PAGH 4 the rend bclletix. daily edition, hkxd, oukwn, tih iwday, ji nk uh. iosi. CITY MANAGER SYSTEM BRINGS GOOD NEWS FOR THE TAXPAYER KOIl SAI.K OU TKADK Four-room plastered house and lot in Aslorlu; will outsider u lute mottol car. In quire Hulletin office. Z2-10-2lp KOlt RENT Thrce-ruoni ulnstored house and limine, cheap. I'liono 248-W. l-l-17l TOH SAI.K OH TU AUK - -My equiiy In residence property, also some furniture; will tuke rur in trade. 285 Joffersou place or phone 53-W. 1 -l S-l Sp Il Ity II. 8. illtxTtoll. (This ik tho seventh of 14 ar ticles on the city manager plan, by H. S. Ciilhcrtsou of the Na tlouul Municipal league.) The remai progress if Iuy- ton under the cily manager plans of municipal gmern ricut has bceti told in fuller detail than space will al low for the rest of the 150 city man atee towns. hut nearly all of them have similar sto les to tell. Nearly all. but there are a few where the change has not brought progress or effi- M. S. GilbnrtMoa ciency Immediate ly, cities that have elected unpro gressive councils which put In local politicians as managers and have sat down and stagnated. Yet even there issues have cleared; obstructive Influence have been Iden tified, and successive elections brought relief. One such council In Ohio played politics two terms, but the town saw exactly what was going on, and at the third election a discriminating land slide put three of the councilman out of politics and installed a harmon ious, live council and a new, high grade manager. There is no magic in this plan of government that will prevent the people from electing the wrong men. The plan compels them to make their mistakes in broad daylight, and the chance to go astray under those con ditions is the irreducible hazard of democracy. Almost always they have chosen better men than have hitherto been successful in local politics. Of coarse what one town is proud of. another may consider old-fashioned, but every town reports improvement. Here are some typical reports of financial progress: San Jose. Cal. (populatibn 40.000) ran in IS 19 with less expenditure than the old government in 1916, de spite advanced costs. Manistee, Mich, (population 10. 000). had. under the old government, voted a bond issue of S 80.000 for a new trunk sewer. The new govern ment spent $1200 cleaning tons of debris from the old sewer, which was then found adequate. Sandusky, Ohio (population 13. 000). reduced its debt $230,000, and in 1919, under the new plan, its op erating expenses, deepite ascending wages and costs, were less than un der the old plan in 1914. Ashtabula. Ohio, is still living within Its pre-war tax rate. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, (popula tion 12.000). caved $07,000 in two year?,. ' ' Alhambra, Cal. (population 10, 000), bought the water system and ran it for $14,000 a year less than the private corporation did. In Walthatn, Mass., the new gov ernment Increased the city tax rate only eight per cent, while labor In creased 54 per cent; the water and engineering departments were com bined, thus saving salaries and in creasing eficlency; by stopping leak age and waste, an expenditure of $300,000 for a new water Mipply was avoided. Griffin. G:i. (population 8240), saved $13,000 the first your by im proving every department, and did more street work in one year ilian In any previous five years. Wichita. Kan. (population '72, 000). built a sower by direct labor at a cost of $21 4,000. Tho lowest contractor's hid was $310,000. Webster City. Iowa (population ttOiiO), has saved $3S,000 a year since the adoption of the plan. Among the most significant fea tures of business administration In most of these cities Is the adoption of a modern budget. The needs of the city are carefully planned a year ahead In great detail and there is a powerful incentive to live v.ithin the income. Kconomy is made possible, too. for the reason that a lot of political creditors are eliminated and political "fences" do not have to be built out of the city treasury. KOIl SALE Rooming house, six rooms; well furnished; rent rea sonable; located on main street. In quire t'nrlso Lyons. 6-1 2-1 lip Foil KENT Two furnished house keeping rooms; $16 per month 128 Greenwood, l'lione 71 W fH-lSDtfc LOST KOlt SALE fresh cut flowers and potted plauis; funeral designs our specialty The only greenhouse at The Halle. Oregon. Jewell Green houses. MO Clay street. l'lione lllnck 272 1. The Ualles. SSp KOU SAI.K On account of sickness, am offering my farm and stock ranch In Summer Lake for sale; 328 arres; about 90 acres In grain: sumo wild meadow; balance good pasture; good family orchard : house, barn and out buildings: fine springs on place. Trice $4ti per acre: crop included If sold before harvest John A. Fos ter. Slimmer Lake, Oregon. l-147-21p LOST Small elks' emblem, set with small diamond: $5 reward. Ite (iii n to ('. II. Mm a nil. 94 West Turk street, Portland, Oregon. 17-lS-Hip All Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Recored New I'or.l Guarmifeod l(m1ltorn on can freeze I hem up but you can't hurst I hem, Hlop those leaky rear wheel with ('. H M. Oil Uolulnor for Konl cars Mini trucks. I.iinghoiii Auxiliary Transmission for I'oiil nils ami truck. WANTED WANTED A small tent, in good condition; must be bargain. I'hone S38-W. 24-16-17C NEW TRANSMISSION DEVICE INVENTED WANTED Automobile repair work; will go to your house or take work to own garage; 75c on hour. Guorge Franklin. 25 Irving avenue. 23-1 6-1 Sp Patent Is Granteil Ernest Dick Six N-eils Ahead Anil Four in Iti verse Is Made rossihlr. A three-speed transmission for a Ford car. giving, in combination with the ford transmission, ix speeds ahead and four in reverse, has been perfected by Ernest Dick of Bend, and the first one built Is being in stalled this week on a touring car. It was cast at the Bend foundry, be ing the first aluminum casting ever made here. The transmission is called an un der and over drive combination. The patent has already been granted. Double ball bearings are used. The gear is always in mesh, therefore it is not necessary to release the clutch when shifting speeds. The control lever is similar to that used in other cars. The gear is 1 V inches longer than the old-style Ford transmission. WANTED Young lady wishes posi tion; clerking preferred; experi enced. P. O. box 564. 15-15-16p WANTED . Lady housekeeper, by middle-aged widower; no children: good wages, good home; nice little cottage: easy work, about 2 or 3 hours per day. Apply A. Nichols, Prinevllle, Oregon. 13-14-16p MUSICAL Instruments that will yield to every tone Impulse which you give them. Come In and try them. You will enjoy n Phono graph In your home. Wo will take your used piano In on any of the New Phonographs In our stock. E. M. Thompson Music Store Wail Street Auto & Radiator Shop 1 1 H HIVING A V K, Phone Itlni k UMMIi Ilea. Illnrk I 'a I BEND At The Old Stand BEND 5iiiul 1 1 YEARS of Successful wmi'vui Insurance. Real Estate and Loan Business Call on me when you want to sell or buy H-ul Estate or have your properly Insured. Annul for Home Insurance t'o.; .Kins; St. Paul; Phoenix of London; Insurance Co. of North America: and twenty-ttvo other big old lino Companies. J. A. EASTES CKVrit.M. OHF.GOVH I.F.ADING lM llit E AGF.Nt V ELEVEN YF.AIt.H AT ll! OHKGON A l.M li, IIE.I. OltLGON USED CARS CAR FOR SALE Chevrolet road ster, delivery body: will sell cheap for cash. Hvnd Furniture Company. 7-12tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT Three-room furnished house; strictly modern. Inquire 128 Greenwood. I'hone 71-W. 25-16-22C Work for All. A remedy for tuberculosis has been found In the butterfly; and next some body w-ill be putting the humming bird to work. SL Louis Globe-Democrat. ASK FOR and CET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk for Infanta and Invalids Avoid Imita md Substitutes CliMiffed advrtifUnff thirst Pr bum SO wnu for 20 wortl or leu. On c-nt pr word for til over 20. All cl mined dvrtiv ing itrictly cub in advance. WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings ELECTRIC VACI IM CLEAVERS KKVTEI) SI Hour liny soc All make if Hewing; Ma chine rented liy the day, the week, or the month. BEND FURNITURE CO. ( Exchange Department) TELEPHONE 27 1 -V mm nEESaM2aE2LUsmXS3S5SXCsVMVaSai Your Shoes will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street OUR LATEST BIG OFFER! Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered from our selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for $25.00 and Upwards Hundreds of patterns to select from. EXPERT CLEANING. PRESSING and DYING We also make Liidies' Suits to order. DICK-The Tailor 1018 WALL STREET n::aaa:i::a:nn:n::a:::nnin:miM:aa:a:mmiiinsn::::n::n::ni:n::::u:tmnm WATCH i 1 THE BIG 4 j Stomach'Kidneya-Heart-Liver j Keep the vital organs healthy by : ; rccularly taking the world's stand- j erd remedy for tidney, liver, I j bladder and uric acid troubles- I COLD MEDAL j The National Rmdy of Holland (or 1 c.murivsftnd ntiorsd by Q'i.n Wi!hl At all dniRKiou, thiM sua. Lk iW Ik. an Ctd M!.! mif kaa mmd accept M 1nit.U.a t. FOR SALE FOR SALE Ice box; good an new.; Inquire 412 Delaware. 18-16p: FOR SALE Adjustable dress form: j also fruit cans, quarts and half gallons. Inquire 354 East Green-j wood 21-l;-20p! m "! Banks Optimistic 'The hanker of the Important financial renters, who have hern steadily nnd actively partlcipatinK In handling the financial problems which have luirm-lcr-f.ed the period of readjiiRtmi-nt from war condition are uniformly optlmlNtfr on the present financial and mitincwi Hltnation," says Edward ('ookinithnm, president of the f .ntlil Tilton Hunk, Tortland, Oregon. -It Is Important that all of us bankers, manutacturrr-i, wholi-alers, farmers and wK- earners recognize the fact that the economic ad.iuxtmrnt now going on l inevitable and must run Its rourse. However, there are mi many favorable features to the present situation, nnd . ho much of encouragement In the future outlook, that It Is difficult for me to lie otherwise than opti mistic," THE EIKST NATIONAL IIA.VK U always striving to meet Its customers with good business service. The First National Bank Thii Bank it o Member of the Federal Reserve System aa:ara;aaa::aaajuaiaaataaaaniaa:a4:aa::a;t:ia:ta:a:::aa::arn:a:::n:::;:rt Fruit Canning Time Is Here! We Have All Sizes in Economy and Mason Jars Quarts, $1.20 per Dozen Pints, - 95c per Dozen Fuller Bros. Grocery 57 Shasta Place ::n:::a:;:::::;a:a:a:a:a:a aua:a:uai:ii:a:::nnt::::t:!:r: : r.::.:i::;ii::;::::;::;:i:;::;r.i:;i:.:ft::mi:JUJiraiiJiiiiij .At? liit JpiV'W4 Jh ilrx W-F.F.piNa cool i w lv -' T! ",:,k' " eay ' Vefp rVi v 1 "Vy I lool.everywhrre.iuiy- B'kk' f ' I wlfre ut work or J J ' ' J yg n.ore to himself ini't ?'vLlJ ' f' ff evci vUjiy aroiiii.! him 2Jti IRg&'Js i: !'" 'tccr c""'' (KlK'MF Ycii..airt.f.'rdm.tto. v&ZffSti) vV'fftvV L u ,now I""1 ,h jraarefe '" ';'r n Bend Water Light & Power Co.; 3 r.::m:i:s8:::m::::::3:iu::i:nmmmt!i:::t::i!!iK:t:im:ni:i:n:.inm Im inninnniiii saimiiimn:unK:!a;iimt.wa:nmnininnmiiwanmnncuiuiunmiuimamijiiaiiiijuiinncTr The Shevlin-Hixon Company a:n:i::i!):a:::::inii:::i;!:amin::nn:ai:i:aaaitn:itiniimti:i:at:intii:::::atn Tf !f nill fTtlrTfT? Ill It f 1 SI Itflffflllff Ittflltlf Iffftntr laV tiuiuiitumnutuumuwuuuutuumnmuttuiituiiu CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET The commercial world is standing on the foundation of credit. Every individual is a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to pay hid honest obligations, he makes it impossible for some one else to meet theirs, therefore it is extremely vital that each and every one see to it that we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. fcMpmiiiiinnmM.uH trrnmrnmnmnm UIUWHUUWUUUI1 H iliUtt WaaMaaWltMiiii a IMMW Is-