iMGH 4 TUB niCNU IIULLKTIN. DAILY EDITION, DEN!), OHKUON, WKDNKHDAY, MARCH II, lll!l. IIHW WANTED Oregon & Western Colonisation company will consider bids for the conHtriicllou of J 8 miles of four (barbed) wire fonco, post seven feet long, lop diameter not loss t him four Inches, mid placed two feet In the ground, mid 18 feet opart, with a limit of 20 feet where not possible to place 16 feet; four gules In fence. 12 feet wide nnd six reel high, mude of lxg-iuch lumber, and phi red in position with gate posts four feet In the ground and 12 feet above the ground, with lop diameter not less than six inches and u tie, 2S, over top. If bid accepted, construction to be gin by April 5, 1921, and be complet ed by May 20. 1921. All bids specify kind of material posts are made from. Company to furnish all (barbed) wire and staples F. O. B. Bend, Ore gon and fence to be constructed around its cut-over lands west of Bend, Oregon, and south of Tumalo creek, In Deschutes county, Oregon. All bids to bo filed with Oregon Western Colonization company, Pio neer building, St. Paul, Minn., on or before March 25, 1921, and a copy filed with B. F. Johnson. Prlncvllle. Oregon, on same date, and all envel opes containing bids should be marked "Bid on Fence." and bids will be opened at 1 o'clock p. m., March 25, 1921, and the company re serves the right to reject any or all bids. 79c uawwrnmriffiaiiwawiaiiia n WARD E PARTME NLG ANN Eft-AVEATS k w (A w ft I ClaaelM arrtut cum par hen M eot lor N ersnle er Uh. Oem cent per vjrd (or mil ont 10. All elaaatted ulntlUDf tnetlr cu WANTED WANTED To rent, a well built garage. Phone Red 2151. 10-79-80p WANTED TO RENT Furnished apartment or small modern fur nished bouse, well located, fairly close in. Address replies in writing to Bulletin effice. 3-7S-79p WANTED To buy or rent three or four good hot water incubators. State price and size, condition, amount used. J. H. Lovett, Red mond, Oregon. 94-77-79p WANTED Agents desiring to es tablish steady business direct with consumer on new article, easily dem onstrated, quick seller used daily, everywhere by everybody, good mar gin profit excellent opportunity. building up permanent business with little expense. Sample 25 cents. Ad dress 200 California Street. San Francisco. 92-77-79p WANTED To buy modern bunga low, close in, on liberal terms; state location and best terms. Ad dress P. O. box 487. 79-75-78P WANTED Ail kinds of good furni ture and stoves: will also ex change new goods for old. Inquire 838 Bond St. 55-"2-9Dp FOR SALE FOR SALE Modern 6-room bunga low; a genuine bargain if sold this month: deal with owner, save com mission. Call 431 Newport avenue. 8-79-82p FOR SALE One-room house, wood shed; 7 acres good, producing soil with paid-up water right; 30 min utes' walk from business part of town. For particulars inquire 52) Colorado avenue. 6-79-80p FOR SALE Ancona eggs for hatch ing, 1. GO for 15. Mrs. George S. Roberts, 503 Newport Ave. 4-78-79p FOR SALE 400 sacks cf Netted Gem potatoes. H. Cato, 848 Wall street. 1-7 8-7 9p CAR FOR SALE Ford, good condi tion. 121 Riverside. 2-77-79p FOR SALE Thoroughbred black minnrca eggs for hatching. Call AtioiWlIiloii for Aff and JJL -The Whole family can Dine for a Pay ma DollaF). From Grand-pa down to "Buster," these delicious meats are thor oughly enjoyed by the whole family and, like Oliver Twist, they ath tor more. Mother appreciates these meats most of all; because they are conve nient to handle; they are easily and quickly prepared; there is no waste; and she can keep a quantity on hand for emergencies. She knows too, that Uncle Sam's guarantee of purity is behind every can and that she pays less than pre-war prices for this nourishing canned corned beef and corned beef hash. Insist on your dealer getting you a supply of this wholesome food. There's a legitimate profit in the sale for him (wholesale prices listed below) and a considerable saving for you. THE WHOLESALE PRICES arc printed below. They will glee you come idea ol whet you will cave oa CORNED BEEF HASH CORNED BEEF 1 lb. cent, ISe per can 2 lb. cen, Sfk per caa No. 1 cane. ISe per caa No. 3 cent, 2?e per caa 1 lb. cane, 18c. per can ft lb. cana. $1.00 per caa TABLE OF DISCOUNTS Discount, to apply oa all PQrchaiea ol aorplua canned null on and altar Novambtr 15, 1920, aia follow i $250 to $1.000 nat 1.001 to 2.500 S per cent 2.501 to 4.000 10 pr cnt 4,001 and over..... 20 par cant Taa Government win pay freight on carload lota to any point In tha United State located mora than twenty miles from shipping point. CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT When parch tea reach $50,001. 24 net to prevail: when purchases reach $100,001, 20 net to prevail; when purchases reach $500,001, 32 net to pre vail; when purchases reach $1,000,001 and over, 35 net to prevail. MINIMUM ORDER ACCEPTED, $250 C-22 Buy It by the Case Dealer' order thould be tent to Depo t Quarter matter at the following addrettett Brooklyn. N. Y., 19t St. aad Flret Are. Boaton. Maae.. Array Supply Bna, Chicago. I a. 1110 W. 19th Sl Atlanta. Oa., Transportation Bldf. San Antonio, Tea. San Pranciaco, Calll SURPLUS PROPERTY BRANCH Office of the Quartermaster Oeacral, Hunitioaa Bldf. Waihinfton D. C WAR DEPARTMENT CANNED MEATS Hagan'8 market. Black 2161. 99-77-79c FOR SALE Two room cabin, fur nished, water and lights. Cash deal, a bargain. Inquiro 629 Dela ware Ave. 98-"7-82p OREGON PRUNES Choice or chard run Oregon Italian prunes, 1920 crop, in 25 or 50 pound boxes, or more, delivered anywhere In Or gon by parcel post or express re paid, at 12 cents pound; by freight to any railroad station In state, at 11 cents, in 100 lb. lots or more. Qual ity guaranteed. Send remittance with order to Oregon Prune Co., 732 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Oregon. V f 3-77-7 8c FOR SALE Eggs. Ancona. pure English blood, Syker strain, $1.50 for 15; baby chicks on order. Mrs. H. F. Finsley, Redmond, Ore., Phone 809. 91-76-80p FOR SALE For good wood see Frenchie; large and small limbs, dry body and furnuce wood. .Phone Red 1341. 57-56-1 12p FOR SALE We are prepared to haul manure and plow your gur den. Now Is tho time to have It done. IJraddick Bros. Black 1351. 74-75-lOlp FOR SALE By Bend Furniture Cn exchange department, Reveral used ranges, all first-class condition. 64-56tfc FOR SALE For' good wood see Frenchie; large and small limbs, dry body and furnace wood. Phone Red 1341. 67-5G-86p i- FOR SALE 40 acres Irrigated land at a bargain; 3 miles east of Bend. Otto Olson, R. F D. No. 1, Box 11. 81-59-85p Black 2721. The Dalles. 188p FOR SALE Used phonographs Patho, Ictor, Columbia and Brunswick: also many slightly used records. Phonographs sold on small ensh payments and easy terms. Ex cliungo Dept., Bund Furniture Co. 04-OGlfc USED CARS CAR FOR SALE Mini delivery car; n simp; 4 new tires; Al mechanical shape; n sure nuf snap; soo (his car. MI'PMOBILIO, 1917 A good cur at a small price; some one will get a snup in this; won't bo on the market long. FOR SALE 5.64 acres. All under under cultivation, 2 miles south on Dalles-California highway. Oood fence. Small bouse, stone root house. Water on place Fred Wil liamson. 72-76-80n .J4.v" 11 1 .- w 1 wig Wyk I Every Federal Reserve Bank Is Your Friend In Need. When business worries are heavy and the right kind of advice is needed then it is a good time for you to come in and talk with us. We've helped ma-v a man over the rough spots and perhaps we can help you. That is one of the things that we are here for. Tut Uaie or StjPKw;e Btti !. The First National Bank This Dank is a Member of thi Federal Reserve System V C'upllal nnd Surplus $05,000 FOR SALE Fresh cut flowers and potted plants; funeral designs our specialty. The only greenhouse at The DalleB, Oregon. Jewell Green houses. BOO Clay street. Phone 8AXON SIX Owner unable to complete pay ments on this car; can be bought for balance due. CAR FOR HAt.H -11120 4110 Chevm-. FOR RENT 2-rooni Mniliiln.,1 Imhim.i Willi Kin UK", III hi'liwonil, I'hiihii lul; it bit t Kit in : t'liiih or li'iiun. Iij Ullil'U Dl'Hl'llllU'H II iin rt in t ii l h. No. u H l-711-mip CAR FOR HALE Onn Run six; K I iiiKi'liunli'iil i'iiiiiIIIIiiii : will hiiimI flco, Apply Hmillpviuth limit, rim' g. fi.7 8-H2i TO KXCIIANGK FOR TltAIUO for li'ltil prnpm-ly, soiiiti iIihIiiiIiIi, llliliiipnivi'd iii'in n Ku mui r I'oi'tlmul. I'liuiu' Ki ll 2 I'll. I l-79-Hiip llml U72. - 7 i FOR KENT - HiiiiiII liotmii, purity fin iiIhIhmI, iii'iir inllln; I'IkIiI fur two lui'ii; $11.50 per inoiilli, H. It. IIukIii, ill l.iifiiyi'Un Av. 7-7llo FOR HUNT FOR KENT Two room fiirnlhi'tl hoilHit, two blocks from Flrsl Nul IiiiiiiI bunk. Wiilor nnd light In limine. Kent ri'iinoiuililn. Hen J. F Arnold 824 Wall. Cull liluck 502. 88-7-77p, iiuiuiimttiiimiiiiimiimiiiimmtiiiitiiimiiiiumiiiiiiuMit PLANTS FOR SALE ! Fully, medium ami Into rub Iiiiko plunlii, I On u iloriiii, lifm a 1 1 it it 1 !. f5. 00 u lliiiiimiiiil. Ciiullllowni', iiHlnr, pansy, pn tiinlii mui iilhur ta it u ti ii t and plll'Kllllllll HllWIM'lllK pIlllllH lit niiIim'I n( in Inn. Ilurily, iircll iiiiiIkiI plniilH leiiily from May until J II mi. Lust hiiiihiiii II llml liulf our oi'dni'N, no order ouily. M. C. COE piIom; ij-i'.ij iiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmitiiiiiii DESCHUTES 0 A RAOE COMPANY Nash Curs. Federal Tires. 7!)-R2c Ik GUARANTEED TIRE REPAIRS We Kiiuantpc our Tire Kepnii-H to last iin long iih Hie Tire, Vonr oli! Ili'i-M, n-piilreil lay us, can be ilnjimiilnl iijioii for long trouble fii'e Nei'viie, Hi'lii(f in your worn fiiMings fir free iiispi-i'tloiiH. '! will liclp you gel every penny's jvorlli of mil, HHi' (line Is in llu-in. Vlsil us toilny liefoir you for Rft ulioul, it. If you are in need of new nm. liiKH, nee, our prli eM before buy. ing. THKIt.MOIl) TIlJlvS A.IAX TIRES ACCESSORIES HARVEY TIRE HOSPITAL 111 wimuiiiiiuiiliuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiliMiiiiiinliiiiiliiiimuiliiiuiiiiniiiiln "Friends, the taxes arc indeed very heavy, and if those laid on by the government were the only ones we had to pay wo might more easily dis charge them ; but we have many others, and much more grievous to some of us. We are taxed twice as much by our idleness, three times as much by our pride, and four times as much by our folly; and from these taxes the commissioners cannot ease or deliver us by allowing an abate ment." Benjamin Franklin. The Shcvlin-Hixon Company. fftmroummtmmttmmmmma.mmnu u am rrottmmtra K. E. IIELLEMN Itionr Mark 1M7I I halve an Klertrlc Floor Knnilrr, which lit a new niiulilne. Ileal of work Rtinrnntml. wmiinnnmmutnnnaiiirmtmunumwmnnimnwmnJ Office Phono : : Dltck 2531 F. M. BLOOM Dentist Roomi 4 and 5, OTor I'ostofflcA uMnnraunnnnnimiimnrnunnjjmmiiimnmuiwiurji DR. G. SKINNER DENTIST OfTlco, Room H. O'Kann llldg. Phono: Offlco. Illurk 23S1 Office Hours: 9 to 121 to 6 ttunnmimamauaimmimiamiimiiimuuiuiiimiimmi: F::mi::itanatt:nti:uiin::miii:uuim:i:niiiiimiiiiii:uuiir HOME SANITARIUM Miiternlly ( itr a Smm lull j MltH. J. W. AVITT, MATRON ll.t Frank 1 In Ave. I'lioue lllk I.VI'J Li:;:!i:intt:i:n:n:nt::ii:tti:ii:::n::n:::!:nnni:i::iit::i::iit:in M:t:t::t:t:::::::K:nu:itntti:H.::iiii:iiii.n::u!tiiiitmiitRiiair C. N. HARDY I'AIXTIXH IN AI.Ij IT'S It HAN CUES n.'IO I.ftvn Road llenil, Oregon llt:tt:mlI::Intl:l:llumll::tml::lll:u:::ut:lllHllllutllmnn., in:iiiiimiin:iinuiiMiiiiiiiiiiiunimim:iiiiiiiiiutimun MRS. V. A. SMITH Agent for I ho NIIIONE CORSETS Will call by appointment 1059 Columbia St. Phono Red 3032 P. O. Ilnx 4 0 !;uinnmiuiiittimiuumtnimiiimtfnnnii:i:iiinii:i:iiui;!i ;!imiiiiiiiiitmii!mmmiiiiiiiintm::i!iti!ii!itiu:iitii:ii' WM. MONTGOMERY Furnaces, Spouting, tinner Ing, Cornlno nnd Skylight Rcpulring promptly allended to Prices right. Work guaranteed Tinning and Sheet Metal Kiin:i:tu:niiH::iuiit;iniiiimiiiiiiittttuintiitinn:::tmt::i:! mtimiiiiiiiiiutimniimnimintimniiiiiiiiiiiaiiiniiiiiiir OWN YOUR OWN HOME I have some bargains in BUNGALOWS EASV TERMS J. A. EASTES Cnntritl Oirgon'H I.i'iilMli INSURANCE AGENCY .i:t::i:::::titif:Hi:iif;i::i::imt!:in.:i:i::u::::;:::i:::::ti;it:i:tti' ::i::t:i::t:::i::n:!:::::i:ii::i:i:t:::it::;::i:iitHiiiiti::titi::t:t:ii;: CARLSON & LYONS PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Ilnntlng Supplies Until Room Accessories, old., etc. Pipe, Valves and Fillings PHONE RED 1.VJ1 linuumuuniiiiuiuimnmniuiimniiimuiuniuiiuuitiiiii, :itii:ii!i:iiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiii:iiiiiitiiiu:im iiiiiiiiiiiiiuin CAIHNICT WORK AND I'l HM TC'IIK ItEPAIItINU of nil klmls. R. L. ALLISON Permaneiillr InfalrH In M. A. Palmer'a Bhnp nir rranklli rllreet 1'IIIINK IIKII III I jtiuiiiiuiiiiiiwiiMiiiiiiumiiimiiiwaniniiiP3ranBmtl J. A. TOM LIN The Painter Kttrrlor op Interior Painting Inlerlor IH-corallng a Hpm'lnliy TELEPHONE It El) 1:111 'jmmuraiimniiiiniiimmimiiniinmtiiiiinuinimimnirJ ,mmmainniMimaiimimmitimwwi.nirlt.llM,IMrWTI Sulphur, Mineral and Steam Baths A Provt and Tried lUnurfr fnr like. matUm, Had CoUIa, ji llrlppe, Nemnav neee, Kldnejr and Mver TroublM DR. R. D. STOWELL Telephono lllark 111 MAMSAtiK TREATMENTH Two Departmnnts: I.adlos and (inntlmnen Ovor tho Klnndnnl Furnliuro Co HEND. OREOON uaaitimnimnimmaimimmumimiiiiitmumnaintaill jiimmtnimuiiiimrmiiBimimimtimraiiiimiiimumnirj ih. m i.i.EHH iuih simr I rnene lllatli lill Whin, up f , .,,,. urectUn ,u.,.nli; Klwtrk-al Iiitnnu fur r.llln. (,. ttMj t, dandruft or Hr elrrql.tlon. ' III (IIIKIiON HTMKrr iimmuuiiuuimuiimummnuiumiiuiiiimiiiiimiimm. nminnimiiiiiiimiiiniimiimtitmitmnnmmranimiioiTi Tel. lied 271 O'Kano Illdg. DR. E. E. GRAY DENTIST Hours: 0 to 121 to IS: SO Kv.nlna. end Hun.l.,. br "m,""I"e'i""'nn:iiuiammnmiiraiiminiimumJ niiMnnniimimiiininiMmiraiimiiiiuMmimmnniraiim: DR. H. N. MOORE DENHHTIIY Tel. lllark 1671 O'Kana nidg. iiiaiimiiHninmimimmniimmimmrmmitmmmmni. ."iiinra.ii!imM:niiiiiiniinnmmimmimiimiiimnimiv BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrlt, of all klii.l. of In.i.ranr Old. e.t Inaurance Av.ncjr In (Vntral Oregon. I. c. Ki.i.m Klr.t National llanlt lll,l.. n.nil 0 lumiiiaumuimimimiiuiiiiuiimitummiiiiiiHinmn,,,,: """"""' """'iiiinimmimmiiimm miiimmnr W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Sullo 12-14 O'Kano niilldlng To!, lllnck 1781 Iloud, Oregon For i"imi!m:imitiiiniimiiiiiiim:mmiitiiii a mum "iimiiiiiimiimimiiiiMmimiiiii lr your milk fed poultry and juicy meats, call HAGAN'S MARKET Black 21(51 iiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiuuiii ijiiiiiinnmiiiii mimiiir. "iiiiiiiiiiumii iinmiiimiumicinmiMimnin,.,,,,,,,,,, R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNKY-AT-I-AW Rooms 13 mid 10 Nnllnnnl Uanlt llulldlng. Toi. f, t (Hr. Coo'a Fnrmor Oin.o) .liiiiiiiiiMiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiijiHiniuiiimimiiiiii, 1 '""""iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm mini mi M. II. lie Armnnil Cli. W. Kmklne De Armond & lOrskine I A W Y K It H O'Kano llulldlng, llend, Oregon ""'"'I'limi iiiimitii mmnmimi imiimiij !'.' "'"iiHiiiimiimiiiimmii imnu mum ie. THE PILOT BUTTE BARBER SHOP C;iM!n:;ii, lmll. nillf,rn' Hilr CiiMlrj a flperlalljr f-'nll nntl Say "(looil MoinlnK" iioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiinimii. uiiminautiiiiiiiuiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiwiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihl