PAOH 4 THE BEND DCLLKT1N. DAILY EDITION, BKND, ORIKION, KltlDAV, l'lCHRl'AUY 1H, 1IU1. FOR BOOSTER DAY " Values You Cannot Afford to Miss LOUIS B. MAYjER PRESENTS 1 1. I NEW SPRING EMBROIDERIES at prices that mean real savings BOYS ALL LEATHER SHOES Look these prices on shoes over carefully. The values in Men's Dress Shirts should interest every man in Bend. New Spring Embroideries 2 to 18 inch 6c to 35c per yard MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS A wonderful assortment to choose from 98c to $1.49 BOYS' SHOES . Sizes 8 to 12 at $1.49 to $1.69 Sizes 12V-J to 2 at $1.98 to $2.25 Sizes 2io to 512 at ..$2.49 to $2.69 J. C. Penney Co. 312 Busy Stores eh v ' li! hk rw -Mac..?.: -;'.r "THE 4 Grand TONIGHT AND SATURDAY The dynamic story of a yellow haired adventuress equally no torious in San Francisco, Yoko hama, Manila and Iondon whose forte in life was the breaking of men; who lived to win whatever the odds a combination of Orien tal running and Occidental nerve. Anita Stewart in a dual role and her best picture to date. A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION LORD'S DAY ALLIANCE WANTS NO f "BLUE LAWS," DECLARES PASTOR The greatest hoax that has been perpetrated upon the American peo ple in a long time is the notion that the churches are seeking the enact ment of Sunday "blue laws," is the declaration of J. Edgar Purdy, pas tor of the local Methodist church. "Sedate editors, conservative car toonists and high-sala.-iod movie pro moters have vied with each in swal lowing, lock, stock and barrel, the biggest practical joke of the dec ade," Mr. Purdy said. "There has been no 'blue-law' legislation pro posed in any state, nor at Washing ton, D. C, by any church, group of. churches, or any other organization purporting to create autoless, paper less, cardless, fishless or joyless Sun days." "The joke began 140 years ago," he declared. "The original 'blue laws," like the present, never existed outside the fertile brains of excited men. In 1781 Dr. Samuel Peters was driven out of New England be cause of his Tory inclinations. Ar riving in London, he proceeded to avenge himself against the colonies by contributing belittling articles to the London papers. He originated the 'blue laws' and published them as samples of New England legisla tion. His veracity is illustrated by one of these articles, in which he states that the river at Bellows Falls 'flows so fast as to float an Iron crow bar.' The 'blue laws' were never the laws of any state! "The Lord's Day alliance, which some newspapers credit with the present 'blue laws' movement, Is made up of representatives of sev eral leading Protestant denomlna. tions. It is not a secret society. Its activities for the past 33 years have been confined to 'Preservation of the Sabbath for rest, for deeds of char ity, religious education and worship, for those who so choose to observe I .. . - K . IS Have You Got Yours ? The new shipment of automatic record ing home safes has arrived and you are cordially invited to come in and get yours. Examine the display of safes in our Ore gon Street window. Tub Bank or Supcriob Snvice The First National Bank This Bank is a Member of the Federal Reserve' System it.' But the alliance has never pro posed the fanatical and ridiculous program attributed to It! "A few years ago this alliance led the movement which obtained 'One day's rest In seven' for 100,000 postal employes. Recently It opposed a measure in New York stute which proposed to give the members of cer tain religious sects the privilege of doing business on Sundays. In this opposition the alliance was joined by business men throughout the state who saw in the bill the danger' of competition compelling them all to open up, thoreby losing the holiday. And that's the kind of work tho Lord's Day alliance Is doing. "Since tho closing of tho saloons many people havo been nervous. Last November someone shouted, 'Boo! The church Is after our Sunday I joy!' and the whole nation stumped-1 ed. Movie barons Issued a 'call to arms'; a 'parade of protest' marched down Uroadway, New York; big city newspapers, ordiifarlly reliable, Btat ed that legislation was pending which would stop Sunilay trains, Sunday papers, Sunday movies, and Sunday everything. Even the Saturday eve ning Post devoted precious space to the subject. "A proper observance of the sab bath is a credit to an nation or In dividual," the pastor concluded, "hut tho church of the present day has no intention of forcing Buch observance by legislation. To see that everyone has the opportunity properly to ob serve the sabbath and to preserve for ourselves a day for rest and worship Is the utmost of the churches' leg islative program. Those who Imag ine otherwise are 'seeing things'." classified! 4 TO RENT. hXtP WANTED. ClMalSad M)rattlalB( MT NT Ihm 10 'Ot lot 10 word or Im. Om Mat Mr lord for oil orr 10. All ejualSad advertising rtrlcuy eah la adrueo- KOIl SALE lluby culvvs. 5 lo 15 days old. 1 havo for al culv of all bri'mlH ut price t tint uro uu In ducnmi'iit for yuu to flnlHh ruining them; nlxo u limited tiuiiibi'r of n K Isturud culves. Write mo your wmii and I will quntu you prlcnit. N. K. .Mulcholr, Tlllumook, Ori'Kiin. Btt-i;0-C3ji FOll HALE 40 acres irrlKuWd land ut a liurKiiln; 3 iiiIIkh oust of Dciul. Otto Olson, It. K U. No. 1. llox 11. Hl-GS-S&p KOH HAI.K Kor good wood see Krenchlo; ' lurgo ntid siiiull llmlm, dry body and turuueo wood. I'hime 1341. D7-u(l-8Mp FOR SALE Siberian Bread Substantial. The small ringed bread .of Slherlii Is declared to be the most suhstiHitliii of all the hardtack breads of the uni 8CMMONS ' s. R. Hogin, plaintiff; vs. O. C, Wright, defendant. To O. C. Wright, defendant:' In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear ana answer the complaint f ed against you In the above entitled suit within Hlx weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wn: within six weeks from the 22nd day of January, 1921, and which date is the date of the first publication hereof, and if you fall to appear and answer within suld time, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sums specified In sulci complaint. This summons Is published In The Bend Bulletin, a dally and weekly newspaper or general circulation, published In Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, once a week for six consecu tive weeks, by order of E. D. Ollson. Justice of the Peace for Bend Dis trict, In the above entitled Court, which order Is dated the 21st ilav of January, 1921, and wlifch order specified the date of ther first publi cation of this summons and directs that you appear and answer within six weeks from the date of the flint publication, and that a copy of the complaint and summons be mailed to you at your last known postofflce address. Date of first publication, the 22nd day of January, 1921. E. D, OILSON, Justice of the Peace, Bend District. FOR SALE Modern 4-room bunga low; largo lot; (2500; on terms. C. V. Silvia, Oregon street. 2-63-64c FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, Inrge lot; Center addition; $2100; cusy terms. C. V. Sllvls, Oregon St. 94-62-64C FOIt SALE One twin. IS 14 model, Harloy Davidson motorcycle, in good running order, good tires, one speed; a bargain; engine alone worth the money askod for. Apply between 2 and 7 p. m., 32 Revere Ave., five blocks north H. R. depot. 9S-G2-04p FOR SALE Five acres; water on placo; fenced; 4 acres cleared; two-room house; 1200-gallon cistern: 3 pons of chickens, cow, burn, buggy, wagon;-enough 16-inch wood for two years; furniture; no rock; 66 White Leghorn hens, miscellaneous farm tools; 2 miles South on Dalles-California highway. A. Schoenberger. 96-B2-64p FOR SALE lly lliind Furniture Co. vxcliungo department, several used ranges, all first-class condition. 04-Sulfc Black 2721, Tho Dnllns. J88p WANTED WANTED A school girl to work for room uud bimrd and sinull wagon. Phono Rod 2772.' 93-azifc WANTED Clmin, white cotton rax ut Tho Bulletin olllro. tC FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms, tiiriilsliod or lint uriiliilml, for Ugh! houiwkiirp. I ii K , with wood, light mid liuth privi leges; near lit 1 1 1 v. Iiiqulra nt llulln tiu office, 8 ft 0 .1 -6 4 p FOIt HALE Used phonographs; l'atlio, Victor, Columbia and Brunswick: also innny slightly used records. Phonographs sold on small cash payments und easy terms. Ex change Dept., lliitul Furniture Co. 64-GCtfc FOR SALE Hnvurnl Kliigor sewing machines, ona chaln-stllch, one semi-cabinet White rotary nnd sever al New Home machines. These ma chines are nil in flrst-cliiss order und will be sold rnusnnablo; ciihIi or terms. Exchange Dept., Bund Furni ture Co. 64-Setfc FOR SALE Two used check protec tors, both as good as new;-2 L. C. Smith typewriters, flrHt-clnss condi tion. Inquire Exchange Department, Bend Furniture Co. 0 1 -5 filfc FOR RENT Two-room furnished npnrtmviit with wood, Unlit, wnter and bath. Iiiqulra evenings after E o'clock. 00 4 l.avti road, near emb olic church. 97-62-6 4p FOR RENT Two furnlithud house keeping rooms In modern house: Just right for man and his wife. 1C27 Division street. 76-61-63p II FOR SALE Fresh cut flowers nnd potted plants; funoral designs om specialty. The only grcoiihotiHo at The Dalles, Oregon. Jowoll Clroon housns, 500 Clny street. Phono O YOU WANT Some Extra Money? Women nnd ilrU, here la an frxriVtit oi tnirturtlty to cum 130 lo &0 rmmtli In your aiir0 tlm ut htitne making Indian boai!! watch font), mrk chain and other thlnv. Demand lor th nnveltlea la irreaU We tell you how and where tu aell It at a profit tn your advantage. Juat tend u one thdlar and we will ahlp at onre by parcel poet, pre paid, one "Hlmplen' brad wtirtt loom, beadt for trial work. Inilrucllona and beautiful de ftlgna In color. It U h raay and simple that a child can do It Your money back If not RatUflcd. lon't delay. Hend your order at once I Cut thla advertisement out, pin one dollar bill or money order and aend It today to Novelty M-mttfarturln.r (., Room 18 Hvuthern Hide, Dept. II, Tampa, Fla. ;JQjA! yVWr tirivin2 appetites vffiy anc parents' thrifty 5$5kl y pocketbooks. f X V The OLYMPIC Lint Includes your fa. tfAfaP&M'r fA- S n vor"' """l-'anllarllu milled, pdcktd. 40, 46, 52, 68, 64, 70, 76c