PAGE Carpenter work on a new double giirugn for I.. (. Taylor, 5J Tuinalo avenue, waa begun yesterday by Kriink I'err. Tim new gurugn, which tuki-a tin- place of Hi" one burned to the ground aome lluiu ago, la of double conal ruction throughout, (II-uii-naloiia 18 by 21) feet, and will coat $600. BEND Tit A IN WUKDIXB The Pleasure of Witnessing the Greatest Drama on the Screen is in Store for Every Man, Woman and Child Oregon Trunk Arrives. T:I6 A. M. Uitm, 1:00 P. M. ().-W. R. N. Arrives. :60 P. M. Leaves. 7:00 A. M. I, ' I 1 i ,..,1 ,. i! I.i 'I . II II... I -hi I M ! . 1 1 1 . , j I It'il : ''. '. ' ' ' ' 1 1 i 1 ' i I ' 1 1 ' i ' . ' i i ! ' II ' i ! ! i i i llSlll TBI BEND BULLETIN, DAILY RDITIOH. BBIfD, OBBO!l. Tlll'ItNIMV. MAM It 81, 1021. I : 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 : 1 1 . ' ' ' ' . 1 i - - , , !:'!;!! 'il LOCAL NEWS ITKMS Titni Cninlii uf Silver Lake In In Hi. ml loiluy. J. V. Nelson of HuiniiiiT Lake rumti In ll"lnl yesterday. (irvllln lloas went to laixl lust nlKht I" alleml uiilotiiiilillo arlionl. Mm. J. W. folli'lln Id III at the (iimlly hiiiiiii noil I li uf Ih" foumlry. II. (I. Jni'ltmiii Iff t lul nifclit fur tliililemliile. wlmri) hi) will l tin jiloyeil. Tim Klitniiilh Full" uliiK" will ,.V(, llrml 7:30 o'llork tomorrow murnluK. Them will In' no Kplaropiil millil meelliiK Krliluy mi ui'coimt uf Hi'1 Huluriluy auln. K. Murk of I'oilluiicl, wlin linn fut U few llnH III lli'llll, Weill liml lilKlit I" KulltiililK". Mm. J ! it I'ollork of Korl ll""k Iuiuki'iI iIiiiiiikIi Hi-nil yi-nli-nluy on her wuy In Powell lliiiic. Hteve All-cmrl of Portland l viUlnn III fuilierlnl&w. J. K Hmlth, of Ihn Cory linti-l. Mm. J. W. Ann l-rt hint nlKlif 'or l.o Amci'li-K. where she will vlall hi-r (luUKhd-r for three nioutha. Mr. and Mr. it. llri-nlmio atarud lal nlnlil for Bt. I'ul. called by llir Uliieaa of Mr. Ilrentano'a futtier. C. K. Cthvpi of Ihla city li-ft lunl nlKht 10 receive treatment at the timid Samaritan hoapltal. Portland Kminilt Molltor. who h bri-n In liluho wllh traVKllii orchi-lr for aeveral wreka, returned to Itend liint lilltht. H. A. Wllaon. a recent arrival from Mlaaourl, la looking at land ni-ar Ili-nd. -tiiTllnK lo o to l-ekevlew Kuturduy. Mra. Charlea lluriieas and chil dren lift Ut nlKht for their new h n mo In California. Thi-y will atop for a week In rorllund. Mr. and Mra. I.. W. Wells are the pan-nta of a seven and one-half pound lialiy boy born thla inornlnK at thrlr homi on S39 Lava llond. Verne Tuylnr returned to lti-d-inond luat lilltht, uft'-r romlnK to have a local phyalrlan Iri-nl the hand lia bad Injured In cranking a car. I'asaetiKera on the Sllvi-r Lake atnxo thla iiioriiliiK were Mra. Hut-i-r. L. P. Claypool. L. I. Piillerion. Wade Mohy to Mlvor l.aki-. A. I.. Ilaurk to Fremont. L. C. Morgan, who haa been look In over Central Oregon wllh a view lo lornilng ou a runrh. returned lat night to rortland on hia way to Inline In California. Hunger lien Hmlth of the lea rhutea Nutloiiul forest returned to day from Tygh Valley, where he turn pent tha winter, to take up hla dut lea for the aummer. P. I-enrhone and family, who hnve lived In I lend for about 1 monlha. left lint night for Oaklnnd. Califor nia. Search of belter health In a dif ferent climate drew Mr. Lenchone from llend. Members of the Ladles Aid soci ety of the Chrlatliin church will moi-t at 1:S0 o'clock Krlday after noon at tho home of Mra. Carl Hlnd tnan, (24 Newport avenue. Special business la lo be taken care of, and a largo attendance la desired. iHninimiinmimiimiimmmiiniimumiiiiiiiimmiiiini:ii DANCE af WITH THE Jazz Entertainers AT THE HIPP SATURDAY NIGHT It's Only ONE BONE DEVELOPMENT IS HALTED ItY HULKS, CHARGE (Continued from I'ugn I.) counting ayatem; and third, a ten dency to duplicate atnle control with federal aiipervlnlon, IteifiilulloUN to be lt Mr. lirlffllh aluli-d that all of the power devclijpem now huvo lo con form to thn ri-xulullona luld down by alula ullllty coinuilHalona both ua to accounting and depreciation, lie aaxerted thut I he regulation altnmul Ing to force upon the power com paulea a federul ayatem of account ing would lend to illffli ully uml con fusion. Ho InnlHti-d Unit the arliltrury provlnliiii fur ili-preclutluii renerve wua unfair uml tended to inlnlmln the niiioiiiil Unit the I'lilted Hinlea giivi-rnmi-iit would have to puy for the property If It i-lerli-d lo pur-cliii-i- It ut tin- mid of fifty yvura. Mr. tirlfflth uIho aalit that through out tho ri'gjilutlona there wua a ten dency to greater detailed control and regiilutlon than waa ever contem plated In the original leglalatlon. He aald the'aplrlt of tha law wai that the federul Water power commlaalon aim it Id be mainly aupervlaory and that tho regulatlona adopted by the outgoing water power commlaalon. If enforced, would prevent a develop ment of new power project a and practically nullify the ten yearn' fight lo open the latent power poaal blllty with the Weal. Illgli Km K. W. Clark, an Inveatment bank er of I'hlludf Iphla and a director of the Portland Hallway, Light A Pow er company. In reaponao to qucatlona of Chairman Week a, atated that bankera would Inalat on t to 10 per rent for financing water power projecta under the preaent regula tion, and Intimated very atrougly that there would be no money for new proJerU which hud to be atarted from the ground up unleaa the com pany doing the development had al ready ratuhllahvd credit and waa a going concern. Chairman Week queatloned Col onel Hugh L. Cooper, known throughout the VVcat ua an engineer prominent In water power develop- I :. . . , - " 'li. .( TA !VI:.;l!i Mi :.!:! I! ill IKll'l si i k-a. . ' V il'iifP i:.!:.ii..i:i!i'i:ili:' V A .Nl.iy.?. P'cture PfftM of Degpei'aLe 'Work -after P3'' FEATURING LON CHANEY who is recognized as the foremost character actor on the screen, gives a performance which eclipses his work in "The Miracle Man" and "The Penalty," for which he received nation-wide fame, also PRISCILLA DEAN the electrifying heroine of "The Wildcat of Paris" and "The Virgin of Stamboul." The portrayal of this remarkable screen character is the acme of emotional artistry. If you want lo take part In tlu- moot thrilling ad- I gin of Ktamhoul" all rolled into one a real life ro- venlure that any man or woman waa ever plunged Into, mance and the moot netting photoplay that you've all you have to do la to come iM-e the rnivn-aal-Jewell keen in many yean- with the "beat bad man" yoo ever production de luxe a whirling, rulilng drama that la rat your cyra upon. Don't mla thla picture It'a the like "The Penalty." "The Miracle Man" and "The V tr- real thing. Grand Theatre 2 GRAND TONIGHT LAST TIME The Most Refreshing Comedy Drama shown here in months. RUPERT HUGHES' Famous Story "Scratch My Back" This is your last chance to see this laugh provoker. COME! mrnt. aa to how much of the pend ing application totaling 12.000.000. 000 In eatlmated coat would be act ually undertaken under the preaent regulation Colonel Cooper anawered that In hla Judgment no new pro jecta could be financed unleaa the regulatlona were liberalized. Ho auld that aome growing concerna thut already hud large plunta and dlatrlbullon facllltlea would un doubtedly extend their power devel opment by taking advantage of fa vorable ..water power pcrmlta. but they would only be able to flnnnce Iheae development because they had already eatabllahed credit. In answer to another queatlon the colonel aald. In hiaopinlon. many of the propos ed projects would never be develop ed for the reason they had no eng ineering merits. The electric devel opers have detailed the committee to remain in Washington until a final decision Is reached upon the liberal izing of the remilutlons. Kreah roses, carnations, daffodils, flowers In season at the Hrobert Millinery, phone Ulack 2571. 9S-103C We make a specialty of children's hair cutting and ladles' massages and Shampooa. IMlot bulls lnu Barber Shop. Adv. 72tfc Outer Figures en Kamerun Huta. The huts of the Knmerun tribe of Africa are decorated with flgurea which It-JIcnte the number of occu punts and their relationship. A very large fleure In the renter stands for the mnn of the faintly and other fig ures for the wives, sons and daughters Success at Last, "Ah!" said the golfer, who was skating, as the Ira gave way beneath him, "at last I bave developed a per feet follow through," Boston Transcript. A Tough Beard. A woman atated at Westminster tha other day that her husband, saying ha was going to bave a shave, left the house six months ago, and had net re turned. London Dally UalL VULCANIZING! others say cannot be fixed, and makt them like new. LET US SAVE YOU MONEY. :nmiit:i:itmitt:nnniiii!:it:ii:iiiuinniumntiiiiiittittitiim Apples at 85c a box Willow Twitfi Arkansas Blacks Newtown Pippins Black Twig. rippins Ben Davis WHILE THEY LAST at 85c box SMITH'S GROCERY CASINGS AND TUBES New and Second Hand For Sale! fEBE mm 'Double Cable Vase hires' You ride safe and sure on Federal cords because of their scientific non-skid treads. Their loose cords built up in diagonal layers give you a pliant feeling of comfort that adds to the ease of motoring. You need only put Federal cords on your car to test the exceptional mileage they give. DESCHUTES GARAGE CO. Na-sh Cars Feltal Tires BEND VULCANIZING SHOP. Oreonwood Avenue, cross from Coiy Hotel iim!imain.-t:tm:u!crann:minunnim HOT CROSS BUNS They say our Hot Cross Buns were de licious and have asked for more of them. We will have them again Saturday, April 2. Place your orders not later than Friday. Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery Phone 2731 For the Workingman A general reduction in the price of meals, paral leling the drop in wages. Now 35c up Formerly. 45c up Downing s Cafe ON BOND STREET Liuimiminnmniamnuimiumumiiii uitnutniunmiutiunimin iiitniiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiinmiii ttinuniiiiintnn'nnxnniuntiiimtiiimuiiuiiuiRnniinmil