to hi' aafo than J. r. ItllODKS. (Krnm tin- cnliiiiina of The Hulle 1 1 ii of July 27, lVOCi. Thla wwk haa aeon much activity In loral ri-nanlllilt the fillnR of liouivati'ad ptitrli'i on land In Cratif I'ralrle. l'ndir th recent act of rongr'!"! It la ponnlblo that thla Ian, I will Im thrown open to entry, and many lurnl people have taken tlio mi'i-KKary atepa to have their clitltna ronnldered. Work In pri'piiratlon for the Hed tliuml fair to be hild September 20 in 'ii. la K'.ll.K cm merrily. STAIiTINd TIM 10 OF SHOW MADE HAULIER The maniiKer nf the Liberty tln-a- ' l'-r and nf the traveling: tent ihnw rur lu-r linme in i niranip rn iia" i l..,..n vl.lll.ia A llrevn. ami famllv. ",w tWK " " T. K. I'llta ami wife returned tlila innrtilii to Portland. They have been vlnltltiK Mr and Mm A II I-arrabee. !raiiX"d the atiirtlmc lime of their per : furmancea ho that thoae deatrliiK to m-ii both ptoicratiia In one night may do o. The flrat allow at the'i-rty will atnrt at 7 o'clock and the Mra. Anna Win Marled thla nmrn ,rllr.alll u. .,, .,.n.r wli rim up at h 40. The Liberty will be on the new arhedule for thla wtek only. She Mr. I, iK for her home In Alunku hua been vlnll In k In-r daiiirliti- Peter Itaber K. C lltlik went to Tern-bonne thla inniiiliiK In nrriiiH-e with IHifTv Knurr for a tnatuli at Klunnuli Kull! nn Aiiuutt !. I II. II UeArmnii.l. who 1ih been In IIIIMioro In with a i circuit ruurt erne, la expected to re- j turn tomorrow j J. (i Huffman, of l.a Pine, went' to l'rtiie ill" HiU iiinmlns IL- lll( leiiv miiiiii for Aiitorlit. to atieiid the Iteilmell rnliventlim Mrn. P. S Sl-.cel rr'urtied thm iiioriilnit to In-r Imt'ie at Iterini tun She haa been vMtliiR Willi lier niotlier. Mra. Ada Kperaon. Mm I. L. Mllem reiurnel m ll.likley, Wltah., Iliat II I Kill nf"r vlaltltm with her mother. Mra L. j M. Mclteynnlda, and family. ' j Mm. S. II Stockmnn and dauth- j ter, Alice, are epected to return tomorrow muriiltiK from Seattle, where they have been vlaltlng. Mm. f. V. M unden and daunliter. licit In. who have been vlntln at the Wnndbiirn ranch, returned laat nlKht to their home In Portland John Webb and fiimlly. uf St. Mnrlea, Ida., who have I n vMIIiik with Joe Srner. left thla muriiltiK t vlalt In The Dnllea and Spokane. Dr. K. H. Smith, (ieorne Itenta. and the Mlaaea llond. Anmden and Uobblna. f Lakevlew. were vlnltom In llend yeaterdiiy nn their wAy to Portland. Mra. L. II. Ilulibnrd and duUKhter. who have been vIbIIIiik Him lleln- ItiKnnd fainlly on the, M Il for1 two. jnontliH, returned limt nlKht to their homo In Portland. Mm, Jeaalo I). McComb. "Inle liotno di'iiiiniBlrnllon lender, left liiHt nlKht for Corvullia nfler n con ference with the county ileiiioiiHtrii lor and thn county mime, committee. John Thyen, who recently Hold IiIh r ii in-Ii properly eiihl of town, will liuivo Hhnrlly to vtult hla HlKter In Mlnncxota. Mr. Thyen him been n i-ltleti, of the Pulled Ktutea for the piiHt AO yenm. MrH. Dnvlil W. Hobb left for Port -limit In Ht ii I t with Iter iluiiKliler. .Ii-iiii Itn-.H. v ho Ik lii'lnu taken to n lower clliniile tin iicconnt of heart trouble. Hi'.' Churlea F. Illoom nc I'oniimtiied Ihitn. J. II. Melnler retiirtu'd yiwtei'duy from n trip to lilulio. Ho reniurka Hint, lliere l.iivo been tunny forent llrei In Hint Kioto. Hint it Ih very hot thern ntttl Hint Hetul Ih a much licttnr pluco to be, , A. j. P.nlns mid wifo, of Port land, who linvo Bpont two Wonka eiimpltiK mi llin upper Peachuten, Htiirttid lo tlrlvo homo today. Mr. AT THE HOTELS I 'lint tiMt Inn Thforioro Wulh r and pariy, Wihwimm, Cul.; J. W Jamlrton uml n lf, I .cm Auk!); M Hauler, Tot-tlnnd; Or. . KnIwI tnaii, i'oith.n.! , I'aullnri llniul, Klu nia'U Kulln: !. W lli'iitx. I.nk-viiw; LIBERTY TONIGHT LAST TIME BEBE DANIELS IN "Ducks and Drakes" If you like comedy, you will like tins picture. How about that Bathing Suit? It you are a member of the ftym, you cannot take ad vitiitiiKe of Ha conveiilencea unleaa you have a bathing unit. ir maybe you are tuklnK trlpa to the lake, ro il,-ll"lilf ill for awlmmlni;. If ao you need a buthliiK ault by all mean. We have one for every member of the family. Women's and Men's Bathing Suits, $1.50 to $6.50 Children's Wool Bathing Suits $2.75 ' .v - ) 2, K Boys' Wash Suits, made of Duretts Cloth, in Oliver Twist and Middy Styles, at $1.69 Suit. Short Socks for Hot Days Select from white with colored borders, or from soft ailk hone in the prettiest of pinka and blue. Some have bordered topa. Othem in plain colora. We have never had auch an at tractive aanortment of nocks for children. The prices ran re from 2-"c to 7."5c a pair. Wonderful Hosiery Values New fall tock Holeproof Hosiery Juat arrived. Here are gome especially good values: W omen a Threat! Silk Ilili -Top Hosiery In blacla, cordovan, irray and navy; per pair .r Women's Silk and Fibre Hosiery, rib tops. In black, white and cordovan; per pair .. $1.15 Women's Fibre Silk Hosiery, black and cordovan; pair 79c Women's Silk Lisle Hosiery at, per pair Bflc Women's Cotton Hosiery at, per pair 19c, 23c, 29e ni 35c Children's Ribbed Hosiery at 19c, 25c, 29c, 35c, 50c, O.V, 5c It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at Mannheimers ij J!.i.i.!...n.n.m.!,ii .... ..i t...n Benjamin Two-Way Plugs Each $1.25--Three for $3.50 Every wired home needs three or more Bend Water Light & Power Company William Mayfleld and two sons returned to their home In liosland a few days alto after a trip to the valley where tfley were 'UrchasinK cuttle. Kd Halvomon last Monday brought to The itulletln office a fine sample of rye grown on the Pilot Ilutte De velopment Company's land this sea son. It measured Just an even seven feet high. A. M. Drake returned from a bu sines trip to The Dalles, Portland and Salem, Wednesday evening. A. Becker, father of C. P. Becker, of Laidlaw, has gone to the moun tains on an outing and prospecting trip. DODDS PURCHASER OFTURNEY RANCH Dr. H. C. Dodda has purchased the 640 acre ranch near the Stanley ranch, belonging formerly to H. D. Turney, of Columbus, Ohio. J. B. Miner negotiated the sale. iiiiiiii:;:ijrtKni:i:nntiint;imrrnrnin;rnininanrnaimiiiu:ui:liaimli!i!illui:uaiiiluuj rimuirmnitiiitmnimntmnnnirnnnnntraimrmtnnmnuttnnnimuiin: c:iuitniuuiu!ui.iui:ii.iiisij:Kunt SPECIAL COLUMBIA RECORDS 59c while they last 59c A Lot of Sheet Music at 15c ' formerly priced at 40 to 45c Thompson Music Co. Wall Street. iiiitiiiiiiimiimtiitimittiiiimtimmmtttmuiMmmiiiutttitu Kiimtitniimitmimiummniimtmmitittmmm! FEDERAL TIRES Trn men r illwrlmlnut burrn and whn hv ind thrlr money. It t with th iidniirnnrv that Khey r irrltlntr UHHd valuM vxprrtrnc haa tauht thrm that Kh rhtapvr artirl to jiut what tU prlra tmplira "Cheap." They fltftir rmt xr tntla In buyln tlrea Junt the aama aa you fluure cnat per mm ml whn you buy auar at your irrorery, and they would not buy "KetleraU" If lltry were not Bfttlnir mora mile r dollar, beeauna If there waa any tire built that would itlve more milea er dollar Invealmrnt that la what they would 'have. The "I wliTal" will ittve ynu mora tnilra, nrnre life and more comfort than any other tire In the world, therefore It la economy lo equip your car with "FederaU." Ak any uf tha followliiK, why they prefer "Federali" they uc them and they know. A. M. rrlnirle t. . NUwontrer Jut, Krtrhum T. O. CriiiHlvad J. II. Miner I.. M. Kirnr It. H. I.mi.m It.n.l ll .i ltntr Co. Win. V. Hnk.-r Chan. rrf ilT J. A. Hot (. I,. Conklin K. J. Ahrahnmnnn !l-nry Wlnlwlt J. K. I' iiimiii . liaivcy MMrtm H. II. I.--P tii-o. A. Trtrltlna Wide Atwlntitl H-llin t. Miller Hamtiel W. Moore K. i LandinKham I. loyd fravi'n J. M. Deschutes Garage Nash Cars Watch This List Federal Tires T. A. MrCann. 3. H. M.'lnter W. I. Mrrn V. It. Manny Hurt Hrwden A. I. Scott T. W. Hiidey V. il. Durham Mike Anirland Wm, raltfnon II. Harnia Hoy Wilnon Aniln-w Jarnuot Wm. Mrt'ormacV iNwhiitcM County Tummo St'htnd DUtriat IT. K. Itca Norrla T. W. I hi. I -on Tlux. Hutchlnvfuon I. R Vertrea It. K. tirinnioail ItVnd Furniture Co. Jn, O'Connor W. M. tiriniitcad Jan. A. Kantra Ralph l.ucaa John M. Tayna Itoet-oe Saundera Ji. Tnirncrt l'. H. Fort-tt Srrvica Iht-o. Ilm'h-ilti K M. Van Vatre hVHtn C. Miller l. W. Van Matra I. C. Mfl'hfrion Onn It. IVo(l l oyal Hn.wn II. K. Ilrma t ha. Hovd W. H. Kirby Horace ItichaHa W. II. Huln John IVtcrnon A. Amnah II. K. Ht-ach K, N. Montgomery T. II. Kolfy J. O. tiiloa Wm. Clark rf nca ill barf fa aoM in feppy rerf tidy ra tinm, honioimf pound onrf haif pound tin hurrufSorm and inthm pound cryttot ga humidor wit h tf-ono piouffiifr top. I ill r"-tr - r Buy a pipe and some P.A. Get the joy that's due you! We print it right here that if you don't know the "feel" and the friendship of a joy'us jimmy pipe GO GET ONE! And get some Prince Albert and bang a howdy-do on the big smoke-gong 1 For, Prince Albert's quality flavor coolness fragrance is in a class of its own! You never tasted such tobacco! Why figure out what it alone means to your tongue and temper' when we tell you that Prince Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive patented process fixes that! Prince Albert is a revelation in a makin's cigarette! My, but how that delightful flavor makes a dent! And, how it does answer that hankering! Prince Albert rolls easy and stays put because it is crimped cut. And, say oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe ! Do it right now! Cipjrrl,M 10Zt hr H. J. R.yiulda Tobacco Co. N.C. the national joy smoke