c .page a THK BENO 1U1.I,KT1N, DAILY EDITIOX, IIKM, OltK(iOX, MONDAY, JINK QO, lOUI. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION flaJteaaa Bnrr Aflarnaasj Kirapt Bandw, Br Tka Baa1 Bullatla (Incarparataa) Bntarad as Strond Class mattar January t, 117, at tli IVat Offlra at Hand. OranoB. An of Marcb. ft, l7. (SpplingRhijniQS OBEJtT W. SAWYER Edltor-Manaxar CNBY N. FOWLER Asaoriata Editor C. 8. SMITH AdwtUint Manairar Aa IndapandeBt Nawapapar, standing- for lbs aquara daal, rlaan buaintaa. elaan polttlea and tha bast inUraau of Hand and Cwtral SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br Mail Om Tr J.0J Bis Month .' Tan Month! Br Carrlar O Taar Bta Months Oma Month Ail subscriptions ar dW and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Noticsa of sriratwn ara aaalWd aubacribrrs and If ranawal la not saada within raaaonabla tima tba paper will fca discontinuad. . piaaaa notify qb pronptlr of n' cnanaa aVaddrsaa, or of failura to rrcciv tha papar raarularlr. OtharwUa m will not ba ra aponaibla for copwa njiaard. Mmka all thacks and ordars pajrmbla to ' Tha Band Bullatin. MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1921. "Wo know nowadays that even universal education supplies only the basis tor s healthy republican state. Next to education there must come abundant, prompt, and truthful Information ot what is going on In the state, snd frank and free discussion ot the issues ot the times." H. 0. Wells, "The Out line ot History." EARNING AN EDUCATION Although the following paragraphs come to us as a news story, we want to use them here in the nature of a text. They are from the University of Oregon and read: "Of the 230 students who are graduating this year from the Uni versity of Oregon, 80 per cent have earned more than a third ot their own way during four years ot study according to statements made by members of the class this week. Twenty per cent have been entirely self-supporting. "Many and interesting are the jobs which have yielded an Income to these young men and women while they studied. The hop yards, logging csmps, shipyards, fishing grounds, sawmills, highway construction, harvest fields, farms, warehouses, and the forest service all have been the sources of psy checks carefuly saved during flie summer to pay school expenses in the winter. Dish washing, mowing lawns, putting in wood, cooking, waiting on tables, sweeping floors, have been homely tasks willingly and even eagerl) per formed by the young men and women wearing caps and gowns on the campus this week. "A graduate from Klamath Falls tells how he got up at 4 o'clock in the morning to do janitor work. A girl from Washington trolled for salmon in the Columbia. Another girl has been a cook for harvest hands. Two young men were oilers on a ship. Another was foreman of a 9000-acre; farm. A girl carried the mail and earned 25 per cent of her own wsy. Still another girl worked at a soda fountain." . The text is longer than what we have to say on it. Indeed, all we wlBh to do is to get our young people to do a little thinking on the subject of college training. The three para graphs above are the foundation for this thought. Here are reports from the graduating class of one college only. Of that class nearly 50 were entirely self-supporting. One hun dred and eighty-four have earned more than a third of their way. They have done scores of different things to earn money, each of them adding to his self-reliance and his education for life. Will the young people of Bend profit by this example? Some of them who have recently been gradu ated from the high school may feel hat they cannot afford to go to col lege. We urge that they consider the achievements of these who have Just been graduated from college. What these have done, they can do. A lit tle hardship now; a little extra work. and they will have a better training for the business and the pleasure of life. aA AV t i . KUWAIT af VttKaSon Flies In Ointment Fame I've won in greater measure than I hoped for in my youth; I've acquired such worldly treas ure as makes quite a roll, in sooth; but my voice, like rusty hinges, chants a dreary dirge of dole, for the fierce rheumatic twinges shake the sunshine from my soul. Feeling well is all that matters in the best world ever was; aft the rest is rags and tatters, fame and wealth and men's applause. With your laurels you may crown me, speaking praises doubly sweet, but my briny tears will drown me if the gout is in my feet. Croesus sits among his plunder, glaring at his shining wealth, -and he'd throw it all to thunder for a year of perfect health; . for the ache is in his ankles and he fears he's going blind, and the thought of gold but rankles in the corners of his mind. Midas, of the storied fingers, which' turn everything to gold, in his dim vaults sadly lingers, for his spacious feet' are cold. For he's with an ague shaking, sometimes chilled and sometimes hot, and the pills he has been taking do not seem to hit the spot And he'd swap his stacks of guilders for a night of such repose as restores the toiling builders, and such delegates as those. It should seem like empty spieling, all the talk of fame and gold, to the fellow who is feeling like a sorrel three-year-old. CASH BONUSES WILL BE READY IN SHORT TIME (Continued from Page 1.) only (3000 and a tax ot only one mill. Loans Must Be Repaid. The loans must be repaid to the state, and the applicant, his or her father, mother, wife or husband, child, sister or brother must secure such payment by a first mortgage on real estate seven per cent in value In excess ot the amount loaned. The ex-service man or woman alone can secure the loan, but the relatives Darned can 'assist by supplying the necessary security. The applicant cannot have both a loan and the Cash bonus. Jf be Wlwt" tho hnnna ready to settle down to a life's occu pation, will not apply for some years. Number KMlnmu-U at U.1.00O. It has been estimated thut 25.000 men and women will come within the benefits of the law. The number who will ask cash bonuses Is estimat ed at 10,000 and those who will pre fer loans at 15,000. The assessed valuation of the state IS $1. 0-10. 839. 049 12 Thr ,. of this Is $31, 225. 177.47, the amount of the fund now created. The loans coming out of this sum will be repaid the state. While the cash bonus in. tal, estimated at 11.200.000, will not be repaid, the amount will be cared for by the one-mill levy. The one mill levy on the basis of the present valuation will produce annually $1.- aCaC A ONBELEVEW Tke best cigarette in the world -foryou-is the one that suits your taste. Maybe its ONBELEVBN. Just buy a package and 111 010,839.04. Iuniia liun i!H Years. While the loans may run for 28 years, being amortized at two per cent yearly and four per rent being puld on Interest, It is unsullied that a great majority of the bororwers will repay lu much less than the max imum time. If an ex-service man soils the home or farm in which he has invested his loan from the slate, the interest rate Immediately Jumps to six per cent if he sells to someone not orlglnaly qualified for a loan. Further, lu sueh case the loan must be reduced to 60 per cent of the amount originally loaned and must be entirely puld within five years. I' rider the law, In the event that co UK rem should provide for the pay ment of cash bonuses to persou" qualified to receive bonuses under the Oregon act, on or before the date the Oregon amendment becomes ef fective, then any person qualified to receive a bonus from the government shall not be qualified to receive a bonus trom the state. Service men who have benefited under the educa tional aid act of 1919 must refund to the state the amounts they have jaaisaasam:ma:nsr.itnS!ro:aaiiiKU:nino3n::ni Fruit Canning Time Is Here! We Have AH Sizes in Economy and Mason Jars Quarts. $1.20 per Dozen Pints, 95c per Dozen Fuller Bros. Grocery 57 Shasta Place Wolves and Foxss. Each class bss Its troubles. Poor folk have the wolf at their deor; rich folk generally have gome woman snoop ing around trying to lure the cook away. The Bulletin Board For only 20 crnta for a Riillctln Want A! you ran tell over 3,000 people what you have to sell or want to buy. Do all kinds of repair work. Gum and file sawn, or sharp en kIh. Wo are experts in picture framing. Our price are according to time and material used on tho Job NO THEY ARE LESS. Kramer & Muller WALL STREET Next Thompson Music Store 0 A Penny Still Has Value Another rlectrlral expert, Alluring the root of electricity at 10 rent per kilowatt hour, says thut one cent's worth will: Operate a O-pound flat Iron IS minute. Drive an electric vacuum cleaner Ioiik enough to clean 450 squaro feet of carpf't. Lift 100 gallon of water 100 feet. Kun a 12-Inch fan for two hours. Run a sewing machine two hours. Keep a heating pad hot for two hours. Do a machine full of washing. Shell 8 bushels of corn. Thresh one bushel of barley. (Separate 00 gallons of milk. Churn 8:1 pounds of butler. Groom two horses. HfufT 200 pounds of sausage. t Bend Water Light & Power Co. 0 received under tho act before they shall bo qualified lo receive either a bonus or a loan under the new act. Members of the commission creat ed by the act serve wlllmut pay, ex cept expenses Incurred In tha actual performance ot their duties. Kuril of the county appraisers shall receive a fee of 5 for each appraisal and each of the attorneys In Uiu several counties shall receive a foe of $10 for encli title examined, the fees to he paid by the applicants for loans. COUNCILMAN TO HE ACTIVE AS FIREMAN Councilman N. II. Gilbert will hereafter be an active member of the fire department, he declared yester day after attending a drill. All of the members of the council are hon orary firemen. (illberl stated thut he tlioiiKht one of the city fathers should be In close touch with the firemen, to promote butter under standing and harmony, Put It, in Tho llulletln. Your Shoos will smile with satisfaction over the splendid job of re pairing they will re ceive at our hands. Lindeborg & Hanson 120 Minnesota Street When We Handle a Deal For You, We Take Care of All Details- Deeds Mortgages Rentals Contracts Abstracts Collections Insurance Taxes Trust Funds All you need to do is sign the papers BEND INVESTMENT COMPANY "The House of Service" 826 Wall Street is 1 he ohevlin-Hixon Company II I I i j I , .. 3 i.mi.iiuiiiiumwuiiiiHm.inuMm I ' 1T 11 ""TTTTUtn """" mmrntlltMl aVfllalfi.l.i.M1aaetlasi.PlsjSHW.1.,1aa CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET The commercial world is standing' on the foundation of credit. Every individual is a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to pay his honest obligations, he makes it impossible for some one else to meet theirs, therefore is extremely vital that each and every one see to it tnat we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. KgjBUMJtMBIIIIUniMIIIIIIIIIBIIIIMPmHWTIttUW at2l I Iff 1 11 1 II H I IIMTrtn"f1"'"ft W11 tttaiMlltaaMaaUlJMlMMI m:niui:u!::t::!i::i:a:::it::nni::miniinnnumninui:muiniummmnauiamiuiuimmtnunuuimniminininmi:inin FEDERAL TIRES TW mm rm ditwrlmlruito buyr and when thrr pn4 Owtr money, It ia with th tMUi-ftnc that they mrm rtttn 100 vaiiM ; ff-twrttiw Umm Uutfht thtrm that tha cheaper article la J tut what It prtea hnpliea "Cheap." The figure teat per mil In buying Urea Juat the aame aa you figure teat per tmund when you buy auarar at your grocery, and they would not buy "Fetlemla" If they were nut getting more ml Ire per dollar, beraune If there waa any tire built , that would give more milea per dollar Investment that la what they would have, Th "Federal" will give you more mtle. more life and more comfort than any other tire In the world, therefore It la economy in equip your tar with "Federal. Ak any of tha following, why they prefer "Federal "they ua them and they know. T. A. MrCann. W. I. Myera Hrt Ilrwden T. W. Ripley Mike Antrland H. Harnca A ndrew facgunt fitwhijU County Iir. K. Kra Norrlt Tho. HutrMnrion M. K. drlnntrad J km, O'Connor Jan. A. Eafttra lohn M. 1'ayije J.. Tafiv't-rt Thro. Hiichotti Rollfn C Mlllrr 1 1. fl, MrPheraon I, 'iyal Mrown ( ha. Ilnyd Horace Itirharda A. M. Pringle C I. NUwonger Jaa. Krtrhum T. O. (irinatemd J. It. Miner I M. King It. B. Linton Hrnd Hauling Co. Wm. F. Maker Che. Oreweller J. A. IloU (i. L. Conklln K. J. Ahrahamion Henry WhiUett J. F. DnUon Harvey ' Martin R. II. I-o"P eo. A. I'arklna Mike Angland Kollln C. Mill-r Hamuel W. Moora K, C. LandiiiKham J. II. Mrl-ter V. H. Manny A. I. Hnitt V. H. I'urham Wm. I'attlaon Roy Wilton Wm. MrCornwk Turnalo Hrhonl District T. W. Iludnon I). E. Vergea I lend Furniture Co, W. M. (irlnatend Ralph Lueaa kiHiroe Mauntlera U. H. Foreat Kcrvtr F. M. Van Mntra I. W. Van Matra Hon II. I'eoplea If. K. Ilrooka W. ). Kir by W. II. HmUon Deschutes Garage Nash Cars Watch This List Increase Federal Tires u.3;gnsgaaaagnn!iinggc!i!anarjuu)iuaci8n3 V .