PAGB 3 1 3 I I i TIIK IIKVD BtM.KTIN, IMILV KDlTIOf, IIE.VD, OnEOOV, HATIHDAV, JtTY 16, 1021. 1 MlilMlllllMlilM Wt&y One Woman ISM fe E&em&- An incident with a moral for those who labor under the delusion that merchandise may be more econ omically purchased elsewhere I buy at home. Why? Because my interests are at home. Because the community that is good enough for me to live in is good enough for me to buy in. Because I believe in transacting business with my friends. Because I want to see the goods I buy before I purchase. Because I want to get what I buy when I pay for it. Because every dollar I spend at home stays at home and works for the welfare of this community. Because the man I buy from, at home, stands behind the merchandise he sells me. Because I sell what I produce be it labor, brains or com modities in this community. Because the man I buy from pays his part of the city, county and state taxes. Because he has always returned value received in generous measure. Because he who sells to me contributes to the support of my schools, my churches, my lodges and my home. Because should sickness, ill luck, misfortune or bereavement befall me, the man I buy from is here, ready and willing to lend me his moral and financial support, if necessary, to aid me. Here I live and here I buy. I BUY AT HOME BECAUSE IT PAYS ME IN EVERY RESPECT AND IT WILL PAY YOU TOO FOLLOW MY TIP. tKUt