page a THB BRJfD BITXET1N, DAILY EDITION, PKNI, OKKtlON, MONDAY. ATMl, 4, IDSI. The Bend Bulletin DAILY KDITIOX hUaaee1 leer AftimMi Rarest 8aaaaj. B Hm Dene! Hallelta (Incerperateal Entered aa Mecond i'laaa Blatter Januarr a. jit, at um t-oet. Offio at Bend. Oreatia. ROBERT W. SAWYER Editor-Manatee B"I M. MJWLfcK Aanvlf Kdltor a H. SMITH Adverliainc Manager As Independent Newepaper, atandinc far taa square deal, clean tmaineae. clean politic aaej ine neat uitereau ol Uend and Central Oraroa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Or Mail One rear J.VOO Six Montha ft.TS Tares Montha $1.50 Bj Carrier One Tear 16.50 Biz Montha , tS.W One Month e0.eO All euberriptiona are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices o( expiration are aaailed aubaeribera and if renewal ia not aaade within reaaonable time the paper will a diacoatinued. Pleee notify ua promptly of any rhane af addreaa. or of failure to receive the paper rarularly. Otherwise era will not be le aponaibla for eopiea miaaco. Make all checks and order! payable to Toe Head Bulletin. MONDAY. APRIL 4, 1921. STILL AT IT After insisting that the commission for the Investigation of the water re sources of Central Oregon to be ap pointed by Director Davis was not the commission asked by the Bend Commercial club, the Madras Pioneer now calls it the Bend commission and tries to belittle the idea by sug gesting it was requested only for ad vertising purposes. The Pioneer has given itself to so much misrepresen tation on this subject that it finds it hard to accept facts as they are. Here Is the latest effort: "Press dispatches announce the ap pointment of the Bend commission to Investigate the application of the waters of the Deschutes river. The Pioneer is willing to make, a small prediction. The commission will come to Central Oregon, look over the ground, investigate reports and data and make their report. Along with their report they will com ment on the little city of Bend, its splendid hotel and cuisine and the royal treatment accorded them by the Bend Commercial club. It's a shame we couldn't have figured out this lit tle advertising stunt of nation wide Importance soon enough to have saved a hundred columns or so of Central Oregon newspaper space. RipplirigRhuniGs - . ' . . i. i. - W yvmm fit The Millenium Some day the stand-off scheme will smash, a wise old seer has said it, and all we'll buy will be for cash, and none will ask for credit. Collectors then won't block our way and bluff and plead and beckon ; and that will be a happy day for all of us, I reckon. We have to pay more for our eats, and find the poorhouse closer, because we pay the bills of beats who sting the corner grocer. The grocer sighs, 'This Jasper Jones has jumped our lovely city, and he was owing forty bones, which seems a ghastly pity. He'll never pay me for my rice, he never more will greet me ; and so I'll have to raise the price from those who do not beat me." And when I go to purchase prunes to feed my children twenty, he's raised the price some picayunes, and soaks me good and plenty. : The tailor trusts a hundred men, and ten of them don't pay him, and I must dig an extra yen to comfort him and stay him. And so it goes along the line, in every kind of dealing; the deadbeat adds to bills of mine until my head is reeling. 'Twill be a blessed day, gad zooks, when "stand-off system" ceases, when mer chant princes burn their books, and kick the -slate to pieces. Lucky Strike cigarette All Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Rccored t V L New Ford tltisranleeil Itaillalorst you can freenri t up lint you can't liiirat tlinu. Hliii iIiimo lealty rear wheela Willi V. M till Kelnliier for I'ukI ram anil trmka. I.niiuIx'Iii Auxiliary Tratiaiiilaalitn for Ford t'nra ami truil.a. Auto & Radiator Shop IIN HtVI.NU A V K. I'liune Wain iiMMI) Ili a. lllai k 17111 stated this morning on his arrival in this city. Snooks required for cher ry boxes are smaller . and thinner thnn thoso for apples, but the box material secured here for the larger fruit Is so sullafartory that growers are ready to place an nililitioiiul or der with Iho local factories, .Mr. Ag gers said. He wus accompanied oil his vlnlt to Ilend by his brother-ln-luw, George A. Korner, of Ohio. TPADPEBQ, we WANT IKArrtKj. your furs We Will Pay You The Highest Market Price Stein's Mountain Raw Fur Co. 1 4. L. KOOXCIIKSTKK. Mri 211 Crecnwood METZ IS HIGH MAN AT RABBIT SHOOT luncheon which was served at noon at the Tumalo hall. Forty people took part In the morning and afternoon drives, about SOO rabbits going to a graveless death. Six miles of territory were covered in the two drives. Following are the scores in the 25 bird shoot held at the traps in the afternoon: Dr. W. G. Manning 21. V. A. Smith 19. W. D. Kirby SO, L. P. Casselberry 19,. R. N. Buchwalter 21, Claude Metx 20, Casselberry 17. E. L. Douthit 21. Clay Miller 19, Buchwalter 22, Klrby 16, Manning 22 H. E. Innlsv23. E. L. Payne 18, Casselberry 17. Miller 16, Payne 17, Doutbit 21, Casselberry 22, Clyde Hauck 12. I RAINY DAYS BRING LICENSE DESK RUSH Dan Cupid Active When Skies Are Dark, Kays Man In Charge of Marriage License Bureau. Mrs. C. J. Stauffer, whose letter to Mayor Gilson was published in The Bulletin last week, has written us in explanation of her position and threatening certain action if her let ter Is not printed. Without the threat the letter might be printed; with it, it will not be printed. One thing the delayed opening of the fishing season has done and that is to give the anglers a chance to " CHICAGO. April 4. "Night s the make a garden. I time for wooing, oh!" said a well known Scotch authority. But L. C. Legner, in charge of the Cook county marriage license bureau. has another version. "When it's rainy and the fog set- Trapf. hooter. Given Vote of Thanks ' tle" down OTer ,be old ,own' whr I people just naturally get lonely," Last year 42.501 couples were married in Cook county. The A. E. F. got married in 1920. But now most of the war romances have gone on the rocks or the participants are married. Bullolln "WANT APS" Bring Re sults Try Them. FRUIT MEN WANT MORE BEND BOXES White Salmon (irovrer Here To tie! Information Prom Local Mills On fherry Box Shook. Fruit growers of the White Sal mon, Wash., district are desirous of obtaining their cherry boxes from the Bend mills, George L. Aggers, prominent fruit man of that section. FOREVER FREE from ASTHMA Hundreds of people are aston ished and delighted with the quick and I'KHMANKNT re lief they have received from the use of our wonderful new discovery. Asthma-Sera. Asthma and Hay-Fever, with all their tortures, may now be BANISHED FOKEVKK. Tear out this announcement and send at once to It. M. It. I.AIIOHATOItIKH (MMI Alanka lllilg-, Seattle, vVaah. ;t:t:nit::mutiuinuiutummuuniiiiitmiunmumiumtsujmamuuuijrau WALL PAPER PAINTING and DECORATING IS OUR BUSINESS And vie make It our liualneaa In ace that our liualneaa la liamtled In a hualnraallke way. Hie iuallty of our Interior iWoratlnu cannot be equalled. Our illilay of wall paper la thei Urgent anil lieal ever ahown In Central Irregnn. Our prlrra are right. On theae nuallfltalluna we feel Juallltnl in aaklng yon fur runalileratlun when In need of work In our line. A. J. GOGGANS 736 WALL STREET PHONE RED 2781 Another Help TO THE For Attendance Good Scores Made In Afternoon Contest. said Legner, "and they dream of cozy flats and home-made biscuits. "So on rainy days we Issue many more marriage licenses than when Claude Metx of the Bend Trap- the sun Is brightly shinlnsr." shooting club was high man in the Dan Cupid is still as active as ever rabbit drive held yesterday at Turn- this year, but marriage licenses are alo, bagging 22 of the furry animals, falling off, according to Legner. H:gh A vote of appreciation for the at- rents, the employment situation, or tendance of the club members was ex- "something else" Is the cause. Legner tended by the Tumalo people at ths doesn't quite know. XEbe Central regon SSanh D. E. HUNTER. President CARLETON B. SWIFT, Vice President K. P. MAHAFFKT, Vice Pres. and Manager H. M. STEPHENS, Cashier BEND, OREGON lome Builder Reductions in Cost of Electrical Construction Work in Bend mean that this department of building expense is cat 25 per cent. iuminitnnntr;cnuinmnnumu;:;t: ANNOUNCEMENT! The Beaver Cash Market is under new man agement. The shop is being thoroughly renovated and remodeled. We will carry a full line of fresh and cured meats and fish. The utmost precaution will be exercised at all times to handle our meats in the most Banitary manner, from the slaughter house to the chopping block. Courtesy, service, quality and fair price will be our highest ambitions. Everything that is in our work to be deserving of your jiatronage will be done. We cordially solicit your consideration. THE CASH MARKET FRED METZGER & SON, PROPRIETORS mmttttmmiuuujijwi'ttrmijTBmnmnuia How Fortunes Are Made- A subject that most epeople are Interested In, but only a small proportion go about It conxlMently and .In the right way. Nobody ran accuse the American people' of being a race of miser. One of their chief faulta la that they lean too much the other way. It's all in the start. Fortune are made up of little savings. A matter of steady, coiub.tent growth from a small beginning. Make a savings plan to provide for future neiMl, My saving a regular, definite sum week you can accumulate substantial fortune for old ago. Ixxk ahead, plan. The Central Oregon Bank helps the thrifty to build their rranrve funds by adding 4 per cent Interest. Our pocket dime banks, and our safe, tpe banks will help oa and your chlN dren to save, ' An American Workers Creed The Company for which I work ia a mighty good em ployer and I think any employe who hasn't an Interest In the auoreaa of his employer ought to quit or get fired. My Idea la that whea man .ells his service. to . ,mp0.,Pf he sells his loyalty at the same time. If be raa't be loyal and slve the beat that la la him he ought not to work for that particular employer. My being loyal I don't mean that one has to be a toady, or that he has to lose any of his Independence. The most loyal may be the most Independent, and usually la." The Shevlin-Hixon Company To Get Down to Brass Tacks Work that formerly cost $1.50 per hoar will now be done for $ 1 .25 per hour Half the reduction absorbed by the employers and half by the employes, to make home building and owning easier.,' fcnmmiirnTnrmmmirnrn.M he' (Central (Dvenou 3anJf TV K HTVTrCn. FratideMt K. P. MAIUFFKr, Vic President BEND WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. DOUTHIT ELECTRIC CO. mnumnmmiimummmmmmnntuntmmu m irmnm,mttvt. ... II.amuIaUumm.,a CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET The commercial world is standing on the foundation-of credit. Every individual ia a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to pay his honest obligations he makes it impossible for some one else to meet theirs, therefore it is extremely vital that each and every one see to it that we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. "to