PAGE a THK MKX1) llVM.KTIX, PAII.Y KDITION, 11KNI, OKKtJON, WKDNKNDAV. MAX ffll, lOtfl. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION PaatBakatf Er Afltnon Kirrpt ana'a?, Uj Th Baas' Hallalln (latarparal') Butarad u Second Clua mmtrr January V IS17. at tka Poat Onto at Band. Oraa-oa. aaaW Act ol Mare . IK. ROFKRT W. SAWYER Edltor-Manaxar HENRY N. FOWLER Awntiat Kdltor 0. H. SMITH AdvartlaiM Manaxar Aa InaWpandant Nawspapar. atandin for ato aquara daal. clean biwincaa. elran politic ad ta beat InteraaU at Band and Central Oraaxm. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES B MaU Om Yaar M Biz Month Tkraa Moatha IW Br Carrier Ou Tear tM Bil Montba On Month All aahacrlptiona ara dua and TAYAHLE Of ADVANCE. Notice of expiration are aaailed aubaeribrra and If renewal ia n4 M within reasonable time the paper will B diacontinued. Pleaaa aodly na promrtlr of any rhanre f addreea. or of failure to reeelva the paper namlarlr. OtherwtM we will not b la epooaihl for copiea mined. Make all cheek and order parable lo TV Bend Bulletin. WEDNESDAY. MAY 25, 1921. We know nowadays that even a universal education supplies only the basis (or healthy republican state. Next to education there must come abundant, prompt, and truthful information of what is going oh in the state, and frank and free discussion of the issues of the times." II. G. Wells. "The put line of History." SPECULATION Not long ago an oil stock salesman came to Bend to dispose of his wares. Shortly after his arrival we reprint ed an editorial from a Texas newspa per advising against the purchase of oil stocks. After reading this the salesman complained to an acquaint ance of our action and charged that we had printed this warning because he had failed to purchase advertising space in The Bulletin. If the gentleman had been reading The Bulletin for the past few years he would have seen with more or less frequency warnings against specula tive investments. He would have seen repeated urging that those who had savings to invest either buy gov ernment securities, or consult their bankers as to the stocks or bonds to be bought. Having seen these, he would have known that the matter reprinted from the Texas paper was no incidental attack on him, but simply a part of our campaign on be half of wise investments. Millions have been made in oil speculation and other millions have been lost. If you have money to spare and can afford to lose it, it may be all right for you to speculate. Unless you can lose without feeling it, however, it is best not to specu late. And that is just what the pur chase of most oil stocks is specula tion, not Investment. Investment presupposes some assurance of re turn; speculation may mean return and it may mean loss, probably the latter. And right now, by the way, is rath er a poor time to be sending money away from Bend for speculation. Attractive Prices Used Cars We stand bark of oxrd Ford cars Just as we do a new one. We could not afford to sell yon a "lemon," and In buying our used Fords yon do not buy a bunch of trouble. Ford Roadster, $425.00 h fully equipped for a rom merrlal car has a delivery body and is waiting to get on some good rnstomers' mote and make money for you. We regard it an special value. , Ford Roadster (Icpkr) $375.00 This rar In tip-top shape- completely overhauled. Is just the ticket for buslne car, and the saving It would make you on your big car, to make short trips over Indifferent streets and roads, would show yon a . real profitable Invest ment every month. Ford Tearing (Regular) $465.00 This car looks like a new one nnd having Just been over hauled hy us, is worth as much to you in service as a new one. Ford Touring (Regular) $415.00 Here Is another splendid valun, and witli our knowledge of Ford cars to support your purchase, you are taking no chance. Our expert experience In Ford equipment enables us to KNOW we do not sell you guesses." We have Hl'PKRIOH 8TOB AfJK facilities at no higher cost than for Indifferent quar ters. Central Oregon Motor Co. PHONE 20-W Bond Greenwood Bend RipplingRhumos A n. T wl f Vat Mason False Teeth My new false teeth are now in place, and they fill out the sunken face that lately I have worn ; as substitutes they're a success, and yet I wearily -confess that man was made to mourn. There is no perfect bliss below; behind each joy there is a woe, behind each smile a tear; my teeth are always lost, by jing, and I will have to get a string and tie them to my ear. I take them from their dread abode while I compose a stirring ode, to gain the poet's wreath; and then the dinner horn is blown, and I exclaim, with throbbing moan, "Where are those dad-blamed teeth?" An absent-minded gent I am; I can't remember worth a yam the things I should recall; I'm always losing fountain pens,- and pins and pups and setting hens, my watch and tennis ball. But somehow I could plug away "when all these things were gone astray, and many more beside; I'd get me other pins and pups and fountain pens and mustache cups, and let the lost ones slide. But I put up some fierce harangues when I have lost my priceless fangs, all shiny, white and new; until they're found I cannot eat the large and luscious joint of meat, or anything but stew. Alas, there is no perfect bliss in such a tinhorrr world as this, on such a misfit sphere; my ding-donged teeth are lost again, and when they're found I'll get a chain and chain them to my ear. Record of Transfers rUHNISHKb BY TUB DESCHUTrS ABSTRACT COMPANY. Until It Overt urt to Ttnwi'iiu M Mo duli, lot 11, blk 28. Park add; 10. Ilruoks Seanlim Lumber Co to Asa Itylund, lot 8, blk 19, Deschutes; (J. U S to UuHtavus Collins,' KH of SWV. and lot S, 4, 7: Kli of NW V.. lots 1, 8, l8-2i-23; patent. Carl N Enrol to J A Elliott, lota S, 6. blk IS; 1. V S to State of Oregon. N ' of 8K V. sec 11; NV4 of NW",. 35-14-11: lot 2, sec 7; 8Vi of NW'i. "c 8; NK', of HE'4. 18-1(11; patent. rliulo of Oreaon lo II V Artlery; N K'i of NE. KV of NIC1. 36-17-12; deed. lliilletiu Want Atls bring reaulls tiy Ihem. Bavsn Quart of Wattr Falsi, Nome yenra stfci u,.(. ICiiKtlxlimen, on a waiter, derided lo teal their wafer rtrliikiiiii powers. Thu m liuior stvul liitvcd twelve tinirls. the aectind drunk iilliu quiii'la. niul I he lh'r.1 ciiiihiiiiiimI re i'ii iiu.nta.' Uimhi after ttiulr remnm sliln foul. liMWever, llit-y each died. tl" KimitittinmnMimmiHitmtmmmmttmimuutitmimum When we wrote yesterday of the town rumor monger and suggested the possibility of starting a column in which to deny the daily lie, we hardly supposed it would be neces sary to begin it so soon. Now will some one tell us who started the Ochoco story? Along with the dally lie column we should like to establish a score sheet, so that if more than one Is engaged in the manufacture of rumor It will be possible to keep a comparative efficiency record. , The Chicago Tribune is using a slogan, "1921 will reward fighters." The question is, which one, Dempsey or Carpentier? CAMPAIGN FOR BOND ISSUE IS CLUB PROGRAM (Continued from Page 1.) unanimously supporting the bond Is sue, various possible objection were discussed and answered by members of the road committee and other members. "This bond Issue would benefit the finances of the county," said Vlnal, in response to N. H. Gilbert's objection that the coanty is now in an unsound financial condition, there being no market for warrants. Mr. Vinal stated that many of the war rants outstanding were for road j maintenance, which will be lessened if state, cooperation is secured. The proposed highway construction Is not to be financed on warrants, but on bonds, he pointed out. ourt to tiive Statement. Mr. Ellis stated that he believed the bond Issue would pass if state co operation were assured. X. O. Jac ohson, a member of the special com mittee which circulated petitions for the bond election, urged that the club carry a campaign to the outlying dis tricts. "Nobody will oppose the issue who Is correctly Informed regarding it," he stated. On motion of D. O. McPherson, the club unanimously voted to support the bond issue, and authorized the appointment of a special committee to carry on a campaign. U. Antles announced that a state ment from the county court, giving its view of the Importance 'of the bond Issue, together with a statement of the highway situation in the coun ty, was ready for publication. "If we do not get the appropriation now, it will be two years before It can be offered again," he stated, adding that state maintenance of the roads thus built would offset the amount necessary to retire the bonds. Bend Garage Co. SELLING Buick Removing Paint From Wood. To rid room of bud wlor give it a coat of piiinl or varulxu. If a dead rat or nioue causes the trouble the odor will Inst until the llltle crcuttire Is entirely dried up. Lye will take off paint but would Injure the wood for applying paint to later. L's a paint remover bou.-ht at a paint shop. Uousewlfe. AND Chevrolet Automobiles AND Goodyear Tires Phone 193 Wall Street 100 CENTS! WORTH OF VALUE FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT WITH US! Men's Overalls at Men's Work Pants at Men's Heavy Corduroy Pants at Men's Lijrht Weight Unions at Men's Solid leather Outing Shoes at Men's Cloth Work Hats at Men's Canvas Gloves at Men's Khaki and Whipcord Riding Breeches at Men's $13.00 leather Vests at Men's Work Sox at 95c and $1.1 5) $2.4.r) .., $3.95 98c ...$3.25 ... 95c ... 10c $3.15 .$7.95 . 10c THE HUB SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY tsmmmmmnmmammmtmmu. LAST CHANCE IT Contest closes today at 5 p. m. Winners will be announced tomorrow at 10 a. m. Cut out this coupon and mall or bring It lo our offlre before S p. m., on May tHh. No L i ii:m) invkmtmknt company (KM Wall Street, fiend Name ...... Address My guess of the proper words for the name of Ilend'a Newest Addition Is Hate Note: Write or print coupons not written lenlbly will be thrown out. BEND INVESTMENT COMPANY w",fk (Sole Agents for The Central Oregon Associates) (If no correct guesses are received, the prise money will be turned over to the Gymnasium fund). . These Better Tiree Are Now Lower Priced Two important factors underlie the remark' able values now offered in Goodyear Tires and Tubes. One is the many improvements made in them during the past few months; the other is the price reductions we have just put into effect. A conspicuous example of the values now to be had in Goodyear Tires is our clincher type 30x3 Vi-inch Goodyear Cord Tire. This first quality product one of the most du rable and efficient tires wc ever built can be bought today from Goodyear Service Station Dealers for only $24.50 GOODYEAK TlRH StRUBIJEIt COMPANY of California , Tread Fabric Catm a, 1 J-abrBI C..,n. 'ID 215 JOl!6 r.ovy Tourist Tub, $12 In Waiterproof ba J a?0J!4 RvsuLtr Tub.. 1$ The National Forests are the source of the streams which supply domestic and irrigation water to millions of people. Destruction of these forests by fire means less water for home and farm use. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. I iwmimiiimimmnntiiimHimffliu uuuuuaaus nauaiu)uiuiumiiimiuiiimrmn.riiinnniuiimiiiiiiiiiinmtiiitttir.m.mi. rHimmrnnmninrn Show others how lo make camp fires safe. .r You know. The Shevlin-Hixon Company ypnynmawiuaritmrretttumuiimimimimirtKireiiiia