i TTIH BKNO IJlXtiKTIN, DAILT EDITION, BKlfl), OltKOO!. MATl IUAY, A Pit Hi 0. 1021. PACiK 5. HKND Tit A IN rKHKIMI4C Orrgon Trunk Arrive, 7:86 A. M. Luth, 1:00 P. U. O..W. It. N. Arrive. 0:60 P. U. liavM, 7:00 A. M. LOCALJNEWS ITEMS A. M. I'rlnitlii rl nrnml IIiIn morn ing from 1'orilninl. Mr. K. Jom-a wa a luinKi-iiKt-r to l.kki'vli'W till iiiumlnx. Kruiik Hlnixrurk ni1 fniiillyninv"I ymlprday to tlwlr huiiti'nlrad above 1. Pin. Minn (1. A. HlnrlliK, of lliiriin, Iail tlirniiKli lli'tul )ilficlu' on Imr way In Portland. Mr. J. ( llvnilnrann, of llrl liinnil. annul ycatnrday In IIi-iiiI. ' vlnlllOK Hh frliinl. Mr. K. W. Alli'll Ml Iiih) iilkhi fur Trary. Minn. rllil tlii-io dy thii lllni' of Imr imil Imr. Di'urliutc Nniloiuil r'nt Nuiwr vlnor II I- I'luiiili I'd Hi in iniiriilni on ml nirii'lul trlu In Klt-r. I'mntt-iiKtirii for KImiunIIi KnIIh IIiIn morning (2 K. Kiillivuii. ll V lllrhardxin, II. Wulkor unci V. Mil l-f. Walii-r (I. Coomli ami Hay Jrk mm of lli" HfiiJ KnruK" n-lurnril llil" niornlii from rortlmid. driving lo new llulrk rar. Tim 'nlhollc Imllri hold rrd party nl Urn KnlgliU of Oilum Imi club ruom Monday tilglit. Tim nubile I lnvlli-d. (ii'imml Huirlnln1i'iil K. II ! of Thn rihnvllnllUon Company. I rtpM-lml tu arrlva In lli-nd noun on tour of limpm'tloii. l Dr. It. A. I'amona, lnx-tor for Ilia bureau of animal Induatry, lf I (hi afternoon for I'owoll Hull, ri lining In return tonight. Mr. nd Mr. Grant Roup movrd loday to thnlr Uintiirr homr, Dm road houu brlonglng to lh-m on tlm road bnlwinn I. Pin and Crrwrnt J. I Corum. ahwnman of Hllv-r ljika, In Itond tndar on till lo Madra. where hn upwli In ar range for herp paalur for 111-) um mer. K. K Hem. of ToppenUh. Vah . who baa been buying rerllfted i-d potatoea In llind for evi-ral day, returned laat night to hla bom at ToppenUh. (lonlon II. Jona, of Jone llrllnnlng. belting mnnilfarluri-ra. a, who w In lli-nd yrterday on hl annuel aalea lour, l-fl laat nliihl fur Portland. George Klokon la bfglnnlng Hi-' construction of a new bou lo r plaf that burned to the gruund lnl GRAND SUNDAY ONLY BESSIE BARRISCALE IN The Luck of Geraldine Laird Fiom lh iloT by Katlilwa Noirit You know there U an old saying: There arc just three things that happen to one in this life: You are born ; . You get married ; And you die. After you are married you might just as well die. That is for men. . What about the wo men? ; v " ' .,; SEE THIS PICTURE! woi-k, on Hid auniii alio, 103H Mll-wauki-ii avonuo. Minn f Irnly llurlon, who hu lii-nn n-alitliig In 1 'ir I In till for aoinn Hum, will r.-lilrn In lli-nd thn IuIIit purl of iii-I wi-i-k, in rord Iiik lo word receiv ed Ihtii by friend". Ml Kuan Hi-IiikoIiI, who him hi-i-n vlnlilng I n-1 hnil hi-r. Hurry I(IiikoIiI. miiI aldinr, Mr. Kntl I I'eurl, tor two wi-i-ka, ii-liirni'd hint nlxht lo hi-r lioiiin In I'liriliiiiil. I'liuiliiH K. Uulki-r, KnviTiiini-iit iiiiIiii.iIUuIIiiii examiner, left for I'm I lu li il In hi nlxbl ufinr roniili-llng tliu Muiiihiullnii of u ji I Iru u t biiforn tliH tlnull i-oiirl i-li-nluy. Ill liiHdiiiurlim urn In H.-uillii. K: V. .Mrl'ny ha lnuacd lb front purl of A. J. Turki-r' bop on (irni-n-wood avi-min mid will do auto top and body work. Iln wa fonm-rly pinployi-d ut thla work by Mr. Turki-r, purrhni'liiK hi aiork thl wei-k. Mr. and Mr. T. A. Mnt'ann ri iiirm-il Ihl iniirnlng from I'ortlund, whi-r tiny aili-mli-d a whool pro gram lu whb h tln-lr iluiiKhti-r, Kllza-lii-tb, look pnrt Mr. MiCuiin went i-nt to a liitnbi-i iimn' riihn.nl Inn aoiim 1 1 m uko, n lunihiK by wuy of I'ortlund. Ilrliiar In your koduk and b-t u rli-un llm i-i and ai-s thai II la n-udy lo luk good plrturi-a. Tbo i-rvlca la fur. Hyinoii llro. Ad. 4 '.life At The Hotels I'llut llniii- Ion. Knd K. Ili-iiabaw, J. II. Cuviin augh, li ('. Ili-nny, I'. Ilnthi-rton, lii-nigK H. 1'i-uiaoii, Porlliiud; Mia J. Kti-rllng. IturiiH; Mr. Klorimr Jmma, t'orvallla, Mi ('. M. I.uurlih, I'urtlund; Klini-r Wllllama, Portland: II V. Imnii, Portland; Tbi-odore W. Tucki-r. Spukunn; J I). Corum. Hll-i-r l.uki-; Mr. H. T. Pallitrami, Warm hprlnga; Mr. William Drown hill, Warm Kprlnga; Mia 8. Itundull. Warm Kprluga; H. A. ('brlaii-niu-n, Mudru. l ory lintel. W. K. irumnmr. The I)ntl.-; L. 8. t'oio-ttl, HKikane. Vr((til lloti-l. Mary I.. Itoaln. Mlllcan; II. K llutrhlnaon, Hi-altln; W. Drown, Portland; J. W. Allen and eon, Port land. The Vilonry. "John, do you er play card for oimiryT" "No, Diy 1-r ; I aoinvllinri think I do. but It' aluaya the oiher nmn who ili II I LIBERTY TONIflHT AND SUNDAY and Sunday Matinee White -Hot Love tid Hitler Hate in the Sun-Dliatrred Tropica PASSION FRUIT Starring DOMLDM riw World' Mort Famoui Dane I.nj baro the turbulrnt pan alon Hint aurgo bpnrnth thn languoroii life In the land of tropical moonlight and flower. Added Attraction HUSTER KEATON Star of "One Week," in "THE SCARECROW Thoro'a ninny a bird would laugh itmlf to (loath If It had to look at aa comical a owe crow ax Btiater Keaton In hi latent rorordy. RECOVERY FROM FIRE IS RAPID (;T.OItK MOTOIt t'tOIPANY WM TO IKI TI'V HHU'O.MI AH Will, AM UlthT HAHUl OK FOX lit II.DINtJ ON IIIIMI, Itupld ri-covory from th effect of ono of the moat dlnalrou flr In the blnlory of llm city hu been made In leaa than a year by the Cent-Ore Motor Co., agent for the Ford car, and the company la now ready to ex tend II bundle to the Ki-cond floor, of the tone garage building on Doud atrnet owned by lon I, fox. When changi-a In the building to allow for thl have been made, thn rear Hectlon of the ground floor will be uited for aloruge, thn machine and repair hop occupying tlio econd floor. Car will reuch (lie aecond atory by an In clined runwuy aturtlng from the llond alreet entruuee. A number of alteration are alito planned In Hie IjiihIiii-hh office, Htnte J. I.. Vuu lluffi-l, uiuiiiiger. That aertlon of the flrnl floor uxed for of ficii purpoiu- will he "double-decked" lo allow greater economy of apace. Joe Albright ha the contract for the work. Mr. Vn lluffi-l reported yeterday I hut one unsold cur now remain In the garage. The effect of the win GRAND MONDAY AND TUESDAY Matinee Both Days ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN The Daughter Pays HERBERT RAWLINSON in "OUTLAWS OF THE DEEP" A Mory taken from the cx-perk-nce of Wm. J. Klynn, former chief of thn I'nlled Nlatin Secret tM-rvlcp, Permanent Comforts Instant light clear, glowing or sub dued, by simply pressing a button there's comfort and enjoyment for the whole family ! The practical conveniences of the elec tric sweeper, washer, iron, fan, grill, etc, eliminate the monotonous drudgery of housework and make for domestic hap piness. We will gladly plan the wiring of your home for this electric service, on any scale that you desire. We will suggest the ways to provide for the gradual use of more and more of the many electric labor sav ing devices. You will eventually want a completely electrified home. We 11 show you how to make the right start. "Do It Electrically" Bend Water, Light & Power Company ter hutdown at the factory are Juat becoming manlfet here and the Kurd waiting lit may again come into be ing thl mimmi-r, be believe. HERMAN WHIPPED HY LIGHTER MAN Tu kin Count of Vine Twice In Itoul Willi l-ce Amli-nxin .law Itroken, Jimmy Ilrenton iel I (raw. (Dr UaltMl Vtmm loTh ftrml BoIWtla) POKTI.ANO, April 9. The bout between Lee Andemon, 173 pound, and Tiny Herman. 194 pound, here lat night reaulted In the jlmoat to tal annihilation of Herman. He took the count of nine twice In the fifth round. Claire Dromeo defeated R mley Willi at 13 S pound, and Mickey Dempaey defeuted Kid Martin, feath erweight. Jimmy Ilrenton fought Hilly Kyan a four-round draw at 122 pound. Ilrenton' Jaw was broken In the aecond round. GRAND TONIGHT LAST TIME REX BEACH'S Powerful Story "The NorthWind's Malice" A Mighty Drama of The Romantic North The Res Ileau-h amaeh b evident la every foot of thl wonderful Mory of the gold field of Abseka. TONIGHT IS YOl It LAST C HANCE MOOSE LYCEUM TO CLOSE NEXT WEEK Course Will Knd Wednewla)- Night Willi Presentation of The Colonial I'lnyer at The l.lliei-fy Theater. Cloning It 1920-21 lyceum num ber the Ilend lodge of Mooe will present the Colonial Player at the Liberty theater on Wednesday eve ning, April 13, It I announced. An nnuKiial evening' entertainment I promlned, a the four composing the troupe are skilled musician. In ad dition to being talented actor. A varied musical progra-n featur ing the song of the 18th and 19th centuries will be given In the first part of the entertainment, and In the aecond part, a one-act play of the colonial day will be. offered. Making Good On Our Slogan , THAT'S WHAT SYMONS BROS. OF THE CEN TRAL PHOTO CO., ARE DOING Four years ago, we started in the photo business in Bend. "In at one, at five they're done" was the guarantee under which work was taken and put out Our business grew rapidly, and soon we found that unless we were willing to sacrifice quality to speed we could not continue to make good on our slogan. This we were not willing to do, and our time guarantee was dropped. Improved Methods Are making it possible, however, for us to handle a much larger quantity of work with better results in less time. New equipment, the latest unit of which is an electric dryer, allows us to cut the entire operation of developing, printing, washing and drying to one hour and five minutes. Once more we can use our slogan and invite you to take advantage of our superior work and speed. "In at one, at five they're done." Symons Brothers The Central Photo Co. TACKLE lat Will Catch Hie Fish! A stock complete in every detail and everything new that is what you want New tackle that will not break with the first cast and spoil your trip. NEW TACKLE AT THE RIGHT PRICE Lines which sold last year for $3.50 cost you this year $2.00. Spinners and spoons are down too. Leaders arc reduced 25 to 40 per cent 15c Flics will cost you 10c. We also have everything else you will need for your trip. BUCHWALTER'S SPORT STORE "Where your trade is appreciated." . HOPES AROUSED BY DRIFTING BALLOON No Trace of Klvo Aeronaut Mown To Kea Two Week Ar,o Kouml Near Punama, However. ( H United f'rnu to Th BrtuJ Bullrtin.) PEN3ACOI.A, Fla., April 9. A balloon thought to be the one aboard which five aeronaut from the naval station bere were blown to tea two weeks ago, wa found flouting at sea 20 mile off Panama City. Fla., list night, according to a radio re port today. The balloon was picked up by a small boat and taken to Panama rilv XTa .-. r t IV. Mi.alnv hal I loonlst wa discovered. Put It In The Bulletin. O'laac hilding Mil It tie Casbnai Store most