THE BK!fD BUE.LKTI.1, DAILY KDITIO.H, BKifO, ORKOOS, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1021. PAGE B I BKM) THAI HCIIKDVLH Oregon Trunk Arrlrai, 7:86 A. M. Leave. 1:00 P. M. .-W. It. A N. Arrives, :B0 V, M. Leaves, 7:00 A. M. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Kri'il N. Wallurn uf Ttuiuilo la In din rliy toiluy. K. A. Kill hor wunt In l.iikuvlnw K ii tul u y on buxlimiM. K. A. Klllott of I'rlnrvlllo waa a ! iid vlnliur Kuturduy. Mr. and Mr. It. E. Miliar fip'-nt the wri'k-Kinl In Redmond. V. A. Aiidraon went to I'urllund Kulurday In urud wnnk. Krank MrCaffery of I'uwpII llutte apvnl Hal unlay In Hit) city. W. A. Hire went lo 1'iirtlunil last lilKliI lo spnnd few duya. I.. M. Hurt of I. I'lna wait busi ness visitor In Hi' ml Hulunlny. H. E. Loi-hrla was In town Hatur day from hU lintno Hi llrothi-rs. A. M. KniiKlr went to I'rluevllle Kuiuriluy iiIkIU lo spend a fnw.duys. Albert Aniiiuh went lo Portland iual nlKlit for a short visit with rein ilvra. N. ('. J mid went lo Tort laud Kui uriluy iiIkIiI, In be gone l or three months. Junii'ii Hhorl. who la working ul Iii ai liuli'n, iiiailu a short visit In lli'iid Kalurduy. J. J. McCuriliy went lo Portland Hulunlny nldit, expert I in to return Tuesday. C. A. Wilms, of Ilend went Inat light to l'o till llullr, where bo will ba employed. Malcolm V. Gilbert waa a paaarn ger lo Klamath Kalla on the stage ihla mornluit. O. A. Thorson wont lo Portland Ihla morning, esprrllng to ba none two weeks or longer. Hp. K. W. Illllla of the roinmun liy rhurrh at Tumato waa In Ilend Saturday, leaving that night for Mad raa. K I., ( lurk of La Plna went to Portland Katurday, whpra hla wife will undergo an operation Ihla wrrk. Krneat lleekman of Newport News, Va , who haa bc n looking at land In Ihla vlrlnlty, Inft Bulurdny night fur Aahland. Mra. J. Ikiute of N'pw York city la vlaltlng with Mlaa Jpaale Ilurlon. ar rl vlnac In llpnd Ihla morning for a ahort aUy. Mra. J. J. HoKan wpnt to Mndraa ihla mornlnc to complete photo graphic work for the Madraa lilKh chool annual. It. A. Stevena. Plievlln lllxon luth mill employe, wpnt to Portland Kui uriluy nlghl. called there by hla father' lllueaa. I). L. Calllrrale. Irrigation man for the C'oaat Culvprt A Flume Co.. waa In Ilend Katurday, returning I hut iilght to Portland. A bnby girl, weighing I V pound", waa born Sunday evening lo Mr. and 'Mr. Harney McKenile at the Moun tain View hnapltal. Mr. and Mra. Hruce Kmley of Prineville spent Hundny In Ilend. Mra. Enslay I on the editorial aluff of the Crook County Journal Mra. J. C. M C.Murray and children hate gone to Medford to realde, leav ing Katurday night. Mr. McMurray preceded them everal week ago. A. M. McKlnley, manager of the McKlnley-llampaon anwmlll. went to Portland laat night to purchase new engine for the mill at Willow Spring. Mr. 3. C. Vandevert returned thla morning from California, where aha haa apent several month. Dr Van devert met her In Portland on the return trip. Mr. J. J. Wohlenberg atartcd thia morning on a trip to California, where aha will apond six month vis iting In San Francisco, Monteroy and Santa Ilarbara. Mr. and Mr. E. B. Essley, who have been visiting Mr. Esslcy's broth er, R. M. Essloy, In Bend, started on the, return trip to tliolr home at Liv ingston, Mont., last night. County Judge It. W. Sawyer and County CoininlBKloiiiira C. II. Miller and M. W. Knickerbocker have gone lo Portlund lo attmid a meeting uf Hie alulu hlghwuy cninmlaalon. Mra. (lerlruiln K Inert, cashier In the frelKlit depot Iwrn, will bo trans ferred to a similar poHltlon at Van couver, Wash., In a few weeks. Ilur aiicceamir hern hua not bniiu nuniml. Conductor J ) Albright Hulurdny flnlHheil work on the new room for I lie county lllii ury In the Kills build ing. Tim room Is complete,, exeunt puliillng, which wu to bo done, today. Krank II. Knowlna, who bus been in Tneouiu In a mllllury hoapltul, Is In llniiil for IS duys, uftur which he will relurn for further treiilnienl, probably keeping him there for two mouths. (.'. II. Knowles went lo Portland lual night lo attend Hie meeting of i ho atatn highway commlaalon In con nection with projected road work at I'rlnevlllo and Huron. He will re turn Tueaduy. II. H Itoyre of the Pioneer garage went lo Portlund Hulurdny night, hla mi, II. P. Itoyce, following him Sun day night. They will return with five pew rnrs. enguglng drivers In Portlund for three of them. Mra. II. A. Woolsey went lo Kull brldgn Kuiuriluy night lo meet her alaler, Mlaa June Matthews of Top-, Wash., who will spepd the summer on the WooUi y ranch east of Ilend. They ciiino In on the Mouduy mornliig train. The bureuu'of war risk Inaurunce la dealroua of locutlng Kdward Thorn aa Long, In connection with an al lotment made to hla wife. Any In formation regarding the present location of Mr. I-ong may ba referred lo Mrs. V. A. Korbes. home service secretary of the American lied Cross. A good-slsed audience waa present at the first of the two weeks' series of special rvangellatlc meetings lo be held each evening at the Reventh Day Advenllst church. Mr. O. M. Thorp, wife of the pastor, will have charge of the service tonight. The subject Is, "The Longest Prophetic Period Given In the plbln." tiring In your koduk and let us clean the lens and aee that It la ready to tuke good pictures. The service I free. Kymon Ilros. Adv. 4IKfc lloncllla facial treatment for wom en who euro. Pilot llutlo Inn Har bor Hhop. Adv. 72lfc Fresh rimea, carnations, duffoillla, flowers In aeuaon ut the llrobert Millinery, phono Hlack 2571. HH-103C NTIH'KMKX A Ml PAItMKItM Hen me for details regarding live stock Insurance. 34 llOtfc J. C. BHODKH. MORE FEDERAL MONEY TO USE IN WEST ASKED (Continued from Page 1.) this method of apportionment Is still as nearly fair and exact as may be written In any leglalullve act. aa the number of motor vehicle licenses In each slate fairly reflects the wealth, population and totul road mile age within the state. If this factor Is used In apportioning funds It la euay and Inexpensive to aacertarn the size of the factor by merely getting aj certificate from the official having' charge of the motor vehicle depart- j ment." ! According to duta gathered by Henator Htunfield. the total area of each of the public land slates, and the area of the forest reserves In euch I as follows: Arm In T'fUl ara natlmal l'r of mtMtm furu evnt ArhfW .. -2.a.4UO 1I.7V6.641 IS litaho r.SMlMO l.ll.l7 IS Nrvvla 70.2M.44I) MOO.Cal 1 UUh 7,M.f,H 14 Wnmlna 2.4',MIO ,S77.4i IS Ne Mrilco ... 7l.4OI.kZ0 M31.0S7 l"j'j alirrnu Hi.ni7.2M ll.tll.QO 1 M.mUna U(I.U0 It. 014. Ill 17 Alaska 7a.lU.70 20.MS.260 , Orxun tI.IHB.4S0 1I7S.71 21 Wuhlnrton ... 42.771,040 .H2.I 21 Cotorada M.J41.I20 ll.U4.ll44 20 TtJ arra la national larmf. 11,2. !(,. 122. AT THK IKJTKIX Pilot Hutte Inn. A. C. Harms, Portland; Walter E. Illlss. Portland; Henry Jensen, Spo kane; II. P. Mutter. Portland; Shel by F. Peterson, Burns; Malcolm L. If Ilend Lodge, No. 1871. B. P. O. E moots every Tuoa ilny evonlng at the F.Ik Tom pin, 8 o'clock. Visit ing brothers are Invited. :l i iilllllllllllllllllUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIII "' "Our Ice Cream is Mt. Hood, There is no other so good." And you can't get it anywhere in Bend j except at I ' BUCHWALTER'S Whore your trade la appreciated nmmmnnmcaiwnifflitanaimmmmumnnCTrmnnanri Another Winner! MUSIC LOVERS WON'T MISS THE Leiter Opera Company AT, THE Gym. Wednesday April 6 The most expensive talent secured for the Mill Employes Lyceum Course. NO RESERVED SEATS Popular 'Prices HOTEL ALTAMONT IH Pleananlly altuateil, 734 Ilroad-way. fjirgr, well ki-pl rooms. IT HAH furnlohrd. well IT IH Hiram heal oil with a good sup ply of brat. IT IMS Cold anil hot runnlnit water In moat of Ihn rooms anil Rood bathroom prlvlli'icm. IT HAH A tllnlnic room where yon ran Krt a rwmI break fut and l o'rlixk dinner at family table. WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono graphs or Office Furnishings KLEtTKIQ VACTVM t I.KAN F.HH HEN'TKD 21 Hoar Hay BOc All make of Sewing Ma chines rented by the day, tha wrrk, or the month. BEND FURNITURE CO. (Kxrhnnge Department ) TELEPHONE BLACK 2711 GRAND TONIGHT-TUESDAY TUESDAY MATINEE iWN rv.r- h r, a) Mr. Air t?7' WaJ JAN IS I N THEJMP by Elsie Jam .. Edmund CouUin, Filawloai Fiauiesl Frollicktt ia a Play a Fall ol Life si tha Star ia Fall ol Fua. ALSO Herbert Rawlinson IN "Cluing and The Law" National Gingham Week April 4 to 9 GINGHAMS Kaxhlon often take the humblest thing and makes it precious and exclunlve. Today's house dreas may be tomorrow' fashionable frock, (iintrbams are to be popular this season. This week we are able to telve Tallies that will not be possible for you to eual elsewhere. Dress Ginghams; the well known Valmore, in spring's newest plaids, stripes and checks; now priced at, per yard 19c M. F. C. Zephyr Ginghams; newest plaids in this fine material; 27 inches wide; per yd 27c Renfrew Ginghams, 32 in. wide, yard 35c Pretty. Novelties in Neckwear Charming sets and coflar and rente combinations In innumerable new styles, appearing; with the wealth of new summer clothes. It's a Rood idea to supply the old dress or suit with a new collar or two. 50c to $1.25 For Lasting Comfort and Satisfaction We Recommend MUNSING WEAR Wise purchaser today more than ever stick to com modity of known quality and of reputable -manufacture such aa Munslncwear. Ita fine quality Is unvarying year after year: the Ionic service it rives proves it to be a most economical garment. Moreover, throughout Its life the wearer experiences the complete satisfaction that comes only from proper!? fitting garments made of high quality fabrics. There In a style of Munaingwear for every body in i-very drairrd size and fabric. Mansina; wrar Katixfartion Lam. Ladies' Union Suits at $1.25 to $2.50 Men's Union Suits at $1.95 to $3.00 Boys' Union Suits at 75c to $1.50 It Always Pays to Stop and Shop at HUEnMTFJlD BROTHERS vN, Gilbert, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. A. jW. Aya, La Pine; Mr. and Mr. R. !M. Ireland. Portland; S. McMuIlin. j Portland; E. E. Berg. Toppenish. Wash.; J. J. Richards. Portland; M. R Matthew, The Dalles; Harriet H. j Heller. Portland; S. H. Sharp. Port ; land; R. H. Dickson, Walla Walla: A. G. Cholick. La Pine; J. E. Staley, : Prineville; O. R. Jeffries. Portland. Hotel Cosy. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ensley, Prine ville: Paul Hilgendorf, Hood River; J. Chastaln, Portland; George L,. Ag gers. White Salmon. Wash.; G. A. Korner. Powhatan, Ohio; Peter Seg gling, Prineville. Wright Hotel. R. F. Dunning, Fort Rock; J. Hig gins. Portland; Mra. F. Worrall, Portland: S. B. Wagner, Newark, N. J.: W. Mack. Lakeview. Own Your Own Home! The time to plan for building is Now! The most beautiful building sites in the city are River Terrace Lots $350 to $500. Terms $25 down and $10 a month. I advise that you make an early selection. J. A. EASTES 124 Oregon READER Redaction in Tire During the month of April we will reduce the price of our entire stock 10 per cent to 20 per cent. Frenchle's Stage Office. SO-Sttto Pnt It In Tha Bulletin. NOT JUST MEAT BUT MEAT! O DONNELL BROS. Our Latest Big Offer! Two pair of Trousers with every Suit ordered frpm our selected list of Pure Wool Fabrics, for $25.00 and upwards Hundreds of patterns to select from. EXPERT CLEANING, PRESSING and DYING DICK-The Tailor 1018 WALL STREET ntu&i:isK:t:::t:uiuui::unsK:it a!!KHKiniaan;iru::iaiuci?? Cent-Ore Cleaning & Dye Works Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Alterations We Call for Your Work and Deliver Thone Black 2471. 103'J Wall St. JLiniBiiiiaiiiiiiinniimiiiiuiiiiiramiiimiiiimiinimmiiii liiimiiiiimiiiiiiuiiniiniimmiimnnmimmnnmnimiuii ILuiiinMimianaauuinawiitnuHiwimaamiamiininnniiit tuwiiiiBiiintntimnTtti' i