T PAQB THK BKND BtTLMCTIJf, DAILY KDITION, MCND, ORJOOON, HATl'llDAY. Jl'I.Y in, 10:11. CENTENARY OF MRS. EDDY'S BIRTH PROMPTSTRIBUTE OF FOLLOWERS ( Br United Pre to The Bend Bulletin.) HOSTON. July IS Today marked the 100(h anniversary of the birth of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christ ian Science. On this occasion of the centenary Christian Scientists every where will pay tribute to the unique career of their leader. Born In a re mote New Hampshire town, of typ ical New England parentage, Mary Baker Edd has Income known as the discoverer and founder of Christ ian Science, a religious movement comprising (he mother church aud more than 1800 branches which. In less than half a century, have entire ly circled the globe with a member ship that includes persons of many races and shades of religious belief. Reared in the atmosphere of a Puritan home, from childhood Mrs. Eddy manifested a spiritual quality of thought, and at an early age de veloped a precocious interest In phys ical science and metaphysical sub jects. Even in her youth she dis played skill as a writer and later be came known as a contributor of poet ry and prose to current periodicals. In a volume of poetry by New Hamp shire authors, published in 1330. ap pear two poems from her pen, mer itorious both in thought and form of expression. Physically delicate as a child, af ter reaching womanhood Mrs. Eddy passed through a long period of in validism daring which he unsuccess fully sought healing from various agencies. In 1866 she recovered from the results of a severe accident I through the spiritual illumination gained In reading the scriptures. Fori the next three years she sought, ; through careful and persistent study! :of the Hlhle. the principle and divine .law which governed this experience In ! S 7 r. she gave her belief to the I world in the text book of Christian 'Science. "Science and Heulth, With , Key to the Scriptures." To estab lish formally her movement and to disseminate its teachings. In 1879 she founded the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. This was followed in 18S1 by the opening of a metaphysical col lege chartered by the legislature of J Massachusetts, which, after some J 4000 students had been taught, and : in the midst of great prosperity, she 'closed on the ground that it had ful filled Its purpose. To disseminate further her teach ings, in addition to the church servic es and Sunday school, she established a board of lectureship, a publishing society to publish various periodicals. Including a monthly magazine, a weekly denominational paper and a dally newspaper, a hoard of education to prepare teachers of Christian Science and a committee on publica tion to correct misrepresentations of her teaching. Although her discov ery of Christian Science was not made, until after middlo life. Mrs. Eddy liv ed to see It established throughout the I'nited State: and In many for eign countries. Beside her chief work, "Science and Health," the text book of Christ Ian Science. Mrs. Eddy wrote other volumes including "Miscellaneous Writings," "The First Church of Christ, Scientist and Miscellany," "I'nity of God and other Writings." "Christian Healing and Other Writ ings." "The Church Manual." "Christ and Christmas," and a volume of poetry, all of which are widely read. SALARY SLASH FOR OFFICIALS OF CITY LOOMS (Continued from Page 1.) Overlurf as to the advisability of spending the first money available on park property within the city lim its. His suggestion for a cleanup it I Shevliu park, using only volunteer labor, met with favor, the cu limit unanimously endorsing a movement for such cooperative work. E. I.. Vitial. malinger of the Cen tral Oregon Associates, reminded the council of the ugreement for secur ing the repair of the Third street grade crossing. He was informed by the recorder that the present cross ing has no official stunding and that a showing must be made to the pub lic service commission before It can be officially designated. The city attorney has been Instructed to make such a showing. SHERIFF CATCHES FEDERAL OFFICER (eta Itoojc Clue Anil Make Kong Cham Only To Kind tiovernnient Man Willi t'onllsratml I,liiior. CALIFORNIA MAY I GET HIGHEST DAM 6,000,000 Acres Could Be Irrigated By Storing Waters of The Colo rado River; U Is Declared. (Br United Preaa to The Bend Bulletin.) SAN FRANCISCO. July IS. Mora than 6.000.000 acres of barren desert can be turned into rich farm ing land by the construction of the proposed Boulder Canyon dam across the Colorado river, according to J. B. Lippincott, reclamation engineer, formerly of the I'nited States geologi cal survey. The proposed dam, to be the high est in the world, is to be 550 feet high, it isp lanned. It wilL.be cap able of storing 24.000.000 acre feet of water and will develop 1.000.000 horsepower, more than the total hydro-electric power now developed by California projects. ST. HELEN'S. July 16 Some times an officer becomes too enthusi astic iu the pursuit of his duty. At leeast that's what Sheriff Wel lington thinks, following a stirring chase along the lower Columbia River Highway recently, when he was tip ped off that a car containing liquor was headed this way. The car ar rived and departed, with the sheriff lu close pursuit. After a chase of several miles he managed to overhaul the car and found I'nited States government officers en route from Astoria to Portland with captured contraband. mmitliiiitmnmnmmttmititmimtmmtmttmittmmiiMiMiitmtliiMitittw i luiiittiiitiitliimnmiminmiiitiiiimitiuniuimiiiiiitmtiimtuiluiuiiaiiiiiuw CASHMAN BEND'S CLOTHIER PORTLAND HELPS TO ESTABLISH CREDIT (Br United Preaa to The Bend Bulletin) PORTLAND, July 1 . Following Friday's meeting, W. L. Thompson, vice president of the First National bank, announced that Portland has subscribed a half million as her shure of the national pool to provide live stock men's credits. r fUSICAL it Z ' i I'm s v r Instruments that will yield to every tone impulse which you give them. Come in and try them. You will enjoy a Phono graph in your home. We will take your used piano in on any of the New Phonographs in our stock. E. M. Thompson Music Store Wall Street NIPPONESE PEERS OPPOSED TO WOMEN TOKIO. July 16. The house of peers of Japan has rejected the bill permitting women to attend political meetings. This has caused great in dignation In feminist circles. SAGE HEN SEASON IS EARLY IN LAKE A store that grows because it satisfies Your Next Suit-anJ Your Next! pi You want service from your next Suit. We guarantee that you will get it all at this store. Buy your suit with this understanding If you are not satisfied, neither are we. You be the judge. Business is good with us, and this store keeps growing because our patrons return to us again and recommend us to their friends and only extraordinary service will make men do that. CASHMAN'S Good Clothes-Nothing Else ttttiirnutainintiKransniniarctn LOST LOST A black coat on Cllne Falls road, containing note and mort gage and some registered papers on Kamtioulllet sheep. Notify tin 1 1ft In. 34-33-37p FOUND FOUND A brown macklnaw. Own er may have same by calling at 1504 West Third. 43-35-36p gmwnaiiinfiminnimnmiiumpBamuum' Mountain View Hospital General Hospital) Maternity Caysrs a Hpevlaltjr Corps of competent, trained nurses Phone tit Kansas and 8 tats Sts. Mrs. Itattl Mayne. Mgr. MiiiHsiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiwiiiiuinmuiuiiiuiiimniimuiuiMiiimmrimnmmiiimom.H USED CARS JOFFRE WILL PAY VISIT TO JAPAN Lake county has the edge on tho rest of Oregon east of the mountains, ! as far as sage hen hunting Is coll-1 cerned, the season having opened yes-! terday in Lake, says a telegram re- reived this morning by District Game Warden Karl I). Houston. In all other counties the season begins on August 1. PARIS. July 16. Marshal Joffre is understood to have informed j Prince Hirohito that he will pay a I visit to Japan within the i.ext threi. ' months. Depends Somewhat. The old na.Ifig "If you want nny h'ni d'ie. i!" it yourself," (V nil rljrlit f you iln net want too many things lone. WATERSPOUT TAKES PORTUGUESE HOMES LISBON", July 16. An enormous 'waterspout destroyed four parishes in the Maia district of tha Douro province of Portugal, sweeping away houses and flooding railways. Many i people are homeless. CAH FOK SALE Ford sedan, Al condition, for sale or trade for larger car. Inquire 14 Hawthorne or Phone 308-.M. 3b'-34-38p CAU Foil SALE Chevrolet road ster, delivery body; will sell cheap for cash, lluud Furniture Company. 7-12tfc FOR RENT FOIl HKNT Three-room furnished apartment, with bath. Inquire 228 Ilroadway. 44-35p MISCELLANEOUS BOA IU itl 7 pT wofk nt Thrw SU tor hot!, rornpr Wall and Color ado; cIosp to millH. 41-3f-37p Dais tf.nl advcrrtUinir chant jr Uau to , i fnri for 20 word or Inm. On tnt pr , word fr all over 20. All clawftcd tvivvrUtv ' injf Binctir cuh in advance. E .i. rV. "Ve fsaT, ' a mi ti- j JUDGE GARY RECENTLY SAID: "Our resources are so great -our facilities for carry ing on affairs' so satisfactory we know that before us is the greatest prosperity this country has ever witnessed. This is the time for encouragement a time to be hope ful a time to be optimistic and we'll all come out all right,.. I have' never lost my faith in the future of the industry or the future of America." The First National Bank ThU Bank U a Member of the Federal Reserve System WANTED U'lVTl'h T( 1 ui'V I 4 ........ - 1 for Ford; no demountables and no! Junk. Iiring the wheel to 1412 Hill street, opposite camp grounds and get the money. 35-37 WANTED .Man on ranch; perman ent place; good wages; must be able to drive Ford. Inquire Nels Anderson, telephone 18F21. 31-32-37P FOR SALE FOK BALK Modern 5-room bunga low for sale, furnished. Inquire 455 Greenwood avenue, mornings. It's a bargain. 3S-34-36p FOIl SALE 300 O. A. C. Marred Hock young chickens, four to eight weeks old; a bargain If taken at once. Inquire J. H. Lovett, Red mond. Oregon, three miles north of Deschutes. 3 2-38 p 32-21p FOIl BALE Four-room house; mod ern; fine garden, lawn and shade trees. Inquire 1062 Columbia street. 29-32-36p FOR 8ALE Three-room house; for cash or terms; a bargain; look It up. Call evenings or Sundays. In quire 990 L'nlon street. . 28-34-3Gp FOR SALE Five-rooms; 90x150, Kenwood; built-in kitchen, fire place; lawn, shade trees and fine gar den; $2000; terms. Inquire barber shop, Pilot Butte Inn, or phone (7-J. 8-30-3 5c FOR 8ALE Fresh cut flowers and potted plants; funeral designs our specialty. The only greenhouse at The Dalles, Oregon. Jewell Green houses, 600 Clay street. Phone Black 2721, The Dalles. 35p Preserve Your Food Buy Your ICE BOOK TODAY mi Ice costs you less than one cent a pound. Our driver carries these Books with him, or phone Deschutes Ice Co. Office Phone : 5S-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist Koorot 4 and 6 oter Poatofflce :mttinmimwHUHMiii!nHriTtTOimmnti:imt:imti!nTTr, DR. G. SKINNER ii:tist Office. Room 16, O'Katie lildg. I'llOlle: Ofllre, ;l,,rk S35-W Office Hours: to 12 1 to 5 ttiiauium.iiiiimaamni:Tr:!mi;t:;i;:'nt:T:fr!;:!Trrr;:rH: ATTORNEY - AT- LA W Rooms 13 and 16 First National Hank lliillillng. Tel. II (Dr. (Vw'a h'urmr OfTwei Umwmnnntmma:nnntu::mn:::miii:t:::ii:::nn!nr:nn n:amiianii:n::nai::at3::iaf:;;u:maiu:ia:.iiaua: Walt C. Wickersham liireetnr hhevlln-IIUfin OrclifMrn Available fur Dance and Violin Instruction. I'hone 24 j M !! f ymammimitmmmt;mimtitmti)iiiniiimmiiiimij OSr rtM 7 ReeMvar ?! af DR. II. C. DODDS I'd) aid nn nnd NurK.itn O'm.nnHI llulldltiic IUttri u t a. ai.f I la ft p. . la I ... ,jitti:tt:nii:n:jtiiii!!mi:t:miiti!fiitmiftinif!tTTtfminit:i ii;ii.i;uuiu.niiuuiiiiiiiiiuiii:aiiit,uiiiiiiiitfi;fMiiiinii K. K. HELLEMN I have nn Klrrtrlr II, .or Sander. j which N a ncn umrlilne. Ileal of work guaranteed. '.::n::::::t:::ntm:m::i:mmm:mrtmm!!ni'mni-t!!r!;::!rtf, ,!:iu:.i:i:n.':ii::;i:ti:ult:;ii:nmtuni:ii(:iutiunitiitiimitutt'; j- KIM Ill'TK WORK. SI l-IIC TANKS, MlK.n .11. KM j' An) thing In the Hue of t'om ri te j Wntk gilnranter.l DAVIDSON & WELSH jj rimnn 21J-V. I V. Nt St., or liftft. .New port -:i::.;riimr!:iin;:m;:nTi:imifi::fm:mTtMrjt-:iti:iiT!Tti: j:.u;u;;:it::;;:in:::n::iti:ti;;niiin::i::tiimuirt J. A. TOM LIN The I'aintrr u Interior or Interior Palming L nieriur llo ornlllig a hM , lull l :i;:i:m:::HtttKin::anillinr::i:ai; i"" -ri "" .:.:!a!.':::T::a::n:,.::;:::,.:;i jj T I I.KI'lll l K ;.J 7::n:!nr.::::ltt:::::n::a:t::i -t:i:t!"n:":inn:r:t:mn!i:iiriiimtiir::inm:n:m:iTni HOME SANITARIUM Maternity Cava a NHi lalty MKH, J. XV. AVITT. .MATROX I IIMI Wall ht. Phone 81-J ,iiiriimnmmrmmi::mimtimn:inmi::!!iii:ni!r:nitim:ti, auntnmtianuuuiuitiuiuiinauutiitnititiiumnnF CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NUIIONK COIWKTH Will call by appointment 1059 Columbia St. Phone 303-M P. O. ilox 40 mnimmtTimintmigmanimnamtiTnnimniuintininiri.1 imiiiunummuinmmuutnmmnnunuinnininiiutuiiii: WM. MONTGOMERY Furnaces, Spouting, Gutter ing, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right. Work guaranteed Tinning and Sheet Metal imnnrmnmnroimmttmmmmmnmnminntmitntrmt: juuanuiiuuauiuuituuututuutuainrauaiuauniuniii CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies Bath Room Accessories, etc., etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE 139-J umiiuniittuimumtniuiuuMUiimfjt Floors sanded at prices you can afford L. L. ROBINSON I'll one n,t Leave orders at Mghl Conipany imumimmiunumimnm.'Himnim iimintittniiniirU HaiiininuinmiiiiiiniiiMiiiiamiuininiiimmiuiniimni Tel. 27-J O Knne 111. Ik. DR. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Hours: I to 12 1 to 6:30 Eeenlnn and Suiulan br Appolntm.al UinimnmmiiintamiinnimnrriiiiiiiuminaitnnuutmniiU mniiuuiiiininiuitminnmiimiiniiimiittnitiumasniint DR. H. N. MOORE DKMIHTIIT imntnmmnmtMmimtifnnftiiiiifHTM........ .fllllllt, I,,,,... ........ MUMIII I n """""""HuiHimiiMiiiiuiniuMnioii BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writer, of all klnHa nf Inauranr. Old. at Inturanoa Asener In Central Oreaon. n. C. KI.LIg Flr National Rank Bids., Bend, Or Tel. 167 O'Kane Rldg. imtmtnuwmimumww MM. awiuiajiiiiwmuusiiwiinunuuuimuuniiiwnuiuairj W. G. Manning, D.M.D. DENTIST Suite 11-14 O'Kane Dulldlng Phone 178-W Bend, Oregon kirmmiimniTiimitmtnmnnmmmninmmmrrirnrrim! jiiwiiwauiimiiuiBuiwMuuiumiwuHiainiBUiinnii H. R. Da Around Cha. W. Craklns De Arniond & Erskine LAWYER Balrd Building, Rand, Oregon