m bkxd nnAms. daily KDmos. best orboox. thi nsiv,v, maimh si. if-i At The Hotels Pilot lUitla Inn D. M Williams. Portland: F. D. Lecetta. Portland; G. H. Hellyer. Portland. 1 H. Lane. Silver Lake; W. C. Biucbrnto, San Francisco: Chu. K. Stricklin, Salem; Miss Maude Maltby. Summer Lake. Coxy George Ceddes. Portland; Don Ceddes, Portland; C. M. Charlton. Powell Butte; Steve Allegrari, Port land. Wright Gateway: H L. Mar- C L. Heck. Spokane: Frank Coll. Portland; Parka A. May. Portland: James Brandon. Boise: Floyd Fisber, Lakeview; W. Lawson. Redmond Joe Salter. tin. Spokane; CARD OF THINKS We take tbia mean of making known to our friends our apprecia tion for their many arts of kindne and sympathy at the time of tbe death of our wife and mother C H. BEKt; AND FAMILY. 6c ! County Clerk of Desehnte County. Oregon. j Lien of the Miller Lumber Com ' pany for lilS 5. and (ten of A. J. : Tucker for 1108 50. and reanwable attorneys' l-i upon the foreclosure of each of the above mentioned lieu and for tbe roats of this suit, and surh other relief as the Court may deem Just. This summons is erved up-'ji you ; by the publication thereof lu The 1 Bend Bulletin, daily edition, for period of six consecutive and succes sive weeks, in accordance with an or der therefor made by the Hon. T. E. ij. Duffy. Judre of the Circuit Court tfor said Judicial District. Said order requires publication cf this summons for six successive ar.d consecutive weeks, and that the first publication hereof shall be on February 17th. R. S. HAMILTON. DE AKMOND ERSKINE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Fostoffice address: Bend. Oregon . 74. SO. 8. 92. Sc STtH'KMKN AM K.VHMKIW See me for details regarding lives-lock Insurance. S4-S6tfc J. C. RHODES. Boncilla facial treatment fr wom en who care. Pilot Butte Inn Bar ber Shop. Adv. 7!tfe Chicken and all other domestic animal most be kept within en closure If owned anywhere within the city limits. By order of chief police. J-S8e R. H. FOX. CHILDIUCVS PARTY KNJOYED SISTERS. March 11. Children of the community were guests at a par ty given Saturday in celebration of tbe ninth birthday ot Donald Hosey. Those attending were: lnex Rollins. Glenda Stuart. Velia Stuart. Frances Stuart. Ruby Cist. Ervin Gist. Fran ces Marked. Lorn Gist. Bessie Stu art. Earl Kayior. John Scarth. Wil liam Mile. Mary Lee Scarth. Ken neth Aitken. Louis Woous. Emmit Knickerbocker. Helen Huntington, Ruth Huntington, Perritt Hunting ton, Ruth Triplet. Alfred Triplet. Howard Laquont, Florls Sorenson. Katy McKinney, Clarise McKinney, Roberta McKinney. Harold Redefer. Milton Redefer, Ruby South. Carl South. Marion South, Neal Winkle. Darlfne Winkle. Flora Everett. Louis Harrington, Ray Harrington. Elsie Wuieberg. Ray iiuieberg. Rex Quie berg, Alt Quieberg. and Mr. Robins. Mr. Etta Hosey, Mr. Nettie Cobb. Mrs. Scarth and Mr. Stuart. READER Reduction In Tim Daring the month of April we will reduce tbe price of our entire stock 10 per cent to 20 per cent. Frenchie' Stage Office. 50-Gtfc (EjussE! Mto FfislheiriDmaim I Fishing season oiens Friday, April 15. Kcplenish the old Fly Hook and Leader Hox. Fishing tackle has not declined from the manufacturer's stand point but we are taking the initiative and are going to give the Anglers of Hend an opportunity to purchase fishing tackle at manufacturer's costs. Claaslkatf riMUi ata for t wrda mr tv tar all mr is. Al r kM te ) Mf nn saWtainw WANTED WANTED Child to care for In mv own home. Call at 1701 Lvtle street. 5S-5-!iSpj WANTED Help for light house keeping. Address X4i Bulletin.: giving reference. 4i-96-9Sp WANTED All kinds of good f urni- ture and stoves: will also ex change new goods for old. Inquire 838 Bond St. 55-72-p FOR RENT FOR RENT Three room furnished apartment. Inquire evenings after S o'clock. 504 Lava Road, near Catholic church. 62-SS-101p FOR RENT Three room furnished apartment, with hot and cold water. 1 1 1 Jefferson Place, or phone Black 2672. 60-SMfc FOR RENT 40 acres Improved land, four miles from city: on cash or crop basis. J. B. Miner. 27-95-100p FOR RENT Newly furnished room: very close In. Phone 2281 or Red 141. 7-93tfc FOR RENT One sleeping room; $10 per month; over Deschutes garage. Call Black 711. St-Sltfc Bring fn your kodak and let n clean the lens and see that It is ready to fake good picture. The service la free. Symons Bro. Adv. 49tfc FOR RENT Sheep range, near Paulina rreek. For particular write Favell-l'tley Realty Company. Lakeview. Oregon. S2--115p BOARD AND ROOM BASKETS Genuine French Willow No. 1, priced at $2.50 No. 2, priced at $2.75 No. 3. priced at $3.10 No. 4, priced at $3.1G BASKET STRAIN Double Leather, regular sellers at 31.50, reduced to 75c ALUMINUM FLY BOXES With Felt and Comb 35c ALUMINUM LEADER BOXES Priced at 25c LEADERS 15c seller, 1 yard, now, doz. $1.25 20c seller, 1 van!, now, doz. $1.50 Taper Ixader at each 55c Wire leaders at dozen $2.00 All Leaders tied from best select ed gut. No old stock. FLIES H grade Single Hook Portland Job bers $10.00 gross; our price, doz S0c 1) Grade, dozen $1.20 I'laiii ringed Hooks, 10 in package, now priced at 5c CASTING ENAMELED LINES Clear Water Casting, regular price, $1.50; reduced to $1.20 Nonesuth Enameled, regular price $1.75; reduced to $1.20 Plexus Enameled, regularly priced at $1.50; reduced to $1.00 Althes Enameled, regularly priced at $5.25; reduced to 90c RODS F 100, 9V-. ft, $3.00, reduced to $2.25 F 300 ft, $12.50, reduced to $8.00 REELS Martin Automatic No. 2 $3.45 Martin Automatic No. 3 $3.80 Martin Automatic No. 4 $1.10 Double Acting, 40 yd. Reels, regu lar $1.50; reduced to $1.00 Double Acting, 60 yd. Reels, regu lar $1.75; reduced to $1.10 SPINNERS 4-0 to 2-0 Copper, each 10c 1-0 to 2, Copper. 12yJc 3 to 4 Copjier 15c 5 to 6 CopjKT 20c Brass same as Copper 3-0 to 2-0 Pearl 15c 1- 0 to 2 Pearl 20c 2- 0 Tandem at 15c 1-0 Tandem at 20c 1 Tandem at 25c 2 Tandem at 30o SEE OUR FISHING TACKLE WINDOW We sell Fishing Licenses, $3.00; Combination Hunting and Fishing at $5.00. Bend Hardware Co. FOR RENT Three room unfurnish ed hous6 nd a four room fur nished bouse. Inquire 530 Georgia avenue. 21-9-100p Jl SIMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Deschute County. H. A. Miller, plaintiff, vs. P. View. O. C. Henkle and Chas. H. Haines, de fendants. To P. View, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, to-wit; Within nix weeks from the 17th day of February, 1921. and if you fail no to answer the plaintiff will, for lack thereof, apply to the Court for Judgment against you as demanded In his complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled Court foreclosing liens against certain property located In JJend, Deschutes County, Oregon, for labor or material, which said prop erty is described as follows, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8 In Block S of Des chutes. In Deschutes County. Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of record In the office of the ROOM AND BOARD Nice, clean. well furnisher! room with bath. 12.00 a week; board. IS. 00 a week. Mountain View Hotel, near mills. 5-9S-102p must be moved In a few days. Will FOR SALE Five-room modern bun E. Smith, 1717 E. 5th St., or A. H. galow; electric lights, fireplace. Averill Machinery Co., i'ortland. basement, lawn, trees, garage. wood Oregon. 39-96-1 00p shed: part terms. See owner. 1027 Highland boulevard, or phon3 Hod FOR RALE Team. Inquire Miller '2121. 26-i0-10(m Lumber Company. 3S-9-8c FOR SALE FOit SALE or will give long lease: modern five room bungalow; all built-in features; fire place: full basement. Call at 878 Riverside, or phone Red 2511. 61-9-103p FOR SALE 1 4-Inch body wood. 4- MJR SALK Thoroughbred Rhode; foot juniper and body wood : large Island Red and Light Brahma 1 and amall limbs; leave orders at 1 40 chickens. Wagner, 60S Congress St. i Oregon street or phone Red ll&l. 44-S6-I00cj - 3-2-118p FOR SALE Eight room modern house, furnished or unfurnished: terms. Wagner, 606 Congress St. 43-9G-I02C 2932. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, with or without furniture. Inquire 1027 Albany Ave. or phone Black 13-S0-106p i FOR SALE Dry Juniper, been cut j FOR SALE For good wood & Haines. 42-SCtfc FOR SALE Baby chicks: halching three yers; $6 per cord delivered eggs irom pure Tancred trapnest-' at your door. Henkle ed strain white leghorns, thicks I 118 per 100: egts $1.50 per 15; S per 100; order taken now for April 10, 18, May 4 and 12 hatches: 25', down, balance on delivery; a few Rhode Island Red chicks and eegs. May delivery. Call, write or phone Black 2832 after 6 p. m. Mrs. F. M. Ray, 1646 8th St., Bend. Ore- Ron. 31-96-98piji FOR SALE R. I. Red egg for set ting. 15 for fl.50; 15 per 100. Phone Rural 53. Addres Mrs. W. K. McCormack, Deschutes, Oregon. 28-5-101p see Frenchie: large and small limb, dry body and furnace wood. I'hone Red 1241. 57-56-1 lip III l Fits FOR IIOl SKM. Have several buyers now for houses. See me for particular. Charles Carroll, llenham Falls Real ty Co., 931 Bond St. 83tfc FOR SALE One 11x13 Russel en-! glne and one 50 h p. high pre-1 sure boiler In A 1 condition, cheap: j He Makes More and He Saves More Kaf-h year finds a new rlnM of people who need the helpful service of a bank. As your income Increases and your surplus rash Krown, mora and morn do you owe It to yourself and family to protect this reserve fund aKalnst loss. As a Member of the Federal Reserve System we Kindly place at your disposal our advice and liiiliklnn facilities behind which arc the enormous Reserve Ibwourcex. km or SqeasioB Sv The First National Bank Thit Dank U a Member of the Federal Resent System Capital and Surplus 05,000 s:s:::s::::u:::::n:un:::R:::::K:t:r::K:: Lest You Forget Our prices came down more than a month ago. Today our meals, and the cost of them to you, will compare favorably with those of any establishment in Bend. MAKE US PROVE IT The Silver Grill ON OREGON AVENUE Why Carry a Cold Lunch? When you can get a Hot Dinner Sandwich or Hot Stew for 23 cents at the ROYAL CAFE 822 Bond Street Near Franklin FOR SALE Fresh cut flowers and potted planta; funeral design our specialty The only greenhouse at The Dalles, Oregon. Jewell (ireen houses. 600 Cluy street, I'lione Black 2721. The Dalit. lsftp LOST stream flow meter, governnn 11 property, on road bi-tween La I'lio and lleiul. Finder please leave m Cunt. -Ore. Motor Company. 4.1-97 6 M' LOST Small LUST -.1.1x4 OiMMlyear lire and et tin rim. lust Monday night. Find ! er reiurn to Bulletin nfllrn and r- - continuing I celre n-wnrd l-9s -limp L. METKE Painter, Paper Hanger and Decorator Tilliiny Decorating a Specialty Estimates Furnished-Work Guaranteed No. 8 Kansas St. Phone Red 1461 TRAPPERS ! WE WANT YOUR FURS We Will Pay You The Highest Market Price Stein's Mountain Raw Fur Co. L. L. NOONCIIESTEK. Mgr. 211 Greenwood !::::i!:::::ii!K:::m:iimuiiiiiiiiitiim:imiuim:iiiii:i:!t iimn :mi!mm!iiiHimro:m niiiimt iimmmimmim Cent-Ore Cleaning i Dye Works Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and Alterations We Call for Your Work and Deliver Phone Black 2471. 103'.) Wall St. mi::imiimi:utuu::i:mttnn:m:u:u:ma!:!ium!M niinmmin:nii!iiuiiiiii::nnni:mi;imniiuujniimiinininiinn:inninnnn:i;niniiniiuinmuiinii!iiiiiiiiMr!inil!rr:nirini