PAGE a TUB URN I) IUIJ.KT1X. DAILY EDITION, 11EXP, OREGON, SUTItlMY, Jl IV Ill'.'l. (By Mrs. L. W. Gatrhcll, I'honc 01-J.) K(M far aakikatlaa la Iti aartal ral.aa In Ik Balara'aa lH af Tka Ballalla Baal h a Ht latar tku tilt a'clack UM iIuiim il im m )imii. Numerous social courtesies have ret urneil to the pinna where con been extended during the week to j vernation was enjoyed until luncheon Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCann, who I was served in the diuiiiK room. A departed with their family on Thurs-' bowl of pink and lavender sweet day for McCloud, Cal., where they i peas surrounded with silver can will remain for several weeks before delabra bearing lavender caudles, leaving for Minneapolis, where .Mr. j was the decorative feature of the MoCann will assume the duties of, dining table from which Mrs. E. I. vice president in charge of opera-j Mahadey and Mrs. V. S. Hudson tlon of The Shevlin-Hixon Lumber j poured Iced tea. and assistants Company. Mr. McCann has been, served sandwiches, sherbet and cake, head of the local Shevlin-Hixon mill At the close of the afternoon the for the past six years and with I honor guests were taken on a sight Mrs. McCann has formed a wide! seeing trip to the mills. circle of friends who greatly regret the change of residence. On Tuesday evening the men of the Emblem club entertained with stag dinner in honor of Mr. Mc Cann. Forty close friends aad business associates of Mr. McCann were present. During the serving of the four course dinner, Carl A. Johnson, Hugh O'Kane, A. Whlsnant, L. O. Taylor. H. E. Allen. H. J. Overturf. Clyde McKay. R. D. Moore. J. P. Hennessey and the guest of honor responded to toasts, C. S. Hudson acting as toastmaster. The remainder of the evening was spent in the enjoyment of card games and In the relaxation inci dent to congenial company. Honoring Mrs. McCann and her house guest. Miss Marie McDonald, of Minneapolis, Mrs. H. K. Brooks on the same evening entertained ' with an elaborate 7 o'clock dinner party at the Pilot Butte Inn. Covers for fifty guests were laid at a well appointed table which had teen placed before the picture win Those present were Mrs. Guy La Follette, of Prlneville; Mrs. M. C. Atbey, of Hermiston, Mrs. A. K. Scott, of Forest Grove; Mrs. A. F. Arnold, of La Pine; Mrs. George Aiken, of Ontario: Mrs. A. D. Moe. of Hood River; and the following Bend residents: Mrs. A. F. Larson. Mrs. H. E. Allen.' Mrs. R. V. Hen dershott. Mrs. T. E.'j. Duffy. Mrs. A. M. Pringle. Mrs. J. C. Rhodes. Mrs. J. P. Hennessey, Mrs. A. Whls nant and daughter. Roma. Mrs. Robert W. Sawyer. Mrs. L. YV. Gatchell. Mrs. L. B. Balrd. Mrs. E P. Mahaffey. M GKKAT STADIUMS pastime was enjoyed until a Into COAST WILL 1IAVK hour wnen a ueiicious uuriot lunch eon ws served, an attractive feat ure of which was n "birthday" cuke wltti lighten tuners. I nose present i'iui I'or Second Amphitheater To were Dorothy noiiits, Louise and Margaret Inaliuit, Myrtle Itlce. Fran cis lleyhuin, Helen and Mary Elis abeth King. Kutherlue Huyden, Jenn nette Keyes, .Mm Inn and Gladys Sal her. llessle Smith, tlartmra l.oc lu ll ml Marjorle ltalrd; Kd Norcott, Ho r mi id Larpoiiteur, Hugh Huyden, Lloyd lllnkely, Frank Lochr, Iluell Orrell. Eda Hrosteihous, Vuuce Coy ner. Donald Hudson, Phillip Phil brook, Wilbur Wntkins, Frank and Ha I pit Manor, and liouald Sellurs. Mrs. Hymn Itoyce and small sou left Thursday evening for Seattle I lb' Ineil III ('mined Ion With l oin iiiilnonl of Hum's Muile, PASADENA. Cal., July. S3.- Plans for the second meat stadium In Cal norma tu o . ueiiuiieiy under way here, following the purchase of the first piece of laud to be used In con nection with tho big Tournament of ltoses stadium In the Arroyo Socio A deed for ten acres of land wus in possession of the tournament to day, following the conclusion of no where they will spend two weeks at K0t tut Ion with Henry Shluudomnn the home of Mrs. Uoyce's mother. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Samuel of New Orleans arrived Tuesday morning for an extended visit al Claude Maun- heimer's residence. On Thursduy, Mr. and Mrs. Mannhelmer and their guest motored to Crater lake, return ing yesterday evening. I 7. . r Ti i SXl inel nurches Christian Science Society Serv- C. S. Hudson, ices every Sunday morning at 1 1 Sunday school convenes at Mrs. Agnes Sheridan. Miss Margaret Sheridan. Miss McCarron. Mrs. Brooks, and her mother, Mrs. M. E. Downs, of Seattle. The Emma club of the Eastern Star entertained yesterday afternoon with a card party, Mrs. George Conklin and Mrs. J. M. Childers act ing as hostesses. Following the playing, at which Mrs. W. A. Grant won first honors, a short business meeting was called and tbe annual election of officers carried out. Mrs. 9:45 a. m. Testimony meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 p. in. Tbe society maintains a public reading room at room 8. Deschutes Investment Co. building. Open from 12 m. to 5 p. m. daily. First Christian Church On New port Avenue between Third and Fourth streets. Sunday Is a great day. We are to have what some call an all-day-dinner. Come at 10 o'clock, bring your lunch and stay all day. You will have a good uw u uu'ub lime ana save Dunning a nre on a sented a most attractive appearance ( Mrs Charles Hayes secretary hot day Tne communon and ,pr. In a color scheme of lavender andind treasurer. m0n as usual at 1 1 a. m. Christian flame color. . Endeavor at 7 p. m. At 8 p. m. will Centering the table wu a hoge The regular open meeting of The; be given specially illustrated ser- reed basket filled witn gorgeous I Woman's Civic League will be held'mon. Following the morning serv flame colored gladioli, combined Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at I lees we am tn have plertinn of r- Epwortb hall. The program will fleers. be In charge of Miss- Eva Comegys J Come and see this wonderful county home demonstration agent 'chart illustrating the simple gospel who will preceed a demonstration on plan of salvation and enjoy our fel- the making of summer hats by a 30 lowship together. All are welcome with Baby Breath, and surmounted by a lavender tulle bow. Smaller silver baskets with lavender and flame sweet peas and the dainty Baby Breath were placed at Inter vals along the long table, while of this city. Deals are now under wuy for the purchase of additional land, while the city had condemna tion proceedings started to acquire other lands for the project. Surveys for the greut boulevards which will lead to the stadium site are being made. Every effort Is being made to rush tho stadium pro ject In order to furnish adequate seating space for the annual "Eust- West" footbull game. It Is estimated that lust year It wus necessary to turn away four people fur every one who had a ticket at the present site. Stanford I'uiverslty will pruhubly huve the record for constructing the first giant stadium In California, as work on the Stanford project is al ready under way. It la wild, and Is being rushed as fast aa subscriptions from alumni and friends of the uni versity come in. The Stanford sta dium will be the largest III the west, and one of the largest In the country. usmIhIi'iI by the chapter here. A Jubilee trip In SciihIiIh will he ii feat urn of the ciinvenl Ion. mom heia having been Invited to IiiIiik iiIiiiik their Hives uml families cl make the affair morn Joyous. Safe 71UUC for infants & invalids ASK FOK Horlick's Tbe Original Avoia Imitations uA Sub.tltutaa. Pnr Infanta, Invalids and OrwlnCMMran I Rich Milk. Malta Oraln lUtrarl In SWrf.r ''utOil(,Uiuli'"uoJ-Lil:ik.'or AllAgss Nu Cooking-Nourishing - DigaattbU We Add a Steady Customer Just as soon as a family once tastes a -"v. sr XfrdMrylkttter S . a-c-.- .-..'"f . . BEND. Oft e COM. ASTORIA IS EXPECTING THOUSAND ENGINEERS ASTORIA. Ore.. July S3. More than 1000 engineers are expected here today to attend the gala enter tainment and convention of the Ore gon members of the American asso ciation of Engineers. II. E. Davis, service secretary of the Oregon chap ter, with headquarters In Portland, has been In charge of arrangements. miM) That helps Bend's payroll, too, for Des chutes Gold is Bend-made. In fact it's the only creamery butter produced in Bend. Boost home products, and please your fam ily by keeping Deschutes Gold Butter on the table. The Central Oregon Farmers Creamery. minute talk, "How to Select Hats flame colored Chippendale candles t That Are Becoming. in silver candelabra marked the open spaces between the baskets and bows of lavender satin ribbon further accentuated the color Fred E. Harriman, pastor. me oemonstraiion .mss ylrHt ,Uptlt c hurch The home- comegys win completely mane a nat Ik8 church. p n, ,.ar(1, mlnM,.r. and give assistance to any who wish Rei(,(t.nM. 406 Wall street. ,u leir ou muitriai Wlin K-rvlroa Kiiml-v I..!v91 fnl..,l scheme. Favors of corsage bou-hem. This will be the first lesson on'pIani wt Sumlav Bchoo ;,eltlml,.g queis in me cuoseu comuuiauon oi millinery received Dy tne liena wo- prompty 8t 9.45 f0OWf,, Dy , flowers, tied with the lavender men, Mise Comegy, suggests that .nort ,,1Hlrated H'ermon on ..KvlI tune, designated tne places oi me tney Drlng only buckram frames. ' H-,.,t. . uei or new. ,o oe covereu concU()e(I by ,1:40. emember, no witn inexpensive materials such as )nterm,.Mon between Sunday school gingham. voile, etc.. to match hour and morn,ng .errlce. . al, summer gowns. If those in attend- one Parents. may I count on you ance are sufficiently Interested Miss , heIp make lh BerTlce , ,ncce. comegys win taae up witn mem tne Vou can do thhl ,,y ot only maaing oi nais over wire irames guests of honor, while small nose gay bouquets lay beside each of the remaining place cards. Following the serving of the five course luncheon, tbe guests motored over to the Brooks borne on Drake road where the remainder of the evening was spent in playing bridge. At tbe close of tbe evening guest prizes were awarded to Mrs. Mc Cann and Miss McDonald, and Mrs Charles Hayes, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mrs. Horace Richards, Mrs. J. C. Vandevert, Mrs. J. C. Rhodes, Mrs. A. M. Pringle, Miss Agnes Sheridan, Mrs. J. P. Hessessey. Mrs. Paul C. King and Mrs. R. W. Hendershott. Those participating in tbe eve ning's pleasure were: Mesdames Herbert Allen. L. B. Baird. J. P. Keyes, C. S. Hudson, W. H. Leet, A. F. Larson, S. A. Blakeley, Clar ence Mannhelmer, H. D. Samuels, Charles W. Erskine, R. W. Hender shott, J. H. Meister, Agnes Sheri dan, Laura Stevens, Edith Staple- ton, T. E. J. Duffy, J. H. Haner, J. P. Hennessey, O. E. Horstkotte, Carl A. Johnson, George Jones, A. M. Pringle. Paul King, Crosby Sbevlin, E. P. Mahaffey, H. A. Miller, R. D. Miles, J. B. Heyburn, A. H. Oliver, J. E. Smith, C. A. Hayden, J. C. Rhodes, Horace Richards, L. O. Tay lor, H. D. Farrlngton, J. Ryan, H. P. Morton, J. C. Vandevert. E. L. Vlnai, A. Whlsnant, Paul Woerner, Paul Hosmer, D. H. Peoples, Charles Hayes, M. E. Dowles, T. A. McCann. Misses MacDonald, Boyer, Ziegler, Gunning and Sheridan. a On Monday evening a small group of intimate friends of the McCann family circle called at their home and spent, the evening with cards and dancing. At a late hour a delicious luncheon was served, a The H. K. Brooks home was the scene of an Informal reception yes terday afternoon from 3 until 6 o'clock at which time Mrs. Brooks entertained in honor of wives of the members of the State Editorial association, who are guests of our eity this week. L'pon arrival these guests were escorted to the summer house on the lawn where Miss Roma Whlsnant served punch, loitered toi sometime early in August. A most cordial Invitation Is en couraging your children to stay, but by being present yourselves. This Is not slmnlv a service for the hnva tended to the women of Bend and d g)rllI ,t for Come and vicinity to oe present. ' see and hear. B. Y. P. C, the president lead Honoring Mrs. John Botrlght of ing, at 7:00 p. m. All the young Portland who Is the house guest of people are urged to be present and GORD TIRES Now Selling at the Lowest Price Level in Tire History her daughter. Mrs. John Gagen. Mrs. Byron Royce entertained Tuesday with an afternoon tea, at which Mrs. Botrlght. Mrs. Ashley Forrest, Mrs. occupy the front seats In a body. Evening worship and sermon. "Borrowed Religion." at 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve- Claude Smith, Mrs. H. G. Ferris, Mrs. jnlng at 8:00 p. m. If you miss one jonn naiaer. .irs. r rana imieueia . of these services, you miss a bless- Mrs. C. H. Knowles, Mrs. J. F. Arn-'inlr. old and Mrs. John Gagen enjoyed the hospitality of the Royce home. a a a In compliment to Mrs. T. A. Mc Cann and guest Miss Marie McDon ald of Minneapolis. Mrs. J. H. Mei ster entertained Wednesday with a one o'clock Bridge luncheon. Cov ers were laid for 36 and prizes awarded to Mrs. Paul C. King and Mrs. Herbert Allen. a a a Miss Agnes Campbell of . Mon mouth, Oregon former Instructor In the local high school arrived Thurs day morning for a 10 days visit at the E. J. Catlow home. At the end A cordial Invitation Is extended to ail who are not worshipping else where. You will find a welcome I awaiting you. Come to church Sunday. "We took sweet counsel together and walked unto the house of God, In company." Psa. 6S-14. Miss Ethel Gingrich entertained the young people of the church at her country home Tuesday night. Fifty were present, and a fine time waa enjoyed by all present. A wienie roast and Ice cream supplied the refreshments for tbe evening. The Ladies' Missionary society met In an all day session at the of next week Miss Campbell and Miss home of Mrs. Nordeen on Thursday. Eunice Cutlow will Join the members j A good attendance and a fine time 30x3 -32x4 -34x4 - (And Other Sizes In Proportion) - $24.50 - 46.30 - 54.90 Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment They are the quality choice of cord users. This new low price is made possible by strictest economies and specialised production. Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of making 30x3H-irtch Non-Slcid fabric, tires. With a daily capacity of 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes, (his plant permits refined production on a quantity basis. I All materials used are the best obtainable. The quality is uniform. It is the beat fabric tire ever offered to die cor owner at any price. of the Mazama club of Portland who will be passing through Ilend on their annual two weeks hiking trip This year the plan Is to scale Diamond was reported by all present. Lutheran 8. A. Stenseth, pastor. ThitrA will lia nt G,,t..t..u ..t.nnl n- Peak, visit Crescent and Crater lakes , services at the church this Sunday, and many of the smuller hikes In this as It has been decided to have' a section of the state. The hike will Sunday school picnic, be valuable to the Misses Campbell Anybody wishing to take part and Callow by way of experience as j will meet at the church between '. they must remain "members on pro- and 9:30 in tho morning. The Hup- button until they have scaled a day school, congregation and friends having a living glucler, a feat that! will then nrocned In the i.lrnlr they are limiting forward to 'with In-, grounds (Dutch John's tilnco) whom preaching service will be held at il o'clock, lunch at 12:30 and pro gram by the Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Come and hear the word of Cod and spend tbe day with the children. tercst. a a a In celebration of her seventeenth birthday anniversary Miss Marjorle Balrd entertained Thursday evening with a dancing party at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Bnlrd enjoy the beauty of the river and on Broadway Btreet. The popular Put It In Tbe Bulletin. 1i It is now more economical to buy New Tires than to take chances on repaired old ones. i Firestone Ford Tires are the lowest priced standard make on the market. We are Bend distributors for Firestone Tires. Centra! Oregon Motor Co. J. L. Van Huffd A. G. Clark FORD SALES end SERVICE Bend Oregon