r acm THR BKND BUIAKTIX. DAILY BOITION. BRND, ORJSQON. THUISDAY. Jl'I.Y 14, I Ml. METAL FOOTWEAR MAY" BE MARKETED lUInd Worker Discovers Alloy Which Can lie Used In Kinking Shoo of a l& Ouucu Wolnlil, Ik Claim. (IV United VrtM to Tlx IWnd Bull.ttn.) PARIS. July 1 1. Shoes at five francs a pair, anil they'll last for- In these day, when a pntr of pre war Americau shoes coats U0, to 250 Francs, and when a ParU shoemak er won't consider ou order under 350 franca, the invention. Just announced, of a method of manufacturing foot gear at five francs, with the added advantage that the material can't wear out, is exciting interest in antl-j H. C. L. circles. It is due to a blind worker In a fac torj near Lyons. He discovered, so! the report goes, an alloy which per-l mits horn to make a pair of shoes j weighing 3 Mi ounces, water and tire proof, "as solid and elegant as the finest product of the American shoe factories" and so simply designed 1ht n htlil l-:l 11 nilt the OATlS tO-i gether. , M. Paul Michel, the Inventor, it keeping the secret of the alloy to himself. KNORR OVERMATCHED ASSERTS E. C. BRICK Bend Boxing Official Fears Kchlie V Gorman Will Outclass - Central Oregon Hoy la Friday's llout. Fear that Puffy Knorr, Deschutes county fighter, is overmatched in his i scheduled bout with Eddie Gorman, of Portland, listed for Friday night in Portland, was expressed this morning by E. C. Brick, matchmaker for the Bend boxing commission. . Brick matched Dufry ' in all the battles that the Terrebonne boy fought in tha local ring, not one of which ended in a defeat. "I am afraid that a mistake has been made in putting a boy with as little experience aa Duffy against a veteran like Gorman," Brick said. "Gorman Is a scientific fighter, a hard hitter, and has years of val uable ring experience behind him. Knorr has big possibilities, but at present his ability is chiefly limited to hard hitting." INFANT DEATH RATE IS LOWER IN WEST Seattle And Portland Among Safe Cities For Babies, According To Hygiene Association Report. (By United Pro. to The Bend Bulletin.) NEW YOKK. July 13. It is safer to be born in the west than in the east. The report of the American Child Hygiene association for 1920 lists of over 10,000 population according to the number of Jnfant deaths per thausand of population. Seattle. Wash.. Is first among cities of over 250,000 with 66. Portland, Ore., following with 60 and San Fran cisco next with 62. Among cities between 100.000 and 250,000, Houston. Tex., is safest for babies, with 37, then Spokane, Wash., with 7.1 , and Oakland. Cal with 72. Bulletin "WANT ADS" Bring Re suits Try Them. f ------ JUDGE GARY RECENTLY SAID: "Our resources are so great our facilities for carry ing on affairs no satisfactory we know that Iwfore us lit the greatest prosperity this country has ever witnessed. Tills Is the time for encouragement a time to lie hope ful a time to be optimistic and we'll all rome out all right... I have never lost my faith in the future of the Industry or the future of America." ' The First National Bank T.. Bin, or Sp.io Butyl:. Thit Ban it a Member of the Federal Reserve System IT'S JUST CHATEAU THIERRY World Famous Village Apparently la Unaware of Its Immense His toric. Importance. Chateau Thierry litis patched lt roots, plastered its chimneys, painted its shutters and decided to forget the war. At tlrst every villager dreamed of making Ills fortune as a tourist tntldc. They are all l'U'k now at their old trades. It Is only the good house wife who sfll pays attention to tour ists, nnd then only to llihik lilaek thoughts of the dust raised by the rub ler mvk ears that plunge without a slop throuich the vlllaire streets. Over the hridia', our famous briilse. that rnwM the Manic come the Jolt hit timrket carta tilled with beets mid eiilih.mea grown In the farm lands at the foot of Helietiu Wood. There la a good deal of grumbling about the tem porary wood structure that now spans the Marne. and the peasants tell you that they cannot imagine why the sol diers did not build it wide enough to let two carts puss each other. Ill the Cafe d-s Murlniers they talk no' more of the war. Instead one hears only the Idle gossip that the river men have picked up. Chniciiu Thierry Is no pluee for the sentimentalist who has Imagined that this town of tow ns would live forever In awe of Its memories. A walk tliroUKh the streets reveals few marks of either the Coriuan or the American occupation. In a Held on the outskirts stands the skeleton of a "tin lizzie" that once did uiiiliulanee serv ice. On the door Jambs of several houses one ran still read the billeting oltleer's stencils telling how Inauy sol diers each house would accuiiiunsliite. In one Instance the owner has pur posely left uniwintcd a square around these sacred numlicrs as a delicate tribute to his demrtcd guests. George F. Kearney In the American Leglou Weekly. EPH HAD NOTHING TO SAY Abscnt.Minded Man Didn't Wait to Maka Explanation of Somewhat Laughable Situation. Old Ephralm lhivls hud the repu tation of being the moet absent-minded man in Chenango county. One day he went to S on various matters of business. At the tailor's be bought a new suit, which he donned, nskiug that his old one be wrapped up. He then wvnt to the national bank and purchased bonds of considerable value and placed them In the breast pocket of his new suit. After doing several other errands he drove leisurely home. Some time afterward he went to get the bonds from the pocket of his old suit. Naturally, be did not find them there. Greatly perturbed, he put on his new suit and set oft for S . There be went Immediately to the bank. "I bought some bonds here the oth er day." he began In his drawling voice, "and I put them right in this here pocket." His hand went up to his runt. At a sudden rustling that ensued an expression ludicrous In Its mixture of shamefacednes and relief came Into the wrinkled countenance. "And. by gosh, here they be:" Without another word he turned on his heel and walked out. leaving the bank employees convulsed with laugh ter. Youth's Companion. English Mercy for Criminals. In England a sentence of lite Im prisonment Is alwnys reviewed at the end of l." years, and If the prisoner's codduct has been' uniformly good, he Is usually released. Ibis Is particular ly the case where a prisoner has been sentenced for murder, for murderers ire said to be usually well-behaved prisoners. . Easily Obtained. "When gossips give currency to rnmor where do they get the curren cy?" Inquires a colyumlst. By draw tag on their Imaginations, of course. Boston Transcript. .ibm'm,aSi M t mmm, in. DESPERATE YOUTH" uwvmiai; AT I.HIFKTY Fill. AND SAT. hti.O Cr Th.'-tEE UUUN I Kits South American Republics United In Their Desire to Do Honor to Memory of Colivar. The unvellliri i f a sintue to Simon Bolivar, known at the ti.-oicc Wa-.li-in.ou of .South Aiiierira, took place in New York April It). There lire statues of Bolivar In Caracas. Bogota, Lima and elsewhere. He was South America's superman on horsehaek. He drove the Sp;'nih out. lie iMM-tinie "Jefe Supreino" of the northern half of the continent. ("Iley fay SMipr.iyi:iaw," please, signifying "Supreme Chief.") lie fought 4i) lull lies und rsculHtl Ave ntteaiptcd as--iasl-iatlons. Bolivar has been described ns "iner ciirial. Impractical, visionary, reckless ly daring, vainglorious, sympathetic, cunning, sensitive. Intense. umMtlo'.is, with no sense of promrtlnn, i-ruel and kind III the same breath, gitlng vent to the highest sentiments of frenzied patriotism, and nictlelng the most absolute desoiism." History crellta him with having spent IK) ht cent of his large fortune for his country, Venezuela, and with hnvlng made no private use of public funds, although long In control of the revenues of Co lombia, I'eru and Bolivia. He fulled In an attempt to unite all those coun tries under one flag, lost his ower and popularity and died In exile. Would Teach Youth to Think. To teach people to think. Dr. C. A. Mercler of Dourocinouth left lim.lU to be used to found a chair of nation al logic and scientific method at one of the universities. Among the condi tions Imposed are clauses directing that: Students are not to tie taught what Aristotle or anyone else thought about reasoning, but to think nnd rea son clearly for themselves. The pro fessor Is out to he chosen for hi knowledge of the work or opinions of other logicians, but for his rapacity to think and to reason nnd to tench. In seli-dlng the professor preference Is to lie given to the candidate who does not kuow either Greek or tier man ami. In any rase, when appoint ed, such profe-sor Is not to devote more than one-twelfth of his learning time in teaching the logic of Aristotle and the fu-lfoo!, nor more than one twenty-fourth In teaching the logic of Hegel or other Germans. Montreal Fuinlly Herald. An Irian King in Tahiti. James Noruinu Hull has stirred up veritable tumult In South Boston. In nn article In Harper's Magazine he tells of meeting on a South Sen Island an Irishman named Illlcy. Orig inally a native of Boston the sou of an Irish Immigrant, Kiley is now the king of a South Sen Island, with un told riches, a beautiful Tuhltlan queen, and hundreds of loyal subjects, all according to the best traditions of romance. But who I he? Sou' Boston la largely populated by Itllejs. and Mr. Hall does not sMK-lfy to which branch of the fomlly his hero belongs. Since the publication of the article there are but few of hi name who do not claim kinship with the South Sea mon arch who, since, as everybisly know, all the Itlley are descended from tha ancient king of Ireland, la but enjoy ing hi natural right In ruling from a royal throne or hammock. Oil Shell to the Rascu. OU thrown on the waves will calm them. Hence It has been suggested that oil shell be fired from life-line gun In the coast guard slutlons, to calm the waters uround stranded ships. If the oil shell are hurled weJI to the windward of a ship, and are made to explode ou contnet with the water, the oil will soon drift around the ship and make It possible for a llfehout to be launched In safety. An Ideal oil shell would be one that could carry a gallon of oil. Popular Science Monlhlv. At The "B. R. Z." Margaret, 8, obliged to spond a nlghl with her mother at the X, W. C. A., awoke to Insist upon a drink, Mother was compelled for lack of a glass and fountain to make a drinking cup of her hands. Marge ret, very much Im pressed, frequently recalled the In cident and several mouths later as tonished u by asking: "Mother, why don't you ever let me drink out of your hand like you did that n!'ht at the B. It. Z.? Cleveland I'lnln Dealer. CI.ASSIF1KD ADVKItTlSING WANTED WANTED Man on ranch; poriiiiin ent place; good wages; must he able to drive Kurd. Inquire Nela Aildursoli, tulephouo 18 EJ I. 31-S2-.17P FOR SALE KOIt S.VI.K One llrahma lion mid eight Khodo Island Bed little chicks. At homo until Saturday morning, 6 a. In., 734 lleorgla ave nue. 33-33-3t KOIt SALE 300 O. A. C. Haired Hock young chickens, four to eight weeks old: a Inn gain If hi Well at once. Inquire J. II. Loved, Iteil mond. Oregon, threti miles north of Deschutes. 3 2-33 p 32-21 p KOU SAI.K Four-room house; mod ern; fine garden; lawn and shade trees. Inquire 1002 Columbia street 28-32 Slip i FOB SAI.K Three-room house; for rash or terms; a bargain; look It I up. Call evenings or Sundays. In quire 990 t'nlon street. 2H-34-3Sp 'FOB 8AI.E Five fooms; 90x150, Kenwood; built-in kitchen, fire place ; lawn, allude trees and fine gar den; $2000; terms. Inquire burlier shop, i'ilol Butte Inn, or phone " 7 - J . 8-30-SSc KOU SALK Three-room house and one-room house; 2 lots, each &7x 100 feet: garden and lawn; I7U0. In quire 1033 West 11th street. 90-2X-32p KOIt SAL.F. Frosh cut flower and potted plants; funeral designs our specialty. The only greenhouse at Tha Dalles. Oregon. Jewell Green house. BOO Clay street. l'hone Black 2721. Tho Dalles. 35p Kramer & Muller Carpenters-Jobbers SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS , Phone 9-W We charge for material and labor only, so our prices are less. Let ua figure on your Job, we can save you money. WALL STREET Next Thompson Music Store I .awn mowers sharpened. NOT JUST MEAT BUT MEAT! O'DONNELL BROS. Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street n;n::::.-.aa:::::m::.-:!::i:ni::rnii:n::i:amni:ntnmn:aiii!l t' For a single- or couple of women who would like to he Independent. ISend's only Ilalrdresslng Parlor for sale. Will teach the trade to the Inexperienced free of charge, and will slay with them until they master tlio business perfectly. Mr.s Muller,s Hairdressing Parlors 140 ORKOON HTRK.KT PHONK 20I.-W Nesto Lashe are the newest. Try litems they make your Kye beautiful. FOtl BALE "Broilers;" leave or der at Bund Dairy sluru. I7-31-J4P LOST LOST A medical fnileinliy pin, I.envo aaimi at llullotlu and receive reward. 30-32-.Hp l.t)KT--A black coat on ('line Kails road, containing nolo and mort gage and some registered papers on Kuuibniiillet sheep. Notify llulletln. 34-33-3711 1'ltOI'F.SHIONAIi AM) nauiauiuiuiuuuiuiaiaiiuaaiuuiailuiitauuuilatuaiaiuiaiailiiuuualuiiiliuaiiliuiuiaaiaaaiuaauaaiuaaiauuil WALL PAPER PAINTING and DECORATING IS OUR BUSINESS Anil we make II our business to see that our business la handled In businesslike way. 4J Thu quality of our Interior decorating cannot bo equalled. Our display of wall paper Is the largest and bent ever shown In Central Oregon. Our price are right. On those qunllllcatlons we feel Juslllleil In asking you for a consideration when In need of work 111 our Hue. A. J. GOGGANS 730 WALL STREET uii:tinimuniaiiiiiuinaataimKitmugiiuaiu:imiimainiufminimmittnmanuinTmirtimBininiimminiimnii; I!:KMAM;NT AS Till; PYRAMIDS . Concrete Pipe Company" IH:N1. OREGON Sewer Pipe, Irrigalico ripe, Water Pipe, Culvert Pipe, Btili'ir. Clocks Well Ciiibinf, Concrete Silot If it's MiHtie of coiK'irtc, we make it I5o.lo7 REND, OREGON rhone2J9 I'ltNO UMNO M..VI KOIt IIK.sT OK Jl I V G. E. MAST-PIANO TUNER Tl XINO. Cl.KANINO, ItKI'AIKINU AT TIIOMI'KOX MCS1C CO, MmtflitHMiiuMuirwmirttrymmigrmnimntMiii Mountain View Hospital General Hospital Maternity t'aaea Hperlalty Corii of compotent, trained aurso Phona 151 Kansas and But Office Phone : : : : 5-J F. M. BLOOM Dentist j Room 4 and 6, over Postofflc nitimninminnnaitiwiTiiamtaiuiiinunnnn.aniiaiiimi DR. G. SKINNER IIKNTIST Office. Iloom 16. O'Kane Itldg. Phone: Office. Illuek 23S-W Office Hour: I to 111 to t sffllllrrfllTfHIIIMttlWWIIIWMIfll(llll11tlWlUMIIIIir R. S. HAMILTON ATTOrtNEY-AT-LAW Room 13 and It First National Hank Ilullding. Tel. (1 (Dr. Gov't Vormm fM!!r) miaiainmiai uaxiitmimmmiiuxaunttmvxiaituim Walt C. Wickcrsham Director Micvlln-HlKHi Orchestra Available for Dance and Violin Instruction. Phono 24 5-.M j laiuiauuiiauiuuaniainninnannanianiiaimninmKrn HlirniTVI"!"'-11"11 iiiniiititiminittmntttitMmi HOME SANITARIUM Maternity Cases a Specialty MRS. J. W. AVITT, MATROX 1 1 III! Wall HI. l'hone 81-J OTtmaaamimimimuratnimnmimrammumuimun. CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for the NCHONK COIWKTB Will call by appointment 1059 Columbia fit. Phone 803-M P. O. llox 40 piuiaroininiiamintnnniuaaiaagiauuBiiinaiiroaui'A WM. MONTGOMERY Furnace. Spouting, flutter ing. Cornice and Kkylight Repairing promptly attended to Price right. Work guaranteed Tinning and Sheet Metal Kmmiannumauiniinninnililiniiniiamaaiiaitiniatai! 'laimuutiauaallulluiamiluuuiaiuuuHaainaiiuaiiiin CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies Bath Room Accessories, ete., etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE 159-J - aanromuiuiianinmumrouniiaiiuaiuuuumunmnpw IB USED CARS 1 CAIl KOIt HAI.K Chtfvrolnt road ster, delivery bndy; will sell cheap for cash, Head Furnlluru Company. T-13lfc CAIl KOH HAI.K Dan Nush truck. with trailer; one Willys nix, 7-paa-e tiger; nun Dodge, ti-piissengor; till In good rondltloii, At u liarguln If sold at mien. 1420 Hill street. 10 20 3 lp I'ut It In The Bulletin, v IIUNIN'F-HM DlltF.t TOBY rilONE 27S-J p. St. Mr. Hattla Mayo. Mgr. rtnrninnnuTumnmuananmioimnniuimnninimialiii (lc rtM Ti lUalsVur 111 M DR. H. C. DODDS rhnJ-Un mill Mtii-Kfon 2 ZI O'lKmnrll IIuUilln ItMirai f ( . . I u I p. m.i I ll I trwnlnffw. mmimmtmr mtrt tmt nttrtmmtmtm i mmmtmimimmd uumuu wu uuu uuumiuuwuu 't 1 f iitiw't Hiintll" wn K. E. IIELLEMN l'hone S'J7-W I have an Klectrle Fluor Hander. wbirli la a new marhlne. llrat of work guaranteed. .iuimmmimiuiaiutiiiniiitwMi(.mi1nmlmilnnmmil COXfltrTK WlltK, HKITIC TA.MiH, HlllKW tl.kH Anything in the line of lonrrete Work guarniiteed DAVIDSON & WELSH l'hone SU-J-W. IIW.I W. 1st HI., or llll.t Newport HitaiTiiiiiitniiirnmiiiiiiiiiumiiniiiHttmwttTTtTnw ...w.miiMuuirniiiiiiiniiuimiiinmiiitnm)irn;irl J. A. TOMLIN The Painter Ktrrlor or Inferior Palming Interior Decorating a Specialty TrXhl'IIOM-: I.1I.J miiimnmiimimrmniiiinnminanmaiiinnnaiaiaiiaa.1 .,M,ii...,n.,H..ntim,trimini1tlr Floors sanded at prices you can alTord L. L. ROBINSON l'hone Ml a nrilers at I.lulit r'tnti CmannninMiiiimiuiiMuuiMiuiiinnroraiinrMiiimrenBiil ......uwijuumimnnioniunirauiaainimtmrtmnmimin-. lei- W O'Kane lildg DR. E. E. GRAY DKXTIHT Hours: tt 19 1 .A a. .a Krmlnn and Similars it Ansotntmst ii - - uiuBiinwninuuiuaiimiiiMMtiittw. J tliiiuiromnnnnininmmimiininrmnnBuuiiuinuiiuiaii.1 DR. H. N. MOORE lEMI.STItr Tel. 167 O'Kane Illdg. E.iu UMNUKANCE AGENCY -tr'ln7u,n.'J,.k'n,, 1 """ Oil. I ln.ur.m-. Ar.nrj In Oniral Orwaa. II. C. n.l.M Pint M.,l , . .... I -... nam nun., B.nd, Or. :",I',!n!,.,.,""mnB,II,m,ll,m,,'l"''''n'a"iiai!iiiiei!-iri,. .aaauiiaiiaaaiaiiiaaaiaiiiaiiiiaaiiiiaiiuiS W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14 O'Kane Building l'hone 178-W IJqnd. Oregon H. D. Armond Chu. W. Er.kln. De Armond & Erskine I-'a W Y K It 8 Bnlrd Building, Betid, Oregon nsainis u