The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, June 24, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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RKMl, OKROON, PKIDAY. Jl'NE 24, itKti.
-. 1
Oregon Trunk '
Arrlvns. 7: Si A. M.
Leaves 7:80 I'. M.
..V. It. N.
Arrives. 8:80 l M.
Leaves, 7:00 A.'. M.
C. I. Ilerker of Tumitlo wi a vls
Itur In lli'iid loilny,
H. W. Merrill (if llrolhors spent
today In lli'iid.
r.John IIokdoii frmii
riirllunil I h In iikjiiiIuk.
lir. II. N, Mniire la In I'urilniid fur
minor surglrill operation.
Hurry Mrtiiilre of Tuinalo was In
thn clly today on btmlni'ss.
Joe Clare went to I'nrllninl fust
111 Mil tu spend a few days.
rW. It. MrKsrlnnd of I'rliievllla waa
a vlallor In Hcnd yesterday.
Hani Lorhrle of llrotlirra waa. In
Urn clly yesterday on bualnraa.
W. A. Coombs of Lakrvlew waa
In llond yesterday on bualnraa,
Jamri O. llngsn hua iurchud a
now delivery truck fur his meat mar
ket. K. J. Klnnlgnn left lat nlghj for
Portland, where he waa culled on
Mr a. II. Keltigold arrived luat night
from Portland to her on, lliirry'
Mr. and Mra'. II. J. Power and C.
). Ilrown ore at diamond lake on a
finding trip.
The flah butchery waa the scene
yr-nluy of a picnic of the llapilat
Sunday arhool.
Mlaa llt'lrn Pumper liaa returned
from The I t 1 1 . where alia baa been
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mra. F. O. Stadtrr return
ed yeaterdny from I'orfliind In their
new lludaou car.
Mra. K. It. Ityan and aon Itoberl
left luat lilnht for Minneapolis to with friend.
Mia'a Noma r'ull went to Portlund
lust nlKht to attend tht meeting of
telephone operators.
Pred Mann to l.a Pine and J. K.
Holt to Silver l.nke were thla morn
ing's singe psnnongers.
Postmaster W. II. Ilucl Hon purrhaa-
ed a Kord ardnn thla week from the
Central Oregon garage.
Pat Itellly and J. W. riaher. promt-j
nent aheepmen of Khanlko, were busi
ness visitors In the city today.
- Dr. Keeney Ferris will occupy the
pulplf In Itedmond Kunday by request
of the church committee there.
J. L. Gullher returned taat nlKht
from Portland, where he attended
the Maaonle convention laat week.
T. A. McCann left laat night for
Mlnneapolla on a trip. to the bead of
flcea of the The Hhevlln-lllxou Com
pany. Mra. E. K. Whlteand Mlaa Marian
Donahue left laat night for Mon
mouth, where they wll attend mm
mer school.
Mra. N. O. Davie waa vlaltlng yes
terday at the hnme of her aon, Leslie
Davie, returning laat night to ber
Prlnevllle home.
Fred JjJ. llarrlman of Eugene baa
accepted the paatorate of rtie Church'
of Chrlat and will arrive with hla
family on July 1.
M9. George Smith (if Itedmond
and Mra, A. II. Jones of Foreat Grove
who have been vlaltlng with Will K.
Smith and family, went to Itedmond
iKt night.
John MrKlnney and M. V. Cook
of Fort Itnck were In Ilend yeaterdny
purchaalng equipment for a pumping
plant. A well hna been drilled on
their land, with a good flow of wa
ter. Mra. II. C. Doddi returned Inat
night from Eugone, where ahe at
tended the commencement exorcises
at the University of Oregon. Her
daughter Mildred, who wai graduat
ed, returnod with hor to Bend.
John Cunnlnglinm and A. F, Lar
son returned yesterday from Elk
lake, where thoy were on a fishing
trip with friend from Portland. The
latter relumed to their homea Inat
night wllb well filled busknls of
Iroul. They urn Kriink HkliAier, Mr.
Wulaon and Mr. Puvls of the North
ern I'uclflc.
Travelers' accident pollrlea pay
doetora' bllla and for loan cif lime.
You uiuy be nut. J. (.'. Ithodea.
Pilot Itnlo Inn.
A. A. Iluffniun, Portlund; L. A.
Itulile. Portland; K. J. Itd-hards.
Portland; G. M. MrKuililen P,,.i II
i W liiinn, Portlund; W. J. hmond,
Porlluiid: W. P. Weal. The Dulles;
C. J. Iluek, Porllund; Mr. and Mra.
L. P. Cunipliell. Huleiu; O. A. Hplled.
Portland; 0. I,, paiaon. Prlnevllle;
It. II,, l.yoii, duiiKhter and aon, Hun
Francisco; Arno I. Drew, lloatou;
Dane Houliir, Portlund; II. W. Love
land, Porllund; K. H Kancettn, Kn
terprlae; C. W, lluley, Pendleton; K.
P. Dunlel, Portlund; lien Geary, (n
tervllle; I,. C. Thoroiighinan and
wife, Porllund; C. Ilorg. Portland: P.
Puaanult, Portlund; W. M. Grler and
wife, Portlund; M. B. Ieater. Klam
ath Pa I la; P. J. Wilde. Klumuth
! Fells.
Hotel Cory.
E. I,. McMlllln. Portland: I,. B
I.euch, Portland: J. W. Dninarla.
Prlnevllle; Ernest MiKenile, Prlne
vllle; N. II. McMlllun, Portland; Itay
Jenkliia, Hum.
Wrliclit Hof'l.
T. I.. Cowan. Onlrulla; J. II. Klely,
Centrulla; A. Coo, Wade; A. L.
Kong, Klumath Kalla; A. Jolinaon,
Klamath Pull; C. K. Htead, Prlne
vllle; Oaeur Mollne, Homer. Waah.;
Prunk Hlllen, Eugene; J. C. Ayrca.
Ifremonl; C. E Htiinlerbury, Prlne
vllle; M. Holdldge, Prlnevllle; Tom
Cronln, Hlnk; I.. M. Dealy, Alfalfa; A.
It. Duvl, Poat; Tom Falconer, rlea
alile; Mra. W. P. Falconer, Bfloalde.
DiiHIllliK Hotel,
J. H. Km Ith, Portland: Frank Cald
well, Portlund; George Grlder, Bhev
llii illion camp No. 2; William Lane,
Hllver l.uke; llert llohlliig, Orand
vlew. Waah.
Kecord f Transfers .-
1' F Itledel to Arthur Ktlpe. K of
W"V lota 7, 8, blk g, Kenwood Gar
dena; 1 1 0.
Mra M J Brandon to Edmund Bran
don, 2 3 Int in part lot 1, blk 13,
lend; 110.
M J Brandon to Edmund Brandon,
lot 3. blk 1(. Park- add; f 10..
II B Cook to Pac Coaat Mtg Co, B
4 of NE'4 and NW'4 of BKA. 36
15 12; tl.
I IDEDTV Agab Tonight, Saturday
LlDEiIVll Matinee' and Nigbl
The most dynamic iersonality in Motion Pic
tures, in
Special Added Attraction!
To rattle your ribs, shiver your liver and tickle
your "tummy." '
It's a Lloyd arid he who Lloyds laughs long,
for Lloyd's laughs, last.
Saturday, at 9 a. m., We Place
on Sale
1000 Yards Best Quality Silks!
Included are Satins, Taffetas, Tub Silks, Crepe de Chines
Georgettes, Poplins, Printed Crepe de Chines, Foulards,
Sport Skirtings, Pebblettes and Jersey Silks all at
$ 1 .69 Yard
EXTRA SPECIAL ! Heavy Japanese
Pongee, at per yard, 98c
1 1
Those who attended oar last Sale of Silks, can buy at tbis sale
with the same assurance of receiving Extra Values.
It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at
I Alfaretto M:yer to 8 J Munn, lota
1 13, 13, 14. blk 10, Blvd add; f 100.
I Dean G Kaymond and Holland W
Raymond to Alice Ilayn, BE U and W
l H of 84. Lytle Acre 23. Rend; J10.
Francla Anderaon to C W Hawei.
trutee, NWU of NW. 31-18-13:
.Scand Am Bank, Beadle to Bend
! Park Co. lota 5, S, 7. 8, blk 157, 2nd
' add to Mend Park; J 10.
; Edwin 1 Roicere to David C Wat
son. NE'i of NW4. 5-17-12; $10.
I A M Myera to T J McAndrewa, lot;
; 13. blk 1 4. Highland add; 1250.
8terenaon & Ralney, the firm con
ducting the second-hand buainess of
1 the Central Oregon atore, hare moved
Uheir alock to new quarters In the
Wright Hotel building. They were
! formerly located on the corner of
j Bond and Oregon. The new (tore
fronts on Greenwood.
Where Was It?
MIks T a Terre Hnnte principal,
la a genius at finding thine. Her boys
all know It now, too. The other day
a f'onnjrMer was leaning over trying to
fix a ien when he suddenly stralcht
ened up and announced that a piece of
tlie pen flew Into his eye. She accord
ingly .excused him from work atid gave
him all the attention accorded an In
valid. And h enjoyed It, too.
Hut that afternoon his enjoyment
was so evident that she grew suspi
cious. She called him to her and
assed a magnet close to his eye. Of
course no piece of steel came out to
meet It. but there did come a confes
sion from the youngster that he was
playing soldier at the time, and that
no piece of steel had gone . into his
.ye. Indianapolis News.
10 per cent DISCOUNT
On all Fourth of July
Signs ordered before
July 1st.
- The Stevenson & Rainey
Central Oregon Store
has moved from the Shaw Building on Bond
Street to the
Wright Hotel Building
211 Greenwood Ave.
The Store Is Open and Ready
to Buy or Sell Second Hand
A Hoosler author was recently asked
what she regnrdtM as her most humor
ous eM.'iience. She studied a few
minutes and then related It. One sum
mer she lectured at a
where another woman let-turrd on tlie
I subject of health.
"One night," laughed the author,
"she gnve a wonderful leeture on the
enre of teeth. We went topether
and as she us worn out 1 olTered
to go with her to her rvin and rend
to her. "Tlmt was a spiemllil talk Hint
you gnve tonight." I told her s ie
flnlslied ninkliuf her toilet to retire.
"Yes. I think It Is reiil gd myself,"
she liennied, and absent-mindedly
reached Into her mouth mid took from
It a complete set of fulse teeth and
relaxed ready for the rending.
1 The4th'sthe4th. j
I illlll There are four days In a man's yearly life when he II Sill
N ought to look his bet.t. ' jj I
lllll The first is New Years.
Illlll The second Is Easter.
I I xThe third is his Wedding Anniversary. B ui
11111 X nrr Bend men don't need this promptin thr-y I
Ullll are ready the night of the )rd for an early start in tho I I
lljlll morning and that's just the point. I
Ullll That takes one day off your time for getting ready. I I
Ullll Better drop in today don't yon think? I I
HlljD Kuppenheimer Suita for the Fourth at $25.00 to $43.00. I I
D Htravrs and Panamas for the Fourth at $1.00 to $(5.00. I I
HIIU Silk Shirts and Vnderwear for the Fourth. 1 1 j
y H New Cheney Neckwear. I I
H New Soft Collars. I ml
I N Phoenix, Interwoven and Holeproof Sox. I I
Hill It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at D l
1 ttxaxsxaxa
When you need
your Suit Cleaned
or Pressed, come
Bond Street
First Class Work
Fruit Canning Time
Is Here!
We Have All Sizes in
Economy and Mason Jars
Onart K1.20 icr Dozen
j" r
Pints, - 95c per Dozen
Fuller Bros. Grocery
57 Shasta Place
inninmaunimmininBnuuiuuuMiaauauuuii u n nusiii ninn i iniiiin