TIIR UKM) llt'LI.KTI.N, DAILY EMTIO... ItK.N'D, OltKftON, Till ItMMV. JIXK 2,1. 1821. PACK a I1KM T.l H MI DI I.E - i Orrunn Trunk Arrlvim, 7:6 A. M. I.aa 7:U I'. M. O.-NN . It. N. ArrlVKii, :60 I'. M Lvavna. 7:00 A. M IX)CAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. M. J. Colli'tte In III with ton- Ml I It 1M. ,M. A. t'lirrli-a Iff t yctt-nlay to drlva lit Portland. Hurry II. Mayi-r Ml lam nlitlil fur I'ortluinl. where h will r-ll. John A. Kuimo yi-ali-riluy unlia rtl Kuril cur at th lfliu'm itur ugn. II. K. Allen wi-iit to I'ortluiiil la( nlKht. vximrtliiK to return Krliluy morning. , A. M. I'rliigli' rHtitiH-d till" iimni l(i K from I'ortluiiil, where, he went wo day uko. MIm Amlrey Mrf'tnm returned lut ii Ik It I from Hpokune, win-re "lie went oiun lime alto. Walter Coomb and Ward Colile huvo returned from Portland with ram for the llend Karaite. Mlaa Mury Axnea Hhi-r liliui hn re turned from the runt, wher lie ha been attending clioul. Dr. II. P. Helktmp of I'rlnevllle wna a vlaltor In llend yenterduy, rom with purty of friend. Hubert Myli-a. a railroad mini, formerly loratnd here, returned IIiIk mornliiK to lako rhurgi of the awltrh eliKltie. It. K Hunter left Ut nlclit fur Piirtlund, to icu from there to Kudu mento, where he will api-nd two weeki. (. It. r'nldwell left hint nlrlit for Portland and Ku-i-n to upend rrul dnyn. He live five ml lea rant of llend. Mr. William Itrownhlll and Ml Rylrla Itundiill returned to Warm Hprlnxa In. I nlKht after up" ml I nit two daya In llend. Frrd I.. Matin of I. a Pine wer.t to Portland lant nlKht for a medli-nl amlnatlon In connection with a m-r-Ice dlaahlllty. A marrlnrit llcenae wan lued from the county clerk'a office tod.iy to John II lli una and Kutb Kdinondaon. both of Klatera. A. I. Thomaa and family of Port-! land are at the city camp around on irmimitmnimniutnuiuin:tRiiuii:u:nii:inimmii!t!::ini:Buimmittiuniin:tnnmm:miRnmnnim!imiiumi:minitt When You Buy Your Suit for the 4th, Buy The Best You never save money by selecting cheap cloths they don't pive you serv ice and they never look right even when they are new. Although we do not advocate paying big prices for cloth ing, we are firm be lievers in GOOD QUALITY. &nrirttj Wraixh CLOTHES Are reasonable in price but at the same time tailored in the latest styles and made of the best ma terials. Come and see what we have to offer you before buying. We also have a most wonderful line of Made-to-Measure Suits, ranging in price from $30.00 to $35.00 ROY LOVEN BOND STREET their wuy to Klumuth Kulla, where they in ii y locule. Mr. and Mra. Jack Ilorton left Kurt Itork thla iiioniliiK for llend af ter apendliiK a week'a outline In the Kurt Itock vicinity. The ludlea of the Methodlat church will conduct u food aule at the lli-y-liurn hard warn aloru Huturduy, bn kIiiiiIiik at 10 o'clock, llelhert Whlti) will leave tonlKlit fur I'm iliuiil for uu examination lu coiiiiecilon with IiIh cliilin for govern ment compeiiKutloii. K. M. (Mark and fumlly of (Julncy, f'ul , urn rumpeil ut the city auto pink on their way to Portland, from where lliey will return lo California. William Kulllvuii yt-meriluy aua tuliind a hrokeil toe when u cur wheel wua dropped on It while ho wua work ing ut the Hhevlln-Hlxon round houae. A. Iluckley, dlvlaloii aiiprlntend ent of the O. W., uud Mutt Duffy, roadiuaiiter, urrlvod In llend luat night In their private cur on a K'-n-erul tour of limpectlon. A meetliiK of the Hoy Hcout couu rll will he held Krlduy nlKht to dl cnaa pluua for alHtlii- the Kcoula In financing their auiumer trip. Uthnr Important nialtora will come up. II. C. N'iIhoii und fumlly of I'rlne vllle, Herman Ni-Ihoii, lumlierinun of (Miehulla, uud fumlly. and Mr. and Mra. H. (). Kinder of ('entralla were at the city rump around today on their way to the luke on a flailing trip. A picnic of the Khrlnera of Central Oi.f'li will b held at the Helnlug raiirh on the Metollua Kuturduy night and Sunday. About 100 Khrlnera and their wlve ure expected to nl lenil, A dunce will be held Kuturduy iilKlit. The partition la being taken nut of tlm hull to accommodate the crowd. IN" CASK ill' ACCIDK.NT Traveler." arclduiil pollclea pay doctor'. I j 1 1 1 und fur lone of time. You uiuy bo next. J. C. Khodea. I & life AT THE HOTELS Pilot llutle Inn. !. II Ktuart. Portlund: Kruncla J. Hoully, Portland; It. H. Olden, Port lund; M. II., Ilurrett, Heppner; Her bert Nunn, Kulvm; K. A. Henry, Port lund; It. K. Kenney and wife. Walla Wullu; Oeorge A. Iietrow. Walla Walla: A. 0. Itock well, Portland: 8. M. Stewart, Portland; Mr. and Mra. N. J. Johnaon, Portlund; Kva Nell, Nam pa; C. A. Itulney, Portlund: W. P'fef H. Wudn, Portland; M. M. Long, Cor vullla; M. H. Itovell, Corvallla; K. K, WIIhoii, Corvullla; Mr. and Mra. M. II. Ilaldwlu, Portland. Hole! ( ')'. V. C. Illllupa, Portland: II. E Kin aon, Hpokune; K. N. I'eranl, Port land; I.. A. Lane, Portland; How ard Jenka, Albany; John Hbannon, Kugene; T. II. Wlllluma, Portland. WrlKliI H -l.-l. A. '. Cele, Portland; I.. W. i JkuoI, I'ortluiiil ; M. O. Keel, Port-, lund; Minn A. Kennedy, I'rlnevllle. iHtHiiInC Hotel. I It. K.. Drown, B. P. B.; Prank: K. Huwley, Portlund; C. Hunford, Porllund; (iuorgo K. Htory, Port lund. WOKKMANSHII IN PAVING I'KAISEI), Pri-M-m e of Curhlng Will Protect i llrlltle Kin-fin lux, lli llevin Hlnle Highway Engineer Nunn. Pralae for the excellence of the paving Job now being done in llend wua voiced by Herbert Nunn, atute lilghwuy engineer, while here ye terduy ufternoon. "The workman ahlp la of a very high order," Mr. Nunn aald, "and with the extremely cu refill preparation being given the cinder and atone bane, the city ahould get reuHonabln aatlHfuctlon from the paving. The pavement Itaelf Ii a compromise between the Topeka mix ture type and u aheet anpliHlt. Tbl inn ken a very hnrd and brittle pave ment, but. with the tdgea protected I by curb, im In the city, and with; the kind of dune being given. It will ( probably muke no difference. On a highway, without the curb protection, the tendency would be to break off at the edgea." Mr. Nunn aaked the price being pnld for the work and. on being told, aid that II GO for the pavement aeeined fuir. but that 25 cetita for the grading aeemed high, compared with the price of 10 cent paid by the atate for the lame kind of work. Kor the character of the work. Mr. Nunn had nothing but praiae. I). O. K. K. TEAM TO COME THIS SUMMER The Dramatic Order of Knight of Koroaan. which I to the Knlghta of Warning Your attention is called to city ordinance No. 109 providing rules for lawn sprinkling and ir rigation as follows: d Residents on the even number side of the street shall use sprinkling water on the even numbered days of the month and residents on the odd side of the street on the odd days of the month and none others. ft In the interest of pro per fire protection this ordinance will be rigid ly enforced. TOM CARLON, Fire Chief. Pythlna what the Rhrlne la to Manon ry, will bring a degree team from M nil ford to liend soma time In Sep tember, If pinna being worked out by the Central Oregon lodge mate rialize. A committee conalatlng of J. H. lliuna. Aaa Hut Ilea of I'rlnevllle, Kidney Lloyd of Ittdmond and 8. I) If You Want to Buy at a Bargain Now Is The Time, and THE HUB is the Place while the Big Sole Lasts. 1 aVT ft IV1 'igimnniKntingimuimiaiaars: 10 per cent DISCOUNT ii On all Fourth of July ii a a: i fi otgn oroerea oeiore n July 1st. McCANN I THK hltiN MAS f. SHIPMENT OF FRUIT JARS and Covers JUST ARRIVED. Get Your Supply While They Ust. Columbia Grocery 733 Columbia St. When We Handle a Deal For Yon We Take Care of All Details Deeds Rentals Abstracts Insurance Mortgages Contracts Collections Taxes Trus't Funds All you need to do is to sign the papers. Bend Investment Company "The Boose of Serrice" 826 Wall Street Perclval of Madraa I working on the matter. It will be neceary for the lodgea here to form a cla of to In order to bring the team here for the elab orate ceremonial, but Mr. Inne slat ed at laat night' meeting of tbe Knlghta that he wa aure it could be eTtjiK.-:n::::::::.-:::::::i:::::i:-:ini:::nn:n:::BK::n:ii East Lake HEALTH RESORT IM NOW OPKN A NO P.KAKY HlH IU KINKSH CimhI bed and plenty to eat. FISHING is now at its best The dining room l In the linnd of competent help anil the table will be mippliel with the bet the market atTorda. Kor particular inquire at O'Neil & Johnson's Do You Dance The Hesitation? It Is Out of Style Now Just two-step into your Broker's oRire today and close ap on that fine homrsile you have been hesitating aboot ia EYSTOXE Don't forget the IHIVl'H TO III II.DKItS Is offered for limited time only. Bend Investment Company Outings or Picnics When You Co for Your Picnic or Outing Let Us Serve You With Your Needs Paper PlatCi. 3 iox. - - 25c Paper Cup, per doc. - - 5c Paper N.pki'n.. per 100 - 20c Paper Spoon, per Joi. - fee Paper Ice Cream Duhc. per iox. - -- -- -- 5c Lunch BaiLeti ----- 25c Covered Lunch Batket - 75e Notions and Hosiery THE AIWAVQ THE BEST MEATS ALVVAIO At The LOWEST PRICES Our quotations are most advantageous to the producer and to the consumer. ANOTHER FARM PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTING CO. REDUCTION CUT ODT THIS LIST; USE IT AS A MARKETING GUIDE T-Bone Steaks, per pound 28c Sirloin Steaks, per pound 28c Round Steaks, per pound 28c Rib Steaks, per pound 25c Shoulder Steaks, per pound 20c Hamburger and Pork Sausage, lb 20c Pork Chops, per pound 30c Pork Steaks, per pound 25c Side of Pork, per pound 25c Lamb Chops, per pound 2fr. Leg of Lamb, per pound. 25c Lamb Stew, per pound 10c Beef Pot Roast, per pound 15c Beef Boil, per pound 12 'Jc Wienies, per pound 25c Bologna, per pound 25c Eggs, per dozen 30c Farm Butter, per pound 35c Creamery Butter, per pound 40c 146 Oregon Ave. accompllahed. There ara only a few D. O. K. K.'a In llend at present. Parted Score on Saving. Advertisement "Wa will nave yoq lot) per cent on your pretedng bill." Splendid! With 100 per rent deduct ed from onr premlng bill there'll ba nothing here lo pre n for. Would You Tour Without a Spare? Not If you wanted to en toy the trip. You'd be constantly worrying li one of your tlrr ahoulil blow and leave you In a hole. If you want to really enjoy motoring, take oat a Travelers Automobile I'olk-y. . Then you won't need to bo constantly worrying for fear M.me little accident will start a damage claim which will roftt you thousands to settle. Automobile Insurance pro tects you attains! (he claims of the "other fellow." J. C. RHODES INK! RANXE KPM,1AIJHT 801 Wall fit. Telephone 7 "Goodbye Aartety" T ERR ACE Tin Cup. 3 for - - - - 25c Tin Plate ------ 10c Bread and Cake Boxe all ize Small Fry Pan Enameled Cup Enameled Plate FAIR Dishes aid Kalcafaware Phone 135-W uniu:iuiiiuiniiiininiuiiniuiuniuui:iuiiituiKtuiit:iuuniiiuun:nitinitimimiiiiiinuuinmiiiunn