THE BEXD BULLETIN. DAILT EDITION, BBNO, ORBOON. FRIDAY, Jl l,Y in, I Ml. A NATION-WlltK IXNTllTTlOX A XATIOX-WIDK IXSTUTTIOX EVERY DAY PRICES! Not Special Prices for a Few Days Only Mutual Confidence and Good Will is our message today Always "The Best Values" at Amazingly Low Prices, Are Here for You! 09c MUX'S OVKH ALLS AM) JAl'KKTS, Vll.h tTT. HK.ST QIAI.ITY, '10 WK.KiHT IIKMM VXIOX MADE IMOX MADE NKW till.LKTTK HKOWMK SAKKTY RAZORS 83c hoys' axi t-HII.DRKX'S STRAW HATS, ALL SIZES 29c 59c MEN'S Blue Chambray WORK SHIRTS Fast Colors Men's Neckties A beautiful assortment; your choice 25c Children's Black Bloomers Now priced at 35c Ladies' Sport Coats In fine Jersey and flannel; all colors; Priced $5.90 3$ inch White Wash Skirting: priced at. per yard -IBr to flftc 40 inch Dark Figured Voile, priced at. per yard 2Wc, Sue and 4c 32 in Zephyr Ginghams 19r, Sir, 2.V 3S inch Bungalow Cretonnes, yard 19r 1Sx29 Turkish Towels, bleached. 2 for 2:1c 22x45 Turkish Towels, bleached. 2 for 59c 81 inch Bleached Aurora Sheeting 46c Men's Suspenders An unsurpassed value at 25c Ladies' Sport Skirts Wonderful values in all the new silks and filannels; Priced $6.90 Wash Skirts . White Gabardine; Priced $1.19 New Fall Footwear Arriving daily, at lowest prices. Tennis Shoes White and Brown. Children's at... $1.10 Youths' at 91.10 Misses' at $1.10 Boys' at l.2 Ladies' at .$I.SO Men's at $I.:10 Crystal White " C ,V""" If .JOTIfi fT (I rM 'Ho" II fSv ! " llQiW M II 1 VzilS a for 2.v Si ill II v-assr-" -mm Rinso, 7c 'lit U -mwriKmMwvk , s 312. DEPARTMENT STORES lug that the womnii tlmy had was not FI-FI, she was Inter released. How the champagne was smuggled In is still mystery, but It la said to have made Its appearance at the cabaret last night. Parade limine) at 7;. '10. Kvery attraction In the Parisian tours will have Its place In parade which will start from the gymnasium at 7:30 o'clock tonight, passing through the business section of the city, and returning to the gymnus lu in . The Hlievlln-lllxon band has do mi toil Its services for the occasion, and following the purnde a 46-mlnuto free concert will be given In the building. New members of the atlilvtia club are advised to bring their application blunk stubs with them when they visit Paris tonight, as new trials are to bo'vlslted on non-members. LOST LOST A black coat on (Mine Kails road, containing note and mtirt gsge and same registered papers on Kamboulllet sheep. Notify lliillntln. 8 4-33-37i USUI) CARS CAR KOH SALE One NhhIi trunk, with trailer: one Willys six, 7 -pus-senger: one Dodge, D-pussenger: all In good condition. At a bargain If sold at once. 1420 Hill street. - in-HB-Mp CAU roil HAt.K Kurd sediiu, At condition, for sule or trade for larger car. Inquire 14 Hawthorne or i'hone 30K-.M. 3U-34 3Hp CAR KOIl HAI.K Chevrolet road ster, delivery body; will sell choap (or cash, llend Kurnltura Coinpuuy. 7-IJifc FOR RENT KOIt HUNT Three-room furnished upnrlnieiit, with bulli, phone and every convenience. Apply J. Itysn ft Co 4l-34i A NATIOX-WIDE IXSTITI'TIOX A XATIOX-WIDE IXSTITI'TIOX 3E XOTK'K OK FINAL AtXXHXT In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In the matter of the estate of Fred Qoodfellow, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Klale Qoodfellow, administratrix of the es tate of Kred Ooodfellnw. deceased, 'has made and filed with the Clerk of 'the County Court of Deschutes Coun ty her final account of her adminis tration of said estate, and that the Judge of the above entitled court has designated the 6th day of August. 1 1921. at the hour of 2 o'clock In the ; afternoon of said day at the Court I house In Bend. Deschutes County. ! Oregon, as the time and place of .hearing of said final account and of 'settling of said esfnto, and all persons Interested are cited to appear at said time and place and show reuse. If any, why said account should not be allowed and said estate closed and settled. Dated this 30th day of June. 1921. ELSIE QOODFELLOW. Administratrix of estate of Fred Goodfellow. deceased. DE AH.MONl ER8KINE. Attorneys for Administratrix. 23, 28, 34, 40, 4c PROFESSIONAL AND lll'HIN'KHH DIKKCTOIt Y iwimumuuiuiuimniuiui.iuiuiuiuinmiuiuimiumHuniiuimiuuuiuuiiNinraiuuiuininuinuiuiuuiimiiniiiHtuiii WALL PAPER PAINTING and DECORATING IS OUR BUSINESS And we make It our business to see that our business Is handled la as businesslike way. 4J The quality of our Interior decorating cannot be equalled. Our display of wall paper la the largest and best ever shown In t'entral Oregon. Our prices are right. On these qualifications we feel Juatlilett In asking you fur a consideration when In nrrU of work In our line. A. J. GOGGANS 736 WALL STREET PHONE 278-J nwatiiiiiWTiiMUii mum in ium i mnptm XOTK'K TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the Btste of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In the matter of the estate of A. J. Tucker, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned haa been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of A. J. Tucker, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon. In and for Deschutes County, and haa qualified. All per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law requir ed, to the undersigned, or K. O. iStadter. at the Klrst National Bank j building In Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. I Dated and first published July 1, 1121. (. ELFRIEDA TUCKER. Administratrix of the estate of A. J. Tucker, deceased. E. O. 8TADTER. First National Bank building, attor ney for Adminlstrstrlx. 23, 21. 34. 40c PERMANI-NT AS THE PYRAMIDS Concrete Pipe Company BEND. OREGON Sewer Pipe, Iirifilioi Pipe, Water Pipe, Cal'trt Pipe, Building Blocks Well Cninf, Ceocrcte Silos It it's made of concrete, we make it Box 157 ' BEND, OREGON Phone 249 I'lAXO Tl .MNCl KOIt It EST OK Jl'I.Y G. E. MAST-PIANO TUNER TCN1XO, CLEANING, REPAIR1XQ AT THOMPSON M1KIC CO. Mountain View Hospital Oraeral Hospital Maternity Case Specialty Corp of competent, trained nurses Phone IS I SiumwiuiiMBWHmww Kansas and State 8ts. Mr. Hsttle Maya. Mgr. Office Phone : : : : 6S-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist Rooms 4 and 6, over Postofflce PiiUUiujBMMUuuuuilatnniti Mmw T ALLOW THREE DAYS FOR HOMESEEKERS Time For May In t'entral Oregon Increased As Result of Con ference In Portland. Middle westerners who are to be brought to Oregon In September on the settlers' special, will spend two days In Deschutes, Jefferson and -Crook counties, on their first trip Into Central Oregon, and later will be allowed a day for the trip between Crater Lake and Bend. The schedule thus announced was secured by Secretary L. Antles, of the Bend Commercial club, during his conference with George Quayle, sec retary of the State Chamber of Com merce. Antles returned this morn ing from Portland, stating that! Bend's demands bad been allowed in every particular. PARIS BRINGS. TOURISTS JOY AT GYMNASIUM (Continued from Page 1.) the real Fl-FI was quietly taken from the other door of the coach, placed In Frank Prince's car and whisked to the gymnasium, where she appeared last night in characteristic dances of the Latin quarter. Husky ex-service men put up just enough battle to keep the police In terested while the real dancer could make her getaway, but one giant, who had not been let in on the secret, aimed a blow at Officer Carlon that would have been a knockout had It landed. The Legion man and the night officer subsequently partici- JUDGE GARY RECENTLY SAID: "Our resources are so great our facilities for carry Ing on affairs so satisfactory we know that before os Is the greatflHt prosperity this country has ever 'witnessed. This is the time for encouragement a time to he hope fula time to be optimistic and we'll all come out all right... I have never lost my faith In the future of the Industry or the future of America." The First National Bank Tmm Bim Spaaaioa S tics r This Bank b a Mtmbtt of the Federal Reserve System pated in the hottest fight of the eve ning. Officer Houston pulled new one when the same Legion man climbed on the running board of the patrol wagon. leaving the station with the false Fi-Fl. and stole the switch key. Houston did something or other and the car proceeded on Its way. Find- LIBERTY Tonight and Saturday $ f (S thrilling J - -TWI WVm MsW DR. G. SKINNER DK.NTIMT Office, Room IS, O'Kana Illdg. . Phone: Office. Iltark 23S-W Office Hours: I to 111 to 6 CIsmIJImJ sdvvrttiln rhsncs vmr Ihw to trat fur tO worU or Im. On Mnt brr wont fnr all ovrr 20. All clwIIWd s4rtls- ins nrieur cms la advance WANTED WANTED Man on ranch; perman ent place: good wages; must be able to drive Ford. Inquire Ncls Anderson, telephone 1SK21. 3l-32-37p FOR SALE at first YoaJTroo" TWO wlss ! "thm rmmm s4 trss ) Mfif did rsa smooth"' McWtharo's Bo4hlns tntorosUDS ae tho soplo mhr poopU marry." That's why eiiKMPKRATK YOUTH" Is Jt the klad of brosUilaao lor story that (Ivas jo oao prrt haor of antartolaaMos. PUiroa br faaetnaUai OI.ADVS WALTON la a way to aaako yaa waat to aHalb risht lata th arrara aad Ssht bar battlas for bar. Ma thla aletarsl M aiseai It's a UrllVCeLSAL Picture 4Fffl A XrVmC VALTON FOIt BALE $1.50 hay forks, f 1.25; SI. SO Desert water bags, SI. 26; $220 Dayton computing counter scales, $150; $0 automatic shot guns, 30. O. K. Second-Hand Store. 3-34p FOR BALK Modern 5 -room bunga low for sale, furnished. Inquire 45-6 Greenwood avenue, mornings. It's a bargain. 35-34-3tp FOR SALR One Brahma hen and eight Rhode Island Red little chicks. At home until Saturday morning, 8 a. m., 734 Oeorgla ave nue. 33-83-34p FOR BALE 300 O. A. C. Barred Rock young chickens, four to eight weeks old; a bargain if taken at once. Inquire J. H. Lovelt, Red mond, Oregon, three miles north of Deschutes. 3 2-2 3 p 32-21p FOR SALE Four-room house; mod ern; fine garden, lawn and shade trees. Inquire 1062 Columbia street. 2-32-38p FOR SALE Three-room house; for cash or terms; a bargain; look It up. Call evenings or Sundays. In quire 090 Union street. 2g-34-3Rp FOR SALE Five-rooms; 90x160, rviMiwouu; nuui-in Kticnen, rire- Tl ! H ( ' lattrn anuria tvnam . .1 .... ,. .. w , n..HUu . ' r, Bill. , 1 1 j r. 1 1 ' den; $2000; terms. Inquire barber snup, niui nuiie inn, or pnone 7-J. 8-30-36c FOR SALE Three-room house and one-room house; 2 lots, each 67x 100 feet; garden and lawn; $700. In quire 1633 West 11th street. 0-28-33p FOR 8ALE Fresh cut flowers and potted plants; funeral designs oar sneelaltv. Tha nnlv wat.M...a at I The Dalles,' Oregon. Jewell Orsen- nouses, ouu uiay street. Phone Black 2721, The Dalles. 85p &p a 'pink tisht ssW'au vouj!BjaL FOR SALE "Broilers;" leave or der at Bend Dairy store. 27-$l-$4p iitmriiinfiiiiintnMiitiifiititiiiirji R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13 and 16 First National Bunk Building. Tel. 61 (Dr. Cos's ronaor Offleo) Unvt t.M DR. II. C. DODDS lh)Mlrln aad Kurtcrun 3-H O'iminnrll JtulMlng llMirai t tm IS . m.t I u ft p. m.t UmitimrnitnmirnimiminmtmmmiiiiiJiiiiitMfiiitniiiiti utlilluiltii:iitiiiiitiiluitilt.f,ttnl,..M..,,.,rTnr,,mmtT. K. E. IIELLEMN I'tinnt Iiaf7V I hut mn KltH-frfr Floor Himlnr, which U m nrur marliiup. lltnii of work Kunranlrrd. tttmttinmmiT iitutiumituuuiutuuu. nnm iitinittminiiiiiiiiiiiiit ii, covt iti-rrK wiiiik, kkitic TAVKH, HIDKU.XI.KS Anything In (he line of Vonrrete Work guaranteetl DAVIDSON & WELSH Ititmn a'2-W. W. 1st HI., or I (!. Xewport umwuiuumtra Walt C. Wickcrsham Director Hlievlln-lllxon Orchestra Available for Dance and Violin Instruction. I'hone 24S-M utinnnnimmnnutniRuintantimtnunmtmtiiimKiimT: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiumiiimnroiiinmwiiniiimm- I HOME SANITARIUM Maternity Case a Specially MRU. JT. W. AV1TT, MATROX 1 1 OO Wall HI. I'hone Itl-J jj uttitu itttuntii ii J. A. T0MLIN The Painter K.vtrrlor or Inferior Painting Interior Ireroraling a Hperlalty TKI.KPHONK I:l4-J OtmmnttrmranimitmtnniimiiiHHBimwniiiiiiiiiiiujiiiJ iiinn..inniM-...M...ww.MfWff,tn,mBnMMffW, Floors sanded at prices you can afford , L. L. ROBINSON B I'hone Ant Ieave orders at I.lulit Company CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NUBONK CORHKTH Will call by appointment 1068 Columbia St. Phone 303-M P. O. Box 40 ttu mmma riiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniii"iii'"HllllllllllllllllmlrrT'" Biumuuiiuiuimutmmmomuimumiuiimu.uum Tel. 37-J O'Kane Bldg. DR. E. E. GRAY DEXTIHT Hours: I to It 1 to 6:80 Evanlnss snd gusdars sr Appatsta uuaiuumnnTnmiinTiniuiuwiuuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiMii DR. II. N. MOORE DEX1IHTRY Tol. 167 O'Kane Bldg. WM. MONTGOMERY Furnaces, Spouting, Outter Ing, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right. Work guaranteed Tinnlns and Sheet Metal nuuiiu unnrni - - nniunmuiuuiunuiummuuiuuimitmiuiumimuuiiiMo CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies Bath Room Accessories, etc., eta. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE 159-J !nmimranimtmimmniimntiiimtmnn,mn.m.a. siuuiuinniuiiiitiiuiiuiiiiimiinmtuiuiiuiiiiintinuiann BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrllari of sit kinds of Inmrsnco. 014 ert In.urano. Ascner In C.nlral Orasoa. n, a iLi.ig Flnt National Bank Bids., Band, Ors. uwiiuuiuiuiiuuHimiiuuiuiownniniinuuiiiiiiniutnv W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suit 11-14 O'Kane Building Phone 17 8-W Bend, Oregon 5uS """""""'"''iim iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiisiuiiiiiiS R. R. Da Annond Cliss. W. Bnkias De Armond & Ersklne l a w y h it g Balrd Building, Bend, Oregon