VI f 1 1 WW tTt Till: VMM III II " I 1 1 1 1 - t 1 1 K 1 1 1 , f:i!r tomorrow. DAILY EDITION VU V. HE.ND, liii('lll TEH TV, OREGON, IlKSDAV AFTERNOON, Jl K 7, I IK: I. .No. a. THE BEND BULLETIN $1,10,000 TO AID FLOOD VICTIMS WILL BE VOTED WAR DEPARTMENT TO ADMINISTER FUND HORROR DIMINISHING rui'lilu Tnkea On New Lease of Mfr A Water lln-rile Corporation llenil Shot When I If loll" To II. i Order To IIhII. IHr !all4 Praia In Tha IWiul tliilLlln.) WASHINGTON. II. I'.. Juno 7. A milium dollar relief fund for Pueblo aufferera will lie appropriated by Hi" house and aetiutn. II wu agreed III to day a Whit House conference bn- tnrn tha president and senator from Colorado. The plan la lo ruah resolution through the committee today. The war department will ad- mlnlater Ilia fund. DAM. Kit IN PCKIII.O, Juna 7. Tha Hat of known dead here waa Increased today to 35. Tbn rlty la being cleaned up. Id la arriving, concentration timpi ara being erected and romforta and ronvenlenrea ara making their re appearance. Tha rlty la taklnil on I raw lease of HIV. Everybody l working. Tlin flood danger baa passed I'arta of tbn town arn null dcaolal. mud-covered or water-aouked. President Wltliera of the Pueblo Iron Km i-1 Co waa killed following bla failure to halt when a sentry or dered. II la believed bat pcrtiupa tha guard shot him. Nothing au thentic wu learned. Wither' aon waa riding m II h bla father In an au lomohltr. No arrest have been made aa yet. UiHUVIM FIOOHEI DoDGK CITY. Kan.. June 7 The flooded Arkansas river bna mimed j Into the lowland. causing only allxhl dulling lo buildings and many drowned livestock. The rle of the river aniounta to 4 - feet. STRADDUNC" SKINS I'UNISHAHLE OFFENSE 1ili-f of I'ollre Warning (General Checking Ip On Trafllr lolntlona l Planneil. I'eraona who alrnddle the new In teraertlon tnonllor with their rara will be prnneeuted." announcea Chief of Police II. II. Fox. "There la no more exrune for running over the new algna than there waa for cutting limlde the old onea." J ut at thla lime, when paving la making a change In the traffic prob lems of the city. Fox declurea la a good time lo tighten up on all viola tion and he laauea a wurning that tall llghta abould be burning at night on all car. MANY SEEK LOANS ON NEW RUILDINC3 Ilulldlng loiina are In auch great lemnnd throughout the northwoat. any a V. W. Ilurko. repreaenlatlvo of llm Western Loan A HilildlnR Co thut hla firm la niinblo to take enre if more thnn a amiill percentnge of the Rppllcntlona. Ilulldlng every where hu been great ly IncrenHed In thn pnat few week, he atntea. Mr. Ilurko I here on bualnva with tho rompnny'i local repreaentutive, II. J. Overturf. MISSION VETERAN TO SPEAK TONIGHT Dr. Henry Topping, for 25 years a mlsslonnry In Jupnn, will speak to night nt the ilnptlat church, describ ing his experiences in foreign field. Thn lecture will ho nl 8 o'clock and no admission will he charged. Dr. TopplnK, his wife, n son and daughter, who hnvo finished their education In the I'nlled State, will Minn return to Japan lo carry on the work atnrtcd by Or. and Mrs. Topping. Insane Mexican Shoots American Railway Officer (Mr tlnllad I'raaa tu Tha Hand HulMln.l GIAIiALAJlltA. Maileo, J ll n ii 7. J. II. Houken, oiui of Hid most . widely known Amerl- run rullroud nmn In Milro. wu abut and morlully wounded by a muiiluc at Irupuato , according to advice from Ihut city. lluiikeii waa allot when Ilia lusuue Minn. Interned In a irl- vu rur, nllurked Mm. Tim bullitl went throiiKb tbn heud. lliinki'ii waa superintendent of I lit) Duriiiigo dlvlHlon of the 4 Mexican Central rullroud. 4 444444444444444 FRUIT FREIGHT RATESSLASHED HEDHTION Al PER CENT 101 NTH. IH PROXIMATELY 10 TO EASTERN AVMIIVCKIP IIV HOI'TIIERX PACIFIC OFFH IAL (II? tJallad rnalsTtaaaid Ballrtla.) BAN KIIANCIHCO. Juna 7 A 10 per cent reduction, approximately, of frelKlit rate on freah Itreen vege tablea. meloni, ranteloupea, applra from Oregon, Washington. Califor nia, Arizona, Nevada and Idaho to eastern pnlntu. waa announced today by all leading rallronda. Freight Truffle Manager C. W. I. lira of Chicago, Kouthern I'urlflc agent, announred tha reduction by telegram. Eastern and transronll lieiilul line have adopted redurtlona The rule on all rommodltlea rirept apple la to be "effective aa axon ua pimalble. The rate on nppl'-a will be effective nil Ki'petemher I. The new rate to Atlantic aeubourd poluta are the ri-Hiilt of a month'a fight. Hblp pei a here ara Jubilant. FLIERS AID IN IRISH CAMPAIGN IIHI M FF.INKKS AITI KKI IN llltllisil MII.ITAItY MOVK MKNT CASl Al.TIKH l.HillT. IS ItK.I'iiltTKIt. (Rr t'mtol IWIoTtf IWnd HulMln.l COI1K, June 7. A hundred Sinn Felnera were raptured today in n military movement employing all clause of military equipment. Three Sinn Feinera were killed and 12 wounded. Military cuaualtlea were ligh:. The military movement I one of the first attempted since the llrltlsh government announced Ita plan of In creasing military pressure In south ern Ireland. Large bodlea of troop were brought In to participate In the en gagement, stretching over a wldo aec tlon of I lie country. The Mill afreet area wa the scene of numerous amhushea and the ren ter of fighting. Airplane werei vast ly useful In obtaining Information, swooping close to the ground when bodies of reWla were sighted. CROSS CONTINENT IN AUTOS TO LIVE HERE After a 4i)40-mlln automobile trip from the east const of America, a parly of 13 former resident of North Carolina has arrived In llerul. lo lo cate In or near Ihl city. Iteport from friends who hud preceded them to Centra! Oregon nearly two dec ade before, brought them to Des chutes county. Moltoii Triplet!, who. with his three children, filled one of the cars which made the trans continental pilgrimage, I a brother of Tom Tripled of this city. Mr. Trlplott la from Lenoir, N. C as are Mr. and Mrs. lien Montgom ery and bit by. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. N. Montgomery, with their three daugh ter and grandson, are from Taylor vlllo. The new Deschutes county resi dent express themselves na well plensd with Demi and the Central Oregon country. WANTS A TENTH MORE ON PRICE OF STREET JOB REED OFFER REFUSED RY COUNCIL SEW ER NOT TO HE DUG ronlriirlor rnwlllliijc To llunillr I Ity Honda On Any Further Im provement I'nlesw Price of Work I". llooMrll, He hu). Improvement of the cant liulf block of Mimieiiotu avenue, liicludiiig new er count ruction mid puvlng, waa uhun- doued by action of the city rouncll yenterdny in a apeclal meeting held In the office of Mayor lilUon. An nouncement by C. H. Heed that he would demand a price 10 per cent above hla former paving contracta cauaed the refuaal to authorize the Improvement. Mr. Iteed, who waa preaent at the meeting, declared that on any further Improvement, on which he would take bond, an additional 10 per cent would be added to tha price. The paving of thla aectlon waa pro posed lo give a aolld atretch of pav lug from the fire hall to the bunlneae aectlon. TROOPS LOOT BURNED CITY CH1NKSK MITIXY IIKIUKTKU AM MtH'AN. IlKITISII Wit JAP. A KSK TAhK HM IV AT TKMPT TO ltNTItol. CI'ltlSlNO tn t'nllxl Preai UTi Brtel BulhrtlB) HANKOW, China. June 7.- Offi cial reports reaching Hankow de clare that mutinous Chinese troops have looted and partially burned l hung. 1 B C mile north of here. American. Itrltli-li and Japanese troops dispatched to Ichung, were ex pected to uirlve today. Mutinous Chinese soldier con tinue looting and pillaging Ichung. Muny shops were burned and all looted. The Hank of China building whs burned. The American consul appealed to Ainerlrun naval officials for protection and assistance. The llrltlsh ronsul has as yet taken no ac tion. KEYSTONE TERRACE OPENED TO BUYERS Mrs. M. Mulli'r Pun-lia-M-i First Lot In New Addition lUplil Sale of llullillnit Nltra Pn-dictcil. Mr. M. Muller wn the first to purchase a lot in Keystone Terrace, the new addition to llend which was placed on the market yesterday, E. L. Viniil. manuger of the llend Invest ment Co., antes agunt for the proper ty, stated today. Mr. Muller select ed a lot on the corner of East Clay and Hailrond streets. Much Interest Is being manifested In the new addition, Mr. Vlnal any, and from the number of Inquiries which have been coming In, he ex perts thut the sale of building sites In Keystone Terrace will be rapid as soon ns the excitement of the elec tion Is over. ! ALLEGED SLAYER BROUGHT TO U. S, Mra. I.yilin Southard, Iteturnetl from Honolulu To I'uee Trial On Charge of Killing Husband (Br t'nltnl Fm toTh Band Bulletin) SAN' FRANCISCO. June 7. The liner Mntsonla, bringing Mrs. Lydla Soul hard, alleged murderess, passed Into the hiirhor here today. The woman Is pnroute to Twin Falls. Ida ho, to face trial for the murder of her fourth husband. Deputy Sheriff V. II Ormsby ha her in cus tody. Arrnngiwnts ore being made to I transfer her nt once for Twin Fulls. Lone Woman Drives Car 2700 Miles Through Snow and Mountains, Taking Only 12 Days; No Accidents Mar Trip A record of 2700 in lien In 12 duya liua Jimt been hung up by Mra. H. A. I'uraona, wife of Dr. I'araona, bureau of animal Induatfy expert. Driving alone In a 4H0 Chevrolet roadater, Mr. I'araona It ii a completed a trip from Sioux Kalla. H. (I., which atarted on March 1, waa Interrupted alx day later by heavy rniuwi encountered In tbn mountuina In Montunu, and waa reaumed on June 1. Mra. J'urHona reached Helena In March, and waa forced to leave her car In the .Moutiina capital, pro CABINET HEARS MEXICAN REPLY! HKCOOMTION OF OIHlrXiOX GOV K.ltVMKA'T COSIIKKF.I BY KTATF. DKPAHTMF.NT UK TAIIJ KKIT KKCKKT. (Br United frM to Th Brad Bulletia) WASHINGTON', I. C. June 7. Secretary Hughe; today took Prenl dent Obregun'a reply to the Amerl can recognition memorandum to the cabinet meeting. Shortly previou to the receipt of the Obregon reply, the Mexican president's adviser here said probably Obregon would accept the American memorandum a a basis for negotiation. He will prob ably make counter proposal, result ing In a further exchange of note State department officials refuse to reveal the character of the communi cation. The text of the American memorandum and the Obregon reply will be made public shortly. Thla I the first official exchange of com miinlrutlon relative to the reeognl lion of the Obregon Mexican govern me nt. AUXILIARY UNIT PICKS DELEGATES Trip To FiiKcnr Convention Will lie Mmle lly Way of li Ki-nle Pv McnilM'i-tilj Campiiiun Planned. Mrs. I.. W. Gatrhell. Mr. Karl B. Houston and Mr. Hose Cobb will represent the Ladles' Auxiliary unit of Percy A. Steven post No. 4. Amer ican Legion, at the state convention at Kugene July 1 and 2. It was de cided lust night at the regular meet ing of the unit. They expect to go by auto, making the trip by way of the McKeuzie pass. I'p to June 27 an active member ship campaign will be carried on by the unit In an effort to raise the pres ent enrollment to 100. Mothers, sisters, wives and daugh ter of America"n Legion men are eligible to membership. PROMISE DELEGATES FOR PRODUCTS WEEK Associated Industrie l"romlses Send Ijirge Delegation Heml Complimented Ity Manager. To I The Associated Industries of Ore gon will have a large delegation in Rend during Oregon Products week, July 18 to 23, according to a letter received by the Commercial club from the manager. The letter compliments the Rend merchant on their action to put Oregon-made good to the front for one week and promises hearty coop eration on the part of the association. A. G. Clnrk, who proposed the hold ing of such a week in Bend, was formerly manager of the Associated Industrie. WAR FILMS TO BE SHOWN TWO DAYS "Flushes of Action." the American Legion film showing scenes of actual combat In France during the recent war. will nppear at the Grand the ater Wednesday and Thursday night, under the auspices of Percy A. Stev ens post No. 4. which will receive F. 0 per cent of the proceed. The pic ture has been highly recommended by those who have seen It In other ilarcn. ceeding by rail to Join her huahand In liend. With the coming of real apring weather line returned to Helena. On the luHt lap of her trip to liend. ah found good roada from Helena through Miaaoula and Wallace, but experienced bard driving In the Hitter Hoot country on account of the anow. From Spokane to Pendleton the roada were good, but from Pendleton through Poaail, Condon, and Ante lope, the roada were In bad condi tion. During the entire Journey, Mra. I'araona had no tire trouble. 'BUDGET VOTE ISPOSTPONED CANNOT BK HKI.U AT HAMK TIMK AH SCHOOL MKKTIN'G Ml'KT UK OIMIRSKI) AT A SKPAKATK MASS MKKTIXC. Although notice for a school budget election, to be held June 20 at the time of the annual school meeting, have been posted. It will be impossible to take a vote on the budget at that time, it was learned today by J. Alton Thompson, clerk of the Bend district. According to a communication from State Superintendent J. A Churchill, the budget must be dl cussed at a mass meeting, which shall be separate from the annual school meeting. This Is provided in the new atate law. passed this year. Also, the budget must be made up according lo a new form, blanks for; which have not been issued, so that the authorization of a tax levy must be delayed until the law can be com plied with. The only matter which will come before the annual school meeting, therefore, is the election of two di rectors. No cabdidate have as yet filed, but they are expected to do o ; opportunity to sign a petition nam this week. i log H. E. Nordeen for reelection to CHAMPION WILL FIGHT TAYLOR 1, FADING BAXTAM SIGNED FOR HOIT HERE Jl'LV 4 OLD FAVORITES TO HE IX ACTION AFTER LONG REST. Bert Hughes, bantamweight cham pion of Canada, will meet "Kid" Tay lor here on the evening of July 4 In the main event of the boxing com mission smoker being arranged by Matchmaker E. C. Brick. The fight will go 10 rounds at 118 pounds. Hughes, who is In Seattle, insisted on the weight stipulation, but Brick says Taylor can make It with ease. "I saw Hughes two years ago in Portland," said Brick, "and I know he is a good boy. Taylor will have to be at his best to hold him." Brick declares this Is the highest priced bout he has ever brought to Bend, and that those who attend are as- sured of their money's worth. Duffy Knorr of Redmond and Grange Hall ' and Terrebonne, the Billy Ryan of Portland are billed to j women of the various communities furnish an eight-round go at 125 selecting cooking, millinery and sew potinds and Speck Woods of Bend ng for present study, and Willie Mack of Salt Lake City The work Is to be conducted at will travel six rounds at 142. Two local boys. Gene " Rose and "Frenchle" Le Clair, who, Brick says, have been itching for some time to settle their differences in the ring, will furnish a curtain raiser which the matchmaker promises will be a scream. The smoker will be In the gymnas ium, beginning at 7:30 o'clock on the evening of the Fourth. NEW CUTS MADE IN FORD CAR PRICES (Rr ttnltnl PrM toTlw Ben' BulUtln) DETROIT. June 7. The Dow- Jones financial news service announc- . es cllt of prce ln Ford car9 cf from $15 to $20 per car. LIGHT VOTE IS FORECASTED BY EARLY FIGURES BALLOTS NUMBER 337 AT 2 O'CLOCK FRANCHISE INTERESTS Comparison Hhowa Vote May Not Kxreed WKI Water Works Oj lion Ih Paramount I-aik o Sample City ISallota Noted. A vote lea than half that of last November was indicated at 2 o'clock this afternoon, when 337 votes ba4 been cast in the five precincts of tha city. In the fall election, the number cast at that hour was 744. While heavier voting In the after noon and evening was predicted, a comparison with the total vote cast in the fall would Indicate that not over 800 ballots will be In when th polls close at 8 o'clock tonight. la November, 1740 voted, leaving tha exact proportion, based on 2 o'clock rigures. 791. Most of the voter are taking coun ty and state ballots, as well as tha city election ballot, members of the election boards stated. Chief inter est displayed throughout the city Is 1st the Gilson waterworks franchise. The war veterans' state aid measure is popular, but Its passage seems to be taken for granted. Not much is said in regard to the county bond la sue election. Petition Offered Voter. The number of votes cast by pre cinct at 2 o'clock were: No. 1. city rest room. 75; No. 2. blgta school. SS; No 3. Kenwood. 83; No. 4. Hippo- drome, 57; No. 6. Reld, (7. Many voters today were much put out to find that there were no sam ple ballots provided on the city la sue. The question was raised as to the effect this might have on the le gality of the elections. Voters who approach the polls at the high school are being given an the school board. The petition is In charge of L. D. W'ieat, one of tha clerks of election. HOME DEMONSTRATOR TO VISIT IN BEND Mis Eva Comegys Expects To Upend Saturday of Each Wei-k Here Work Started In Rural District. Miss Eva Comegys, home demon strator, now stationed in Deschutes county, will make her headquarters In Bend for at least one day out of every week, she stated ln tha course of a visit to Bend. Satur day will probably be the day selected, but Miss Comegys has yet to secure office room here. While she be lieves that Bend would be moat suit able for her county headquarters, she is able, by remaining in Redmond, where County Agent Jamison is lo cated, to keep down office expenses materially. Miss Comegys will appear before the Woman's Civic league In Bend on June 28, at which time she will ex plain various labor-saving devices for use in the kitchen. Her work is already well under way at Sisters. ' first directly under the supervision of the demonstrator, but It Is her desire to train community leaders In the various subjects, so that she will bo able to start new work while that al ready commenced contlnuos. TEACHERS' EXAMS HERE THIS WEEK County teachers' examinations will be held in Bend this week, Wednesday to Saturday, It Is an nounced from the county su perintendent's office. Another eighth grade examination, to accommodate those who failed In one or more sub jects last month, will also be held Thursday and Friday In the county district schools. .1 r