TIIK IlKNH lUI.UCTIN, 1MII-V KPITIO.',. IlK.NI. Oltl'.GON, Tl KSIlAV, J( I.V 21. 1021. PAGE S I. t 4 I f t IIINI) Tlt.tlV K( III III I i: Ori'Kini Trunk Arrlv.w. 7:& A. M. . l.i.iiv.a 7:30 I'. M. O.-XV. II. S. Arilv.'a. :fi0 I'. M. LnaVfa. 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II. K. All. 'ii u ri'purtiMl in hi- HI ami ciiiiliiii'il (ii Mh liuina. 1 it ry roailol le ft lunl iiIkIiI fur I'm lliiiiil, wIiitm lut will ilnll Flunk Miiy I -f I IiihI ii!kIi lot a alinrt hiiHlni'iH dip In I'm t luiul. Civil.' Wi'llii'iilillli-r linn kiiI.I iil Kuril rar In Arthur ( nrr. uf lliirna Mlaa Kriima Hinllh, nf CiiihIiiii, In lnllhiii with Mi. mill Mr. J. K Hinllh II II. Ilfiti h ri'iiiriK-il lut nlelil tyim Ciilv-r, whi'i'i' In him li'H working. J. K) mi wi'hl In 1'iirtluinl lu.'l IiIkIiI, rinwtlim In P'Iiiiii tomorrow niiirnliiK. . I K. lliiid'T r. 'in i ii... I ihla niurn Inn ofirr .i'iiilliiK i.vfnl wwka In California. it. II Munrry ami wlfn l-fl lal IiIkIiI fur MiClmnl. ('Hi. In vlalt with frli'iuU Mm Jiilin Siilill. Jr.. wriit l'i rrlni-vlll" lunl nlghl l'i vl.il hi-i family fur wk. .Mr mill Mr I'liiil lloaini-r lft ihla iiiurnlim fur Muniiiutiih. ilrlvliiK iivit I tn MrKi.nili iu. Mm. K. K. Hulim-a arrlvi"! lal it Ik til (ruin I 'ml I mi .1 in vlalt l..i luiiKhli.r, Mm. J. I. Tiuktr. Mm. I)i'n Ciinurl, of Alfulfii. Vrnt III Hi'uallln lunl lllKlll. Ullliil liy ih.. .leal Ii nf Iht moih-r Mra, X ! Il"k-r n-liirnnl laat flight lo Hatlli Sli lui - ii vii.it I ii K Iht miitliir. Mra. !. J South. Mr. Alum Shiihiril haa ri'lunifil tu Iht homr lii-tu afii-r ..iiillii ttir'4 ttpeka In I'rnilli'ton ami Con clcin . II M Sip). hen, of tlm t'rntral llri'KUII tlllllk. I.'(t lurt lllKlll :..r rurtlnnil ami iiiln-r ilnrpa un lit" aaatlon. Walkir lluawi'll. uf lh tluawall l.umluT ( ii.. uf Purlluiul. la In Ili-ml mi IiikIii. with III" llrnuka Sonnlun l.iiiiitur Co. Jaim-a Ki'arlllK, nf l.llll" Knlla, Minn, lin tin" ln vl-lniiK with r'la(lrv turi'. Ii'ft Ilila morning for llnfa. Idaho. Mr. anil Mm. V. (!. (iorilnn and Mi . Ji' Jntllforil. uf Kiict'ni'. UII nl ypnit'riluy at (ho hum of Iir. It I Kitihiim. Civil" WVIil.'nIilllpr and Kiikpii Comatock. of th llrnnka-S'-nrilon oftlr, liav ri'lurnHil frotn their a rail. ma. api'iit at llurna. K. A. Sroll. pilltnr (if Hip Kori-nt Crovii Niwa-Tlma. and wlfr. return Mi liumii liil nliilil afliT vllllim In Hi. nil niurn (tin runvi'litlnti. Mr and Mm. Arlhur Carr. of llurna, who fvt lirxn vIhIHiik Mr. and Mra. ". IV Ht'nhilUr. witp lo return today to thrlr hmin. Kupurlnti'iKli'nl and Mra. S. V. Moor rmrnod yc(irdBy from a 1,100 mlla aulo trip throimh Vanh liiKton and Ihn WlllnniBii valley. Mra. Anion Knlalaif and daughter left Ilila niornlim for two month' vlalt with her 'parenu, Mr. and Mm. Alex l.lvlngnton, of Mlaaoula, Mont. The purr ha ho by Donald II. Ktuort, of tho Thnniaa Hhurp 720 arre ranch on Crooked rlvar, la reported In the Inat lamio of the Central OrflKorilan. E. L. Poyno, Klmer I,ohnherr and Kd I.yona are expi-cled to arrive In llend tomorrow from l-oa Anuelea where they attended the Klka" ron-ventlon. Mra. E. C. Oorrlaon and two chil dren and her niece, Mlaa Kllnor (lafflaon, returned to their home In I'rlnevllle Inat night after vlalllnx for a few daya with E. T. Cerrlah. Word wan received here today that Mra. J. Chnrlna Knillh lina ar rived In New York City. Kho will Hpimd ahout a in n nth In the metrop- olla inyliiR In fall unil winter atocka for the rnrlalnn. The I .ail lea Aid aorlnty of the ClirlHtlnn church will meet at the homo of Mra. C. U lllnman, 324 Newport avenue, at 2 o'clock on Wednemlny afternoon. All memhora anil frlonda.aro urged to como. C. C, IlurrlH, of Hiiinniur Lake, waa In (llend yealerdiiy on lila way to Portland, on liUHlni'Ka for tho Hummer Lake Irrigation tliHtrlct. Ho anya condlllona nre fuvornhlo for early cnnxtructlon of the project. Mr. and Mm. n. A. Ilodgina and two clilldreti of Honolulu, H. T., were In llend over night n tholr way to Hout tlo and Tacuma, on a tour of tho country. They will re turn to California by wuy of llend. O. A. rarklim luia returned from an aulo trip through Yakima, Seat tle, Tacoma, Klli'tmliurg, I'oiilnml and Tho Dalles, on biiHlneaa for (he lll'iiukii Ki-iililini I,iiiiiIii. Co. He re- tuirta dial the apple crop at Yfiklum will le mil. of tin. IiIkk.-m! known. The m,i,u Inn of rut il mull currier fiultl Til III ii I 'I Kill lie tilled UK the reniil of elvll hervlre emimlriul Ioiik whl. ii ai (, ,e held In 1 1 ri I on Ani(ii"l I :i (;n AiikuhI 'i' iiiol her x 1 1 1 1 1 1 . it l i i 1 1 v. nl he held lu re lo eiuiilul.h an i-llullile reglHtnr lo I'M in HH'lea In II. e . null lull if leik or rurili'i- In (he iohinini servli... Mih W. !'. .M' N'uiikIiI. formerly of tin' (iuim.e Hall ilintilil. now hern lor her heiilih from enalem Ore Kuii, waa to li'i opuiuled on Ilila ufterniiuu at u local liiiHpliul. V. ('. Ill rl mm It. who waa repnrled worie Kutiir.liiy. la now ukuIii on (lie mud to recovery. The relupae (.UN taiiaeil by liln. early removal ''-..ill Hie huaplHil (o (he Miillniiiiluli jhol-l. I Dr. Harry N. Moore liua returned from Vancouver. II. ('., where lie al jd'Uiled (he tiordiweal conveiillon nf jilenilaia. He returned by wuy of McKenxle puna. vMIIng hU fumlly I In the Willamette vulley. I Mr. uml Mra. (Jeorge Merger are at the city camp ground, on (heir way buck (it their home In the Hur ra men I o vulley uf(er (ourliig eualern Oregon. They declare thut (he Mend camp ground la Hie heal rhey huvw aeen during (he entire trip. I NOTM'H I Itiaure (oday: tomorrow rnay be 1 (oo late. It ia better to be aufe than aorry. I Iltfc J. C. IIIIODKS. CiiineKva, ll.'iliiiiiiul ; Mr. and Mra. Murlln Dal)', Creaieiit; Kred II KIkit, I'oi'tliiiul; l.ewla ('. Klaer, I'orHiiMl; Mr. and Mra. W. I. Kuton, Hli. flu-lil, .Muna.; Mr. anil Mia. A. C. HiidKftiH, two children and chauffeur. Honolulu, IIT.; Dr. J. A. Mentor, The Dullca; Mra. I. Vogt and two Ii II- dr 1'he Dullea; Miaa I-. Ilotte- mlller. The Dullea; II. I. Ian, The Dalle"; Mr. and Mm. Cerard ie iii. -nl. rortlund; Mm. John Milliard. Sun Ktaui'liii'o; It. II. Deurhorn and fenilly, CorvnlllM; Mm. H. liozorlh. l ortlainl; ,M.,a Irene Applegule, Ktl geiiu; Dr. J. T. Tlltiu, KiiRniin: A. AT THE HOTELS J Tilot Millie Inn Mra. Jeaale I. MrCiiinli. Corvallla; Jane C. Allen, , 1'uril.inil. K. () t'reiwler uml wife, i likevlew; Mr, uml Mra. Iluwuril Weaver and child. 1'nrtland: Kvn LIBERTY Tonight & Wednesday Bebe Daniels 'the pood little bad girl' in Ducks and Drakes With Jack Holt and William Lawrence LIBERTY 3 DAYS SHOWING ThursdHy, Friday and Saturday 3 I He nott triii o lifa tfory of tk etly UV and Vmyt of ika lodto Wan naoV I of yett. IfftvM "BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER" 1 lunaa-Vivid-Thrilli'ii t Spcll-BiaJiof Yoa will ll in neiy angl. Yt will Boy Wnlry BanT-"Buddy"-lli odd Imic Irllow, who kaowi ao fear of aiaa oi braM. rrarrally "dnlikn women, but hu a eulmated appxile lor blaclberry pie. whKh nan him auarh (rouble. Yoa will admire Jamet Kirk wood, u "Mob llamFloa" the gamble, lot hit atiaMjhdofward, hoorot characler. Vou will approva of hai cxplaaalioa of luck, when he uya, after cleaning up oa the ave ill ii pert, "every aiaa a (hi lame hai cheated al leail ave timet, while I cheated but oacc'. The ptctura ia filled with pep aad ev ery lubtaial clercr, ITS A U INNER-SEX IT BY ALL MEANS I II. Parker and fumlly, I'nrllaiul; ICIvl'i Karley, I'ortland; (!. U. Har- rla, I'ortlauil; W. II. Kmilli, I'ort 'laiid. Mr. and Mr. K. I.. Mann. Il'urlluliil Mr un.l Mra A ('. Klein. Ing. riuniiyalile, Wuah.; K. Kruncla, IIIIIIIM. II. lil In) Mra. fJnirgi! M. Knillh, lilulurk; Mr. and Mra. J (. I'eleraoii, Oakland, Cal.; Mr. and Mm ;uy M. Kilaun, Hlllxhoro. Wiiglil Hotel W. . Ilarrett, Kun Krunrlaco; Speck WoocIh, I'ort liin.l; John It. ('line, Huntington, Did ; C Sin lih and wife, Walla Walla: Klla Cooper, McMlnnvllle. DimnliiK Jlutel J ('. Whiteaiile, KnMliilili'e; H. It. Macy, tiny Clau ami, Willlum V. Hull, H. McDonald. Mucy tr llalril Khowa: O. J. Koater, I'ortlund. A. I'. MtrkelH. Tumalo; It. W. Wulker, Itedmond. HOME MILLINERY CLASS IS FORMED Wiilnaii't title league Met'lN In l:p.vurlli Hall Ma Conn gva l) inun'.lrulia Hat .Making. MAN'S BEST AGE A rnnn is as old es his organs S ho can be 09 vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 3 5 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL 10, Tb vorld'a aundard remedy fur kidnoy, bver, bladder and uric acid trembles ainca 1696; correna diaordora; atimulaiea vital onrana. All draggiata, throe aixea. LaW for tko aataaa Cold Melal eat oeary U A rlncH In home millinery was formed by .15 women who attended yesterday afternoon a open meeting of the V,'fiin'ii'K Civic League In Kp worth hall. The claaa will he under the direction uf MUa Kva Comegya, county home deinonatration agent. Mikh ( omegya upoke yeaterday on "How to selert a liecomlng Hat," dl"culiig the general contour of face and figure In relation to ahapea of hula that fliould not be worn. Itulea for color aelectlon were alao given. I'ostera Illustrating the points made were exhibited. The making of a summer hat made of uaed maierlal was taken up and demonstrated, the plana ex plained and the material cut, and after a few more atilches are (aken an adracdve crepe de chine hat will be the property of Mra. L. R. Kelly, who ftirninhed the materials. Miss Coinegys also helped others in the class In planning and cutting mater ials. Several groups of women present arranged dates with Miss Comegys for help along the same lines. But That's Hiblt CeeiiHie II I miiinllli l rn f,,ui tie train In a hurry, giving the !,. .re..liin flint bis time la worth nlmuc floo mi hour. II duel nut f,,ll,,,v (hat lie will nut xtiend tlfiren minutes en h!a way fn the odire waliliing n wiiii "f mn laving .:imiii,.iI. Itiwi.ai Trjnner:ir. nrr:n:::n::::n;::ni::::u r.:nsma:iasa:::K:: OPPORTUNITY For a single or a couple of women who would like to be Independent. Itend's only HairdrrwinK Parlor for sale. Will teach the trade to the Inexperience) tien of charge, ami will May with them until they mauler the buslnees perfectly. Mrs. Muller's Hairdressing Parlors 140 OREGON STRKKT PHONE 2H0-W N'eato Iiahes are the newest. Try them) they make your Kyea beautiful. Kramer & Mailer Carpenters-Jobbers SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS Phone C3-W We charge for material and lalwir only, so our prices are lew. Iet us figure on your Job, we ran save you money. WALL STREET Next Thompson Music Store Ijiwn mowers aharprneil. SPECIAL COLUMBIA RECORDS 59c while they last 59c A Lot of Sheet Music at 15c formerly priced at 40 to 45c Thompson Music Co. Stent. AH Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Recored New Ford Guaranteed Radiator. Stop those leaky rear wheels with C. M. Oil Itetainer for Ford care and trucks. hangbein 4 Speed Auxiliary Traas mUsion for Ford cars and I rucks. Simplex Ball Thrust liearina; for Ford cars. Aluminum Repairing Auto & Radiator Slop 118 IRVING AVE. I'bone Kes. 301-J ffnn,mirimnipr'Trfr'M'"T"w" OUR LATEST BIG OFFER! Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered from our selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for $25.00 and Upwards Hundreds of patterns to select from. EXPERT CLEANING, PRESSING and DYING We also make Lddies' Suits to order. DICK-The Tailor 1018 WALL STREET mmm.:mmm..mRtramm:ninuum HOTPOINT IRON Tlie Iron with the Cantilever Handle saves aching of wrists The Thunwb Rest, rests the wrist. $6.95 Bend Water Light & Power Company lii:iiit!iiii:ii:i:n!:i:ni:uiraii:mi:n:raii:mn:nm:mii::ii:ii::iii!:ui:iii::::iiin:i:!rn:nrnur:iri:::i:!i PERMANENT AS THE PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company BEND, OREGON Sewer Pipe, Irrigation Pipe, Water Pipe, Culvert Pipe, Building Blocks Well Curbing, Concrete Silos It it's made of concrete, we make it . Box 157 BEND, OREGON Phone 249 V Pxmvxrtfiinr. (vys ffif TAT TTV M I w K . a w a e a a a A mar n av B -ww av ji ujtv m x -nothing lor show THAT'S OUR IDEA in making CAMELS the Quality Cigarette. "Why, just buv Camels and look at the package! It's the best pr.cking science has devised to keep cigarettes frerh and full flavored for your taste. Heavy paper outside secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack age and keep it air-tight And note this! There's nothing flashy about the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do ret improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from cig.t retty aftertaste. , Camels are made for men who think for themselves.