- rxam a THB MBND BCLUBTIN. DAM BMTIOIT, BJ5JTD, ORBOOft, FRIDAY, JULY Ift, IMI. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION err AftHMM BtreDt 8aaaa. mr TM Ben niiun iincerperatee) Entered aa geeonii Claaa matter January & llt. at the Poet Office at Band, Oreaoa. o4ar Ad of March t, 187D. OFKRT W. SAWYER Erfltor-Ma'nwar RENRY N. FOWLER Auoriate lilitor CL B. 811 ITU Advert lain Mananr Aa ladepenoent Kewepaper. tndinr for fcW aware deal, eleea aimncaa, cla politic. mm4 fee Bart Intereett of Bead and Central SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br MaU Oaa Taar Ili.OO Mx Mentha W.7 lane Month. 11.60 Br Carriar Oh Taar UM Ha Months ,.U0 Oaa Moath I0.0 All eobecrintloo. are due and PAYABLE Dt ADVANCE. Notice, of eipiralioa ar lallart aubecribere and If renewal ia not aaade within reasonable time the paper will Be diaeontinned. notify ne promptly ol any rnante or of Tenure to receive wie peier Othnrwiae we will not be ie- n i 1 1 far MiK luiaii I Mate all check and order parable to The Bead Bulletin. FRIDAY. JTLY 15 19S1. "We know nowadays that titn a nnlTersal education supplies only the basis tor a healthy republican state. Nest to education there must come abundant, prompt, and truthful Information of what is going on In the atate, and frank and free discussion of the issues of the times." H. O. Wells, "The Out line of History." RipplingRhi)Tnos arc iw?? A THRIFT PLAN There has come to our notice the way in which one ex-service man is using the bonus paid him by his home state. It seems to us so worth while ing six feet hiph. when. In the east and so thoroughly to exemplify thejwe cannot cultivate them to grow rue lumi apim mat we want to ten (four feet about it. ' afVtot Mason His Worst Foe "His own worst enemy," men said, when Jasper ' Piffleton lay dead. And Jasper, who would never save, was dumped into a cheap-john grave. This Jasper, in his younger days, ranged nigh among the gilded jays who drew big pay and blew the same in every vain and idle game. His friends beseeched him to reform and guard against the day of storm by storing safely in a crate the kopeck and the piece-of-eight. The village banker gave advice, and said, "Some day you'll lack the price; then you'll regret, in scalding tears, the folly of these wasted years." But Jasper Piffleton ignored the wise man's counsel, and was bored. Then countless jaspers lost their jobs; the streets were full of hungry mobs. Our hero joined the jobless men and never could get back again. Oh, now and then he earned some plunks, by painting gates or packing trunks, or dumping turnips in a bin and evermore he blew them in. And when advancing years brought ills, he could not buy Doc Dingbat's pills, which heal all pains and raise the dead and grow new whiskers on your head. And so one bleak and dismal day this Jasper gent was laid away among the paupers on the hill; the county ddurly paid the bill. "His own worst foe," the sexton sighed, and filled the grave, and let him slide. one-eleven sssMMMt'WMHnHBsV I LEGION FINDS FAVOR WITH FRENCH DANCER ri-r'l 1. 1 kin im CiiiiiiiiHiiilir'N Miitai'hi I'tiliit' Don't I. lite Hit, HIio t'omiiiniU Iti'diftfully. Revealing Their Worth. The true hlslorli-itl Ki-nlua, to our llilukliiK, la that nhlt'h can aee the nohter im-unlug of rvvnla lliut are near Mm. as the true wl la he who detects Hie divine In the casual ; and we some tvliiit stiKct the d.plh of his liulk'ht Into the mt, who cannot recognlta the gwlllke of today under that din-a-ulne In which it alwuya visits us. carry ma fleetly by automobile. Also, he has one nice moustache Just like Frenchman." The vlKlluuco with which KI-KI la ctiiitlmmlly Kiiimlt'il will not be r liixml In the Itiaat, I'litlcr it pledge to keep secret hur hiding place, a tltlllt'tln reporter was permitted this afternoon to Interview KI-KI, pet of the boulevurtU, a fugi tive from the law, uiul a dancer In the Latin quurter managed by Jink Wright as an attraction of the Pa risian tours. In weirdly pronounced and halting Kngllnh, she commented on her experiences since her arrival In America from I'aris. "1 am ver' glud come on A mer it) ue," KI-KI aald. Hume New York policeinena ver' naughty to KI-KI. KI KI don' underslan' why pay money ' for the diamonds. 1 am make kees on pollcemens and go away fleetly. I theenk Ilend ver' nice, but all lea I police Amorlcalns no lofe KI-KI. Al-1 ways they wlnh for make peench of me. I am frighten, hut the so brave Legion not permit the such. I am give to M. Prince one nice keea for Deadly Qerrna en Bank Notts. W lirn one of the one frnnc notea, istil so oiuiiiiiiiily In I'nrlo, was anli Jt'ftetl to nili-riHKoplrnl rinmliintlnii. Hie cheuilMl'a p-pnrt ahuneil (here were more than 2:t)l.MM.HMi germs ntlai'lieil to It, the u ci-ti m ti In 1 1 ti fnu n tllrly lunula nnil mi I lily trvnlmi'iit while It vtna lu t'lrctiliiiliiii, ninny of the germs being nf a diuilly nature linil the bill 'tun In ti'iiliii I w lili a rut In the fli-nli. eystoneJ"errace Have You Bought Your Lot Yet ? Oily $10 dowi and $5 per uonlk The bonus is that paid by the state of Washington. In the particular ease it amounts to $345. When the young man knew he was to receive (along the highways is destroyed, and it he very properly decided that in stead of seeking some immediate way of spending it and there were plen ty of ways that meant pleasure and enjoyment for the moment he would treat It as a trust fund and put it aside for the future. On looking about he observed that with. $345 he could buy Liberty bonds of the par value of $400 that would pay in Interest $17 a year, and he has .bought this amount of the fourth issue, due in 193 8. He now figures that at maturity the bonds will pay him $55 more than they cost him. In addition, by saving the in terest on the bonds as it is collected semi-annually, he will accumulate, a little oftener than every three years, enough to buy another $00 bond. In the 17 years that the bonds have to run this reinvestment of the interest i coupons will give him $300, or pos- j sibly $350, worth of additional bonds, ! making a grand total of $750 pro-! duced by the Investment of his bonus fund today. Aside from the financial gain that j he will derive from this investment and reinvestment, he will always have these bonds available for use as se curity in case business or family af fairs make it necessary to borrow. There can be no better security and there ia no possibility of loss it the pressure of circumstances should make it necessary to sell. Best of all, however, will be the lesson and bablt of thrift that the ownership of the bonds and the investment of the income wilt teach. Thia will be a cornerstone, we pre dict, of a prosperous and happy career. Eaton. "You have foxgloves grow- way be acquired by the stitte, so thut the timber may be preserved. In order to appreciate Crater lake, one has to spend several duys there, and get down to the rim. so as to appreciate the slxe," he stated. In passing, Mr. Eaton remarked on the cleanliness of Oregon cities, and spoke in appreciation of the local inn, comparing It favorably with ho tels In larger cities. Tourist revenue will be the great est source of income here soon. Mr. Eaton stated, if the scenic beauties arep reserved. But if the timber sheep are allowed to kill the wild flowers, thia country will lose its tourist lure. He suggested that sheep should be kept out of certain areas of the forest. At Crater lake Mr. baton assisted Tons of Petals. Italy's perfume manufacturers con sume 1.800 Inns nt nnn M....- the KUers In marking wild flowers jano tons of row,, 1-0 ton, of jasmine for transplanting in a special garden and violets and 15 tons of Jonquils to be built about the studio. He Is annually, also enthusiastic about the yellow pines, and suggests that a strip 100 Bulletin "WANT ADS" Bring Re yards wide along each through high- suits Try Them. PEOPLE TOO BUSY ASSERTS WRITER ALL DAY MEETING At Big Canvas TabernacltSabbath Sabbath School at 10, following, the pastor will preach; Then a basket lunch, after which there will be a half hour social meeting. At 2:15 the pastor's wife will speak. Evangelist Johnson will speak at 8 Saturday evening. Subject, "The Longest Prophetic Period." Spe cial music at all the services. Haven't Even Time For Flowers, Eaton IHrlaret Says Future Will Ixwk To Tourixt ISuximiti. "People here seem to be too busy to think about such things as flowers, yet they are going to be important to your prosperity before long," says Walter Pritchard Eaton, magazine writer, who, with Mrs. Eaton, arrived in Bend last night on his way from Crater lake to Mt. Jefferson, in the party of Fred H. Klzer, head of the moving picture company which will soon begin filming Central Oregon. Mr. Eaton is seeking material for a Boy Scout book on the Cascades and Crater luke. "I have found wonderful specimens of wild flowers native to Oregon which I cannot Identify," said Mr. The Shevlin-Hixon Company The Bulletin Board The WnKest merchunts are the blgtrcut advert ist-rs. Ad vertise and grow big. Ilflfllllllltl 'M.iTTttCT,,mtmwmCTmimiimt."m,....M.....m CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET The commercial world is standing on the foundation of credit. Every individual is a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to pay his honest obligations, he makes it impossible for some one else to meet their.s, therefore it is extremely, vital that each and every one see to it that we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scsnlcn Lumber Co. REGULAR SIZE Market Basket Filled With GROCERIES with every cash purchase amount ing to $1.00 fires ALL DAY SATURDAY SS There is absolutely no catch or kid about this offer. We do ju.st what we say we will. We will give everv family a regular size market basket r'lLLED WITH GROCERIES with each CASH purchase of $1.00 all day Saturday. To convince you there is no hitch in the proposition we are printing some of our regular prices that you can refer to when you make your pur chase Saturday. A Market Basket Filled with Groceries with each $1.00 cash purchase. No hook about this at all --we do just what we say we will-- TRY US! 10 lbs. Liberty Bell Cane and Maple Syrup $1.70 5 lbs. Liberty Bell Cane and Maple Syryp 90c 10 lbs. Golden Marsh Mellow Syrup for $1.15 5 lbs. Golden Marsh Mellow Syrup for 65c 2V; lbs. Golden Marsh Mellow Syrup for 3()c National Club, Country Gentlemen Corn Syrup, 2 for 43c Mid Day Club Iowa Corn, 2 for.. 35c North Coast Red Salmon, No. 1 tall cans 25c Libby Brand, No. 1 tails, Red Sal mon 38c Genuine Norwegian Smoked Sar dines in Olive Oil 15c Cheese, Full cream American, per pound . 30c Peanut Butter, 2 pounds for 25c This Offer Does Not Include Sugar Miller's Grocery 258 Hill St. Phone 251 East End of Deleware a uttiip'ttanifitwwn;iu'''miirfw"","',viimt iinrnni niin