' PAGE a THR BKTD BriXKTIN. DAILY EDITION, BEND, OKBUUK, TrUKrlDAY, .MAIU'lt SI. 1021. The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION Fairlshis ar:' Aftaraaaa Eirrat aaa)4ax, Br Tka Band HallrtJa il.rarHp.MI atBtarad aa 8coihI Class anattvr Januar a 111. at tha Pot OftW at Band. Ihwu. Mar Act 01 narca a, 107. BORF.RT W. SAWYER Editor-Mana-ar HKNRY N. FOWLKR Assoriatr Kditor C H. 8M1TH Adv.rti.inr Mananr Aa Independent Newspapar, standing far taa aquara deal, clean au.in.aa. clean polilK- ana) tlte beat interest, of Bvnd and Central Oraeoa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br Mat Oh Tear M OO Biz Month. fl.Tt Una Months IMS Br Carrier Oh Tear . Bis Month. 13 1.0 Oaa Month to il) All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Noticea of aspiration are sailed aubacribera and If renewal la not sade within reaaonahle time tba paper will fee discontinued. Plcaae notify us promptly of any chanire of addreja, or of failure to receive the paper raaralarly. Otherwise we will not be I e aponaible for copies snberd. Make all checks and orders payable to The Bend Bulletin. THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1921. CLEANING-VP The thanks and congratulations istration or that member of It who is responsible for the thorough clean ing up that all down town lots and alleys are receiving. Never since the spring clean-up became a pop ular annual event has so good a job been done. Vacant lots are being cleared of their winter accumulation of torn paper, pine cones and other material, the alleys are becoming as clean a the front streets, there is spick and span appearance every where. In addition to the pleasure given by this appearance and actuality of cleanliness there can be no doubt but that the work will help greatly in keeping down the flies. The fly breeds in dirt. Rising from the dirt be carries dirt and disease wherever be goes. Cleanliness is the first line of defense against him. Then, too, there is the advantage to be gained by showing a clean city to the many visitors we shall have this spring and summer. In a few! weeks many anglers will be coming here on their way to the lakes. Later the auto tourists will pass through and in the summer a convention or two will be held here. What a won derful advertisement it would be to have these people go away from here saying that the cleanliness of the town was a noticeable thing. It is In our power to have them say this. To do this we most not only get clean, however. We must stay clean. Why not try it? j R.ppHrigRhijmos' Red Noses John Barleycorn is planted, the law has put him out; no tanglefoot is granted to any thirsty scout; no barkeep hands the bitters, the bourbon or the rye, to any human critters, as drouthy months go by. But oh, the crimson noses I see upon the street as red as any roses that make the summer sweet! Where do they get their tinting, their bright autumnal hue, since vintners are not vinting, and brewers do not brew? The barkeeps are not flinging the glasses as of yore; the doors that once were swinging swing inward now no more; John Barleycorn is busted, his graft is past and gone, the old brass rail is rusted, there is no demijohn. But oh, the crimson noses that through the ether plow! The looker-on supposes they should be bleached by now. They should be fair and whiter than is the driven snow, since Barleycorn, the blighter, was slain long months ago. There should be no such noses, since Barleycorn is dead, but every hour discloses new shades of blooming red. Oh, can it be that water will tint the human beak, as well as stuff that's hotter the booze men used to seek? And can it be that drinking down where t the streamlet flows will paint a fellow's blinking and blooming, blistered nose? Portland is apparently having a hard time in raising its Community chest fund of 1850,000. Certain of the Institutions that will share In the fund have been of real help and service to this county and city and It would be wholly fitting if contri butions to the fund were made from here. The American Telephone A Tele graph company, parent company of the Pacific company, has just an nounced an increase in dividend rate from 8 to 9 per cent. The increased Oregon rates will help to pay this, we suppose. In Nevada the death punishment is to be given by gas. Now if they will use laughing gas possibly the condemned man will be able to see some humor in the situation. Fifteen Years Ago that there will soon be something doing in railroad work, and that It will not be long before there is a second, and possibly a third road In to, or at least within reach of Bend. Farmers in the Tumalo section are busy clearing and plowing, and a great amount of new ground will be under cultivation this year. The surveyors working on the pro posed Natron-Ontario line across Central Oregon are now running their lines in the vicinity of Burns in Harney county. Information from that city is to the effect that one crew will work toward the north west, heading for the Bend country. The W. H. Staats hotel at Des chutes -caught fire yesterday, and caused considerable excitement for a few minutes. A bucket brigade to and from the river finally con quered the fire. H. C. Ellis reports that he will be ready to assume the duties of U. S. commissioner as soon as his bond is accepted. The Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company wants rock men, teamsters, and slip holders. Wages are $2.25 a day. J. H. Haner, of Prinevllle, who is a candidate for the republican nom ination for county clerk, spent sev eral days in town the first of the week, meeting the voters of the sec tion and looking over political mat ters. Mr. Haner is a strong candi date for the nomination. E. A. Smith left Wednesday for his homestead south of town. POMMITKIPATinvS QIK8TIOXS FRANCHISE ItKiHTH The following letter was received today by The Bulletin, with request for publication: Mr. Gilson. mayor of the city of Bend:- -Dear Sir I'm taking this means of placing before you and the citizens of Bend a matter that has baffled the minds of my neighbors as well as ourselves. We purchased a home in Bond last summer. Mr. Stauffcr went to the B. W. L. A P. Co. to have city lights put in. They sent a man (pre sumably, a world renown electrical engineer) to look over the situation. He sized up the size of "fish" and wanted 450 to connect us up. We didn't bite. In January, my neighbor wanted lights and went to the B. W., L. A P. Co. and was told If she would get four or five signers they would con nect up immediately. She got the OFF AG A I N ON AG A I N In the days of George II the well dressed man carried his hat.uit never wore it for fear of ruffling his wig. Nowadays, a man is more particular ' about his hat than his hair; he bins a Gordon because it looks good on his head. Good looks In a hat ts tlc prmlrnt on quality one rruann why this season's Gordons arc so sightly. CASHMAN petition wilh several uililulomil signers and we got a very polite li'tter Muling tlmt owing to "Indus trial comtlllons" II would lie Impos sible to connect us up Willi the city bill luter they n(,lght consider our petition, and was signed by T. J. Foley. Now, Mr. Mayor. Just who has the franchise to fur nish lights for the city of llendf Who are legitimate citizens that can receive such service and what form of initiation does a citizen have to go through to bocomo legitimate? Who confered the Order of the Royal Knights of Monoply on the II W.. 1.. A P. Co.? J Mr. Mayor, we spend every dollar that four hard working men can scrape together in the city of Bend, and If you take lime to inquire you ! will find we pay our debts, our taxes. I live up to our principles of "live and 1 let live" and are raising eight clll- j lens for Bend and L. 8. A. If you can Inform me as to what further form of citizenship papers we have to take out to become en titled to the city's service we will owe you our everlasting gratitude. MRS. C. J. BTAVKTEK. aid Cent. -Ore. Motor Company are to be paid to J. I.. Van lluffel, who will continue the business formerly conducted by the firm, and all nc counts owing by said Cent. -Ore. Motor 'oiiiiniiy are In lie paid lv said J. I.. Van lluffel. Dated this XVlli dny of Mar-h lII.-. K. P. JKCII, J. I.. VAN Ht'KFF.I.. It 11 Us,- AT THE 0. 1. C. CAFETERIA BEGINNING ON APRIL I FOOD PRICES REDUCED From 15 to 20v O. I. C. CAFETERIA WALL SI'KI F T tj:iiiiin:itut:::ittniiui:t:i::mi:tiuiiiiittiiiiiiitniuniiiumiunijuniiuiiuuiuuiiunintMiiuiuiiuuiitutiiiitiiii;iiitnj:nj ii FOUR MORE Victor Dance Hits ! "Do You Ever Think of Me?" This will be as popular as "Whispering." "I Never Knew" "I.rij?ht Eyes" "ixjvc Hird" All played by Whitcman's Orchestra. Horton Drug Co. ! V XOTICK OF OF KISSOI.I T) I'AllT.NKKNIill Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween E. P. Jech and J. L. Van lluf fel doing business In Bend, Oirgnn. under the assumed buntm-aa ruim.t ,.f Cent. -Ore. Motor Company has been i fllasnlved. All srrrMltils 'vlni? to tuttrnnnnnircmnimimramiranmrntninnmrmumimsmnrrmum When You Arc In Need of Any Kind of Plumbing, Heating, ruining or Roofing Work, wc solicit your consideration. We use only the best of materials and our workman ship is guaranteed. Ix-t us give you an estimate. ARNOLD & DAVIS PLUMBING COMPANY Phone Rlack 331 1183 Wall Street FIFTEEN YEAKH AGO (From the columns of The Bul letin of March 30, 1906.) A. M. Drake returned home last Saturday after an absence of six weeks in Portland and San Francis co. From private information ob tained, he Is more assured than ever WE BUY SELL or EXCHANGE Good Used Ranges, Furniture, Phono , graphs or Office Furnishings ELECTRIC VACVVM CLEANEH8 ItEXTED 124 Hone Day 60c All make) of Hewing Ma chines) rented by the day, the week, or the month. BEND FURNITURE CO. (ExchaoKO Department) TELEPHONE BLACK 2711 liTTTnTtr'Miiiiiir'iilf'''''''l'lll,tt'IIIH'fft"llllUM1",tt'mTft Wood Working Shop Kramer & Muller Carpenters and Jobbers Furniture Repaired or made to order. PICTURES FRAMED a WALL STREET Next Thompson Music Store M All Radiators Repaired, Rebuilt, Recored Xrw Fori! (iuaranteeit lUiliatora; you ran frees them up but you ran't burnt thrtn. Slop ihoae leaky rear wheels with f. A M. (Ml Retainer for Font rara anl trwka. anicltrln Auilllarjr Transmission for Kuril rara anil trurka. Auto & Radiator Shop IIH IKVING AVE. Phone IllaMk SftMl; Itest. Illark 1721 sal asal FOREVER FREE from ASTHMA Hundreds of people are aston ished and delltrhted with the quick and PEKMANKNT re lief they have received from the use o.f our wonderful new discovery, ARthma-Sera. Asthma and Hay-Fever, with all their tortures, may now be BANISHED FOKEVER. Tear out this announcement and send at once to It. M. n. LABORATORIES HOO Alawka Hlrtg., Heattle, Wash. What Does Spring . Mean to You? Does it mean a season of buds and birds, of clean breezes and light hearts, of hours spent in the pure enjoyment of living? Or is Spring a work season between Winter and Summer when the thought of houseclcan ing drives all joy from your heart? You can make yours a joyous Spring! An Electric Cleaner holds the secret. It's a tireless little helper that keeps your home bright in a most business like way. Electric Cleaners from $23.50 to $60.00 Easy terms if you wish. Bend Water, Light & Power Co. '""""""""n'mimmmmiitmiminrmirmitmrmH I 'l"n'm"'"'""""'m"'"m'",'""-tmmmmmmmmtiir"-mi' CREDIT IS OUR GREATEST ASSET The commercial world is standing on the foundation of credit. Every individual is a cog in the great wheel. When one neglects his credit and fails to pay his honest obligations, he makes it impossible for some one else to meet theirs, therefore it is extremely vital that each and every one see to it that we KEEP OUR CREDIT GOOD The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. in a,,H..,1!,nciiMi..,:I1,.,unii,m.Vm An American Workers Creed "The Company for whirl, I work Is a mlKhly roihI rm ph.yer nn.l I think any employ,, ,,- hnHn,t lntmmt , the surion of his ei oyer ouKht to quit or Ket flreil. My Idea Is that when . man tell his serving to an employer, ho si lls 1,1. loyalty r.l the same time. If can't bo loyal anil Klvo the best that Is in him, he outfit not to work for that particular employer. Ily M.K yB, , )(n.t ,,, lt ono has to he a ,y, r ho hm , Umt) -ny of Independence. The most loyal may be the ni.xt ln.lepen.lent, anil usually In." The Shevlin-Hixon Company vnmimfMinaaiaartiHir nrntittmimnnnTrnmnmrmri i nwn jfn iiitTfit