The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 16, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAGE a
lesson. Communion at 11 a. m.;
Christian Endeavor at 6: SO p. m. J.
It. Johnson will preach morning mid
evening. Ail are rordiully invited
to attend these services.
has Mod notice of Intention to muke
three year Proof, to establish claim
to the I ii ml above described, before
II. I'. Kills, V. 8. CnmnilHsliiner, at
Bond, Oregon, on the 17th day of
.May, 1921.
fliilmniit name as witnesses:
Egbert I.. Dyer. Charles II. Haines.
Oils C. Ilenkln, lliirt Davis, ull of
lleuil, Oregon.
100 IMH-JM-JOp lteiclsler.
(By Mrs. L. W. Gatrncll Phone Black HUH)
Natal far aaMlratba la tK atrial rlwa la Um gatara'ar bm af Tka Balktla mmt
M a Ml lalar Uaa t:li cWck aa Uw Iwmm af IM aa aranaias.
One of the most pleasant social, Honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith
events of the week occurred at the Mr- n.d Mr- Harold Cow lea eutcr-
lained last evening with a card and
home of Mrs. J. 11. Melster on Wed
nesday evening, when Mrs. Meister
entertained the members of the Wed
nesday Bridge club and their hus
bands. Eight tables accommodated
the guests, who enjoyed the popular
game until a late hour, when the
names of Mrs. H. K. Brooks, Carl A.
Johnson, and Mrs. E. L. Vinal were
announced as prise winners. A de
licious luncheon was served.
a a a
The Bend lodge of Elks held a
most enjoyable social night Tuesday
evening. Dancing and cards are the
diversions on such occasions, which
are growing in social favor.
The Episcopal guild met yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emma
Wilson and Mrs. W. D. Barnes,
where 25 members spent the after
noon in filling the many orders for
needlework which were received at
the recent sale put on by the guild.
At the usual hour a light luncheon
was served. The guild will meet
again next Thursday afternoon at the
borne of Mrs. Horace Richards on
232 Congress street, when Rev.
George B. Van Waters of Portland
will be present and preside at the
annual election of officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Forrest and
daughter Rosina and Dr. and Mrs. L.
W. Gatchell drove to the Powell
Butte community ball Sunday morn
ing, where they attended an 11
o'clock service at which the Method
ist choir of Redmond, under the di
rection of Paul Irvin. superintendent
of the Redmond schools, gave the
oratorio "The Redemption." The
chorus work ably reflected the abil
ity of Mr. Irvin as a director and
solos by Miss Grace Sherwood, head
of the music department of the Red
mond school, were particularly pleas
ing. The choir, which is a well bal
anced group of 22 voices, bas given
several sacred concerts.
Fololwing the concert the ladies of
Powell Butte community served a
bountiful dinner.
Mrs. Carl A. Johnson delightfully
entertained the members of the Bend
Study club Friday afternoon of last 1
week with a bridge party. Follow-1
Ing the afternoon's play, the names!
of Mrs. G. A. Horstkotte and Mrs.
'Charles Hayes were announced as
prize winners. A delicious two
course luncheon was served. A pleas
ing feature of the occasion was the
' presence of Mrs. J. C. Vandevert,
who bas just returned from a several
month' visit at Tucson, Ariz.
dancing party at their home at 910
Delaware street. Throughout the
home and in the serving of light re
freshments a color scheme of green
and white was tastefully carried out
Those enjoying the evening's pleas
ure were: Misses Edith Southworth
Evelyn Carlson, Emma Brock. Tressa
Benson: Messrs. Gene Comstock and
Merle Moore: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cowles.
Miss Margaret Burns of Portland
Is visiting at the home of her sister.
Mrs. H. D. Hamilton.
Mrs. H. K. Brooks entertained the
Girls' Friendly society at the Episco
pal church and their friends last eve
ning with dancing party at which
52 young people enjoyed the hospi
tality of the Brooks home.
Mrs. Charles W. Erskine entertain
ed a small group of friends yesterday
with an afternoon tea for the pleas
ure of Mrs. Mary Smith and daugh
ter. Miss Mildred, of Portland, who
are the house guests of Mrs. Charles
a a a
In celebration of their 10th wed
ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
R. Prince entertained Tuesday eve
ning with a card and dancing party.
A pleasant remembrance of the
occasion for Mr. and Mrs. Prince will
be the presentation of a beautiful sil
ver platter by the circle of friends
present at the affair.
m m m
The Methodist Missionary society
met Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. John Newby.
a a a ,
The Sunshine club held Its regular
meeting this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy, where the
time was spent in the usual manner.
The work of the club Is along char
itable lines and on this occasion the
afternoon was spent In sewing for a
family living near Bend which recent
ly suffered the loss of their home and
all Its contents by fire.
Flint Lutheran 8. A. Slcnseth,
pastor. All services at the usual
hours Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a.
m.; preaching. 11 a. m. In English,
subject. "Everlasting Life." In the
evening at 7:30 o'clock the pastor
will give hia second sermon concern
ing heaven. These questions will be
auswered: "Is there a heaven?
Where!" This service will be con
ducted in the Norwegian language.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Lutheran church met Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Brevold on Delaware avenue. About
50 members and friends were pres
ent. It was decided to have a soring
sale the last part of May or first of
June. It was also decided to give a
social at the church Thursday eve
ning. April 21, at 7:30 o'clock. Lunch
wll be served for 25 cents.
The next regulnr meeting of the
society will be held In church May
5. In the evening. Strangers are spe
cially invited to all our meetings.
Good programs will be given and '
rnml hnla.iima f . . . I .... .1 . 1. ''
" ..... v ...... . . v 1 IIU m (.
jght Opera Company
Episcopal Sunday school. 10:30
a. m., at Satlier's hall.
MethodM Episcopal J. Edgar
Purdy, pastor. Dr. George B. Van
Waters will preach at a union serv
ice of the .Methodist and Episcopal
congregations tomorrow evening at
30 o'clock. In the Little Brown
Church. Other services at the reg
ular hours.
From tne Saxon,
Wife snd woman spring from the
same source, both being derived from
the Saioo "wefnn." Danish "voeve"
to weave, one who works at the dis
taff. Dryden referred to Queeo Anne
as "a distaff on the throoe." From
the same Idea springs our word spin
ster spplled to an unmarried woman.
While a woman was still spinning her
wedding clothes sde was simply a
tploster; when she hod finished snd
was married she became a wife who
bad already woven ber allotted task.
JJfjk Mi t p
1 Htm b,iVM2V vM
aaft ttV!Y tea
Department of the Interior, V. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore.,
April 6. 1921.
Notice Is hereby given that John
M. Loewen, of Bend. Oregon, who,
on June 25, 1917, made Homestead
Entry No. 019018 and on Nov. 21,
1919. Ad. II. E. No. 019019. for all
of Section 14, Township 19 South,
Range 15 East. Willamette Meridian.
OfTerino; jjoms from .the best known Operas
In introductory Concert, and
for the balance of the Evening, with music by the entire Hand.
They're all included in the cost of a ticket, whether it's a season
or single admission.
Come early, for there are no reservations and there's jjoinjj
to be a capacity crowd.
Doors Open at 7:30 O'clock
St the
The guild of the Presbyterian
church met Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. O. C. Henkle on
Georgia avenue. There was good
attendance and the time was pleas
antly spent In the usual manner, with
needlework and conversation. At
the close of the afternoon light re
freshments were served by the host
ess, assisted by Mrs. Chester Gaines.
a a
Many Bend residents motored over
to Prineville Sunday, where they
viewed the Ochoco dam and marveled
at the sight of the great storage of
water which is soon to be released
for Irrigation purposes and which
will make fertile thousands of acres
of land. The project will furnish
water for 22,000 acres.
a a a
Friends of O. A. Thorson will be
glad to know that be has found a
place in musical circles in Portland.
He is singing In two of the Portland
churches and is a member of the
Elks' quartet of that city. Mrs.
Thorson and two daughters will Join
Mr. Thorson In June, following the
close of the school term.
Episcopal Dr. George B. Van Wa
ters, archdeacon of the Episcopal dio
cese of eastern Oregon, will preach
at a union service of the Episcopal
and Methodist congregations at the
"Little Brown Church" on Sunday
evening, April 17, at 7:30 o'clock. A
series of lectures, to which the p'b
lic is Invited, will be given bv Dr.
Van Waters In tbe Methodist church ,
on Monday, Tuesday and Wedne3lay
evenings. April It, 19 and 20, f rom
8 to 9 o'clock. Subject. "The Old 1
Testament In the Light of Modern
Scholarship and Genetic Psychology."
Baptist Bible school, 9:45 a. m.;
divine worship, 11 a. ra. Evangelist
Milo Bentley will preach, theme, "Re
vivals; young people's meeting, 6:30
p. m.; evangelistic service, 7:30 p.
m., Milo Bentley in charge. Special
music and message. All are cordial
ly invited. Strangers always welcome.
1iuroh of Chruit Bible school at
10 a. m. It takes the hammer of
practice to drive tbe nail of precept.
The best way to learn to do things is
to do them. Knowing bow Is good;
trying Is better, but "putting it
over is tbe best of all. One hun
dred per cent is putting it over In our
efficiency contest. Every scholar en
rolled present with Bible and studied j
Our Latest Big Offer!
Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered
from our selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for
$25.00 and upwards
Hundreds of patterns to select from.
DICK-The Tailor
The Sturdiest, Most Durable
Car In It's Price Class
Ask Any Owner
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