THK HKI BCMETIN. DAILY RDITION. FIEND, ORKOOJf. WRDNKHDA Y, 41XV 18, 121. MOB IIK.M) TRAIN' H( III ll I I OrrKiin Trunk ArrlYM. 7:115 A. M. I.mvii 7:30 l M. O..W. II. N., 11:50 I. M. Lcavim, 7: till A. M, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS '. (I. Iti'inpi'l wnnt Id Iti'ilmoml lual nllit lo upend tmluy. CliMirK" l'urk Ilia la i-iiiIIiik liln vn rallull III thn Wlll.illinll.' vullcy. Minn Mi'llitt Hod i' lift lual IIIkIiI fur I 'or I la ml In vlall hr alaiiT. Mr. anil Mr. ('. K. Iltiitaon wi-nt In I'nrlhiml liiat iiIkIiI lo apt-lid a ! day. (iroiK" Kulkni'r anil fumlly of I'nullnu are vImIUhk In ll'lid I III" work. Wllllum V. llullciwuy h ml duuith lui tif I'rliii'vllltt vlhll' d In Hi' nd yH ivrilay. Mm. I). K. Whim of fulvir. who huii bri-ii In ll-nj (or bcv.tiiI diiyn. ri'turni'd liiat iiIkIK. W. IS. Lurry li'ft I bin nmrtllnK for Hum on liuainraa fur tlu Muicr HwIhk Miirhln Co. Mlaa Miiry V-l ri'ltirnrcl lunl nlK lit to rnriluiiil aftiir vUHIi.e with hrr molhcr, Mm. I.. M. Wood, Mr. mul Mm. J. K. Monrilrf urrlv. ril luat lilitht from lliiaton on ihrlr way lo llirir runrh at HiIvt I k I,. W. Wutalna, f(iriiirly of III" O'Diituirll miirkrl.4 In llrml tmluy, vliiltlliK from Ilia homr In KnK'iir. J. K. Knlllvun. who hna b.-.ti In MVriiHid, Cnl , for Hi" piit f''W Ill, irturnrd to llrnd lut nliclit. A. Kllva of Si'ill, rolurnliK from u trll to Nnw York. I In HMiI Vlalt lux liln (tntiKhlnr, Mm. M . K Murphy It. M. Sundrra hna luat rrturui-il from nionlh'a aluy In I'oriliiiid unci oiImt lioliita In the Wllhunrlli- val- i-y. Mlaa M.iillio Mun.rll. who ho" burn vlaltinic Mra. Alec I.I InKalnii. rrturnrtl lual niKht to h"r homo at Vanroiirr. Waah. Mra. ('. A Krlliy rrturnpil liiat lilRhl to Iwr home In Wlniilwc. I'aii ailn. aflrr vl.liiiii! wlih li r djuthtrr. Mra II A. (illlla. W. M. Kiviimt r'tnrind I'ln halla. Wuali . liiat nlKht aflrr vIMtliilt for aoint- tiiim with hla t !---. Mia. I.oulne H Sihiiiorl. Th liaptixl lull' a will hold a fond l Hat unlay ut III" ll.yhtirii Hard wire tr. It l naked Hint nil trlhiitlona 1 III by noon. Mlaa Klva Wllholt of I'rln. vlil wu In lli nil yran-rday to ta a civil flrv rinlillniitlon In tvpr wrltlllK Sh rrlnrin-d liiat nlnht. It. W. NrlKlilmr anil f.inilly. who han bn-n on a tour of OMrul Ore gon. lfl todny for 1'orll.tiul by wy of the MrK'-ml' nd -Kuifiir Mr. and Mra. N. S. lon and Urn lly hai imivaxl lo Itrilmoml. whiro Mr. Olaon hna rhnrno of a brnnrh of the (ioldrn Hill a tor of lbl rliy. A. M. Kalra of Mlrhlican arrived In Hmd thla mornlim. attvniptlim to lo cum K. O. Iliilrk and fiimlly. rrla tlvrn. who wrre fornn-rly loratrd ln-ur bum. Ir. J. N. C'oiihlan and Wllllum Ib'uly of I'ortlniid nnw to Ilcnd laat nlRht afn-r a flahlnn trip on the Me tollua. Thi-y ! today for Odoll lukn. llSTRIKEl Cigarette No olgarette has (ho aame delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike Is the toasted cigarette. man, I.oa AiikoIik; U. W. Harnett, I. oa AmkoIhb; Mr, anil Mra. Chnrlca J. Oalrn, Mudiaa; Mr. and Mra. J. O. IIokh, roilliuid; Mr. and Mm. II. W ji I ii In n. I'ortlund; Clinton Iliuiui, I'ortlniid: C. II. I'urcidl, rortlund; It. ('. JohiiBon, I'ortliiiidl J. It. I'urRidl, 1'oillnnd; K. N. Mathla, I'ortlund; V. II. I In I Mia. I'ortlund; (', M. Uurdnnr, Itono, Nv.; Mra. V. M. Ourdnor, I trim; Mlaa Curr (Jurdnor, Itrno; Mm. T. M. M nil a, I'orllund; Mr. and Mra. Noiinun W. Itupp, i'ortliind; W. II. Hinlth. I'ortlund; W. T. Ilreniian. I'urtlund; Mr. mid Mm. it. W. NrlKh hor. rortlund; Itobnrt mid Wllllum N'tilKlihor, rortlund; Maud NnlKtibor, I'orllund; J. W. and wlfo, I'ort lund; J. W. Hull. Jr.. I'ortlund; Mlaa Kvi-llnn Hull, rortlund; It. Norrla. I'ortlniid; l.uwrmice Thorp, Kb 11 Kran claco; Krd Diilwller, I'ortlund; Dr. J. N. CoKhlnn. I'ortlund; J. T. Hardy, Mr. and Mra. Norinun W. Itupp. T. M. M.-ura and W. II. Hmltli of I'ort lniid ar In Hunt toduy on thlr way to Cri'ari-iit und Odrll lukra for an 0111I11K I'uriiKrra on the Kllvrr Luke atiiK" thla luoriiliiK wnr A. tiHllililr und John Monrrlrf to Kllfr Lakn; L. It. Itrynoldx to I'lilalry; (1. Hlrlnrr to Kurt Itock, und M. K. Ilarnrlt to La I'ln". Word wua rcri'lvi-d Imto yoatorday I hut (' N Hardy, rrrnntly rommlttrd to llir I'i'iidli'loli uayluiii. hud died. ll wna pri'Vloualy r'portd to be Im provliit; from hla tnnitul aliment. Mr and Mra. N. I. Ancliraon li-ft iiihi iiiKiii ror 1.0a AnKriea alter via-1 ItliiK for wveral wneka with their aim, A. K. Anderaon. They will no from there to their home at (julea burx. III. NtJTICH Inaure today; tomorrow may be too late. It la better to be aafe than anrry. 21tfc J. C. ItllODKH. AT THE HOTELS I'llot Itolle Inn. CeorRe Ilrewaler. Klatera; L. A. Kranria, I'orllund; ('. A. Krene, (lak luiid. Cut ; Mr. and Mra. V. A. Clarke. I'orllnl.d. ili a Amiea Clarke. I'ort lund: II. II. (imdy. Minima; Wllllum A ll.nly, I'ortlund: lir. 1). W. Edel- THE BARGAIN COUNTER TAILORED SUITS FOR MEN Are pleasing every man who has received one this season. The materials are of the durable weaves. You have a choice of the latest styles. The price is the very lowest $30.00 No more than you pay for an ordinary hand-me-down. CALL AND SEE THE SAMPLES LOVEN'S HOND STREET I'ortlund; B.'T. Hurtwell, Providence, It. I. Hof-l IVw.y. L. W. Horn, NewberKI Waller Car penter, Thn I )n I Ira; Ada Johnaon, Crune; Oua I'uK", Kort Klumnth; W. K. Krkeit, I'ortland. J Wrlulil Hot. I. ; J. II. Sullivan, Lakovlew; John C. Monrrlrf and wlfo, Silver Lake: M. K. Kowler and wife. The Di.llea; Htel lu llroiiKhfon, Itedmond; J. L. Kulll vii n. MiClanry, Cul.; K. L. Hopper, Tumnlo. 1 Down I ok HotW. II. Kiimmera, Vancouver; Oacar Thonipaon, La Grande; It. It. Hum mer. I'eltl, Idaho; Will L. Janea, Wllllta, Cal.; L. V. Htadter, Seattle; W. K. Knox, I'ortlund; Con O Keefe, Silver Lakn; If. Naldrett, Rummer Lake. mm Our Great July Clearance Sale Continues! All department of the Ktorft have Joined in a concerted effort to reduce alocka In readlneaa for fall ahlpment. Do lint ioIhh t lie aplendid uavin opportunity It preaenta. I'mnn today, come any iluy thia week and make your aelecilon from M'U'-.ofiiinle merchaudlae at reduced prlcea. ' Our Entire Stock of Spring Dresses Reduced and Grouped in Tbree Lots Silk and Wool $16.75 to $22.50 Dresses $13.39 Silk and Wool $25.00 to $36.75 Dresses $19.89 Silk and Wool $39.75 to $45.00 Dresses $28.69 GIRLS TO RECEIVE CHAUTAUQUA PROFIT Friendly Horlely To Ilenellt, IWlarea Frank . inlrraon M r. Oliver To Aid With (lilldrrn. Ladies Suits Troflta remaining; after the pay ment of contract prlcea, rentala, and other expenaea Incident to the Ktafclng of the Cadmean Chautau(iia, ached uled lo ahow In liend next week, will le turned over to the Olrla' Friendly aoclety, Frank Anderaon. In charge of preparation for the Hummer en tertainment aeriea. atiites. The mill $12.50 to $52.50 Suits at $24.75 to $39.75 Suits at $26.75 $20.75 , WE SELL GERMICIDAL SOAP For the Hath Shampoo Dandruff ' Hums and Cuts Prickly . Heat Harbor's Itch Skin Abrasions Perspiration Odors Hand Disinfection Destroying Lice Skin Eruptions 23c THE CAKE It Has Cleansing Plus Germicidal Properties Order a Cake Today! Magill & Erskine Big Canvas Tabernacle Audiences and Interest Increasing Subject Tonight "THE CRASH OF EMPIRES" The Evangelist will give one short sentence from the Bible (a sentence of only twenty-nine letters) that was stronger than Kaiser Hill and all his allies. Come to the Congregation Sing at 7:45. Make XLbc Qvcqow Yourjiotel WHEN IN PORTLAND Popular Spaoout Lolly At the Center of Everything BROADWAY .t St.rl St We tuggr. you write, pbone or wire for rcKTTatioos. ARTHUR H. MEYERS, Manager Quality Shoes at Popular Prices A quick clearance of the beat atylea In low cuts. A wonderful opportunity to buy quality merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Odd lots of Ladies' Kid and Calf Oxfords, black and brown, very good quality, medium weight soles and military heels, worth $9, for $4.95 Ladies' Pumps, plain and with straps of kid, patent leather, and satin; Louis heels, hand turned soles and medium vamps, regular $7.50 and $8.50 sellers, for $4.95 One lot of Ladies' White Shoes at $2.98 Reductions in every .department. Silks, Domestics, Ladies' Waists, Underwear, Hosiery, Towels, Men's Furnishings and Clothjjg, are included. It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at Mannheimers employe! are working with the Friendly society in making arrange ments for the Chautauqua, and in the sale of tickets. Anderson said. To aaMift the Juvenile director, who will be brought here by the Chautauqua company, Mrs. A. H. Oli ver, formerly girls' athletic director in the Bend schools, and In charge of play ground activities for the Y, M. C. A. last year, baa been secured. Put it in The Bulletin. OUR LATEST BIG OFFER! Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered fromvour selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for $25.00 and Upwards Hundreds of patterns to select from. EXPERT CLEANING, PRESSING and DYING We also make Liidies' Suits to order. DICK-The Tailor 1013 WALL STREET wnnmninianurmnnmiimiminuuaumnmmmimmainwmammitt tttnTK tm utinrnuiutcn ngygninttin H. MfWU R. Manny FEDERAL TIRES TbM mm r dUrrtmlnat boyf and when they apend their monrr, H la with the aaeuranea that Ihejf are vettinc Hxr value j experience baa tauaht them that the rheaper art wle la juet what tta prk-e Imp Ilea "Cheap. Thee ftrure roat per mile In buy in tlrw Juat the asm aa jmn fleure rat per pound when yuu buy auaar at your arocerr. and they would not buy "Federal If they were not retltne more anilea per dollar, berauee if there wna any tire bUt thai would rive more mllea per dollar investment thai la what they would have. The "Federal" will you more mllea. mare life and more comfort than any other tiro In the world, therefore It la economy to equip your ear with "Federal." Ak any of the folluwia, why they prefer "i-'ederai they uaa them and they know. A. M. Trlnete T. A. MrCann. '. P. NUwnnnr W. 1. Myera Jaa, Ketchum Hert Breeden T. O. Orin.tead T. W. Kif.ley J. M. Miner Mike An. land I M. Klnr II. flam H. H. Linton Andrew Jarquot llnd llaulinf Co. Ikesrhtitea County Wm. K. Itaker lr. C Kea Norrla Cha. Orewellrr Thoa. Hutchinrsoa J. A. Itoti B. K. (.rinetead fJ. IM ('.nWtin Jaa, O'Connor K. J. Ahrahamaon Jaa. A. Kaatee Henry Whit- 11 lohn M. Payne J. r Drnkum Jne, Taceert Harvey Martin Thro, Tiucholta K. II. Uhi Hollin Miller rro, A. Tarklna 1. O. Mr V hereon Mike Anitland 1-oyal Hrown Nollin C. Mtller t'haa. Hryd Hamuel W. Moore" Horace Ktrharua R. t'. !.antllni(hara John Feteraon I. ly. ( ravon H. K. Beach J. M. White T. H. Foley Wm. Clark Deschutes Garage Nash Cars Watch This List Increase Federal Tires A. P. 8Hlt '. H. Durham Wm. Pattiaun Hojr Wllann Wm. slrt'ormack Tumaio Srhoitl Ulatrict T. W. Ilurfaon D. E. Vnara IVnit Furnitur Co, W. M. (irinatHl Ralph lrM Kiwua tVundrra U. S. Koraat 8r(e K. M. Van Matra 1. W. Van Matra Ion H. Panplc II. K. Ilna.aa W. I. Klrhr W. H. IlinUon ' A. Amnah K. N. Montiromary J. O. (ilbaon mm !tutmii!!i::i!l: !i:iin::i:::!mnniuiu:minn:n:!i::ti:R:i:i:::i::n!::!iiiun::m::ir.:i:::::i:8ii::u:tl!ltm:::::i::t THE EDISON ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. Announces a 10 per cent reduction in all house hold appliances, including the famous Edison. Electric Iron. Now Selling $6.95 Edison Electric Irons $6.95 BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER COMPANY A Real Bargain for Owners of Small Cars In the past five years nearly 5,000,000 of these popular 30x3)4 inch Goodyear non skid tires have gone into service. More than a million of them are in use today. Now you can buy these tires,of big size, strong construction, and long-wearing treads, at the same pride you are asked to pay for unknown brands. Why take a chance on unknown tires, when you can get Goodyear quality at as low a price ? See your Goodyear Service Station Dealer today. R5 ': m $1 1,95 MJH WarTa$211 W JH Hl TmmiM Tmt, $315 Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company of California mimmmmi'mmtttmmmutttmtm.mtimimmm