PAGE 2 THK BKXO niM.KTIV, DAILY KDITIOX, I5KM OUKCOV, MOMMY, JINK II, The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION I'aaltaaea' Bverr Afterneen Kirept Bandar. Hr Tfi Band Belletln tlneerperatedl Entered aa Second Clana matter January a. 117, at the Poat Office at Head. Orwon. aato Act of March a. 1ST. ROBERT W. SAWYER Ediror-Manarer HENRY N. FOWLER Auociate Editor C. BL SMITH Advertiaina- Manager Aa Independent Newspaper, standinc for aW square deal, clean buatnraa, clean potitica and the boat intaraata of Band and Central Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br MaU On Tear M.00 Six Month Taree MoifJia H..0 Br Carrier One Tear .S0 ix Mentha M.M One Month All anbaeriptioaa are doe and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Nolicea of expiration are nailed evtjecrihera and if renewal ia not aaade within reasonable time the paper wUl fee dlaoontinaed. Pleaae notitr na prompt)? of any chaste af addreaa, or of failure to receive the paper raaralarlr. Otherwise we will not be re aponalal for eopiea miaaed. Make all ehecka and order parable to TV Bend Bulletin. MONDAY. JUNE 6. 1921. "W know nowadays tbat even a universal education supplies only the basis for a healthy republican state. Next to education there must come abundant, prompt, and truthful information of what Is going on In the state, and frank and free discussion of the Issues of the times." H. G. Wells. "The Out line of History." RECOM M ENDATIONS On the front page of today's pa per we hare made our recommenda tions to voters in respect to the city and county matters to be voted on tomorrow. We urge that the coun ty measure be approved and that both city measures be disapproved. On the five state measures we recom mend that a favorable vote be given. The World war veterans' state aid fund bill, more familiarly known as the bonus bill, we have discussed. This is the most important of the measures to be voted on and we again urge its passage both in Jus tice to the men who served in the war and as creating tremendous de velopment possibilities in the state. Vote 302 X Yes. The legislative regulation and compensation amendment we feel Is needed so far as the compensation fea ture is concerned. The pay of our legislators should be Increased. Whether or not It Is necessary to lengthen legislative sessions we are not sure. The last session ran a few days over the 40 for which the mem bers could draw pay, but those in touch with its work said it went along very slowly in the beginning. On the whole, however we think It bet ter to approve than to reject this measure. Vote 300 X Yes. The emergency clause veto is necessary and desirable In order to check an abuse of the legislative power. It makes the governor the representative of the people in this matter where now the people have no representation at all. Vote 304 X Yes. We have previously argued in fa vor of the hygienic marriage bill. In view of the publicity given the meas ure during its author's stay here In March the arguments are well un derstood, j Vote 306 X Yes. j Oregon has given women the vote. I Women are claiming rights and privl- j leges in common with men. At the same time they should be ready to perform all the duties of citizenship j and one of these is jury duty. Adopt the women Jurors and revised jury law and this will be possible. Vote 308 X Yes. - a . Ti aa ' T .SaW J3L Keep Your Word You'll be rated as a bird, in the busy haunts of trade, if you always keep your word, never let a promise fade. If you promise you will pay for your wagonload of lime on the twenty-ninth of May, do your paying right on time. Then the smiling mer chant prince will remark, with beaming eye, "It is many ages since I have seen so prompt a guy." And the merchant prince will say to the other princes near, "There is no more honest jay from Dansheba clear to Beer." If you promise you will meet James Adolphus Arthur Mix on the corner of the street at ten minutes after six, do not make Adolphus wait for the fraction of an hour, or he'll think you are a skate, and his spirit will be sour. And upon a fu ture day, when you need him in your biz, and ap proach him, he will say, "Moly Hoses and Gee Whiz ! Once I had a date with you, and you kept it in a horn; so I naturally view you and all your works with scorn." One has great renown for wit, one can wrestle like a Gotch, and another makes a hit when he warbles "Larboard Watch"; one can write a classy ode, one can rear up and orate, one can scorch along the road at a Barney Oldfield gait. There are many kinds of fame, and some samples are absurd ; but we all admire the game of the man who keeps his word. He is loaded to the guards with the laurel wreaths he's won, when the states men and the bards retail at ten cents a ton. 9 o'clock In the morning. The gun is a model 1900 field piece, caliber 2.24, mounted on a wheeled carriage, so that it may be used in parades. Being unsafe for firing, the breach has been sealed. LEAKY GAS TANK HARD ON PAVING Now Surfacing Crumbles As Gaso line Drips from Automobile, Dis solving Binding Material. Every time some inventive genius puts forth an Impenetrable armor plate, another genius with a mind ranking a few notches higher evolves a new explosive before which the armor plate crumbles. In the same way it remained for the Standard oil Co. to evolve a solvent for the pav- ing which Is being laid on the streets of Bend. Gasoline does the trick. The cause of a hole in the new surfacing In front of the Erlckson grocery on Wall street aroused much speculation this morning until a block up the street, in front of the Sather building, the process of dis integration was seen going on. An automobile with a leaky gas tank was doing the mischief and, as the liquid fell drop by drop, a second hole in the pavement grew perceptibly. Dissolving the material used to bind the mineral aggregate, appar ently was responsible for the crum bling away of the newly laid surfacing AT THE HOTELS Pilot Itutte Inn. K. P. Cecil, Portland; J. A. Kissel. Portland; Charles A. Boles. Port land: E. W. Montgomery. Portland: F. Bishop. Portland; Frank Rogers, East Aurora, N. Y.; C. Burrell, Jr.. Portland; A. P. Vogel. Portland; O. L. Boilers. Seattle; William A. Healy. Portland; D. D. Kay. Portland; Ken Gyerset, Chicago; A. E. Benson, Portland; Paul J. Brattain, Jr., Pais ley; Tom Brattain, Paisley; Edward Lewis. Walla Walla; Ray Entler, I The Dalles; N. W. McEachern. The! Dalles; E. T. Burch, Portland; Edythe E. Babcock, Madras; Erma ' Laird, Madras. Hotel Coxy. W. H. Garrett, Portland; A. Cetx laff. La Pine; A. W. Gowan. Burns; J. C. Sevslk. Burns: John Haynes. ONE ELEVEN Cigarettes To tell you of the enre In blending to boccos for ONE-ELEVEN Cigarettes would be high ly Interesting But-Just buy a package and kfindout. , GMrt. y SAYS GRANT OF WATER UNWISE AI'I'l.K'ATKIN OK V It. till.HON IT MNt'K MAY, 11)11), KKIAINK OK HtltKlATION NKKDM, CI'ITKK VYItlTKM. Further confirmation of the t u t -inent by the Peaohute board, that Mayor E. 1). GlUon nan no rights on Spring river, milking It Inipoanlble. for til m to furnUh Spring river wa iter to lie ml. according to the turnn of his franchise, which will be voted on hore Tueaduy, Is contained III a letter from Mate Kna-lneer Perry A. Cupper, written on June 1 to J. II. .Miner, of this city. "Ou May 22. 1919. Mr. E. I). CS 11- on filed application No. 6635, cov ering the appropriation of 111 2 seronil X feet from IIiIh lit renin fur power unit uoiiiemic Mii'ionna, under willed It la proponed to deliver water to the) city i of llenil," Mr. Cupper writes. "This J application In still pending In title of- I fieri, being held In ulioy iiticn. dun to 4 IIih fact that Spring river Is loratud t w ii ii in ine iieuiiiiiii runs reservoir Mile, and It is (leeineil unwind to au- f prove ine unuiiriiiio n u me iienimin Kit 1 In reservoir is to be constructed. The application is therefore before . the office without any action buying been taken." . llnmatltt'liliig and plrot edge, silk and riiltnn, 10 emits per yard. Mrs. J. I,. Tucker, 739 Wall strent. Phone !It-J. Hl-3 IN CAHK OK AIX'IHKNT Travelers' accident policies pny doctors' bills and for loss of time. You may be uutt. J. O. Rhodes. lCltfo S Bulletin Want Ads bring results u 7 them. Tut II In The Ilullrtln. Kent; Durrel Haynes, Kent. Wright Hotel. 11. C. Grogan, Sinters; John W. Heard, Heppner; E. 8. Cr Idler. Mountain Home. Idaho; John Duffel. Seattle; J. S. Cranor, Alturas, Cat.; J. F. Klncaid, Pendleton; Ruy Bow man, Pendleton. Downing Hotel. Ned W. Down. 8. P. A S.; W. A., Carmog. S. P. & 8.; W. H. Howard,1 Silver Lake: Jeff Howard. Sliver ; Lake; T. J. La Brie. Silver Lake; F. ! II. Trimble and wife, Portland; K. G. Vawter. Portland; E. J. Smith.! Portland; G. C. Ayres, Missoula; Helen Hamilton and sister. Port- land. I NOT JUST MEAT BUT MEAT! it O DONNELL BROS. Ii iiunnR::nn:nnn:n:sH::u:n:un:nn:inansntnni:tit;m All Radiators Repaired. Rebuilt, Recored New Ford Guarantee! Radiator; yon ran freeao tlirra up but you can't burnt them. Stop thow lenky rear wheel with C. A M. Oil Retainer for Korl cars and trucks. Langbeln Auxiliary Tranamlaslon for Kurd cars and tracks. Auto & Radiator Shop 118 IKVINfl AVK. Phone Dlark 2HHI; Ilea, lllack 1721 THIS IS THE BIG DAY jEYSTONE ERR ACE BEGINS TO MOVE TODAY SELECT YOUR LOT EARLY Large Lots at Bargain Prices ! TERMS--$10 Down and $5 per month IMPORTANT Discount for Cash to take advantage of Our Bonus To Builders You must buy your lot within 90 days. You can build any time within a year. Talk to Your Own Broker Bend Investment Co. 820 WALL STREET COMMUNICATIONS. HOTEIj ow ner praises water To the Editor: If some of these people who are making such a fuss about Bend water could hear the re marks of strangers In a public din ing room, they would certainly have ' to take a back seat. Invariably they remark about the good, clear water and, think of it, -cold enough with; out ice until the first of June and, some seasons, until the first of July! By using clean, clear glasses the writer has always been proud to serve this water to the public. Oma ha, Neb., uses Missouri river water. Thing of the comparison. MRS. J. S. SMITH, Cojy Hotel. MEMORIAL CANNON FOR POST ARRIVES Tho memorial cannon, which the city applied for some time ago on be half of Percy A. Stevens post, Amerl con Legion, arrived by freight yes terday from Fort Stevens and will be moved tomorrow morning to the grounds of the fire house, where it will be kept temporarily. Legion volunteers to asjist in moving are re quested to meet at the fire bouse at FIRST ANNUAL SPRING MEET RECALLS TIMES AND FEATS OF EARLY DAYS ROUND-UP! Antelope, Ore., Junie 16-19 1'iesented by the Promoter of tho AntHopr "tttiimprwlc" which Iihh been a timml HurrrsN rarh year from Html to llnlhll. $1,500.00 in Prizes and Purses! Full Racing Program At this Hoimd-1'p will lie Twenty of the worst Rucking Horse In KiiHtrrn Oregon. Something doing all the time. Dancing and Hliows Every .Mglil. All Lawn In Antelope will be open to Cuinpi'm. For farther Information whirrs nil communication to Henry Htevenxon, promoter, Mitchell, Oregon, or Hilly Itay, mummer, Hend, Oregon. An American Worker's Creed "The Company for which I work la a mighty good em ployer anil I think any employe who haan't an Interest In thn auccnta of his employer ought to quit or get tired. My Idea la that when a man aella his arrvlrra to an employer, he aella hi loyally at thn aame time. If he ran'l le loyal and give the Ixft that la In him, he ought not to work for thut particular employer. Ily being loyal I don't menu that one ha to be a toady, or that he ha to loan any of hi Independence. The moat loyal may be the mot Independent, anil Uhiuilly la." The Shevlin-Hixon Company rnifminnnmnnKmmmmMmmntHnMm ;mu:tu:miiiunnimtHuumtrmtirmiiwttutnuxi.utu CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET unrtninmnr m """"""f'Tfl j The commercial world is standing on the foundation of credit. Every individual is a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to nay his honest obligations, he makes it impossible for some one else to meet theirs, therefore it is extremely vital that" each and every one see to it that we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scanlon Lnmber Co. minimi i mimiuiii nil m t m m ' ii.inmmniiiini"tiirififitf "